Installing Certificate on Websphere 8 for authentication - iis

I'm trying to add a .pfx certificate to Websphere8 server to establish a connection to an IIS server.
I tried to add the certificate to the deaultkeystore as a personal certificate and added the same as a signing certificate to the defaulttrustkeystore.
When ever I send a request through my application I'm getting a 401 unauthorized error.
I checked the communication b/w servers using Wireshark but there is no FINISHED message from either client or server.
So I wan't to know exact procedure to install a certificate on websphere server to get authenticated and thereby send the XML as a part of HTTPS Post request.
I contacted the web service provider, he said me that other users, or people who already implemented the client for this service, convert the pfx to .cer and send it along with the request. I also want to know how that is possible. I'm coding using Java 6.
Thanks for the help.


Configuring NGINX to work with SAML Signing Certificate

I've built an app using PHP (Laravel), and now we've deployed it to a client who wants to use Azure Single Sign On rather than the apps native username/password functionality.
The plan is for them to handle the SSO authentication via App Registration, and then send user details via a SAML request.
However the 'SAMLResponse' I get is encoded. They have sent me a .cer file (and an XML file for some reason), and I think I need to apply these to the server, but I don't know how.
The below is the setup their end, and I've red highlighted the files they've sent me.
I have full control over the server, which is Ubuntu 18.04 running NGINX. They also handle the SSL side of things separately, so NGINX is currently listening on port 80.

Can I use Client Certificates on Azure App Services without a custom domain?

For testing purposes I would like to enable the 'Incoming Client Certificates' option in my Azure App Service (running a WCF webservice), and see if my Client application can still connect to the webservice. Since I am still in a testing phase, my app service still has the domain name.
However, I can't seem to figure out how to get a proper client certificate that the server will accept (without switching to a custom domain name, which I know will work).
Currently, I see 2 possible routes to a solution:
Somehow get my hands on .cer that is signed by a CA trusted by the App Service server.
Generate a self-signed .pfx and .cer with my own self-signed CA. Import the pfx on the App Service and install the .cer on the client.
Both directions have not yielded any success so far. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Per my understanding, the client certificate is used by client systems to make authenticated requests to a remote server. In this case, your webservice is the remote server in a C/S mode. As you point out, "validating this certificate is the responsibility of the web app. So this means that any certificate will be valid as long as you don't validate anything". It does not effect on whether you have a custom domain or not in your web app service.
If you want to use client cert authentication with Azure app, you can refer to How To Configure TLS Mutual Authentication for Web App.
If the server has requested client certificate in its server hello and the client cert has signing capability, then it is expected to send the CertificateVerify message to the server. It contains signed hash of all messages from Client Hello till that point which are buffered on the server side. The server TLS layer will decrypt this using the client public key (which is in the Client certificate received earlier) and compare with its calculated hash. It will call back to application layer if this fails.
The application needs to handle it at that point and return its own error or continue with the session.
One example of this with Wolfssl library is

0x800b0110 ("The certificate is not valid for the requested usage".) Error in IIS 8 Windows server 2012

In the Server
I have configured a intermediate certificate .pfx file in the IIS and created a https (443) port using binding option. I use certificate for Authorisation also I am expecting a client certificate from the client , I enabled the Require SSL and clien certificate required option in the IIS.
I checked the Intermediate certificate authorities for the root certificate and they also presents, checked the .pfx file installed in the certificate store (Local Machine) also presents.
I created .cer file from the above .pfx file with include private key option and shared the .cer file with my client and he has to attach the .cer file for authorisation .
Above is the REST wcf service with POST.
In the Client Side
I tested this application after getting the .cer file, attach that to my request in my client.exe and calling the service - it returns .403 fobidden error.
In the IIS log it is logged as 403.16 , sc-win32-status code = 2148204816 error
Please help me my above approach is correct and how to avoid this error.
Is configuring CTL is the option , or I need to get a separate client certificate for use from my client side.
You need to make small steps to debug this.
First import SSL server certificate to LocalMachine\My store. Verify
that certificate is trusted (by double-clicking it and verifying
Setup SSL binding in IIS. Verify that you can access the https site (even WCF service gives some documentation page on http/s).
Import client certificate in client CurrentUser\My store. Verify that certificate is trusted (by double-clicking it and verifying
Set SSL require mode on your WCF service on IIS. Verify that when you access https site of the WCF service a certificate is prompted and no trust error is returned (again, the documentation page should be displayed)
Server certificate must have Server Authentication extension. Client certificate must have Client Authentication extension in it. Client has to trust server certificate. Server has to trust Client certificate. This means that CRLs from both chains must be reachable.

MVC Application call a web service with client certificate

I have a MVC 4.0 application with a web service as reference. The web service is installed on third party remote server will SSL. Also the web service requires client certificate authentication. I installed the certificate that issued by the 3rd party to our test server on Personal store, Trusted Root Certificate Authorities and Third-Party Root Certificate Authorities. Same to my local computer. The application is able to access the remote server and get response on my local development server, but always failed on our test server. Our test server is win 2003 and IIS 6.0. The error I got is "Client Certificate Required". It looks like the remote server either reject or cannot take the certificate we pass.
Here is my code:
var svc = new webservcie();
svc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
svc.url = "";
I have tried many ways to fix this issue, but cannot. I think the issue is that our test server is not able to access the client certification. I read an article about grant Networkservice access to the certificate, but not sure if it is right or not.
Could someone please help me out? Thanks!
I found more detail error from server application event log:
Failed auto update retrieval of third-party root list sequence number from: with error: This network connection does not exist.

IIS 7.5 get client certificate within FTP request

I'm trying to write a custom authentication provider for FTP in IIS 7.5. I found the IFtpAuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateUser Method (either native or managed) which is exactly what I need.
During the authentication the method should get the contents of a special field in the client certificate and compare it to the userName parameter provided by the AuthenticateUser Method.
My problem is now that I haven't found a way to access the client certificate within that method.
There are several solutions around for the http protocol (Request object) but not for the FTP stack.
My question is : Does anyone know how to access the client certificate within FTP during the authentication?
Is there a different aproach (which I missed)?
