Are monads just ways of composing functions which would otherwise not compose? - haskell

The bind function seems remarkably similar like a composition function. And it helps in composing functions which return monads.
Is there anything more enlightening about monads than this idea?

Is there anything more enlightening about monads than this idea?
Yes, very much so!
Monadic binding is a way of composing functions where something else is happening over and above the application of a function to an input. What the something else is depends on the monad under consideration.
The Maybe monad is function composition with the possibility that one of the functions in the chain might fail, in which case the failure is automatically propagated to the end of the chain. The expression return x >>= f >>= g applies f to the value x. If the result is Nothing (i.e. failure) then the entire expression returns Nothing, with no other work taking place. Otherwise, g is applied to f x and its result is returned.
The Either e monad, where e is some type, is function composition with the possibility of failure with an error of type e. This is conceptually similar to the Maybe monad, but we get some more information about how and where the failure occured.
The List monad is function composition with the possibility of returning multiple values. If f and g are functions that return a list of outputs, then return x >>= f >>= g applies f to x, and then applies g to every output of f, collecting all of the outputs of these applications together into one big list.
Other monads represent function composition in various other contexts. Very briefly:
The Writer w monad is function composition with a value of type w being accumulated on the side. For example, often w = [String] (a list of strings) which is useful for logging.
The Reader r monad is function composition where each of the functions is also allowed to depend on a value of type r. This is useful when building evaluators for domain-specific languages, when r might be a map from variable names to values in the language - this allows simple implementation of lexical closures, for example.
The State s monad is a bit like a combination of reader and writer. It is function composition where each function is allowed to depend on, and modify, a value of type s.

The composition point of view is in fact quite enlightening in itself.
Monads can be seen as some of "funky composition" between functions of the form a -> Mb. You can compose f : a -> M b and g: b -> M c into something a -> M c, via the monad operations (just bind the return value of f into g).
This turns arrows of the form a -> M b as arrows of a category, termed the Kleisli category of M.
If M were not a monad but just a functor, you would be only able to compose fmap g and f into something (fmap g) . f :: a -> M (M c). Monads have join :: M (M a) -> M a that I let you define as an (easy and useful) exercise using only monad operations (for mathematicians, join is usually part of the definition of a monad). Then join . (fmap g) . f provides the composition for the Kleisli category.
All the funk of monadic composition can thus be seen to happen inside join, join represents the composition of side effects: for IO it sequences the effects, for List it concatenates lists, for Maybe it "stops a computation" when a result is Nothing, for Writer it sequences the writes, for State it sequences operations on the state, etc. It can be seen as an "overloadable semicolon" if you know C-like languages. It is very instructive to think about monads this way.
Of course, Dan Piponi explains this much better than I do, and here is some post of his that you may find enlightening:


What is the difference between functor and monad Intuitively

I have learned the definitions of functor and monad, But I am still unable to figure out the difference between them except for the definitions. I have read some answers to this problem, In What is the difference between a Functor and a Monad? one comment say
A functor takes a pure function (and a functorial value) whereas a monad takes a Kleisli arrow, i.e. a function that returns a monad (and a monadic value). Hence you can chain two monads and the second monad can depend on the result of the previous one. You cannot do this with functors.
This comment is interesting and gives me a read of their difference. But I still have some questions.
why functor cannot use the result of previous one? since fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, when I currying fmap with a pure function, I can get a f a -> f b function,f b depends on f a, Does the result mean data inside the functor?
In category theory I can understand the comment since I cannot get the element in category theory, but In Haskell I find out that I can use the result of functor since Haskell can remember the data constructor, Does Haskell prevent me from understanding this comment? Should I understand this in pure category theory?
When using fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, the argument function can never depend on any of the structure from the functor f itself; how can it, when all it ever gets passed are a values, nothing to do with f? When you use fmap to get an f a -> f b function, the code that is responsible for building the final f b value is the code of fmap itself, not the code of the a -> b function being mapped. The function being mapped might not even be called at all (e.g. if you're using the Maybe functor and the f a value is Nothing, there are no a values inside that for fmap to pass to the a -> b function, and it will never be called).
But fmap is fully polymorphic in a and b, meaning the code of fmap doesn't know what those types are and cannot assume anything about them. So fmap has to build the final f b value in a way that only depends on the functor structure added by f; the code of fmap cannot look at any a values and make decisions about what to do. In fact really the only thing a lawful fmap can do is return a value with exactly the same structure as the input f a value, only with any as that were inside replaced by the b value returned by the a -> b function. That's why you can just deriving Functor any data type; there's at most one way to make any given data type a Functor, and the compiler can just do it for you.
But the monad =<< function1 has this type: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b. Here the mapped function has type a -> m b. That means the final m b structure returned at the end isn't purely determined by the code of =<< (at least not necessarily). The a -> m b function knows what monad is being used and returns some monadic structure in its m b value, not just a raw b. The mapped function still doesn't receive any monadic structure, so its intermediate m b result can't depend on that; any dependency the final m b value has on the monadic structure in the original m a has to be determined by the code for =<< (which again, cannot make any decisions based on a values itself). But the mapped function (if it is called) does get to contribute some monadic structure, and that can depend on the a values (because the mapped function doesn't have to be completely polymorphic in a; it can inspect a values and make decisions based on them).
This means that ultimately any part of the final output m b might depend on any part of the input (if we don't know what function was mapped, or how the =<< function works internally). This is quite different from the functor case, where even without knowing anything about the specific functor or the mapped function we know that the final output will always look like "a copy of the input with as replaced by bs" (and specifically which b replaces each a is determined by the mapped function).
It's possibly worth noting: almost everything I've said here is a direct consequence of what these types mean:
Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Monad m => (a -> m a) -> m a -> m b
These aren't special properties of functors and monads you have to remember, it's just a consequence of those operations having those types. (The functor and monad laws express things that the types don't, but I've not needed to invoke those to explain this difference)
Once you are really deeply used to thinking about types the Haskell way, you can figure this out for yourself just by looking at the types. I didn't of course; I had it explained to me (a dozen times) when I was learning, and I've remembered it since then. But now I can figure out similar things about new APIs I've never seen before, without any tutorials or explanations.
1 I'm using the reversed =<< operator rather than the traditional >>= operator merely because it lines up better with the fmap / <$> operator.
A monad is a functor, or rather a functor along with two additional operations. (The original(?) name for a monad was a triple.)
It helps to look at the original mathematical definition, which provided an operation unit :: Monad m => a -> m a, but instead of (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, defined an operation called join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a, which lets you "remove" a layer of lifting. The two formulations are equivalent, as join can be defined in terms of (>>=)
join ma = ma >>= id
and vice versa:
ma >>= f = join $ fmap f ma
The last definition gives a different interpretation of a monad: it's a functor that you can "compress"; chaining comes for free by mapping a function over an already lifted value, then combining the two layers of lifting back to a single layer.
unit is required in either case because there's no way to get a lifted value in the first place with just fmap.

Does the function monad really offer something more than the function applicative functor? If so, what?

For the function monad I find that (<*>) and (>>=)/(=<<) have two strikingly similar types. In particular, (=<<) makes the similarity more apparent:
(<*>) :: (r -> a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
(=<<) :: (a -> r -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
So it's like both (<*>) and (>>=)/(=<<) take a binary function and a unary function, and constrain one of the two arguments of the former to be determined from the other one, via the latter. After all, we know that for the function applicative/monad,
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
f =<< g = \x -> f (g x) x
And they look so strikingly similar (or symmetric, if you want), that I can't help but think of the question in the title.
As regards monads being "more powerful" than applicative functors, in the hardcopy of LYAH's For a Few Monads More chapter, the following is stated:
[…] join cannot be implemented by just using the functions that functors and applicatives provide.
i.e. join can't be implemented in terms of (<*>), pure, and fmap.
But what about the function applicative/mondad I mentioned above?
I know that join === (>>= id), and that for the function monad that boils down to \f x -> f x x, i.e. a binary function is made unary by feeding the one argument of the latter as both arguments of the former.
Can I express it in terms of (<*>)? Well, actually I think I can: isn't flip ($) <*> f === join f correct? Isn't flip ($) <*> f an implementation of join which does without (>>=)/(=<<) and return?
However, thinking about the list applicative/monad, I can express join without explicitly using (=<<)/(>>=) and return (and not even (<*>), fwiw): join = concat; so probably also the implementation join f = flip ($) <*> f is kind of a trick that doesn't really show if I'm relying just on Applicative or also on Monad.
When you implement join like that, you're using knowledge of the function type beyond what Applicative gives you. This knowledge is encoded in the use of ($). That's the "application" operator, which is the core of what a function even is. Same thing happens with your list example: you're using concat, which is based on knowledge of the nature of lists.
In general, if you can use the knowledge of a particular monad, you can express computations of any power. For example, with Maybe you can just match on its constructors and express anything that way. When LYAH says that monad is more powerful than applicative, it means "as abstractions", not applied to any particular monad.
edit2: The problem with the question is that it is vague. It uses a notion ("more powerful") that is not defined at all and leaves the reader guessing as to its meaning. Thus we can only get meaningless answers. Of course anything can be coded while using all arsenal of Haskell at our disposal. This is a vacuous statement. And it wasn't the question.
The cleared-up question, as far as I can see, is: using the methods from Monad / Applicative / Functor respectively as primitives, without using explicit pattern matching at all, is the class of computations that can be thus expressed strictly larger for one or the other set of primitives in use. Now this can be meaningfully answered.
Functions are opaque though. No pattern matching is present anyway. Without restricting what we can use, again there's no meaning to the question. The restriction then becomes, the explicit use of named arguments, the pointful style of programming, so that we only allow ourselves to code in combinatory style.
So then, for lists, with fmap and app (<*>) only, there's so much computations we can express, and adding join to our arsenal does make that larger. Not so with functions. join = W = CSI = flip app id. The end.
Having implemented app f g x = (f x) (g x) = id (f x) (g x) :: (->) r (a->b) -> (->) r a -> (->) r b, I already have flip app id :: (->) r (r->b) -> (->) r b, I might as well call it join since the type fits. It already exists whether I wrote it or not. On the other hand, from app fs xs :: [] (a->b) -> [] a -> [] b, I can't seem to get [] ([] b) -> [] b. Both ->s in (->) r (a->b) are the same; functions are special.
(BTW, I don't see at the moment how to code the lists' app explicitly without actually coding up join as well. Using list comprehensions is equivalent to using concat; and concat is not implementation of join, it is join).
join f = f <*> id
is simple enough so there's no doubts.
(edit: well, apparently there were still doubts).
(=<<) = (<*>) . flip for functions. that's it. that's what it means that for functions Monad and Applicative Functor are the same. flip is a generally applicable combinator. concat isn't. There's a certain conflation there, with functions, sure. But there's no specific functions-manipulating function there (like concat is a specific lists-manipulating function), or anywhere, because functions are opaque.
Seen as a particular data type, it can be subjected to pattern matching. As a Monad though it only knows about >>= and return. concat does use pattern matching to do its work. id does not.
id here is akin to lists' [], not concat. That it works is precisely what it means that functions seen as Applicative Functor or Monad are the same. Of course in general Monad has more power than Applicative, but that wasn't the question. If you could express join for lists with <*> and [], I'd say it'd mean they have the same power for lists as well.
In (=<<) = (<*>) . flip, both flip and (.) do nothing to the functions they get applied to. So they have no knowledge of those functions' internals. Like, foo = foldr (\x acc -> x+1) 0 will happen to correctly calculate the length of the argument list if that list were e.g. [1,2]. Saying this, building on this, is using some internal knowledge of the function foo (same as concat using internal knowledge of its argument lists, through pattern matching). But just using basic combinators like flip and (.) etc., isn't.

What can Arrows do that Monads can't?

Arrows seem to be gaining popularity in the Haskell community, but it seems to me like Monads are more powerful. What is gained by using Arrows? Why can't Monads be used instead?
Every monad gives rise to an arrow
newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli (a -> m b)
instance Monad m => Category (Kleisli m) where
id = Kleisli return
(Kleisli f) . (Kleisli g) = Kleisli (\x -> (g x) >>= f)
instance Monad m => Arrow (Kleisli m) where
arr f = Kleisli (return . f)
first (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (\(a,b) -> (f a) >>= \fa -> return (fa,b))
But, there are arrows which are not monads. Thus, there are arrows which do things that you can't do with monads. A good example is the arrow transformer to add some static information
data StaticT m c a b = StaticT m (c a b)
instance (Category c, Monoid m) => Category (StaticT m c) where
id = StaticT mempty id
(StaticT m1 f) . (StaticT m2 g) = StaticT (m1 <> m2) (f . g)
instance (Arrow c, Monoid m) => Arrow (StaticT m c) where
arr f = StaticT mempty (arr f)
first (StaticT m f) = StaticT m (first f)
this arrow tranformer is usefull because it can be used to keep track of static properties of a program. For example, you can use this to instrument your API to statically measure how many calls you are making.
I've always found it difficult to think of the issue in these terms: what is gained by using arrows. As other commenters have mentioned, every monad can trivially be turned into an arrow. So a monad can do all the arrow-y things. However, we can make Arrows that are not monads. That is to say, we can make types that can do these arrow-y things without making them support monadic binding. It might not seem like the case, but the monadic bind function is actually a pretty restrictive (hence powerful) operation that disqualifies many types.
See, to support bind, you have to be able to assert that that regardless of the input type, what's going to come out is going to be wrapped in the monad.
(>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
But, how would we define bind for a type like data Foo a = F Bool a Surely, we could combine one Foo's a with another's but how would we combine the Bools. Imagine that the Bool marked, say, whether or not the value of the other parameter had changed. If I have a = Foo False whatever and I bind it into a function, I have no idea whether or not that function is going to change whatever. I can't write a bind that correctly sets the Bool. This is often called the problem of static meta-information. I cannot inspect the function being bound into to determine whether or not it will alter whatever.
There are several other cases like this: types that represent mutating functions, parsers that can exit early, etc. But the basic idea is this: monads set a high bar that not all types can clear. Arrows allow you to compose types (that may or may not be able to support this high, binding standard) in powerful ways without having to satisfy bind. Of course, you do lose some of the power of monads.
Moral of the story: there's nothing an arrow can do that monad cannot, because a monad can always be made into an arrow. However, sometimes you can't make your types into monads but you still want to allow them to have most of the compositional flexibility and power of monads.
Many of these ideas were inspired by the superb Understanding Haskell Arrows (backup)
Well, I'm going to cheat slightly here by changing the question from Arrow to Applicative. A lot of the same motives apply, and I know applicatives better than arrows. (And in fact, every Arrow is also an Applicative but not vice-versa, so I'm just taking it down a bit further down the slope to Functor.)
Just like every Monad is an Arrow, every Monad is also an Applicative. There are Applicatives that are not Monads (e.g., ZipList), so that's one possible answer.
But assume we're dealing with a type that admits of a Monad instance as well as an Applicative. Why might we sometime use the Applicative instance instead of Monad? Because Applicative is less powerful, and that comes with benefits:
There are things that we know that the Monad can do which the Applicative cannot. For example, if we use the Applicative instance of IO to assemble a compound action from simpler ones, none of the actions we compose may use the results of any of the others. All that applicative IO can do is execute the component actions and combine their results with pure functions.
Applicative types can be written so that we can do powerful static analysis of the actions before executing them. So you can write a program that inspects an Applicative action before executing it, figures out what it's going to do, and uses that to improve performance, tell the user what's going to be done, etc.
As an example of the first, I've been working on designing a kind of OLAP calculation language using Applicatives. The type admits of a Monad instance, but I've deliberately avoided having that, because I want the queries to be less powerful than what Monad would allow. Applicative means that each calculation will bottom out to a predictable number of queries.
As an example of the latter, I'll use a toy example from my still-under-development operational Applicative library. If you write the Reader monad as an operational Applicative program instead, you can examine the resulting Readers to count how many times they use the ask operation:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Applicative.Operational
-- | A 'Reader' is an 'Applicative' program that uses the 'ReaderI'
-- instruction set.
type Reader r a = ProgramAp (ReaderI r) a
-- | The only 'Reader' instruction is 'Ask', which requires both the
-- environment and result type to be #r#.
data ReaderI r a where
Ask :: ReaderI r r
ask :: Reader r r
ask = singleton Ask
-- | We run a 'Reader' by translating each instruction in the instruction set
-- into an #r -> a# function. In the case of 'Ask' the translation is 'id'.
runReader :: forall r a. Reader r a -> r -> a
runReader = interpretAp evalI
where evalI :: forall x. ReaderI r x -> r -> x
evalI Ask = id
-- | Count how many times a 'Reader' uses the 'Ask' instruction. The 'viewAp'
-- function translates a 'ProgramAp' into a syntax tree that we can inspect.
countAsk :: forall r a. Reader r a -> Int
countAsk = count . viewAp
where count :: forall x. ProgramViewAp (ReaderI r) x -> Int
-- Pure :: a -> ProgamViewAp instruction a
count (Pure _) = 0
-- (:<**>) :: instruction a
-- -> ProgramViewAp instruction (a -> b)
-- -> ProgramViewAp instruction b
count (Ask :<**> k) = succ (count k)
As best as I understand, you can't write countAsk if you implement Reader as a monad. (My understanding comes from asking right here in Stack Overflow, I'll add.)
This same motive is actually one of the ideas behind Arrows. One of the big motivating examples for Arrow was a parser combinator design that uses "static information" to get better performance than monadic parsers. What they mean by "static information" is more or less the same as in my Reader example: it's possible to write an Arrow instance where the parsers can be inspected very much like my Readers can. Then the parsing library can, before executing a parser, inspect it to see if it can predict ahead of time that it will fail, and skip it in that case.
In one of the direct comments to your question, jberryman mentions that arrows may in fact be losing popularity. I'd add that as I see it, Applicative is what arrows are losing popularity to.
Paolo Capriotti & Ambrus Kaposi, "Free Applicative Functors". Very highly recommended.
Gergo Erdi, "Static analysis with Applicatives". Inspirational, but I it hard to follow...
The question isn't quite right. It's like asking why would you eat oranges instead of apples, since apples seem more nutritious all around.
Arrows, like monads, are a way of expressing computations, but they have to obey a different set of laws. In particular, the laws tend to make arrows nicer to use when you have function-like things.
The Haskell Wiki lists a few introductions to arrows. In particular, the Wikibook is a nice high level introduction, and the tutorial by John Hughes is a good overview of the various kinds of arrows.
For a real world example, compare this tutorial which uses Hakyll 3's arrow-based interface, with roughly the same thing in Hakyll 4's monad-based interface.
I always found one of the really practical use cases of arrows to be stream programming.
Look at this:
data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a)
data SF a b = SF (a -> (b, SF a b))
SF a b is a synchronous stream function.
You can define a function from it that transforms Stream a into Stream b that never hangs and always outputs one b for one a:
(<<$>>) :: SF a b -> Stream a -> Stream b
SF f <<$>> Stream a as = let (b, sf') = f a
in Stream b $ sf' <<$>> as
There is an Arrow instance for SF. In particular, you can compose SFs:
(>>>) :: SF a b -> SF b c -> SF a c
Now try to do this in monads. It doesn't work well. You might say that Stream a == Reader Nat a and thus it's a monad, but the monad instance is very inefficient. Imagine the type of join:
join :: Stream (Stream a) -> Stream a
You have to extract the diagonal from a stream of streams. This means O(n) complexity for the nth element, but using the Arrow instance for SFs gives you O(1) in principle! (And also deals with time and space leaks.)

Unlike a Functor, a Monad can change shape?

I've always enjoyed the following intuitive explanation of a monad's power relative to a functor: a monad can change shape; a functor cannot.
For example: length $ fmap f [1,2,3] always equals 3.
With a monad, however, length $ [1,2,3] >>= g will often not equal 3. For example, if g is defined as:
g :: (Num a) => a -> [a]
g x = if x==2 then [] else [x]
then [1,2,3] >>= g is equal to [1,3].
The thing that troubles me slightly, is the type signature of g. It seems impossible to define a function which changes the shape of the input, with a generic monadic type such as:
h :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> m a
The MonadPlus or MonadZero type classes have relevant zero elements, to use instead of [], but now we have something more than a monad.
Am I correct? If so, is there a way to express this subtlety to a newcomer to Haskell. I'd like to make my beloved "monads can change shape" phrase, just a touch more honest; if need be.
I've always enjoyed the following intuitive explanation of a monad's power relative to a functor: a monad can change shape; a functor cannot.
You're missing a bit of subtlety here, by the way. For the sake of terminology, I'll divide a Functor in the Haskell sense into three parts: The parametric component determined by the type parameter and operated on by fmap, the unchanging parts such as the tuple constructor in State, and the "shape" as anything else, such as choices between constructors (e.g., Nothing vs. Just) or parts involving other type parameters (e.g., the environment in Reader).
A Functor alone is limited to mapping functions over the parametric portion, of course.
A Monad can create new "shapes" based on the values of the parametric portion, which allows much more than just changing shapes. Duplicating every element in a list or dropping the first five elements would change the shape, but filtering a list requires inspecting the elements.
This is essentially how Applicative fits between them--it allows you to combine the shapes and parametric values of two Functors independently, without letting the latter influence the former.
Am I correct? If so, is there a way to express this subtlety to a newcomer to Haskell. I'd like to make my beloved "monads can change shape" phrase, just a touch more honest; if need be.
Perhaps the subtlety you're looking for here is that you're not really "changing" anything. Nothing in a Monad lets you explicitly mess with the shape. What it lets you do is create new shapes based on each parametric value, and have those new shapes recombined into a new composite shape.
Thus, you'll always be limited by the available ways to create shapes. With a completely generic Monad all you have is return, which by definition creates whatever shape is necessary such that (>>= return) is the identity function. The definition of a Monad tells you what you can do, given certain kinds of functions; it doesn't provide those functions for you.
Monad's operations can "change the shape" of values to the extent that the >>= function replaces leaf nodes in the "tree" that is the original value with a new substructure derived from the node's value (for a suitably general notion of "tree" - in the list case, the "tree" is associative).
In your list example what is happening is that each number (leaf) is being replaced by the new list that results when g is applied to that number. The overall structure of the original list still can be seen if you know what you're looking for; the results of g are still there in order, they've just been smashed together so you can't tell where one ends and the next begins unless you already know.
A more enlightening point of view may be to consider fmap and join instead of >>=. Together with return, either way gives an equivalent definition of a monad. In the fmap/join view, though, what is happening here is more clear. Continuing with your list example, first g is fmapped over the list yielding [[1],[],[3]]. Then that list is joined, which for list is just concat.
Just because the monad pattern includes some particular instances that allow shape changes doesn't mean every instance can have shape changes. For example, there is only one "shape" available in the Identity monad:
newtype Identity a = Identity a
instance Monad Identity where
return = Identity
Identity a >>= f = f a
In fact, it's not clear to me that very many monads have meaningful "shape"s: for example, what does shape mean in the State, Reader, Writer, ST, STM, or IO monads?
The key combinator for monads is (>>=). Knowing that it composes two monadic values and reading its type signature, the power of monads becomes more apparent:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
The future action can depend entirely on the outcome of the first action, because it is a function of its result. This power comes at a price though: Functions in Haskell are entirely opaque, so there is no way for you to get any information about a composed action without actually running it. As a side note, this is where arrows come in.
A function with a signature like h indeed cannot do many interesting things beyond performing some arithmetic on its argument. So, you have the correct intuition there.
However, it might help to look at commonly used libraries for functions with similar signatures. You'll find that the most generic ones, as you'd expect, perform generic monad operations like return, liftM, or join. Also, when you use liftM or fmap to lift an ordinary function into a monadic function, you typically wind up with a similarly generic signature, and this is quite convenient for integrating pure functions with monadic code.
In order to use the structure that a particular monad offers, you inevitably need to use some knowledge about the specific monad you're in to build new and interesting computations in that monad. Consider the state monad, (s -> (a, s)). Without knowing that type, we can't write get = \s -> (s, s), but without being able to access the state, there's not much point to being in the monad.
The simplest type of a function satisfying the requirement I can imagine is this:
enigma :: Monad m => m () -> m ()
One can implement it in one of the following ways:
enigma1 m = m -- not changing the shape
enigma2 _ = return () -- changing the shape
This was a very simple change -- enigma2 just discards the shape and replaces it with the trivial one. Another kind of generic change is combining two shapes together:
foo :: Monad m => m () -> m () -> m ()
foo a b = a >> b
The result of foo can have shape different from both a and b.
A third obvious change of shape, requiring the full power of the monad, is a
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join x = x >>= id
The shape of join x is usually not the same as of x itself.
Combining those primitive changes of shape, one can derive non-trivial things like sequence, foldM and alike.
h :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> m a
h 0 = fail "Failed."
h a = return a
suit your needs? For example,
> [0,1,2,3] >>= h
This isn't a full answer, but I have a few things to say about your question that don't really fit into a comment.
Firstly, Monad and Functor are typeclasses; they classify types. So it is odd to say that "a monad can change shape; a functor cannot." I believe what you are trying to talk about is a "Monadic value" or perhaps a "monadic action": a value whose type is m a for some Monad m of kind * -> * and some other type of kind *. I'm not entirely sure what to call Functor f :: f a, I suppose I'd call it a "value in a functor", though that's not the best description of, say, IO String (IO is a functor).
Secondly, note that all Monads are necessarily Functors (fmap = liftM), so I'd say the difference you observe is between fmap and >>=, or even between f and g, rather than between Monad and Functor.

Monads as adjunctions

I've been reading about monads in category theory. One definition of monads uses a pair of adjoint functors. A monad is defined by a round-trip using those functors. Apparently adjunctions are very important in category theory, but I haven't seen any explanation of Haskell monads in terms of adjoint functors. Has anyone given it a thought?
Edit: Just for fun, I'm going to do this right. Original answer preserved below
The current adjunction code for category-extras now is in the adjunctions package:
I'm just going to work through the state monad explicitly and simply. This code uses Data.Functor.Compose from the transformers package, but is otherwise self-contained.
An adjunction between f (D -> C) and g (C -> D), written f -| g, can be characterized in a number of ways. We'll use the counit/unit (epsilon/eta) description, which gives two natural transformations (morphisms between functors).
class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjoint f g where
counit :: f (g a) -> a
unit :: a -> g (f a)
Note that the "a" in counit is really the identity functor in C, and the "a" in unit is really the identity functor in D.
We can also recover the hom-set adjunction definition from the counit/unit definition.
phiLeft :: Adjoint f g => (f a -> b) -> (a -> g b)
phiLeft f = fmap f . unit
phiRight :: Adjoint f g => (a -> g b) -> (f a -> b)
phiRight f = counit . fmap f
In any case, we can now define a Monad from our unit/counit adjunction like so:
instance Adjoint f g => Monad (Compose g f) where
return x = Compose $ unit x
x >>= f = Compose . fmap counit . getCompose $ fmap (getCompose . f) x
Now we can implement the classic adjunction between (a,) and (a ->):
instance Adjoint ((,) a) ((->) a) where
-- counit :: (a,a -> b) -> b
counit (x, f) = f x
-- unit :: b -> (a -> (a,b))
unit x = \y -> (y, x)
And now a type synonym
type State s = Compose ((->) s) ((,) s)
And if we load this up in ghci, we can confirm that State is precisely our classic state monad. Note that we can take the opposite composition and get the Costate Comonad (aka the store comonad).
There are a bunch of other adjunctions we can make into monads in this fashion (such as (Bool,) Pair), but they're sort of strange monads. Unfortunately we can't do the adjunctions that induce Reader and Writer directly in Haskell in a pleasant way. We can do Cont, but as copumpkin describes, that requires an adjunction from an opposite category, so it actually uses a different "form" of the "Adjoint" typeclass that reverses some arrows. That form is also implemented in a different module in the adjunctions package.
this material is covered in a different way by Derek Elkins' article in The Monad Reader 13 -- Calculating Monads with Category Theory:
Also, Hinze's recent Kan Extensions for Program Optimization paper walks through the construction of the list monad from the adjunction between Mon and Set:
Old answer:
Two references.
1) Category-extras delivers, as as always, with a representation of adjunctions and how monads arise from them. As usual, it's good to think with, but pretty light on documentation:
2) -Cafe also delivers with a promising but brief discussion on the role of adjunction. Some of which may help in interpreting category-extras:
Derek Elkins was showing me recently over dinner how the Cont Monad arises from composing the (_ -> k) contravariant functor with itself, since it happens to be self-adjoint. That's how you get (a -> k) -> k out of it. Its counit, however, leads to double negation elimination, which can't be written in Haskell.
For some Agda code that illustrates and proves this, please see
This is an old thread, but I found the question interesting,
so I did some calculations myself. Hopefully Bartosz is still there
and might read this..
In fact, the Eilenberg-Moore construction does give a very clear picture in this case.
(I will use CWM notation with Haskell like syntax)
Let T be the list monad < T,eta,mu > (eta = return and mu = concat)
and consider a T-algebra h:T a -> a.
(Note that T a = [a] is a free monoid <[a],[],(++)>, that is, identity [] and multiplication (++).)
By definition, h must satisfy h.T h == a and h.eta a== id.
Now, some easy diagram chasing proves that h actually induces a monoid structure on a (defined by x*y = h[x,y] ),
and that h becomes a monoid homomorphism for this structure.
Conversely, any monoid structure < a,a0,* > defined in Haskell is naturally defined as a T-algebra.
In this way (h = foldr ( * ) a0, a function that 'replaces' (:) with (*),and maps [] to a0, the identity).
So, in this case, the category of T-algebras is just the category of monoid structures definable in Haskell, HaskMon.
(Please check that the morphisms in T-algebras are actually monoid homomorphisms.)
It also characterizes lists as universal objects in HaskMon, just like free products in Grp, polynomial rings in CRng, etc.
The adjuction corresponding to the above construction is < F,G,eta,epsilon >
F:Hask -> HaskMon, which takes a type a to the 'free monoid generated by a',that is, [a],
G:HaskMon -> Hask, the forgetful functor (forget the multiplication),
eta:1 -> GF , the natural transformation defined by \x::a -> [x],
epsilon: FG -> 1 , the natural transformation defined by the folding function above
(the 'canonical surjection' from a free monoid to its quotient monoid)
Next, there is another 'Kleisli category' and the corresponding adjunction.
You can check that it is just the category of Haskell types with morphisms a -> T b,
where its compositions are given by the so-called 'Kleisli composition' (>=>).
A typical Haskell programmer will find this category more familiar.
Finally,as is illustrated in CWM, the category of T-algebras
(resp. Kleisli category) becomes the terminal (resp. initial) object in the category
of adjuctions that define the list monad T in a suitable sense.
I suggest to do a similar calculations for the binary tree functor T a = L a | B (T a) (T a) to check your understanding.
I've found a standard constructions of adjunct functors for any monad by Eilenberg-Moore, but I'm not sure if it adds any insight to the problem. The second category in the construction is a category of T-algebras. A T algebra adds a "product" to the initial category.
So how would it work for a list monad? The functor in the list monad consists of a type constructor, e.g., Int->[Int] and a mapping of functions (e.g., standard application of map to lists). An algebra adds a mapping from lists to elements. One example would be adding (or multiplying) all the elements of a list of integers. The functor F takes any type, e.g., Int, and maps it into the algebra defined on the lists of Int, where the product is defined by monadic join (or vice versa, join is defined as the product). The forgetful functor G takes an algebra and forgets the product. The pair F, G, of adjoint functors is then used to construct the monad in the usual way.
I must say I'm none the wiser.
If you are interested,here's some thoughts of a non-expert
on the role of monads and adjunctions in programming languages:
First of all, there exists for a given monad T a unique adjunction to the Kleisli category of T.
In Haskell,the use of monads is primarily confined to operations in this category
(which is essentially a category of free algebras,no quotients).
In fact, all one can do with a Haskell Monad is to compose some Kleisli morphisms of
type a->T b through the use of do expressions, (>>=), etc., to create a new
morphism. In this context, the role of monads is restricted to just the economy
of notation.One exploits associativity of morphisms to be able to write (say) [0,1,2]
instead of (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))), that is, you can write sequence as sequence,
not as a tree.
Even the use of IO monads is non essential, for the current Haskell type system is powerful
enough to realize data encapsulation (existential types).
This is my answer to your original question,
but I'm curious what Haskell experts have to say about this.
On the other hand, as we have noted, there's also a 1-1 correspondence between monads and
adjunctions to (T-)algebras. Adjoints, in MacLane's terms, are 'a way
to express equivalences of categories.'
In a typical setting of adjunctions <F,G>:X->A where F is some sort
of 'free algebra generator' and G a 'forgetful functor',the corresponding monad
will (through the use of T-algebras) describe how (and when) the algebraic structure of A is constructed on the objects of X.
In the case of Hask and the list monad T, the structure which T introduces is that
of monoid,and this can help us to establish properties (including the correctness) of code through algebraic
methods that the theory of monoids provides. For example, the function foldr (*) e::[a]->a can
readily be seen as an associative operation as long as <a,(*),e> is a monoid,
a fact which could be exploited by the compiler to optimize the computation (e.g. by parallelism).
Another application is to identify and classify 'recursion patterns' in functional programming using categorical
methods in the hope to (partially) dispose of 'the goto of functional programming', Y (the arbitrary recursion combinator).
Apparently, this kind of applications is one of the primary motivations of the creators of Category Theory (MacLane, Eilenberg, etc.),
namely, to establish natural equivalence of categories, and transfer a well-known method in one category
to another (e.g. homological methods to topological spaces,algebraic methods to programming, etc.).
Here, adjoints and monads are indispensable tools to exploit this connection of categories.
(Incidentally, the notion of monads (and its dual, comonads) is so general that one can even go so far as to define 'cohomologies' of
Haskell types.But I have not given a thought yet.)
As for non-determistic functions you mentioned, I have much less to say...
But note that; if an adjunction <F,G>:Hask->A for some category A defines the list monad T,
there must be a unique 'comparison functor' K:A->MonHask (the category of monoids definable in Haskell), see CWM.
This means, in effect, that your category of interest must be a category of monoids in some restricted form (e.g. it may lack some quotients but not free algebras) in order to define the list monad.
Finally,some remarks:
The binary tree functor I mentioned in my last posting easily generalizes to arbitrary data type
T a1 .. an = T1 T11 .. T1m | ....
Namely,any data type in Haskell naturally defines a monad (together with the corresponding category of algebras and the Kleisli category),
which is just the result of any data constructor in Haskell being total.
This is another reason why I consider Haskell's Monad class is not much more than a syntax sugar
(which is pretty important in practice,of course).
