I get "cannot assign requested address" error - linux

I am trying to run beanstalkd
if i use with port no 11300 it works or for the matter any other port
beanstalkd -d -l -p 11300
But if use external IP it doesn't work.
beanstalkd -d -l -p 11300
Should i enable the port or something . If i should how does it work in the first case and not the second

The IP address you pass to beanstalkd is the address that it binds to - if given, it will only accept connections to that address on the machine it runs on. So the address must be on one of the network interfaces on the machine you run it on.
If you want you can simply omit the -l <address> option to get beanstalkd to listen on all of the addresses on the host.


hostname -i vs hostname -I in linux

So I looked up on google about the difference between the output for hostname -i and hostname -I but couldn't get anything significant.
The output for hostname -i:
The output for hostname -I: 192.168.X.X.
All I could get was this:
-i: This option is used to get the IP(network) addresses. This option works only if the hostname is resolvable.
-I: This option is used to get all IP(network) addresses. The option doesn’t depend on the resolvability of the hostname.
It would be great if someone could elaborate on this for me.
From the information in your question I infer that your question is about linux hostname command. That's important as BSD flavor of that command (e.g. found in macOS system) has different argument set.
The man page for linux hostname command is actually very specific about the difference and you have posted already excerpt from it:
-i, --ip-address
Display the network address(es) of the host name. Note that this works only if the host name can be resolved. Avoid
using this option; use hostname --all-ip-addresses instead.
-I, --all-ip-addresses
Display all network addresses of the host. This option enumerates all configured addresses on all network interfaces.
The loopback interface and IPv6 link-local addresses are omitted. Contrary to option -i, this option does not depend
on name resolution. Do not make any assumptions about the order of the output.
The "address being resolved" (the -i argument) means that it is being resolved via DNS. You can get similar results by using some name resolution command as nslookup <yourhostname> or getent hosts <yourhostname>:
$ nslookup myhostname
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: myhostname
Address: X.X.X.X
The -I on the other hand iterates over all network interfaces of your host and sees how they are actually configured. That means it obtains the IP address via completely different method.
Assuming your hostname is set to myhost, hostname -i tries to resolve myhost. You probably have such a line in your /etc/hosts myhost
This will resolve myhost as
With hostname -I you get the addresses of your network interface(s), apparently without the loopback addresses. These addresses might be assigned by DHCP.
In your case with the output 192.168.X.X you only have one interface connected with only an IPv4 address.
My Ubuntu 19.10 system displays one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address when connected to WiFi only or two IPv4 and IPv6 addresses each when connected to both WiFi and Ethernet.

what is the bash command-line to connect to a network?

I am working in Linux/unix sh shell. I am following instructions to download data from a repository which consist of two mirrored systems.
Instructions say I must be able to make a http (Port 80) connection to both systems (or at least one) in order to download the data. What bash command-line should I use?
Use wget :
wget http://url/file.tar.gz
or if you want to check if port 80 is really open on the host , simply use telnet :
telnet server_ip 80
you should get some kind of reply. If no HTTP service running , you will get 'connection refused'
I'd say nmap is the best option here, since it gives a clear answer:
sudo nmap -sS -p80 <ip address>
The output is either something like
Host is up (0.027s latency).
80/tcp open http
or, in the negative case
Host is up (0.024s latency).
80/tcp filtered http
That is something you can easily pipe into a grep command:
sudo nmap -sS -p80 xx.xx.xx.xx | grep "/tcp"
This will result in either
80/tcp open http
80/tcp filtered http

Ssh port forwarding google compute engine

I am trying to forward traffic with google instances but no luck.
Here is the scenario:
I have 2 instances currently main-server, and mini-server-1
I want to ssh mini-server-1 from main-server and create a dynamic port forwarding like so:
gcloud compute ssh "mini-server-1" --zone="us-central1-f" --ssh-flag="-D:5551" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n" &
I have this error:
bind: Cannot assign requested address
I tried: ssh -N username#mini-server-1(all ips internal external, hostname) -D 5551 &
When i run netstat i can see that ports are free.
Here is wget with proxy from main-server
wget google.com -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response...
Does someone know how can i achieve this?
Much simpler syntax:
gcloud compute ssh my-vm-name --zone=europe-west1-b -- -NL 4000:localhost:4000
You can pass as many options as you want:
-NL 8080:localhost:80 -NL 8443:localhost:443
run the command with the debug flag to help you find more information:
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag=-vvv "mini-server-1" \
--zone="us-central1-f" \
--ssh-flag="-D:5551" \
--ssh-flag="-N" \
--ssh-flag="-n" &
and as mention in my comment before, use https_proxy.
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-L 2222:localhost:8080" --zone "us-central1-a" "your_instance_name"
With this command you can port forward and connect to a port running on a particular VM instance from your local PC
2222 refer to local IP
8080 is the remote port where our application will be running

ssh port forwarding (tunneling) in linux

I have a specific scenario that I want to solve. I currently connect to a host via port forwarding:
laptop -> gateway -> remote_server_1
and another host:
laptop -> remote_server_2
with passwordless login working on both. Neither of the remote servers are visible to the outside world. Now I'm running a service on remote_server_2, that I'd like to be able to access on remote_server_1. I presume I have to setup reverse port forwarding from remote_server_1 to my laptop, and then on to remote_server_2, but I'm not sure how to do this. Anyone come across this situation before?
The full solution in case anyone else needs it:
mylaptop$ ssh -L 3001:localhost:3000 server_2
server_2$ netcat -l 3000
Then setup the tunnel via gateway to server_1:
ssh -t -t -L 3003:server_1:22 gateway
Then access it from server_1:
ssh -R 3002:localhost:3001 -p3003 localhost
echo "bar" | nc localhost 3002`
and hey presto server_2 shows bar :-)
You have to do exactly as you've described. Setup the server on server_2.
mylaptop$ ssh -L 3001:localhost:3000 server_2
server_2$ netcat -l 3000
Then access to it from server_1.
mylaptop$ ssh -R 3002:localhost:3001 server_1
server_1$ echo "foo" | netcat localhost 3002
server_2 will show foo.

snmpset/get returns Timeout:no response for ipv6

I am using snmp to query and set some OIDs in IPv6 mode. I use the below snmp command. I have checked and configured it to listen to udp6:161.
snmpget -cpublic -v2c udp6:[2001:db8:3c4d::41a9:8e4e:a094:3840] .
It gives the result as
Timeout: No Response from udp6:[2001:db8:3c4d::41a9:8e4e:a094:3840]
The given ip address is also alive when checked using ping. Changed conf file to include rwcommunity6 and rocommunity6. What am I doing wrong?
As Cougar said in the comment, you must tell snmpd to listen to the ipv6 address. By default, snmpd only listens to udp4:. To get it to listen to multiple transports, you should specify each:
snmpd udp: udp6:
for example. Also, because the agent won't respond if the incoming packet is denied authorization, you can always run snmpd with the dump flag (-d) to show what traffic it is receiving. If it's not receiving it, you've found one problem. But if it is but not responding, you've found another. Make sure you run it in the foreground (-f) and with logging to stderr (-Le):
snmpd -f -Le -d udp: udp6:
Is it working for this command?
snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost .
It should give system description. If yes then it has been set correctly. Otherwise you need to set it using the command snmpconf -g basic_setup
