Total Commander How to feed list listbox with selected files - total-commander

Just like Search result can feed the listbox (which opens new temporary tab),
is there a way to:
simply select files from one directory and feed the listbox?
select files from multiple directories and feed the same listbox?
Just to rename listbox's temporary tab and you could have favorite list of items over which you could perform more actions. This would increase productivity tremendously!

Regarding #1:
After you select the files activate:
Menu > Show > Only Selected Files
Regarding #2:
It's probably not what you were after, but you can use DiskDir / DiskDir Extended to add files (using a packer functionality, so you create an 'archive' file with extension .lst which contains a hierarchical list of the added files. You can then change source folder and then add more files. Later you just click on the .lst file and it looks no different then your normal file / folder list. Unfortunatelly you cannot rename the files, but you can launch them, with an extra confirmation.
Similar functionalitybut with 'source' renaming functionality limited to one file only (?): Virtual Panel, (File System Plugin, accessible through the Network Neighborhood 'drive'). It can launch files without a confirmation window. Rename 'source/target' file when you use it's own subbar (located here: %%COMMANDER_PATH%%\Plugins\WFX\VirtualPanel\EN\, make sure that you also have installed the AskParam addon and have paths in the right (both to AskParam.exe and VPBatch.exe). 'Regular' rename will change the file name only in the virtual panel.
URL: Virtual Panel Plugin


index.sublime-project and index.sublime-workspace files

I have a directory named project, and I navigated to Project > Add Folder to Project... in order to see the directory tree in my left sidebar. I noticed that doing this creates a file called index.sublime-project with the following content:
"path": "."
I also noticed that there is another file in my directory called index.sublime-workspace, although this one does not appear in the tree view on the left sidebar of Sublime. It is only visible through windows explorer when I navigated to the Project directory.
What is the purpose of these files? Can I prevent them from being created every time I add folder to project?
Adding directories to the window using Project > Add Folder to Project is indeed one of the ways to open a folder (the others being to drag and drop a folder onto the window and File > Open Folder).
However, doing so do not create those files. To create them, you would need to use the Project > Save Project menu item. So you may have accidentally done that without realizing it. In theory a plugin could also create those files for you, though that seems unlikely (anything is possible though).
In any case, assuming you don't want them it's entirely safe to remove them.
A sublime-project file is a file that allows you to open folders in the side bar and then do things like apply settings that apply only to files in that window, alter what files and folders appear, and so on.
A sublime-workspace file is a localized session information for a particular window. Usually, they associated with a sublime-project file but they don't have to be. They store the state of the window, open files, etc so that you can close a window and then recall it later with the same state.

How do I add items to a menu in Sublime 3?

I want to add a couple of items to the Edit menu in Sublime 3. In fact, I just want to copy the Find and the Replace menu items from the Find menu. Call me lazy, but I just want to use the same Alt-E menu shortcuts I've grown accustomed to across so many other programs. I don't like making the mental switch from Alt-E to Alt-I when I switch from Sublime to anything else.
Anyway, from the sublime documentation I read that I can create a file Main.sublime-menu in the Packages/Default (or Packages/User) directory. The JSON format is easy enough to follow. But the problem is that there is no such file by default. If I add one (and I did) then sumblime replaces the entire main menu, which is not the result I want.
I don't want to replace the entire menu, I just want to add two entries to the Edit menu. Ideally, I would like to copy & paste the Find and Replace entries from the Find menu. That would save me the time of figuring out the command names.
Resource files that ship with Sublime are stored in sublime-package files that exist in a special folder stored in the installation folder of Sublime (where the executable is), which keeps them safe from modification because Sublime will replace them wholesale when it updates.
You can view the content of any resource file currently known to Sublime by using the View Package File command from the command palette. It will show you a list of every resource, and you can filter the list the same as the command palette entries to drill down to find what you need:
Choosing an item from this list will open the file for you to look at. If it's coming from a sublime-package file, it will be a read-only buffer that you can't modify to remind you that you can't edit the file. Resources that come from your Packages folder directly will be editable, however (such as your User package).
The Default package is where things like the default settings, key bindings and menus are defined. So although what you see in the list depends on the packages you have installed, the item you want here is Default/Main.sublime-menu.
Note that if your intention is to just add some items, you want to put your modifications into your User package. Any items you add here will augment the existing menu; that is, you can only add items, you can't modify or remove them.
If you put the file into the Default package folder (which you may or may not have to create), the file you create will override the one that's provided inside of the sublime-package file. You would do this if you want to remove entries, change what command they execute, etc.
If you go that route, note that Sublime will use this file forever even if a future update modifies the file. In that case I would recommend the OverrideAudit package (disclaimer: I am the author of said package) as it will warn you when that happens.
If this is your intention, OverrideAudit's Create Override command will allow you to seamlessly open the file and save it to create the override, saving you the trouble of finding the right place to put the file.

Can I filter sidebar directories by name (in sublime text 3) to quickly find node module, for example?

Here is my example, where I could have some input to filter directory subfolders.
The direct answer to the question is that this is not possible; the list of files and folders in the side bar is controlled by what folders you add and the settings that you include/exclude files and folders from within those folders. In theory you could try to modify the settings to change what appears in the side bar, but every time those settings change the file catalog needs to be rebuilt, which is something that can take some time (particularly in something with a large node_modules folder). It also causes all of the folders in the side bar to fold up.
The expected workflow is more designed around working with files than with working with groups of folders and that workflow centers around the Goto Anything panel. Choosing Goto > Goto Anything in the menu will open a panel showing you a list of every file that is currently contained in the side bar (except binary files).
The panel can filter text via fuzzy matching using as many search terms as you want (in any order you want) and will move the most likely matches closer to the top of the list. It also learns over time what files you pick when you use certain filters.
For your use case here you can open the panel and use a filter like node_modules or nmod/ to filter to files in the node_modules/ directory, acorn/ to see only files that exist in folders that match acorn, or a combination. You can also include fragments of filenames like lodash/ indjs to bring the index.js of the `lodash/ package to the top of the list.
The best way to get a feel for how this works is to play with it a little bit. Note also that the context menu in open files has a Reveal in side bar command that will focus the side bar on that file, which can be a handy way to see the other siblings of files you have open.

Sublime Text 3: import projects list from folder/files to OpenRecent list

I save several projects in a same folder by manual click Project -> Save Project As...
and I used to use cmd + ctrl + p to open Switch Projectlist to switch between projects
and everything's works fine.
but today, I accidentally remove my Switch Project list in by click Project -> Open Recent -> Clear Items, so my Switch Project list is empty now...
I know I could add them back through reopen ALL my projects. due to the number of projects is pretty a lot, that will be kind of annoying to add them back one by one.
I wanna know if there's a smarter way to do that for me.
maybe import all my *.sublime-project files from folder or something.
Short of manually opening every project, I don't think there is any way to do something like this directly. There isn't a command or plugin endpoint that I'm aware of that lets you open a project by name or filename, so it's not possible to create a plugin to do the work, and Sublime doesn't have the ability to pre-load the list of packages directly either.
That said, it is possible to manually update the list of recent projects, but whether or not that is more or less work than opening all of the projects is something to consider.
If you use Preferences > Browse Packages from the menu or the command palette, a file browser will open on your Packages folder. From there go up one directory level and go inside of the Local folder, where you will find a Session.sublime_session file.
Sublime saves it's state into this file when you quit it, and uses it to restore state when you start it again. Here you will find all of the saved information, such as the windows and files that were open and so on.
Changing this file will change the data that Sublime loads, so you can modify the session file to set up the data that you want. You need to make sure that you modify the file while Sublime is not running or your changes will be ignored and clobbered away. Also it's a good idea to make a backup of the file before you start in case things go pear shaped.
Down near the bottom of the file you will find a top level key named workspaces, and inside of it a recent_workspaces key:
This is where the list of recent projects is stored for use in the menu and the quick switch project command. Particular things to notice are that the entries are naming sublime-workspace files, and that the paths are absolute.
NOTE: On windows, the filenames stored in the session file are in a format like /C/Users/tmartin and not c:\users\tmartin; on that platform you need to make sure that you adjust the paths accordingly. As long as there is already at least one entry in the list when you look at the session file, you can easily see how to construct the paths that you need.
Despite the name of the commands and menu items, what you're actually switching between is different workspaces. Every sublime-project is associated with a sublime-workspace file, which acts as a dedicated sublime_session file for that particular project. This mapping is one-to-many in that you can have multiple workspaces for the same project file, allowing you to reference the same paths in multiple windows but have different window layouts.
While Sublime is not running you can edit this file to add in the full paths to all of your workspace files; when you start Sublime up the list will be populated (every sublime-workspace file knows what sublime-project it is associated with).
What remains is whether or not it's quick to come up with the list of files in a way that you can easily paste them into the session file.

How do I delete a file using the "Add File Removal"?

How do I delete a file using the "Add File Removal"?
In InstallShield->Application Data->Files and Folders->I go to the parent directory.
Then I right click in "Destination computer's Files and select "Add File Removal".
If I select the "Remove files from the folder" radio button, how do I delete a specific sub-directory (i.e. \DirectoryToRemove, instead of a file?
The folder described by the radio buttons is the one listed after Location (the blacked out part of your screen capture). You can either remove files from the location in question, or the folder itself. If you want to remove a child of that folder, you will have to add a file removal to that folder, perhaps adding the folder first.
This is built upon the RemoveFile table, which is the source of the requirement that a folder be empty if you want to remove it. However if you go directly to the table, you can avoid creating a directory entry for a subdirectory by referencing a Property instead of a Directory. (If you go that route, note you will then have to ensure the referenced property has the correct value.)
