deserializing string array in c# for wp7 - object

This is the structure of my JSON:
string sample =
"[{'Disp_Name':'avi garg',
{'Disp_Name':'monk gup',
And I want to deserialize it back to an object array of my class. Can anyone please help me out in doing that? I would like to use datacontractjsonserializer preferably but others are also fine.
Thanking you

public static List<your class> decrypt_json(string json)
var deserializedUser = new List<your class>();
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json));
DataContractJsonSerializer ser=new DataContractJsonSerializer(deserializedUser.GetType());
deserializedUser = ser.ReadObject(ms) as List<your class>;
return deserializedUser;


Null Reference Exception from Acumatica code when trying to generate report PDF

I am trying to render a report PDF and create a FileInfo object, but there is some null reference error getting thrown in Acumatica Code when I attempt to render the report.
Here is my code:
//Report Paramenters
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"BiopsyRefNumber", bioRefNbr}
PX.Reports.Controls.Report report = PXReportTools.LoadReport(reportId, null);
PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(report, parameters, SettingsProvider.Instance.Default);
ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(report);
IRenderFilter renderFilter = ReportProcessor.GetRenderer(ReportProcessor.FilterPdf);
Guid? fileGuid = Guid.Empty;
using (StreamManager mgr = new StreamManager())
renderFilter.Render(reportNode, null, mgr);
var file = new FileInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), fileName, null, mgr.MainStream.GetBytes());
UploadFileMaintenance uploadGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<UploadFileMaintenance>();
fileGuid = file.UID;
And at renderFilter.Render(), I get a null reference exception with the following stack trace
at PX.Data.Reports.PXSettingProvider.get_Company()
at PX.Reports.Render.Pdf.PdfReport.Render(Stream stream)
at PX.Reports.Render.Pdf.PdfRenderer.PX.Reports.Data.IRenderFilter.Render(ReportNode report, Hashtable deviceInfo, StreamManager sm)
Is there something wrong with the way the SettingsProvider is working perhaps? Whats frustrating is I did this exact same thing with a client for 2019R1, and for some reason its failing for me in 2020R1.
Figured it out, something is failing with when there is a branch under the tenant. This is a test instance so I deleted all branches.

How to get single values from am gremlinquery in C# code

I am using gremlin with Azure Cosmos DB. I'm using this code to get a list of files from a graph database.
public async Task<List<string>> GetFilesWithMoreThanOneFilename()
List<string> list = new List<string>();
using (var gremlinClient = new GremlinClient(gremlinServer, new GraphSON2Reader(), new GraphSON2Writer(), GremlinClient.GraphSON2MimeType))
var resultSet = await gremlinClient.SubmitAsync<dynamic>("g.V().hasLabel('file').where(out().count().is(gt(1)))");
if (resultSet.Count > 0)
foreach (var result in resultSet)
string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return list;
The output string looks like this:
My Question is how I can get a single value from the result. For example just the ID or the mimeType or is the only possiblity to work with the output and string manipulation?
Due to your output data is in json format, so you could use Newtonsoft.Json to read the data.
I create a json file with your data, you could just parse the json data without file. And just read the id and properties.fileSize
static void Main(string[] args)
JObject jsonData = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText( "test.json"));
And here is the result:
Hope this could help you, if yo ustill have other questions, please let me know.
Update: if you want to get the value in the array, you could use this to get the value:
Console.WriteLine("mimeType.value:" + jsonData["properties"]["mimeType"][0]["value"].ToString());
In general, you should only retrieve the values that you actually need and not vertices with all their properties and then filter locally. This is equivalent to relational databases where you wouldn't usually do SELECT * and instead do something like SELECT name.
Additionally, you should specify the return type you're expecting which allows Gremlin.NET to deserialize the result for you so you don't have to do that yourself.
These two suggestions together give you something like this:
var names = await client.SubmitAsync<string>(
Console.WriteLine($"First name: {names.First()}");
names is then just a ResultSet<string> which implements IReadOnlyCollection<string>.

How do I transfer rich text attachments from one document to another

I have 2 documents which are supposed work in such a way to be able to transfer files between them. However, it doesn't work. The exception I get is Exception occurred calling method Notes error: One or more of the source document's attachment are missing. Run Fixup to delete the document in the source database. This happens after I try to call save() function on the document to which I've just transfered files from the first.
The functions are below:
function transferFiles(docToGetFrom, docToTransferTo, fileFieldFromFirstName, fileFieldFromSecondName)
var rit1:NotesRichTextItem = getFirstNotesRichTextItem(docToGetFrom, fileFieldFromFirstName);
docToTransferTo.copyItem(rit1, fileFieldFromSecondName);
deleteAllFilesFromDocument(docToGetFrom, fileFieldFromFirstName);;
function getFirstNotesRichTextItem(documentToGetFrom, fileFieldName)
if (documentToGetFrom == null)
if (!documentToGetFrom.hasItem(fileFieldName))
var rit1:NotesRichTextItem = documentToGetFrom.getFirstItem(fileFieldName);
return rit1;
function deleteAllFilesFromDocument(documentToDeleteFrom, fileFieldName)
var arr = getAllEmbeddedObjects(documentToDeleteFrom, fileFieldName);
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
function getAllEmbeddedObjects(documentToGetFrom, fileFieldName)
var rit1:NotesRichTextItem = getFirstNotesRichTextItem(documentToGetFrom, fileFieldName);
if (rit1 == null)
var arr=rit1.getEmbeddedObjects();
return arr;
According to plain logic, I need to do the following in order to make it work:
Get attachments from the document A
Copy them to the document B
Remove attachments from the document A
Call save() on A
Call save() on B
I did exactly the same, but nevertheless get this nasty exception. Also, I've tried to solve the problem by setting OLEDisableFX to 1, but with no luck. I assume that something must be wrong with the method copyItem() (I guess it can only work properly with simple datatypes). What's the problem? Thanks in advance.
You'll probably need to detach the attachment from the source document and attach it to the target document. See the NotesEmbeddedObject class for examples.
Use the CopyItemToDocument method of the NotesItem class. The following is some code I used in a LotusScript agent but the CopyItemToDocument method is also available in Java and SSJS.
If doc.Hasitem("RTF1") Then
Set item = Nothing
Set item = doc.getFirstItem("RTF1")
Call item.Copyitemtodocument(targetdoc, "targetRTF")
Call item.Remove()
End If

Vaadin: Opening a new window with PDF content placed in a String variable

I'd like to open a new window with PDF content that is placed within a String variable.
I already have a button with an event connected. In this event I want to call the new window.
The method looks like this:
private void show_archivobjekt(String data) {
String pdf = anfrage.get_archivobjectdata(data);
System.out.println(pdf); // This shows my PDF content in console and works!
// How to convert this String into a StreamSource
StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(pdfss, "test.pdf", myView);
myView.getMainWindow().open(streamResource, "_blank");
myView is the Application.
How can I convert the String pdf to a StreamSource (pdfss)? Do I have to save it as file at first or is it possible to convert it to a StreamSource directly in memory?
The console output shows me the typically PDF content starting with %PDF-1.3 ... and so on.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The answer to this question is available through the official support forum here:!/thread/148544
Simply create your StreamResource like this, by using the byte representation of your string to create a ByteArrayInputStream as the source:
StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(
new StreamResource.StreamSource() {
public InputStream getStream() {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(pdf.getBytes());
}, "test.pdf");

How to get the Absolute URL of a file in sharepoint library

I am working on SharePoint 2010.I have an documentlibrary ID and document ID in that library with me.i don't have either web,site in which the document library is present.So now I have to get the Full URL of the document at runtime.How can I get it .
I have tried the following.
string filepath = currentList.DefaultViewUrl + "/" + sListItem.Url;
Please answer this.
Use the field "EncodedAbsUrl" on the SPListItem. Works for SPFile as well:
SPListItem item = ...;
string absUrl = (string) item[SPBuiltInFieldId.EncodedAbsUrl];
or for a SPFile
SPFile file = ...;
string absUrl = (string) file.Item[SPBuiltInFieldId.EncodedAbsUrl];
The built in field id is for sure the best way to go but it returns the Url as encoded which may or may not be what you want.
I think the best way is to add a little extension method to a utilities class somewhere:
public static string AbsoluteUrl(this SPFile File, bool Decode = true)
string EncodedUrl = File.Item[SPBuiltInFieldId.EncodedAbsUrl].ToString();
if (Decode)
return SPEncode.UrlDecodeAsUrl(EncodedUrl);
return EncodedUrl;
And then call as follows
if you want a decoded Url or
if you want the Url to remain encoded.
Note that the default parameter value for Decode will only be available in .Net4+ and therefore SP2013 only but you can easily create an overload method for SP2010. You'll also need a reference to Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities namespace to access the SPEncode class.
Try this ,
using (SPSite ospSite = new SPSite("http://abcd:24931"))
using (SPWeb web = ospSite.OpenWeb("/subsite")
// Get document library collection here and fetch all the document urls
SPDocumentLibrary docLib = (SPDocumentLibrary)web.Lists["docu"];
//where docu is my document library
SPListItemCollection items = docLib.Items;
foreach (SPListItem item in items)
string url = item.Url;
Hope this shall get you going.
public string GetItemURL(SPListItem item)
string web = item.Web.Url;
string listID = item.ParentList.ID.ToString();
string contentType = item.ContentTypeId.ToString();
string itemID = item.ID.ToString();
string url = web+"/_layouts/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListID={"+listID+"}&ID="+itemID+"&ContentTypeID="+contentType;
return url;
It's Working for me. Hope I help (List Item url)
If this is for the document library, try this one.
Use below code to get absolute URL of file:
SPFile file;
string url = file.Item[SPBuiltInFieldId.EncodedAbsUrl] as string;
For what it's worth, accessing the item.Web property means you are actually instantiating the SPWeb object which means that this should be disposed otherwise you'll be causing memory leakage.
It's a lot of overhead when there are better and quicker ways already mentioned.
I would use the BuiltInFieldId.EncodedAbsUrl approach mentioned since this gives you the easiest access to what you want.
The answer is
string url = currentweb.url+"/"+ Listitem.url;
