Create Sharepoint 2010 Service Application databases, app pool names without GUIDs - sharepoint

I have recently started working on Sharepoint 2010 and created a 3 tier test setup (server1- WFE and CA, server2- running all service applications, server3- Database server). I used powershell commands as listed in this blog to first create the admin and config databases. After that i used the Farm wizard to provision all the service applications.
After completion all the service app DB names have GUIDs. In IIS 7, all the application pools and the virtual directories under Sharepoint web services have GUIDs. Also all the service apps are running in the same user id (domain\spservice) and i am unable to change the id for some of the services.
I want to recreate my environment and not have any GUIDs, neither in the DB names nor in IIS. I have not been able to find any documentation on how to create all the service application DBs and IIS app pools without GUIDs. The one article i found mentions how to remove the GUIDs after installation. (I am left wondering if all production sharepoint 2010 farms out there really use GUIDs in DB names and in IIS (app pools, virtual directories)!?)
Can someone please direct me to an article that outlines steps to configure a complete sharepoint 2010 environment without GUIDs in DB and IIS?

When i started out on the initial test setup I used the Farm Configuration Wizard which creates almost all the databases with GUIDs and all those GUIDs can seem overwhelming for managing the environment, for documentation etc.
To answer my question in short- the sharepoint databases can be created without GUIDs (using powershell). However in IIS, the creation of application pools and virtual directories in IIS for the service applications will have to be with GUIDs. There is no alternative for that.
I followed the steps in the article here for initial install and then used the script to create service applications from this technet article making the necessary server and database name changes.
With most of my experience as a windows web farm administrator and managing uniform naming conventions the GUID names seemed annoying initially! But since there is very little to manage or troubleshoot from the IIS interface, we do not have to worry about app pool names and vdirs with GUIDs. It is all about ULS logs, event viewer and Central Administration site!


Requirements to set up a document repository for the client using SharePoint from Azure

I have to develop a document repository on SharePoint from Azure. As I have new to Azure, I do not know about the requirements to set up the entire SharePoint and make it run like the SharePoint online, 2013, etc.
As much as I have read, it says we need a VM, a SQL server and Sharepoint. I am unsure if this all what we need and what is the role of the VM and SQL server in this.
Can anyone please share the suggestions or the experiences for this?
If you are going to host document repository, you need to check
Office 365's OneDrive or SharePoint components. This is the PAAS
If you want to have a dedicated portal using full SharePoint features, you need to setup a virtual machine, on which you setup the entire installation of SharePoint just like you do on a actual server. This will be the IAAS model, where Azure just offers you hosting service for the VM. SQL server is required for hosting the backend database for SharePoint (documents, users, roles etc)

Azure Web apps missing from VS2013 Server Explorer

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Premium and I've installed Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 v 2.5. I'm signed in with my Microsoft Account that also has admin permission in my Azure subscription.
The problem is that I can't see any web apps in the server explorer; I want to try remote debugging. I see a bunch of other Azure artifacts, but no web apps. Service bus and SQL databases lists content I expect. In screenshots I've seen on various MSDN posts, there should be a separate web apps node. I see an App Services node that doesn't list anything. All web apps are listed when I go to and
The App Service node has a context menu that allows me to create a new site. I did that and things got created correctly but nothing is displayed under the node.
This problem exists on both my home machine and work machine; both running a version of Windows 8.1. On my home machine I've re-installed the Azure tools without any effect.
I thought this too, for months. They renamed web sites to web apps, and are still seemingly renaming/moving things around. I just discovered my web site now live in Azure\App Service\<resource group> within Server Explorer. I can't see the individual slots, though I don't know or remember if that was possible previously...
I'm having a similar issue. Mine is a bit more complicated in that I have multiple subscriptions and the App Service node under Azure is only displaying the app service (web site) for my MSDN subscription but nothing from my corporate subscriptions. Yet all the other nodes like SQL Databases does show the complete list across all subscriptions.
Fixed! I updated the Azure tools to version 2.6 (I had 2.5). I then right-clicked on the Azure node and selected "Manage and Filter Azure Subscriptions". I made sure that all my subscriptions were selected and then clicked the tab "Regions" and made sure all the regions were also selected. I previously had filtered the regions to only North America as I have no intentions of creating a website in Asia...;)
After I saved the changes the Azure node refreshed and all the sites appeared as expected. I think the core issue was the filtering of the regions. Even though all my sites are located in Central-US and that check box was clicked, it wasn't until I removed all filtering for Regions that my sites finally appeared.

SharePoint 2013 - tagging service is currently unavaialble

When attempting to use hashtags in SharePoint 2013 users see "the tagging service is currently unavailable". I've googled this issue and have tried or validated the following without success:
The application pool for Managed Metadata Service is running with the correct credentials
The Managed Metadata Web Service is running on all WFE's and app servers
In Central Admin the Managed Metadata web service is the default location for keywords
In general this (test) farm looks identical to my production farm. The only difference is that I've applied the new service pack 1 to this test farm, and now this service appears to have broken.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Generally after installing a service pack, you are required to run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on each of the servers in the farm ( Also, sometimes a reboot may be required after running the configuration wizard. Have you done both/either of those things?

SharePoint 2007 WSP Deployment Best Practices

I'm building a few WSPs (a custom web part and a branding wsp both scoped to site collection level) using WSP builder on VS2010. Our SharePoint 2007 Farm contains two Web applications.
I'd like to know whether deployment of a WSP to a particular web application (Web App A) will only recycle the application pool for that given web application (Web App A). And that the other web application (Web App B) would be unaffected during this process.
What I want to ensure is users of the other web application won't experience any down time in anyway during this release and that the wsp appears only in one Web App when viewing the site collection features lists.
Does this type of deployment only cause app pool recycling or does IIS get reset too?
Many thanks in advance
The WSP deployment only recycles the app pool containing your site collection, as opposed to an iisreset which resets all app pools.
Users of the other web application will experience down time during this deployment only if the two web applications share the same app pool (unlikely in best practice SharePoint setup).
The WSP will appear only in one site collection features list, the site collection where it was deployed.
WSP Builder is a good tool to use in VS2010 for SharePoint 2007 deployment, the tool is correct in terms of paths and naming and can be trusted!
Visual studio 2010 and wspbuilder 2010 will possibly give you an incorrect structure or naming. Just thinking about the 14 hive and the 12 hive. I might be wrong but worth a check.
However back to your question.
Adding a solution(WSP) to the farm should have any impact on what the users see.
Deploying the solution causes the Application pool of the given web application to recycle. Remember that(i have seen this) some places host many on one application pool meaning you will effectively see anything attached to that application pool suddenly become slow/ unresponsive for a short period of time.
Theoretically as long as Web App A and Web app B are on seperate application pools you should only see one or the other affected ( depending where your deploying)

Tips on setting up internet facing WSS 3.0 site without Active Directory

We're trying to setup an internet facing WSS 3.0 site without Active Directory. We have a single WFE and a single SQL Server (2005). The WFE will be outside our DMZ.
We've successfully created the Central Admin site with a local admin account on the WFE and a separate account on the SQL server for the database, but we're stuck on setting up the WSS search capability.
I couldn't seem to get things to work when using Central Admin to start the WSS Search service. I'm thinking I'll need to use stsadm -spsearch to set up the WSS search manually, rather than using the menus in Central Admin.
Does anyone have any tips and/or resources they recommend?
You want to setup your WSS3 site using Forms Based AUthentication, with an ASP.Net SQL Membership Provider and backend database.
Microsoft have a very nice guide on MSDN.
I followed this guide when attempting something similar. This explains how to allow forms based and AD authentication on the same site but you could just follow the parts that explain how to setup forms based.
This also includes changing the web.config file for central administration so that it can access the SQL database used to store users for forms based authentication.
It is very easy to follow.
We're looking for the same... rather we have a separate AD for our DMZ, however, for the extranet, would like to use it without AD accounts. May I ask what you've come up with so far?
Have seen posts talking about local machine accounts, but we do have 2 app servers and realize the maintenance involved to keep them in sync if we use local machine acounts. Swore I saw a 3rd party tool that would allow user's to be added into their own db and managed through their web-part/portal but can't seem to find it now.
