What is the reason for QProcess error status 5? - multithreading

i have multiple threads running the following QProcess. Randomly they fail with error state 5. The Qt docs do not give any more details. Has anyone a clue what that error could come from? Thank you very much.
extCmd = new QProcess(this);
QString cmd = "/usr/bin/php";
QStringList argStr;
argStr << "/bin/sleep" << "10"; // changed to ever working command
extCmd->start(cmd, args);
bool suc = extCmd->waitForFinished(-1);
if (!suc) {
qDebug() << "finishing failed error="
<< extCmd.error()
<< extCmd.errorString();
Gives me the output:
finishing failed error= 5 "Unknown error"

Tangential to your problem is the fact that you should not be starting a thread per each process. A QProcess emits a finished(int code, QProcess::ExitStatus status) signal when it's done. It will also emit started() and error() upon successful and unsuccessful startup, respectively. Connect all those three signals to a slot in a QObject, then start the process, and deal with the results in the slots. You won't need any extra threads.
If you get a started() signal, then you can be sure that the process's file name was correct, and the process was started. Whatever exit code you get from finished(int) is then indicative of what the process did, perhaps in response to potentially invalid arguments you might have passed to it. If you get a error() signal, the process has failed to start because you gave a wrong filename to QProcess::start(), or you don't have correct permissions.
You should not be writing synchronous code where things happen asynchronously. Synchronous code is code that blocks for a particular thing to happen, like calling waitForCmdFinished. I wish that there was a Qt configuration flag that disables all those leftover synchronous blocking APIs, just like there's a flag to disable/enable Qt 3 support APIs. The mere availability of those blocking APIs promotes horrible hacks like the code above. Those APIs should be disabled by default IMHO. Just as there should be a test for moving QThread and derived classes to another thread. It's also a sign of bad design in every example of publicly available code I could find, and I did a rather thorough search to convince myself I wasn't crazy or something.
The only reasonable use I recall for a waitxxx method in Qt is the wait for a QThread to finish. Even then, this should be only called from within the ~QThread, so as to prevent the QThread from being destroyed with the tread still running.


Vulkan theaded application get error message on queue submissions under mutex

I have an application with Vulkan for rendering and glfw for windowing. If I start several threads, each with a different window, I get errors on threading and queue submission even though ALL vulkan calls are protected by a common mutex. The vulkan layer says:
THREADING ERROR : object of type VkQueue is simultaneously used in thread 0x0 and thread 0x7fc365b99700
Here is the skeleton of the loop under which this happens in each thread:
while (!finished) {
The draw function skeleton looks like:
draw(Arg arg) {
static std::mutex mtx;
std::lock_guard lock{mtx};
// .... drawing calls. Including
// Fill command bufers
This is C++17 which slightly simplifies the syntax but is otherwise irrelevant.
Clearly everything is under a mutex. I also intercept the call to the debug message. When I do so, I see that one thread is waiting for glfw events, one is printing the vulkan layer message and the other two threads are trying to acquire the mutex for the lock_guard.
I am at a loss as to what is going on or how to even figure out what is causing this.
I am running on linux, and it does not crash. However on Mac OS X, after a random amount of time, the code will crash in a queue submit call of MoltenVK and when the crash happens, I see a similar situation of the threads. That is to say no other thread is inside a Vulkan call.
I'd appreciate any ideas. My next move would be to move all queue submissions to a single thread, though that is not my favorite solution.
PS: I created a complete MCVE under the Vookoo framework. It is at https://github.com/FunMiles/Vookoo/tree/lock_guard_queues and is the example 00-parallelTriangles
To try it, do the following:
git clone https://github.com/FunMiles/Vookoo.git
cd Vookoo
git checkout lock_guard_queues
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The way you call the draw is:
window.draw(device, fw.graphicsQueue(), [&](){//some lambda});
The insides of draw is protected by mutex, but the fw.graphicsQueue() isn't.
fw.graphicsQueue() million abstraction layers below just calls vkGetDeviceQueue. I found executing vkGetDeviceQueue in parallel with vkQueueSubmit causes the validation error.
So there are few issues here:
There is a bug in layers that causes multiple initialization of VkQueue state on vkGetDeviceQueue, which is the cause of the validation error
Thread id 0 is not a separate issue. As there are not any actual previous accesses, thread id is not recorded. The problem is the layers issue the error because the access count goes into negative because it is previously wrongly reset to 0.
Arguably there is some spec issue here. It is not immediatelly obvious from the text that VkQueue is not actually accessed in vkGetDeviceQueue, except the silent assumption that it is the sane thing to do.

Why can a sub-classed QThread simply fail to start?

This is using a sub-classed QThread based on the ideas expressed in the whitepaper "QThreads: You were not doing so wrong". It does not have an event loop, nor does it have slots. It just emits signals and stops. In fact its primary signal is the QThread finished one.
Basically I have a Qt using a background thread to monitor stuff. Upon finding what it is looking for, it records its data, and terminates.
The termination sends a signal to the main event loop part of the application, which processes it, and when done, starts the background anew. I can usually get this working for tens of seconds, but then it just seems to quit.
It seems that when the main application tries to start the thread, it doesn't really run. I base this on telemetry code that increments counters as procedures get executed.
//in main application. Setup not shown.
//background points to the QThread sub-class object
void MainWindow::StartBackground()
if ( background->isRunning() )
//in sub-classed QThread
void Background::run()
//Do stuff until done
So when I notice that it seems that my background thread isn't running, by watching Process Explorer, I cause the debugger to break in, and check the counts. What I see is that startcount and startedcount are equal. And have a value of one greater than runcount
So I can only conclude that the thread didn't really run, but I have been unable to find out any evidence of why.
I have not been able to find documentation on QThreads not starting do to some error condition, or what evidence there is of such an error.
I suppose I could set up a slot to catch started from the thread. The starting code could loop on a timed-out semaphore, trying again and again until the started slot actually resets the semaphore. But it feels ugly.
EDIT - further information
So using the semaphore method, I have a way to breakpoint on failure to start.
I sampled isFinished() right before I wanted to do start(), and it was false. After my 100ms semaphore timeout it became true.
So the question seems to be evolving into 'Why does QThread sometimes emit a finished() signal before isFinished() becomes true?'
Heck of a race condition. I'd hate to spin on isFinished() before starting the next background thread.
So this may be a duplicate of
QThread emits finished() signal but isRunning() returns true and isFinished() returns false
But not exactly, because I do override run() and I have no event loop.
In particular the events 8 and 9 in that answer are not in the same order. My slot is getting a finished() before isFinished() goes true.
I'm not sure an explicit quit() is any different than letting run() return;
It sounds as if you have a race condition wherein you may end up trying to restart your thread before the previous iteration has actually finished. If that's the case then, from what I've seen, the next call to QThread::start will be silently ignored. You need to update your code so that it checks the status of the thread before restarting -- either by calling QThread::isFinished or handling the QThread::finished signal.
On the other hand... why have the thread repeatedly started/stopped. Would it not be easier to simply start the thread once? Whatever code is run within the context of QThread::run can monitor whatever it monitors and signal the main app when it finds anything of note.
Better still. Separate the monitor logic from the thread entirely...
class monitor: public QObject {
QThread monitor_thread;
monitor monitor;
* Fix up any signals to/from monitor.
The monitor class can do whatever it wants and when it's time to quit the app can just call monitor_thread::quit.
There is a race condition in the version of Qt I am using. I don't know if it was reported or not before, but I do not have the latest, so it's probably moot unless I can demonstrate it in the current version.
Similar bugs were reported here long ago:
QThread.isFinished returns False in slot connected to finished() signal
(the version I use is much more recent than Qt 4.8.5)
What more important is I can workaround it with the following code
while ( isRunning() )
I've run a few tests, and it never seems to take more than 1ms for the race condition to settle. Probably just needs a context switch to clean up.

QtConcurrent::run how to stop background task

I have the same situation like this: stop thread started by qtconcurrent::run
I need to close child thread (started with QtConcurrent::run) on closeEvent in QMainWindow.
But my function in child thread use code from *.dll: I can`t use loop because all that I do - is calling the external dll like
QFuture<void> = QtConcurrent::run(obj->useDllfunc_with_longTermJob());
And when I close the app with x-button my gui is closed, but second thread with_longTermJob() still worked and when is finished I have an error.
I know some decisions for this:
using other functions like map() or something else with
QFuture.cancel/stop functionality, not QtConcurrent::run().But I need only one function call. run() is what I need.
or use QThread instead Concurrent.But it`s not good for me.
What method more simple and better and how can I implement this? Is there a method that I don`t listed?
Could you provide small code sample for decision. Thx!
QtConcurrent::run isn't a problem here. You must have means of stopping the dllFuncWithLongTermJob. If you don't have such means, then the API you're using is broken, and you're out of luck. There's nothing you can do that'd be generally safe. Forcibly terminating a thread can leave the heap in an inconsistent state, etc. - if you need to terminate a thread, you need to immediately abort the application.
Hopefully, you can call something like stopLongTermJob that sets some flag that interrupts the dllFuncWithLongTermJob.
auto obj = new Worker;
auto objFuture = QtConcurrent::run([=]{obj->dllFuncWithLongTermJob();});
To interrupt:
obj->stopLongTermJob(); // must be thread-safe, sets a flag

boost::asio::read() never returns, even after a write() has been executed successfully on the other end

I'm trying to learn boost::asio for socket/networking programming. I'm trying to send some simple data from the client to the server.
Let me say first of all that I am intentionally using synchronous, blocking code, as opposed to asynchronous, non-blocking code, because I'm using multithreading (with the pthreads library) in addition to this.
The client is successfully calling boost::asio::write(). I've gone so far as to not only try and catch any exceptions thrown by boost::asio::write(), but to also check the boost::system::error_code value, which gives a message "The operation has been completed successfully" or something to that effect.
My read() code looks like this:
#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 10000 // in bytes
void* receivedData = malloc(MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
boost::asio::read(*sock, boost::asio::buffer(receivedData, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE));
catch (std::exception &e)
std::cout << "Exception thrown by boost::read() in receiveMessage(): " << e.what() << "\n";
delete receivedData;
receivedData = NULL;
return false;
Despite write() being successfully executed on the other end, and both client and server agreeing that a connection has been established at this point, read() never returns. The only case in which it returns for me is if I manually close the client application, at which point (as one would expect), the read() call throws an exception stating that the client has forcibly closed the connection.
Does it have anything to do with io_service.run()? In my googling to debug this, I ran across some mentions of run(), and what I've implicitly gathered from those posts is that run() processes the "work", which I take to mean that it does the actual sending and receiving, and that write() and read() are just means of queuing up a send and checking for what packets have already been sent in and "approved", so to speak, by io_service.run(). Please correct me if I'm wrong, as the Boost documentation says little more than "Run the io_service's event processing loop."
I'm following the boost::asio tutorial ( http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/doc/html/boost_asio/tutorial/tutdaytime1.html ) which makes absolutely no mention of run(), so maybe I'm completely on the wrong track here and run() isn't necessary at all?
Either way, just now I made another change to my code to see if anything would change (it didn't): in both my client and server, I set up a thread for the following function (to call io_service.run() repeatedly throughout the application's duration to see if not doing so is what was causing the problem):
void* workerThread(void* nothing)
Sleep(10); // just keeping my CPU from overheating in this infinite loop
But as stated above, that didn't affect the performance at all.
What am I missing here? Why is read() never returning, even after the other end's write() has been executed successfully?
Thanks in advance.
Note that the read you are using will block until the buffer is full or an error occurs - so it will only return when it has received 10000 bytes.
Consider using read_some or using a completion condition with read instead.

OpenGL Rendering in a secondary thread

I'm writing a 3D model viewer application as a hobby project, and also as a test platform to try out different rendering techniques. I'm using SDL to handle window management and events, and OpenGL for the 3D rendering. The first iteration of my program was single-threaded, and ran well enough. However, I noticed that the single-threaded program caused the system to become very sluggish/laggy. My solution was to move all of the rendering code into a different thread, thereby freeing the main thread to handle events and prevent the app from becoming unresponsive.
This solution worked intermittently, the program frequently crashed due to a changing (and to my mind bizarre) set of errors coming mainly from the X window system. This led me to question my initial assumption that as long as all of my OpenGL calls took place in the thread where the context was created, everything should still work out. After spending the better part of a day searching the internet for an answer, I am thoroughly stumped.
More succinctly: Is it possible to perform 3D rendering using OpenGL in a thread other than the main thread? Can I still use a cross-platform windowing library such as SDL or GLFW with this configuration? Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
So far I've been developing on Linux (Ubuntu 11.04) using C++, although I am also comfortable with Java and Python if there is a solution that works better in those languages.
UPDATE: As requested, some clarifications:
When I say "The system becomes sluggish" I mean interacting with the desktop (dragging windows, interacting with the panel, etc) becomes much slower than normal. Moving my application's window takes time on the order of seconds, and other interactions are just slow enough to be annoying.
As for interference with a compositing window manager... I am using the GNOME shell that ships with Ubuntu 11.04 (staying away from Unity for now...) and I couldn't find any options to disable desktop effects such as there was in previous distributions. I assume this means I'm not using a compositing window manager...although I could be very wrong.
I believe the "X errors" are server errors due to the error messages I'm getting at the terminal. More details below.
The errors I get with the multi-threaded version of my app:
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"
after 73 requests (73 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
X Error of failed request: BadColor (invalid Colormap parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 79 (X_FreeColormap)
Resource id in failed request: 0x4600001
Serial number of failed request: 72
Current serial number in output stream: 73
Game: ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req == dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed.
I always get one of the three errors above, which one I get varies, apparently at random, which (to my eyes) would appear to confirm that my issue does in fact stem from my use of threads. Keep in mind that I'm learning as I go along, so there is a very good chance that in my ignorance I've something rather stupid along the way.
SOLUTION: For anyone who is having a similar issue, I solved my problem by moving my call to SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) to the rendering thread, and locking the context initialization using a mutex. This ensures that the context is created in the thread that will be using it, and it prevents the main loop from starting before initialization tasks have finished. A simplified outline of the startup procedure:
1) Main thread initializes struct which will be shared between the two threads, and which contains a mutex.
2) Main thread spawns render thread and sleeps for a brief period (1-5ms), giving the render thread time to lock the mutex. After this pause, the main thread blocks while trying to lock the mutex.
3) Render thread locks mutex, initializes SDL's video subsystem and creates OpenGL context.
4) Render thread unlocks mutex and enters its "render loop".
5) The main thread is no longer blocked, so it locks and unlocks the mutex before finishing its initialization step.
Be sure and read the answers and comments, there is a lot of useful information there.
As long as the OpenGL context is touched from only one thread at a time, you should not run into any problems. You said even your single threaded program made your system sluggish. Does that mean the whole system or only your own application? The worst that should happen in a single threaded OpenGL program is, that processing user inputs for that one program gets laggy but the rest of the system is not affected.
If you use some compositing window manager (Compiz, KDE4 kwin), please try out what happens if you disable all compositing effects.
When you say X errors do you mean client side errors, or errors reported in the X server log? The latter case should not happen, because any kind of kind of malformed X command stream the X server must be able to cope with and at most emit a warning. If it (the X server) crashes this is a bug and should reported to X.org.
If your program crashes, then there's something wrong in its interaction with X; in that case please provide us with the error output in its variations.
What I did in a similar situation was to keep my OpenGL calls in the main thread but move the vertex arrays preparation to a separate thread (or threads).
Basically, if you manage to separate the cpu intensive stuff from the OpenGL calls you don't have to worry about the unfortunately dubious OpenGL multithreading.
It worked out beautifully for me.
Just in case - the X-Server has its' own sync subsystem.
Try following while drawing:
man XInitThreads - for initialization
man XLockDisplay/XUnlockDisplay -- for drawing (not sure for events processing);
I was getting one of your errors:
../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req ==
dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed. Aborted
and a whole host of different ones as well. Turns out that SDL_PollEvent needs an a pointer with initialized memory. So this fails:
SDL_Event *event;
while this works:
SDL_Event event;
In case anyone else runs across this from google.
This is half an answer and half a question.
Rendering in SDL in a separate thread is possible. It works usually on any OS. What you need to do is, that you make sure you make the GL context current when the render thread takes over. At the same time, before you do so, you need to release it from the main thread, e.g.:
Called from the main thread:
void Renderer::Init()
#ifdef _WIN32
m_CurrentContext = wglGetCurrentContext();
m_CurrentDC = wglGetCurrentDC();
// release current context
wglMakeCurrent( nullptr, nullptr );
#ifdef __linux__
if (!XInitThreads())
THROW( "XLib is not thread safe." );
SDL_SysWMinfo wm_info;
SDL_VERSION( &wm_info.version );
if ( SDL_GetWMInfo( &wm_info ) ) {
Display *display = wm_info.info.x11.gfxdisplay;
m_CurrentContext = glXGetCurrentContext();
ASSERT( m_CurrentContext, "Error! No current GL context!" );
glXMakeCurrent( display, None, nullptr );
XSync( display, false );
Called from the render thread:
void Renderer::InitGL()
// This is important! Our renderer runs its own render thread
// All
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __linux__
SDL_SysWMinfo wm_info;
SDL_VERSION( &wm_info.version );
if ( SDL_GetWMInfo( &wm_info ) ) {
Display *display = wm_info.info.x11.gfxdisplay;
Window window = wm_info.info.x11.window;
glXMakeCurrent( display, window, m_CurrentContext );
XSync( display, false );
// Init GLEW - we need this to use OGL extensions (e.g. for VBOs)
GLenum err = glewInit();
ASSERT( GLEW_OK == err, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err) );
The risks here is, that SDL does not have a native MakeCurrent() function, unfortunately. So, we have to poke around a little in SDL internals (1.2, 1.3 might have solved this by now).
And one problem remains, that for some reason, I run into a problem when SDL is shutting down. Maybe someone can tell me how to safely release the context when the thread terminates.
C++, SDL, OpenGl:::
on main thread: SDL_CreateWindow( );
SDL_CreateSemaphore( );
SDL_SemWait( );
on renderThread: SDL_CreateThread( run, "rendererThread", (void*)this )
SDL_GL_CreateContext( )
"initialize the rest of openGl and glew"
SDL_SemPost( ) //unlock the previously created semaphore
P.S: SDL_CreateThread( ) only takes functions as its first parameter not methods, if a method is wanted than you simulate a method/function in your class by making it a friend function. this way it will have method traits while still able to be used as a functor for the SDL_CreateThread( ).
P.S.S: inside of the "run( void* data )" created for the thread, the "(void*)" this is important and in order to re-obtain "this" inside of the function this line is needed "ClassName* me = (ClassName*)data;"
