Realtime API self signed certificate - foursquare

I'm having a problem using the foursquare realtime API and a self signed certificate. Every time I make a test push I get back "Your Server returned: 502 Bad Gateway" but I'm 90% sure it's not actually reaching my server (I have it set to watch get & post at any address and nothing comes through, if I get/post to any address on the server it works. Local and remote.) Is there some kind of issue with self signed certs and the push api?

The 502 error makes it sound like it could be a configuration error on your side, unrelated to your actual code, or foursquare. Generally speaking, running self-signed certs should be fine for our Push API's, so I doubt that's your issue.
If you're not already familiar with 502 errors, you can read up on them a bit here:
I know you said it was working for general remote connections, but it's possible there's something your host doesn't like about requests originating from foursquare? We use Amazon Web Services, so the originating IPs come from a large pool of IP addresses that sometimes end up on block lists (if say, someone wrote a misbehaving app also on Amazon Web Services).


Production build of website can't make request to Node server while developement build can (possible SSL error ?)

I have a bit of a problem with a web page I'm making. Here's the situation :
I have a working NodeJs server that's online, hosted on a VPS.
I'm making a webpage that makes requests to this server. The requests work when I'm testing them from localhost or my local network.
When I put my website on my hosting service (different from the server), the requests fail.
Google Chrome return this error :
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
The domain I have registered for my webpage has TSL1.3 I think, it it https for sure. So I thought it was a mismatch, like my website couldn't make requests to a simple http server that doesn't have any SSL or whatnot.
But when I looked into setting my server to use SSL or TSL or something like that, I got really confused. People recommended I use cloudflare as it provides certificates for free, but Cloudflare only works with domains, not stuff that runs on VPS with only an IP adress. I also tried following Certbot instructions to make a certificate myself but my VPS doesn't support snapd, even though it's Ubuntu 20.04.
Any attempt on my part to follow the rabbit hole of SSL certificates hasn't yielded anything, that's why I'm posting here. I don't even know if somehow getting a ssl certifcate will solve the problem.
Any help is much appreciated

GraphQL subscription does not receive messages after successful handshake

I have created a simple GraphQL Subscription using Nest.js/Apollo GraphQL over Node.js. My client application which is a react.js/apollo client works find with the server. The client subscibes to the server via GraphQL similar to:
My problem is that it works only locally. When I deploy my server back-end to a hosted docker over internet, client won't receive data anymore.
I have traced the client, it sends GET request on ws:// and receives the successful HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols response. However, nothing is received from server like when the server was on my local machine. Checking the remote server log showed me that the client successfully connects to server. There, I can see onConnect log messages.
Now I need any guidance to solve the problem.
I check several things myself. Firstly, I thought WebSocket address is prohibited in the network but then realized that it is on same port as normal HTTP. Secondly, supposed that WebSocket messages/frames are transmitted over UDP but I was not correct, it is over TCP and no need to worry about network settings.
Additionally I have read several github threads and StackOverflow questions. But did not find any clue. I am not directly using Node.js/WebSocket, instead, I am using Nest.js/GraphqQL subscription. It has made my search tougher.
Your help is highly appreciated.

IBM Domino 502 Bad Gateway on redirect

In our application we have a REST integration with another service
It worked fine untill recently, however, sometimes we are returned with 502 Bad Gateway in the application
We send HTTP requests through curl and it seems that to be working but then we are presented with the error I described above
The client is believed to have a firewall installed
Whenever we face the problem, I usually ask the administrator to turn this thing off and it does the trick but I'm not sure whether it has something to do with the code?
My question is what causes such behaviour and how to avoid it in the future?

Use Electron-App (displaying an online Website) as a secure proxy to the local network

I've build a Web-App that is displayed in an Electron-App with Nativefier. That already works great, but now i need to send requests from the website to the local network to talk with some local devices which are (with it's ip-address) configured in the Web-App.
I had the idea to use the Electron-App as a "proxy" to the local network by using a javascript callback from the Website to the Electron-App (don't know if this is possible, just an idea), which then makes the local request because it's running on a computer in the same network.
The reason for this post is that i need ideas/tips to secure this and prevent allowing to talk to other than the desired Web-App (available under a certain domain) by developing something protective like checking or validating the Server, validating the request by sending it's hash back to the server or other methods.
So my questions are: is it generally a good idea to do something like this or is this a huge security problem and have anyone any tips to secure the communication and only allowing the communication to in the web-app configured devices in the local network?

why webRTC work by local Lan but not in Internet?

I create a webrtc sample based On this tutorial. this work on my local network fine and I can send and receive signal and videos. but when I connect from internet ti the server and two peer are not in same network video connection does not create.
I am using self sign Certificate and must add them two browsers.
there is no error or exception. my signaling server is a web socket server written in nodejs.
Original Answer
I believe that you require a HTTPS (SSL certificate) if you are using Chrome +47 to be deployed online, but is not required if serving from a local machine on the same network.
According to caniuse; Edge and Firefox may yield non blocking results (but prefix with moz):
The issue isn't necessarily WebRTC but getUserMedia/Stream API isn't provided when the called from a non-secure site (or non-localhost address).
Attached Image:
Did a bit more digging around, and the following answer is related to the question getUserMedia() in chrome 47 without using https i.e. possible duplicate;
You "can" launch a Chrome browser to accept the insecure origin; however, that's temp. fix, whereas you'd probably want to get a certificate.
chrome.exe --user-data-dir=/test/only/profile/dir --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=""
