Dynamics CRM - send search from web form? - search

I was wondering if it´s possible to send a search term to Dynamics CRM from a web form?
I have an PHP web page that has an search (input) field and once submitted the page refreshes with a few iframes. In one fram I have the Dynamics CRM "Acounts" loaded, but don´t know how to send the variable to the search field in Dynamics.
Is this possible without making changes to Dynamics CRM?

For anyone with the same issue, I´ve noticed that this is possible in Dynamics CRM 2012.


CRM 2013 Sharepoint Integration

I'm out of answers here.
I have an online build of CRM 2013 which is integrated with SharePoint.
I can view, upload and edit files for an example Organisation (OrgA) but there is another for which I can't (OrgB). OrgA has a document location setup but OrgB does not so I used the Add Document Location wizard to create a folder, but it hangs at the creation part. I have browsed the ShapePoint client and the folder has not been created.
I have looked in Document Management Settings and the entity I want is ticked so I clicked next and I can see that the SharePoint URL is valid but I get the following warning
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM List component is not installed.
Install the List component to enable SharePoint to automatically create a hierarchical folder structure on SharePoint for Microsoft Dynamics CRM records. The List component also enables you to get the appearance and behavior of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM list."
If there is a missing component then how did my predecessor (this is only my 2nd day) set up the integration for OrgA and if it is not needed, why can't I create the folder for OrgB through CRM?
Thanks in advance
One of the limitations of CRM SharePoint integration is the ability integrate multiple CRM organizations with a SharePoint application in the same farm.
If you use Microsoft SharePoint 2013, for each SharePoint farm, only
one Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization can be configured for
server-based integration.
So in your case it is either OrgA or OrgB, can't have both integrated to the same SharePoint server.

Document management in MS Dynamics CRM 2013 without Sharepoint

As answered in other questions you can't use the free Sharepoint Foundation 2013 for document management in MS Dynamics CRM 2013.
So I ask if there is a (good *) way of using document management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 without using Sharepoint?
(* good = easy to understand for non technical users and not too complicated to manage)
I search for a way to attach all kinds of documents to different entities like:
- pictures to accounts (not profile picure)
- PDF documents to account
- ...
I know you can use notes.
I'm a bit confused because there are attachments on entities like email.
Can I integrate these attachment-functions on other entities like accounts?
edit 18.12.2014
Yes, you can use Sharepoint Foundation, we make it work (SP Foundation 2010).
I can use documentmanagement with sharepoint, but not automated because the crmlistcomponent is not working.
Maybe someone from here can help me over there:
My Question on Sharepoint stackexchange site
The attachments mechanism isn't available for common customizations, sadly. Microsoft wants us to use the notes... Except maybe ("maybe" as in "I never bothered to check due to the monstrous amount of hoops to jump through while having almost no benefits") for activity entites.
That said, you can use SP 2013 Foundation for document management, if you want. Here's the step-by-step guide. We deployed a CRM 2013 + Document Management based on SP Foundation just a couple of days ago following these steps.
To Run the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service, follow the below steps.
SharePoint Central Administrator
Under>> Service Applications
Manage services on server
Look for>>Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service is running
Start the service
After completing all the 5 steps
To Install List Components in SharePoint
Go to Site Settings
Under>> Web Designer Gallery>> Click on “Solutions”
Click on Upload solution
and Click on Activate
To Set Broser File handling to Permissive
Go to SharePoint Central Administration
Application Management
On the Ribbon click onthe General Setting
Web Application Generation Setting pop-up window will appear
Scroll down to look for Browser file handling >> Select >>Permissive
Click Ok, save settings and restart the server/IIS
try to Activate the List compoent
Ensure the after successful activation will enable the Deactivate button.
Sometime it is very annoying you need to do several click to get this working.
Go to CRM and add the URL into Document management, all will work fine.
FYI the "CRM 2013" list component retains the 2011 look-and-feel.

Is there any way to use C# to create a form for an entity for CRM 2011?

There seems to be web services to create entity, fields, solution, global option set and many more within CRM 2011 SDK. However I don't see any web services to create a form for an entity. Anyone know any back door or ways to create a forms outside of CRM 2011 using C# or VB?
You'll have to spend some time looking at FormXml to fine-tune the look of your form(s), but you can programmatically manage your entity forms via the SystemForm entity.
FormXml is stored in the SystemForm entity. You can programmatically
retrieve and update the FormXml using this entity.

How to connect SharePoint Online with Dynamics CRM Online using BDC?

I am trying to connect SharePoint Online with Dynamics CRM Online using BDC, but I'm not getting any results.
I am trying to use Accounts from CRM in SharePoint Online like a list.
When I have 100 accounts (customers) in CRM I want to export these accounts to SharePoint Online like a list. And when I will bed edited account in CRM the elements in the list will be updated (when I edited element on SharePoint list it will update in CRM).
Is there any possibility to connect in this way? If there is then what I should use - SharePoint Designer 2010, Visual Studio or do this on web interface?
Girish Raja provides a great overview on how to integrate CRM Online and SharePoint Point via BCS. His MSDN blog post includes a link to his video presentation from TechEd in May (go to minute 35 in video) along with a link to the source code/instructions. His demo uses SharePoint on-premise but mentions that it will work with SharePoint Online once BCS is enabled. (which it is now).
According to this:
Msdn Blog: Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration with SharePoint Online is here
... this is how to do it:
Your Microsoft Dynamics CRM System Administrator must install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component
Once enabled, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user can open an Account
Click on Documents – If the Account does not have a corresponding Document Library in SharePoint Online one is automatically created
Unfortunately this cannot be done at this time - http://community.office365.com/en-us/f/154/t/2301.aspx
See codeulike's answer for more up to date information.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration SharePoint

Have any of you done a MS CRM 4.0 and SharePoint integration. Any Pointers? I am new to both the CRM and SharePoint.
After a little more research, Id like to refine my question. I basically want to use IFRAME to add a SharePoint tab that will show the SharePoint page that I have created. Any hints on how to do that?
Also how would I get access to the CRM data fields in SharePoint. i.e. if I add a file in SharePoint, I want it to have all the metadata from the CRM property page.
CRM <-> SharePoint integration is very common. The MS CRM blog is a good place to start for pointers:
MS CRM Blog post tagged with SharePoint
Also, the Dynamics CRM Virtual PC demo image has some SharePoint integration in it, where it shows pages from SharePoint in CRM. You can download the VPC from here:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Virtual Machine
Once you have the VPC started, as I recall there is SharePoint integration on the Account entity - have a look in the onload event of the Account form in Customizations.
Regarding your question in how to utilize IFrame to display custom .ASPX solution, you can refer to these posts :
Microsoft Dynamics CRM IFRAME Magic
Hope this helps
