Advanced Menu 1.4.1 Menu Settings? - orchardcms

I am using Orchard CMS 1.4 with the Advanced Menu 1.4.1 module. When I enable the module and create a new menu and menu items, I do not see the menu displayed on my site. Also, I do not see a way to choose which menu is displayed if I create more than one menu. Where in the settings can I choose which menu is displayed? Thanks!

You have to add a Menu Widget to some zone (eg. the Navigation zone) in order to display a menu. When adding that widget you can choose which menu it should display.


How to disable a whole drop-down menu on Electron?

I am developing a desktop application with Electron. I have added some items to the menu bar.
Sometimes I open some modal forms with bootstrap in the program. When these popups are open I want to disable the menu items.
I have made some research and some people says that the menu bar could be removed. But I do not want to create my own HTML menu.
And there is another option, maybe the best approach. Disabling all the options of each dropdown menu. Each menuitem has an enabled attribute, so it can be changed in runtime.
Is there way to avoid dropping down the menu and disable the drop-down menu?
Dynamic menus are not currently supported. This has something to do with the fact that the menus in Electron use the Chromium menu code which has no dynamic features.
When your File menu is empty, you could replace the entire menu with one that does not have the File menu in it?

oracle apex 5 - how to reorder pages in menu

I am dveloping an app in Oracle APEX 5. All of my pages have menu entry on the left-side menu, but the order of the pages in menu is different to the page numbers. Is there a way how to reorder pages in the menu?
Assuming your menu on the left is a standard APEX Universal Theme navigation menu, you do it like this:
Go to Shared Components
Click on Navigation Menu (under Navigation heading)
Click on the menu name
You should now see all the menu options for that menu, which have a sequence number. Either edit the individual options or use Grid Edit and change the sequence numbers to give the order you want.

How to add custimized context menu item on right click in browser window?

Here I want to add my custom menu option i.e. ColorZilla, Aptana Studio on web browser right click
You can only do this with a browser plugin. Each browser will have its own syntax for plugins and specifically adding context menu items.
Aleks G. is right you cannot do that directly within the browser.
I don't know if it can help you or if it is what you are looking for but, within the browser you can handle the right click interaction in order to display your own custom menu ( not a particular menu item but the full menu ) ... meaning the default browser menu won't get displayed at all.
In case you are interested, you can have a small sample here

Anyone know how to create a custom menu like this in android apps?

hii,I was just learning android i want create menu like this at this image This Menu
i was confused make this,anyody know how i can do it with 4 item like the link above ?
please help me.
sory if my language english bad.
To my knowledge custom menu and options menu can be modified (adding and removing menu items) easily.
If u want your own custom option menu, you may have to simulate by creating layouts.
1) Creative a layout and inflate the layout and show on clicking on the menu button.
2) If u want to occupy whole screen then better use Images and TextViews and create a new activity and launch the activity on clicking the options menu in OnCreateOptionsMenu().
Please find the links below
Custom menu in android
Android: creating a custom menu on the bottom

CMenu and Dialog-based applications

Is it possible to put a menu in a dialog based application? How?
Yes, it is possible to add menu to the dialog based applications. You can create the menu as a resource and attach the same to the dialog.
If you open the properties for dialog, you can see a Menu as a property for which you can assign an existing Menu ID.
Right click on Resource View and
insert a new Menu. (Menu with some ID-- lets say IDR_MENU1 -- is created)
Configure the menu to add required
items in menu and provide the ID,
Caption to the menu items.
Right click on Dialog and open
From Menu Combobox, select the ID of
the required menu ( here IDR_MENU1)
You can add a menu resource to a dialog application, but you haven't said which version of Visual Studio you're using so details are hard to provide. You should know that because CDialog isn't derived from CFrameWnd, update routing won't work - you need to read this article for the details.
That article includes instruction for adding the menu if you're using a version of Visual Studio post-VC6, which you probably are - read the "more information" section further down the article for that.
See DLGCBR32 MFC sample in the MSDN.
