Stop BufferOverflow - NASM Input - linux

I am trying to write some basic input/output code to the terminal in Linux with NASM. I want to allow the user to input data but my problem is that I get a buffer overflow if the user enters more data than the buffer length. I am attempting to check if the inputted data is greater than the bufferlength and if so then ask the user to "Enter Data:" again.
Here is my current code:
BUFFLENGTH equ 8 ;The max length of our Buffer
Buff: resb BUFFLENGTH ;The buffer itself
Prompt: db "Enter Data: ",10
PromptLen: equ $-Prompt
global _start
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, Prompt
mov edx, PromptLen
int 80h
mov eax, 3 ;Specify sys_read call
mov ebx, 0; Specify File Descriptor 0 : STDIN (Default to keyboard input)
mov ecx, Buff; pass offset of the buffer to read to
mov edx, BUFFLENGTH ; Tell sys_read to read BUFFLEN
int 80h ;make kernel call
mov esi, eax
cmp byte[ecx+esi], BUFFLENGTH ;compare the returned bufferSize to BUFFLENGTH
jnbe DisplayPrompt ;Jump If Not Below or Equal To BUFFLENGTH
mov edx, eax ;grab the size of the buffer that was used (charachter length)
mov eax, 4 ;specify sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; specify File Descriptor 1: STDOUT
mov ecx, Buff ;pass the offset of the Buffer
int 80h ;make kernel call
mov eax, 1 ; Code for Exit syscall
mov ebx, 0 ; Exit code { = 0; Program ran OK }
int 80h ; make kernel call
I believe my error is in how I am comparing the data, here:
mov esi, eax
cmp byte[ecx+esi], BUFFLENGTH ;compare the returned bufferSize to BUFFLENGTH
jnbe DisplayPrompt ;Jump If Not Below or Equal To BUFFLENGTH
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

What you are calling "buffer overflow" here isn't the common definition of buffer overflow. If I understand correctly, what you are considering "buffer overflow" in this scenario is "The data spills over into terminal instead of limiting the user to not enter more data than the bufferlength". But in fact, the user can't enter more data than the buffer length. What is happening is that your read() reads 8 bytes from stdin and the remaining bytes "are still" in stdin where bash reads from when your program exits and the "\n" at the makes it try to execute the "spilling bytes" like you call them. There is no reason to change this since it's not a security issue at all. The user can't execute commands as the owner of the program that way.
If you really wanted to get rid of this, you could use malloc() to allocate a 'big enough' buffer. That way no matter how much the user inputs, the buffer will be big enough (depending on how much RAM you have, etc.) and you won't see those "spilling bytes" anymore.


NASM - How can I solve the input reading problem from the terminal? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Read STDIN using syscall READ in Linux: unconsumed input is sent to bash
(2 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
section .data
yourinputis db "your input is =",0
len equ $ - yourinputis
section .bss
msginput resb 10
section .text
global _start
mov eax,3 ;read syscall
mov ebx,2
mov ecx,msginput
mov edx,9 ; I don't know that is correct?
int 80h
mov eax,4 ;write syscall
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,yourinputis
mov edx,len
int 80h
mov eax,4 ;write syscall
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,msginput
mov edx,10
int 80h
mov eax,1 ;exit syscall
xor ebx,ebx
int 80h
This code working very well. But It is so terrible bug(for me:(). If I enter an input longer than 10 --->
012345678rm mycode
your input is 012345678$rm mycode
This is happening. And of course "mycode" is not exist right now.
What should I do?
EDIT:The entered input is correctly printed on the screen. But if you enter a long input, it moves after the 9th character to the shell and runs it.
In the example, the "rm mycode" after "012345678" is running in the shell.
If you enter more than 9 characters, they're left in the terminal driver's input buffer. When the program exits, the shell reads from the terminal and tries to execute the rest of the line as a command.
To prevent this, your program should keep reading in a loop until it gets a newline.
You can read the characters one by one until you reach 0x0a. Something like:
mov esi, msginput
mov eax,3 ;read syscall
mov ebx,0
mov ecx, esi
mov edx,1 ; I don't know that is correct?
int 80h
cmp byte[esi], 0x0a
je end
inc esi
jmp _loop
You would have to increase the size of msginput tho.
IMPORTANT: Do note that this is not the efficient way to do this (see the comments), it is only put here as an example to the answer above.

Finding the number of bytes of entered string at runtime

I'm new at learning assembly x86. I have written a program that asks the user to enter a number and then checks if it's even or odd and then print a message to display this information.
The code works fine but it has one problem. It only works for 1 digit numbers:
; Ask the user to enter a number from the keyboard
; Check if this number is odd or even and display a message to say this
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for linker (gcc)
_start: ;tell linker entry point
;Display 'Please enter a number'
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov ecx, msg1 ; message to be print
mov edx, len1 ; message length
int 80h ; perform system call
;Enter the number from the keyboard
mov eax, 3 ; sys_read
mov ebx, 2 ; file descriptor: stdin
mov ecx, myvariable ; destination (memory address)
mov edx, 4 ; size of the the memory location in bytes
int 80h ; perform system call
;Convert the variable to a number and check if even or odd
mov eax, [myvariable]
sub eax, '0' ;eax now has the number value
and eax, 01H
jz isEven
;Display 'The entered number is odd'
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov ecx, msg2 ; message to be print
mov edx, len2 ; message length
int 80h
jmp outProg
;Display 'The entered number is even'
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov ecx, msg3 ; message to be print
mov edx, len3 ; message length
int 80h
mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
section .data
msg1 db "Please enter a number: ", 0xA,0xD
len1 equ $- msg1
msg2 db "The entered number is odd", 0xA,0xD
len2 equ $- msg2
msg3 db "The entered number is even", 0xA,0xD
len3 equ $- msg3
segment .bss
myvariable resb 4
It does not work properly for numbers with more than 1 digit because it only takes in account the first byte(first digit) of the entered number so it only checks that. So I would need a way to find out how many digits(bytes) there are in the entered value that the user gives so I could do something like this:
;Convert the variable to a number and check if even or odd
mov eax, [myvariable+(number_of_digits-1)]
And only check eax which contains the last digit to see if it's even or odd.
Problem is I have no ideea how could I check how many bytes are in my number after the user has entered it.
I'm sure it's something very easy yet I have not been able to figure it out, nor have I found any solutions on how to do this on google. Please help me with this. Thank you!
You actually want movzx eax, byte [myvariable+(number_of_digits-1)] to only load 1 byte, not a dword. Or just directly test memory with test byte [...], 1. You can skip the sub because '0' is an even number; subtracting to convert from ASCII code to integer digit doesn't change the low bit.
But yes, you need least significant digit, the last (highest address) in printing / reading order.
A read system call returns the number of bytes read in EAX. (Or negative error code). This will include a newline if the user hit return, but not if the user redirected from a file that didn't end with a newline. (Or if they submitted input on a terminal using control-d after typing some digits). The most simple and robust way would be to simply loop looking for the first non-digit in the buffer.
But the "clever" / fun way would be to check if [mybuffer + eax - 1] is a digit, and if so use it. Otherwise check the previous byte. (Or just assume there's a newline and always check [mybuffer + eax - 2], the 2nd-last byte of what was read. (Or off the start of the buffer if the user just pressed return.)
(To efficiently check for an ASCII digit; sub al, '0' / cmp al, 9 / ja non_digit. See double condition checking in assembly / What is the idea behind ^= 32, that converts lowercase letters to upper and vice versa?)
Just for fun, here's a more compact version that always just checks the 2nd-last byte of the read() input. (It doesn't check for being a digit, and it reads outside the buffer for input lengths of 0 or 1, e.g. pressing control-D or return.) Also for read errors, e.g. redirect with strace ./oddeven <&- to close its stdin.
Note the interesting part:
; check if the low digit is even or odd
mov ecx, msg_even
mov edx, msg_odd ; these don't set flags and actually could be done after TEST
test byte [mybuf + eax - 2], 1 ; check the low bit of 2nd-last byte of the read input
cmovnz ecx, edx
;Display selected message
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov edx, msg_odd.len
int 80h ; write(1, digit&1 ? msg_odd : msg_even, msg_odd.len)
I used cmov, but a simple branch over a mov ecx, msg_odd would work. You don't need to duplicate the whole setup for the system call, just run it with the right pointer and length. (ECX and EDX values, and I padded the odd message with a space so I could use the same length for both.)
And this is a homebrewed static_assert(msg_odd.len == msg_even.len), using NASM's conditional directives ( It's not just a separate preprocessor like C has, it can use NASM numeric equ expressions.
%if msg_odd.len != msg_even.len
; homebrew assert with NASM preprocessor, since I chose to skip doing a 2nd cmov for the length
%warn we assume both messages have the same length
The full thing. I outside of the part shown above, I just tweaked comments to sometimes simplify when I thought it was too redundant, and used meaningful label names.
Also, I put .rodata and .bss at the top because NASM complained about referencing msg_odd.len before it was defined. (You previously had your strings in .data, but read-only data should generally go in .rodata, so the OS can share those pages between runs of the same program because they stay clean.)
Other fixes:
Linux/Unix uses 0xa line endings, \n not \n\r.
stdin is fd 0. 2 is stderr. (2 happens to work because terminal emulators normally run the shell with all 3 file descriptors referring to the same read+write open file description for the tty).
; Ask the user to enter a number from the keyboard
; Check if this number is odd or even and display a message to say this
section .rodata
msg_prompt db "Please enter a number: ", 0xA
.len equ $- msg_prompt
msg_odd db "The entered number is odd ", 0xA ; padded with a space for same length as even
.len equ $- msg_odd
msg_even db "The entered number is even", 0xA
.len equ $- msg_even
section .bss
mybuf resb 128
.len equ $ - mybuf
section .text
global _start
_start: ; ld defaults to starting at the top of the .text section, but exporting a symbol silences the warning and can make GDB work more easily.
; Display prompt
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov ecx, msg_prompt
mov edx, msg_prompt.len
int 80h ; perform system call
mov eax, 3 ; sys_read
xor ebx, ebx ; file descriptor: stdin
mov ecx, mybuf
mov edx, mybuf.len
int 80h ; read(0, mybuf, len)
; return value in EAX: negative for error, 0 for EOF, or positive byte count
; for this toy program, lets assume valid input ending with digit\n
; the newline will be at [mybuf + eax - 1]. The digit before that, at [mybuf + eax - 2].
; If the user just presses return, we'll access before the end of mybuf, and may segfault if it's at the start of a page.
; check if the low digit is even or odd
mov ecx, msg_even
mov edx, msg_odd ; these don't set flags and actually could be done after TEST
test byte [mybuf + eax - 2], 1 ; check the low bit of 2nd-last byte of the read input
cmovnz ecx, edx
;Display selected message
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor: stdout
mov edx, msg_odd.len
int 80h ; write(1, digit&1 ? msg_odd : msg_even, msg_odd.len)
%if msg_odd.len != msg_even.len
; homebrew assert with NASM preprocessor, since I chose to skip doing a 2nd cmov for the length
%warning we assume both messages have the same length
mov eax, 1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80 ; _exit(0)
assemble + link with nasm -felf32 oddeven.asm && ld -melf_i386 -o oddeven oddeven.o

Display contents of register

hi i need help displaying contents of a code is below.i have been able to display values of the data register but i want to display flag states. eg 1 or 0. and it would be helpful if to display also the contents of other registers like esi,ebp.
my code is not printing the states of the flags ..what am i missing
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for using gcc
_start : ;tell linker entry point
mov eax,msg ; moves message "rubi" to eax register
mov [reg],eax ; moves message from eax to reg variable
mov edx, 8 ;message length
mov ecx, [reg];message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
mov eax, 100
mov ebx, 100
cmp ebx,eax
pop dword eax
mov [save_flags],eax
mov edx, 8 ;message length
mov ecx,[save_flags] ;message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80
mov eax, 1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
section .data
msg db "rubi",10
section .bss
reg resb 100
save_flags resw 100
I'm not going for anything fancy here since this appears to be a homework assignment (two people have asked the same question today). This code should be made as a function, and it can have its performance enhanced. Since I don't get an honorary degree or an A in the class it doesn't make sense to me to offer the best solution, but one you can work from:
BITS_TO_DISPLAY equ 32 ; Number of least significant bits to display (1-32)
section .text
global _start ; must be declared for using gcc
_start : ; tell linker entry point
mov edx, msg_len ; message length
mov ecx, msg ; message to write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ; system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ; call kernel
mov eax, 100
mov ebx, 100
cmp ebx,eax
pop dword eax
; Convert binary to string by shifting the right most bit off EAX into
; the carry flag (CF) and convert the bit into a '0' or '1' and place
; in the save_flags buffer in reverse order. Nul terminate the string
; in the event you ever wish to use printf to print it
mov ecx, BITS_TO_DISPLAY ; Number of bits of EAX register to display
mov byte [save_flags+ecx], 0 ; Nul terminate binary string in case we use printf
xor bl, bl ; BL = 0
shr eax, 1 ; Shift right most bit into carry flag
adc bl, '0' ; bl = bl + '0' + Carry Flag
mov [save_flags-1+ecx], bl ; Place '0'/'1' into string buffer in reverse order
dec ecx
jnz bin2ascii ; Loop until all bits processed
mov edx, BITS_TO_DISPLAY ; message length
mov ecx, save_flags ; address of binary string to write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ; system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80
mov eax, 1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
section .data
msg db "rubi",10
msg_len equ $ - msg
section .bss
save_flags resb BITS_TO_DISPLAY+1 ; Add one byte for nul terminator in case we use printf
The idea behind this code is that we continually shift the bits (using the SHR instruction) in the EAX register to the right one bit at a time. The bit that gets shifted out of the register gets placed in the carry flag (CF). We can use ADC to add the value of the carry flag (0/1) to ASCII '0' to get an ASCII value of '0` and '1'. We place these bytes into destination buffer in reverse order since we are moving from right to left through the bits.
BITS_TO_DISPLAY can be set between 1 and 32 (since this is 32-bit code). If you are interested in the bottom 8 bits of a register set it to 8. If you want to display all the bits of a 32-bit register, specify 32.
Note that you can pop directly into memory.
And if you want to binary dump register and flag data with write(2), your system call needs to pass a pointer to the buffer, not the data itself. Use a mov-immediate to get the address into the register, rather than doing a load. Or lea to use a RIP-relative addressing mode. Or pass a pointer to where it's sitting on the stack, instead of copying it to a global!
mov edx, 8 ;message length
mov ecx,[save_flags] ;message to write ;;;;;;; <<<--- problem
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80
Passing a bad address to write(2) won't cause your program to receive a SIGSEGV, like it would if you used that address in user-space. Instead, write will return EFAULT. And you're not checking the return status from your system calls, so your code doesn't notice.
mov eax,msg ; moves message "rubi" to eax register
mov [reg],eax ; moves message from eax to reg variable
mov ecx, [reg];
This is silly. You should just mov ecx, msg to get the address of msg into ecx, rather than bouncing it through memory.
Are you building for 64bit? I see you're using 8 bytes for a message length. If so, you should be using the 64bit function call ABI (with syscall, not int 0x80). The system-call numbers are different. See the table in one of the links at x86. The 32bit ABI can only accept 32bit pointers. You will have a problem if you try to pass a pointer that has any of the high32 bits set.
You're probably also going to want to format the number into a string, unless you want to pipe your program's output into hexdump.

Why do I need to use [ ] (square brackets) when moving data from register to memory, but not when other way around?

This is the code I have and it works fine:
section .bss
bufflen equ 1024
buff: resb bufflen
whatread: resb 4
section .data
section .text
global main
mov eax,3 ; Specify sys_read
mov ebx,0 ; Specify standard input
mov ecx,buff ; Where to read to...
mov edx,bufflen ; How long to read
int 80h ; Tell linux to do its magic
; Eax currently has the return value from linux system call..
add eax, 30h ; Convert number to ASCII digit
mov [whatread],eax ; Store how many bytes has been read to memory at loc **whatread**
mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write
mov ebx,1 ; Specify standart output
mov ecx,whatread ; Get the address of whatread to ecx
mov edx,4 ; number of bytes to be written
int 80h ; Tell linux to do its work
mov eax, 1;
mov ebx, 0;
int 80h
Here is a simple run and output:
koray#koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ nasm -f elf -g -F dwarf buff.asm
koray#koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ gcc -o buff buff.o
koray#koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ ./buff
2koray#koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ ./buff
My question is: What is with these 2 instructions:
mov [whatread],eax ; Store how many byte reads info to memory at loc whatread
mov ecx,whatread ; Get the address of whatread in ecx
Why the first one works with [] but the other one without?
When I try replacing the second line above with:
mov ecx,[whatread] ; Get the address of whatread in ecx
the executable will not run properly, it will not shown anything in the console.
Using brackets and not using brackets are basically two different things:
A bracket means that the value in the memory at the given address is meant.
An expression without a bracket means that the address (or value) itself is meant.
mov ecx, 1234
Means: Write the value 1234 to the register ecx
mov ecx, [1234]
Means: Write the value that is stored in memory at address 1234 to the register ecx
mov [1234], ecx
Means: Write the value stored in ecx to the memory at address 1234
mov 1234, ecx
... makes no sense (in this syntax) because 1234 is a constant number which cannot be changed.
Linux "write" syscall (INT 80h, EAX=4) requires the address of the value to be written, not the value itself!
This is why you do not use brackets at this position!

Input a string of characters and output to uppercase

I'm trying to write a program which will convert a lowercase string of characters to uppercase, using a buffer to store the initial string. The problem that I'm experiencing is that my program will print out an infinite loop of characters which have to resemblence to the string I've given it.
Other problems that I believe exist in the code are as follows:
Some subroutines use ret at the end of the call. The problem that I'm having trouble with is figuring out which of these subroutines do not actually need a ret, and are better used with jmp. To be honest, I'm a little confused here between the semantics of the two. For example, does a subroutine called with ja need to be ret'ed at the end of the call?
I'm also trying to print out the number of iterations that occur within each iteration of the loop used to convert the values. For whatever reason, I'll inc the counter and resolve to print it with a PrintNumIter routine, which, alas, doesn't do anything unfortunately.
The complete program is as follows.
bits 32
[section .bss]
buf: resb 1024 ;allocate 1024 bytes of memory to buf
[section .data]
;ASCII comparison/conversion
LowercaseA: equ 0x61
LowercaseZ: equ 0x7A
SubToUppercase: equ 0x20
;IO specifiers/descriptors
EOF: equ 0x0
sys_read: equ 0x3
sys_write: equ 0x4
stdin: equ 0x0
stdout: equ 0x1
stderr: equ 0x2
;Kernel Commands/Program Directives
_exit: equ 0x1
exit_success: equ 0x0
execute_cmd: equ 0x80
;Memory Usage
buflen: equ 0x400 ;1KB of memory
iteration_count: db 0
query : db "Please enter a string of lowercase characters, and I will output them for you in uppercase ^.^: ", 10
querylen : equ $-query
[section .text]
global _start
; Entry Point
nop ;keep GDB from complaining
call AskUser
call Read
call SetupBuf
call Scan
call Write
jmp Exit
; IO Instructions
mov eax, sys_read ;we're going to read in something
mov ebx, stdin ;where we obtain this is from stdin
mov ecx, buf ;read data into buf
mov edx, buflen ;amount of data to read
int execute_cmd ;invoke kernel to do its bidding
mov eax, sys_write ;we're going to write something
mov ebx, stdout ;where we output this is going to be in stdout
mov ecx, buf ;buf goes into ecx; thus, whatever is in ecx gets written out to
mov edx, buflen ;write the entire buf
int execute_cmd ;invoke kernel to do its bidding
mov eax, sys_write
mov ebx, stdout
mov ecx, query
mov edx, querylen
int execute_cmd
mov eax, sys_write
mov ebx, stdout
push ecx ;save ecx's address
mov ecx, iteration_count ;print the value of iteration_count
mov edx, 4 ;print 4 bytes of data
int execute_cmd
pop ecx ;grab the value back in
; Program Preperation
mov ecx, esi ;place the number of bytes read into ecx
mov ebp, buf ;place the address of buf into ebp
dec ebp ;decrement buf by 1 to prevent "off by one" error
; Conversion Routines
sub dword [ebp + ecx], SubToLowercase ;grab the address of buf and sub its value to create uppercase character
call PrintNumIter ;print the current iteration within the loop
cmp dword [ebp + ecx], LowercaseA ;Test input char against lowercase 'a'
jb ToUpper ;If below 'a' in ASCII, then is not lowercase - goto ToLower
cmp dword [ebp + ecx], LowercaseZ ;Test input char against lowercase 'z'
ja ToUpper ;If above 'z' in ASCII, then is not lowercase - goto ToLower
dec ecx ;decrement ecx by one, so we can get the next character
inc byte [iteration_count] ;increment the __value__ in iteration count by 1
jnz Scan ;if ecx != 0, then continue the process
; dec ecx ;decrement ecx by one
; jnz Scan ;if ecx != 0 scan
; ret
mov eax, _exit
mov ebx, exit_success
int execute_cmd
Your problem is directly attributed to the fact that you never append a nul terminator to the end of your string buffer once you are done processing it (from what I remember, the read syscall doesn't read back a null).
unfortunately this is a little bit harder to do due to your odd control flow, but changing SetupBuf should do the trick (note, you should probably check that you haven't overflowed buf, but with 1KB, I doubt you'd need to worry for a learning program):
mov ecx, esi
mov ebp, buf
mov [ebp+ecx],0 ;make sure the string is nul terminated
dec ebp
Just note
On to another issue that seems to plague your code (which you have aptly noticed), your odd control flow. So simple guidelines (note: not rules, just guidelines) that hopefully help you on your way to less spagetti code:
JMP (and the conditional jumps) should only be used to go to lables in the same procedure, else you start getting in a bind because you cannot unwind back. the only other time you can use jumps is for tail-calls, but at this stage you shouldn't worry about that, its more confusion.
Always use CALL when you are going to another procedure, this allows you to return to the call site correctly with the RETN/RET instruction, making the control flow more logical.
A simple example:
print_num: ;PROC: num to print in ecx, ecx is caller preserved
push ecx
push num_format ; "%d\n"
call _printf
sub esp,8 ;cleanup for printf
print_loop_count: ;PROC: takes no args
mov ecx,0x10 ;loop 16 times
do_loop: ;LABEL: used as a jump target for the loop
;good idea to prefix jump lables with "." to differentiate them
push ecx ;save ecx
call print_num ;value to print is already in ecx
pop ecx ;restore ecx
dec ecx
jnz do_loop ;again?
