How to trigger timeout function in Node.js? - node.js

I want to trigger the setTimeout callback function, but it seems not work. What's the problem?
var fs = require("fs");
// set timeout callback
console.log("5000ms timeout");
}, 5000 );
// do something more than 5000ms
while(true) {
var stats = fs.statSync("foo");
console.log("while statement running...");
when I run this, after 5s, the program is still running

The while(true) is a tight spin loop which prevents any other asynchronous callbacks from firing. Don't do this in a single-threaded environment. You can use setInterval with a small timeout instead of while(true).

Javascript is strictly single-threaded. (except for workers)
As long as your while loop is running, no other Javascript code can execute at all, including your setTimeout callback.
By contrast, calling setInterval simply schedules a callback to run periodically, but doesn't block the thread in the interim.

I'm not familiar with node.js but I would normally expect the while loop to keep running. JS is blocking. In order to stop that loop, it's condition needs to evaluate as false. Until the loop stops, nothing else will execute.


How do I wait for a setTimeout in the exit callback for proccess using node?

I have the following code...
async function finish(){
let test = await new Promise(function(res){
setTimeout(()=>{res(test)}, 2000);
process.on('exit', finish);
I would expect this to wait two second on exit and print out a timestamp close to 2s. However, when I run the timestamp is shorter and doesn't print any line after Finishing.
How do I wait for a timeout on exit?
From the node docs, you cannot use asynchronous code in the exit event.
Listener functions must only perform synchronous operations. The Node.js process will exit immediately after calling the 'exit' event listeners causing any additional work still queued in the event loop to be abandoned.
If you want to schedule additional work before exiting (e.g. your asynchronous function), you need to use beforeExit.
process.on('beforeExit', finish);
Having said that, you'll also need to recognize that beforeExit is only emitted when the process is out of work to do, so a) it'll not emit if something explicitly calls for termination (e.g. process.exit()) and b) it'll keep emitting unless that happens.

Why node js doesn't exit after promise call

In the following code:
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
Why NodeJS doesn't exit immediately? What causes the Promise to be waited for?
I thought I needed await sleep(10000) - but this gives an error.
Nodejs waits for timers that are still active before exiting. You can tell it to NOT wait for a timer by calling .unref() on the timer object itself.
So, it's not actually the promise it is waiting for, but rather the timer it is waiting for.
Internally, node.js keeps a reference count of the number of open timers that have not been .unref() and will not exit until that count (among other things) gets to zero.
Here's a couple excerpts from the node.js doc for timers:
Class: Timeout
By default, when a timer is scheduled using either setTimeout() or setInterval(), the Node.js event loop will continue running as long as the timer is active. Each of the Timeout objects returned by these functions export both timeout.ref() and timeout.unref() functions that can be used to control this default behavior.
When called, the active Timeout object will not require the Node.js event loop to remain active. If there is no other activity keeping the event loop running, the process may exit before the Timeout object's callback is invoked. Calling timeout.unref() multiple times will have no effect.
Take a look at the unref() function for timers in node -
When called, the active Timeout object will not require the Node.js event loop to remain active. If there is no other activity keeping the event loop running, the process may exit before the Timeout object's callback is invoked.
You can create a timeout and call the unref() function on it - this will prevent node from staying alive if the only thing it is waiting for is the timeout.
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms).unref();
As a side note, the same unref function can also be used for setTimeout calls.
As correctly noted by jfriend00, it is not the promise that is keeping node alive, it is the timeout.

Single thread synchronous and asynchronous confusion

Assume makeBurger() will take 10 seconds
In synchronous program,
function serveBurger() {
console.log("READY") // Assume takes 5 seconds to log.
This will take a total of 25 seconds to execute.
So for NodeJs lets say we make an async version of makeBurgerAsync() which also takes 10 seconds.
function serveBurger() {
makeBurgerAsync(function(count) {
makeBurgerAsync(function(count) {
console.log("READY") // Assume takes 5 seconds to log.
Since it is a single thread. I have troubling imagine what is really going on behind the scene.
So for sure when the function run, both async functions will enter event loops and console.log("READY") will get executed straight away.
But while console.log("READY") is executing, no work is really done for both async function right? Since single thread is hogging console.log for 5 seconds.
After console.log is done. CPU will have time to switch between both async so that it can run a bit of each function each time.
So according to this, the function doesn't necessarily result in faster execution, async is probably slower due to switching between event loop? I imagine that, at the end of the day, everything will be spread on a single thread which will be the same thing as synchronous version?
I am probably missing some very big concept so please let me know. Thanks.
It makes sense if the asynchronous operations are like query DB etc. Basically nodejs will just say "Hey DB handle this for me while I'll do something else". However, the case I am not understanding is the self-defined callback function within nodejs itself.
function makeBurger() {
var count = 0;
count++; // 1 time
count++; // 999999 times
return count;
function makeBurgerAsync(callback) {
var count = 0;
count++; // 1 time
count++; // 999999 times
In node.js, all asynchronous operations accomplish their tasks outside of the node.js Javascript single thread. They either use a native code thread (such as disk I/O in node.js) or they don't use a thread at all (such as event driven networking or timers).
You can't take a synchronous operation written entirely in node.js Javascript and magically make it asynchronous. An asynchronous operation is asynchronous because it calls some function that is implemented in native code and written in a way to actually be asynchronous. So, to make something asynchronous, it has to be specifically written to use lower level operations that are themselves asynchronous with an asynchronous native code implementation.
These out-of-band operations, then communicate with the main node.js Javascript thread via the event queue. When one of these asynchronous operations completes, it adds an event to the Javascript event queue and then when the single node.js thread finishes what it is currently doing, it grabs the next event from the event queue and calls the callback associated with that event.
Thus, you can have multiple asynchronous operations running in parallel. And running 3 operations in parallel will usually have a shorter end-to-end running time than running those same 3 operations in sequence.
Let's examine a real-world async situation rather than your pseudo-code:
function doSomething() {
fs.readFile(fname, function(err, data) {
console.log("file read");
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("timer fired");
}, 100);
http.get(someUrl, function(err, response, body) {
console.log("http get finished");
Here's what happens step-by-step:
fs.readFile() is initiated. Since node.js implements file I/O using a thread pool, this operation is passed off to a thread in node.js and it will run there in a separate thread.
Without waiting for fs.readFile() to finish, setTimeout() is called. This uses a timer sub-system in libuv (the cross platform library that node.js is built on). This is also non-blocking so the timer is registered and then execution continues.
http.get() is called. This will send the desired http request and then immediately return to further execution.
console.log("READY") will run.
The three asynchronous operations will complete in an indeterminate order (whichever one completes it's operation first will be done first). For purposes of this discussion, let's say the setTimeout() finishes first. When it finishes, some internals in node.js will insert an event in the event queue with the timer event and the registered callback. When the node.js main JS thread is done executing any other JS, it will grab the next event from the event queue and call the callback associated with it.
For purposes of this description, let's say that while that timer callback is executing, the fs.readFile() operation finishes. Using it's own thread, it will insert an event in the node.js event queue.
Now the setTimeout() callback finishes. At that point, the JS interpreter checks to see if there are any other events in the event queue. The fs.readfile() event is in the queue so it grabs that and calls the callback associated with that. That callback executes and finishes.
Some time later, the http.get() operation finishes. Internal to node.js, an event is added to the event queue. Since there is nothing else in the event queue and the JS interpreter is not currently executing, that event can immediately be serviced and the callback for the http.get() can get called.
Per the above sequence of events, you would see this in the console:
timer fired
file read
http get finished
Keep in mind that the order of the last three lines here is indeterminate (it's just based on unpredictable execution speed) so that precise order here is just an example. If you needed those to be executed in a specific order or needed to know when all three were done, then you would have to add additional code in order to track that.
Since it appears you are trying to make code run faster by making something asynchronous that isn't currently asynchronous, let me repeat. You can't take a synchronous operation written entirely in Javascript and "make it asynchronous". You'd have to rewrite it from scratch to use fundamentally different asynchronous lower level operations or you'd have to pass it off to some other process to execute and then get notified when it was done (using worker processes or external processes or native code plugins or something like that).

the difference between `setTimeout` and `setImmediate`

the nodejs document say
Schedules "immediate" execution of callback after I/O events' callbacks and before timers set by setTimeout and setInterval are triggered. Returns an immediateObject for possible use with clearImmediate.
but I write a test code as follows:
server = http.createServer((req, res)->
console.log 'setImmediate'
console.log 'setTimeout'
, 0)
console.log 'nextTick'
server.listen(8280, ()->
console.log 'i/o event'
why the setTimeout always output befeore setImmediate
SetTimeOut - This type of function will be call after set time which is 0 in your case but it follows event loop. And event loop does not grantee that it will work after 0 seconds. In fact it only guarantees that function will be called after completing set time.
But, function can be called any time after completing time when node event queue is free to take up callback function
Source to understand event loop -
SetImmediate - This will get called as and when it goes to stack and does not follow cycle of callback in event loop.
The main advantage to using setImmediate() over setTimeout() is setImmediate() will always be executed before any timers if scheduled within an I/O cycle, independently of how many timers are present.
However, if executed in the main module, the execution order will be nondeterministic and dependent on the performance of the process
see for more information

How to have heavy processing operations done in node.js

I have a heavy data processing operation that I need to get done per 10-12 simulatenous request. I have read that for higher level of concurrency Node.js is a good platform and it achieves it by having an non blocking event loop.
What I know is that for having things like querying a database, I can spawn off an event to a separate process (like mongod, mysqld) and then have a callback which will handle the result from that process. Fair enough.
But what if I want to have a heavy piece of computation to be done within a callback. Won't it block other request until the code in that callback is executed completely. For example I want to process an high resolution image and code I have is in Javascript itself (no separate process to do image processing).
The way I think of implementing is like
get_image_from_db(image_id, callback(imageBitMap) {
heavy_operation(imageBitMap); // Can take 5 seconds.
Will that heavy_operation stop node from taking in any request for those 5 seconds. Or am I thinking the wrong way to do such task. Please guide, I am JS newbie.
Or can it be like I could process partial image and make the event loop go back to take in other callbacks and return to processing that partial image. (something like prioritising events).
Yes it will block it, as the callback functions are executed in the main loop. It is only the asynchronously called functions which do not block the loop. It is my understanding that if you want the image processing to execute asynchronously, you will have to use a separate processes to do it.
Note that you can write your own asynchronous process to handle it. To start you could read the answers to How to write asynchronous functions for Node.js.
how do i create a non-blocking asynchronous function in node.js? may also be worth reading. This question is actually referenced in the other one I linked, but I thought I'd include it here to for simplicity.
Unfortunately, I don't yet have enough reputation points to comment on Nick's answer, but have you looked into Node's cluster API? It's currently still experimental, but it would allow you to spawn multiple threads.
When a heavy piece of computation is done in the callback, the event loop would be blocked until the computation is done. That means the callback will block the event loop for the 5 seconds.
My solution
It's possible to use a generator function to yield back control to the event loop. I will use a while loop that will run for 3 seconds to act as a long running callback.
Without a Generator function
let start =;
setInterval(() => console.log('resumed'), 500);
function loop() {
while (( - start) < 3000) { //while the difference between and start is less than 3 seconds
The output would be:
// blocked
// blocked
// ... would not return to the event loop while the loop is running
// blocked
//...when the loop is over then the setInterval kicks in
// resumed
// resumed
With a Generator function
let gen;
let start =;
setInterval(() => console.log('resumed'), 500);
function *loop() {
while (( - start) < 3000) { //while the difference between and start is less than 3 seconds
console.log(yield output())
function output() {
setTimeout(() =>'blocked'), 500)
gen = loop();;
The output is:
// resumed
// blocked
//...returns control back to the event loop while though the loop is still running
// resumed
// blocked
//...end of the loop
// resumed
// resumed
// resumed
Using javascript generators can help run heavy computational functions that would yield back control to the event loop while it's still computing.
To know more about the event loop visit*
