include file directive not working in linux sever - linux

My problem is, i have included a page using the code
<%#include file="../include/dbconnection.jsp"%>
My page resides in a sub directory of public_html but when i load my page it shows the following exception
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(23,1) File "/../include/dbconnection.jsp" not found
But this code works fine in my development system(which is windows) i use a linux server for my website. Is this a problem with file separator or file permission issues? what could be the problem?

You can find your answer in the post below which is using <jsp:include page="..."> , the <%#include only works with static references.
Is it possible to have a dynamic path as part of a jsp include


Why am I getting a 404 for my LESS file on my Azure App Service?

Ok, so... famous saying... this works locally, but not when I deploy.
I recently switched to using Less.js so that I could dynamically change my less variables with Javascript. Again, locally this works like a champ.
In my header I have it referenced:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="~/Content/main.less" />
<script src="//"></script>
When I use Visual Studio to deploy this to my Azure App Service I get a 404 on the less file and it all breaks.
I FTP'd into my server and the file is indeed there.
I double checked to make sure that my properties for the less file are right. I have the build action set to Content and Copy if Newer.
No matter what I do, if I go looking for that main.less file the azure server returns a 404.
As an FYI, the site is a ASP.Net MVC 5 website. I am using bundling, but only for external css like JQueryUI. I have removed the bundling of my CSS to work with the new stuff.
What am I missing?
Ok! After a bunch of attempts and searches I finally found a related error and found my solution.
This poor gentleman was having an issue serving up JSON files (angular2 app, http request for file json file, 404 on azure) and that made me think I had the same problem.
Eureka! I needed to update my web.config to let it serve LESS files.
<mimeMap fileExtension=".less" mimeType="text/css" />
Hope this helps someone else who runs into the same issue.

Unable to load GLTF file in ASP.NET View implementing A-FRAME

One of the views (.cshtml file) of my ASP.NET MVC application is using A-Frame. I am trying to load a 3-D model using GLTF file inside the <a-scene> tag.
<a-assets timeout="5000">
<a-asset-item id="tree" src="~/Assets/scene.gltf">
<a-gltf-model src="#tree"></a-gltf-model>
I have already tested the src path in the same page by putting a .png file and loading it in <img/>, it works. The problem is just with the .gltf file.
What is possibly wrong with the .gltf file in particular?
The URL doesn't seem like a valid URL. It seems like a Unix path. Host the GLTF somewhere the website can reach it (like the same directory) and fix the path. src="scene.gltf".

Include js/css in Liferay DXP JSP Hook (module fragment)

I am working on Liferay DXP SP3 with fix pack 24 installed. I have created a module fragment project to override (hook) the edit_permissions JSP. I have CSS and Javascript that is very specific to this custom JSP so I would like to include it with the module rather than with the theme. Based on this documentation, it sounds like I should be able to do this by making the module a "theme contributor" module. I have set the Liferay-Theme-Contributor-Type and Web-ContextPath attributes in the bnd.bnd file, like this:
Liferay-Theme-Contributor-Type: portlet.config.jsp.overrides
Web-ContextPath: /edit-permissions-theme-contributor
I have created a /src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/js folder and placed my custom javascript files in this folder. It is my understanding that with this configuration I should be able to include the custom javascript files in my JSP hook using a regular script tag with a path like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/o/edit-permissions-theme-contributor/js/my-custom-script.js"></script>
I have tried many variations of the URL (with and without the "o", etc.). However, I always get a 404 on my script file. Am I doing this incorrectly? Is there a better way to include static files in a fragment module?

Javascript fast load does not work in Liferay on WebLogic

I have deployed Liferay 6.2 GA4 portal on WebLogic server If the property is enabled, the packed javascript version is not got (downloaded) from /combo url. In web browser console the following errors are displayed:
GET 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined
Due to this for example dockbar doesn't work. From source code it looks like ComboServlet can't get servlet resources found in /combo url parameters. If is disabled, portal seems to work.
Does anybody know what could be the problem? Some WebLogic or Liferay settings? Thanks for any idea or help.
I've had a comparable problem long ago on tomcat when there were problems with the temporary file path - e.g. it growing too long. This might happen in a deeply nested filesystem, or when the total path length is limited.
One of the path-length-limiting factors that I'm aware of is an encrypted home folder on Linux. Also, if the temporary filesystem runs full, the compressed file won't be written and consequently can't be served to the browser.
Check something along those lines, and please report back.
After several days of solving the problem I found the main cause of this problem was this:
Because the customer didn't want to have portal dependencies (portal-service.jar, portlet-api.jar, ...) as domain libraries, I deployed it as Java EE Shared Libraries. Obviously it works differently than I expected. So after persuasion of customer, I put liferay dependencies to domain lib folder and suddenly everything started to work.

Unable to navigate if i keep the .xhtml files in sub folder(other than the root folder) in JSF 2.0

I am new to JSF 2.0. I was practising the implementation of JSF 2.0. When i keep my A.xhtml file in the root folder and navigate to another B.xhtml file which is in subfolder in root folder, the page is navigating successfully. But when i am navigation from B.xhtml to any other file, it is showing page not found error. If i moved my B.xhtml file to the root folder , in this case i am able to navigate to another page.
Seems like it is with the problem of handling paths, when my .xhtml files are in sub folders other than directly in the root folder.
Please let me know where it is going wrong.
Your solution is greatly appreciated !!
I got the answer. I placed the sub folder in WEB-INF folder. Instead if i moved the subfolders to WebConent folder., it is working.
