How do I get the value of a specified field in a specified portal row in filemaker 12? - portal

I have a portal that is auto-sorted so that a specific row of interest comes out on top. I'd like to get the value of a specific field in that row and display it in another field via some calculation.
However I can't figure out how to refer to the values in a specific row.
Thanks for the help!!

I found a solution!
Use the GetRepetition function and specify field and row.

You can also use the GetNthRecord function to do this without needing a portal.


Extract a List of Values from an HTML string Based on a List of Cell Values

I have an export of our blog, and I'm trying to see which SKUs where listed in that blog post.
I have a list of SKUs and the Blog Content in a spreadsheet. I need to figure out how to get all the SKUs in the content, into a cell next to the blog content.
I have a small sample available here:
I've tried using an index/match and including a 'search' within that, but I think I might need something more. I think an index/match might only pull the 'first' SKU that it finds.
Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
If you create an array that checks for numeric responses using the Find function and joint them with Textjoin, you should get what you want. You may have to enter CTL shift enter when entering this formula if you don't have spill range. Sample file here (view it in browser for best results).

Return list based on selected field

I need to return all fields on right that have the same field on the left, for exemple:
i select 7Z19 and return all list from right that have same field on left, like this example:
Thks in advance
=FILTER(B:B,A:A=H5) or something similar. – BigBen
Thks #BigBen
If you don't have Excel office365 you could use:
copy down the formula.
PS I used E5 for the search value as your example does not mention the location. You may need to change the location to your needs (as well as column A and B).

Need to search specific data in excel

I need to search specific data from one column and check if it is in another column.
For example, I have in one column paul.gene and in another column, I have emails and I need to check if there is an email that starts with I tried to use match, search, lookup but they are not giving me good answers that I have checked manually.
I tried to use (MATCH("*"&B6&"*";E:E;1)) and it s not working properly.
Try match like below-

Apply Mode for Filtered Results

I'm trying to set up a Mode formula that only uses the filtered results of a table and can be updated depending on the filter.
Currently I have
however this unfortunately also includes the hidden data.
The formula is meant to reflect the most frequent text within a range.
What would be the best approach to this?
Thanks for your help!
You can use a combination of SUBTOTAL and OFFSET to only reference the visible values, like this:
confirm with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
This version may be more "copyable"
see screenshot below:

Returning multiple values with INDEX and MATCH without VBA

While i have seen this topic answered before i cant seem to understand the solution :(
Here is my worksheet:
As you can see i need the second INDEX in the first sheet to return the second value looked, but instead (as expected) it shows the first one again.
I am not the best with excel, explain slowly and i will understand fast!
Thanks in advance!
Try this "array formula" in Calculator sheet cell A3
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied across and down. When you run out of entries you get blanks - assumes up to 100 rows of data, increase as required
If you wanted to go the pivot table route you can start with this as a base and then customize it to your exact liking.:
Start with your info:
Then add a pivot of your data:
Then set the properties as so and then you can select the search terms, you can also change the settings to allow someone to type it in also:
The result will be as so:
