cassandra read performance for large number of keys - cassandra

Here is situation
I am trying to fetch around 10k keys from CF.
Size of cluster : 10 nodes
Data on node : 250 GB
Heap allotted : 12 GB
Snitch used : property snitch with 2 racks in same Data center.
no. of sstables for cf per node : around 8 to 10
I am supercolumn approach.Each row contains around 300 supercolumn which in terms contain 5-10 columns.I am firing multiget with 10k row keys and 1 supercolumn.
When fire the call 1st time it take around 30 to 50 secs to return the result.After that cassandra serves the data from key cache.Then it return the result in 2-4 secs.
So cassandra read performance is hampering our project.I am using phpcassa.Is there any way I can tweak cassandra servers so that I can get result faster?
Is super column approach affects the read performance?

Use of super columns is best suited for use cases where the number of sub-columns is a relatively small number. Read more here:

Just in case you haven't done this already, since you're using phpcassa library, make sure that you've compiled the Thrift library. Per the "INSTALLING" text file in the phpcassa library folder:
Using the C Extension
The C extension is crucial for phpcassa's performance.
You need to configure and make to be able to use the C extension.
cd thrift/ext/thrift_protocol
sudo make install
Add the following line to your php.ini file:

After doing much of RND about this stuff we figured there is no way you can get this working optimally.
When cassandra is fetching these 10k rows 1st time it is going to take time and there is no way to optimize this.
1) However in practical, probability of people accessing same records are more.So we take maximum advantage of key cache.Default setting for key cache is 2 MB. So we can afford to increase it to 128 MB with no problems of memory.
After data loading run the expected queries to warm up the key cache.
2) JVM works optimally at 8-10 GB (Dont have numbers to prove it.Just observation).
3) Most important if you are using physical machines (not cloud OR virtual machine) then do check out the disk scheduler you are using.Set it NOOP which is good for cassandra as it reads all keys from one section reducing disk header movement.
Above changes helped to bring down time required for querying within acceptable limits.
Along with above changes if you have CFs which are small in size but frequently accessed enable row caching for it.
Hope above info is useful.


Cassandra : how to prevent and debug node going Out Of Memory?

I have Cassandra nodes that go regularly out of memory, and it is difficult to find out why.
could you list the things I have to check to avoid a node going out of memory ?
how to debug when a node go out of memory ?
Thank you
It is not possible to tell exact root cause without heap dump or error logs please set up heap dump
follow link then only we can get actual reason .
Some possible reason
Your rows are probably growing too big to fit in RAM when it comes time to compact them. A compaction requires the entire row to fit in RAM.
There's also a hard limit of 2 billion columns per row but in reality you shouldn't ever let rows grow that wide. Bucket them by adding a day or server name or some other value common across your dataset to your row keys.
For a "write-often read-almost-never" workload you can have very wide rows but you shouldn't come close to the 2 billion column mark. Keep it in millions with bucketing.
For a write/read mixed workload where you're reading entire rows frequently even hundreds of columns may be too much.

DCE Cassandra 3.9 slow secondary index creation during joining existing cluster

We have cassandra cluster with 32 nodes, average node size is about 1TB. Node configuration 1xIntel Xeon E3-1271v3, 32GB ram, 2x3TB HDD.
We have one DB with some small tables and one big table, that holds is about 90-95% of total cluster size.
I try to add additional nodes to this cluster, but suddenly find out, that adding one node to existing cluster take is about 13-14 days for joining to cluster. Build secondary indexes take most of this time and all this time i see that all compactor threads take all available CPU.
I have changed cassandra config to extends limits:
concurrent_compactors: 4
compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 0
Cassandra full config
Is about 1 year ago we also add new nodes to this cluster and extend it from 16 nodes to 32 nodes cluster, average node size was 1TB before cluster extends. Cassandra version was 2.1. One node joining time was 1-1.5days.
So the question how can we speed up this process ? Did we miss something ?
This one is a bit longer so I can't put it into comment ... sorry.
I know that this sounds a bit strange, especially for a later stage of
your project, but the thing is with the indexes the situation won't get
any better over time. I would strongly recommend to start making your own
tables instead of just putting index on following stuff. Depending on
how often the data is accessed you can use "inverted indexes".
CREATE INDEX links_by_author_url_idx ON keyspace.links_by_author (url);
CREATE INDEX docs_url_idx ON (url);
CREATE INDEX om_master_object_id_idx ON (master_object_id);
CREATE INDEX actions_pday_idx ON keyspace.actions (pday);
CREATE INDEX authors_yauid_idx ON keyspace.authors (yauid);
CREATE INDEX authors_login_lr_idx ON keyspace.authors (login_lr);
CREATE INDEX authors_login_idx ON keyspace.authors (login);
CREATE INDEX authors_email_idx ON keyspace.authors (email);
CREATE INDEX authors_name_idx ON keyspace.authors (name);
Basically every index that you have here enables you to "search" over base
entities to find them by some condition. Most of the conditions are
actually pretty narrow which is a good news. But the thing is the indexes
will become massive (already did), especially on docs and authors. But I guess
doc's is more problematic.
You should consider making separate tables for this. Every index that
you create will be there on every node in the cluster and in the end
you will hold far more data than you really need too because under
the hood data is multiplied per node. When you add replication factor to this
system is using a lot of space without you even being aware.
The problem with joining nodes is that when they receive new data all
the data in the cluster needs to be rebuilt ... for every single node
in the cluster and this is costing you a lot of time. So basically you loose
all the benefits of "easy node joining" that cassandra has.
Now you might think that space will become problem when you write the data
into your new schema that is denormalized ....
If space is the problem you can use a technique called inverted indexes
where you just put the id of the information into the search table and
then you make second load in the main table. I used this on some project
where space was the issue but since you have all the main stuff indexed
space will probably not be a problem because you are already using a lot
more than you think. (my bet would be that you will also probably save significantly on space)
Anyway all the indexes should become tables ... if consistency is problem,
use batches (don't use materialized views yet because you might loose data).
My honest tip is that you stay away from indexes. I know
it's hell to refactor this plus it's hard to get the time to refactor :( But
I think it should be manageable.

Cassandra cluster - data density (data size per node) - looking for feedback and advises

I am considering the design of a Cassandra cluster.
The use case would be storing large rows of tiny samples for time series data (using KairosDB), data will be almost immutable (very rare delete, no updates). That part is working very well.
However, after several years the data will be quite large (it wil reach a maximum size of several hundreds of terabytes - over one petabyte considering the replication factor).
I am aware of advice not to use more than 5TB of data per Cassandra node because of high I/O loads during compactions and repairs (which is apparently already quite high for spinning disks).
Since we don't want to build an entire datacenter with hundreds of nodes for this use case, I am investigating if this would be workable to have high density servers on spinning disks (e.g. at least 10TB or 20TB per node using spinning disks in RAID10 or JBOD, servers would have good CPU and RAM so the system will be I/O bound).
The amount of read/write in Cassandra per second will be manageable by a small cluster without any stress. I can also mention that this is not a high performance transactional system but a datastore for storage, retrievals and some analysis, and data will be almost immutable - so even if a compaction or a repair/reconstruction that take several days of several servers at the same time it's probably not going to be an issue at all.
I am wondering if some people have an experience feedback for high server density using spinning disks and what configuration you are using (Cassandra version, data size per node, disk size per node, disk config: JBOD/RAID, type of hardware).
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Best regards.
The risk of super dense nodes isn't necessarily maxing IO during repair and compaction - it's the inability to reliably resolve a total node failure. In your reply to Jim Meyer, you note that RAID5 is discouraged because the probability of failure during rebuild is too high - that same potential failure is the primary argument against super dense nodes.
In the days pre-vnodes, if you had a 20T node that died, and you had to restore it, you'd have to stream 20T from the neighboring (2-4) nodes, which would max out all of those nodes, increase their likelihood of failure, and it would take (hours/days) to restore the down node. In that time, you're running with reduced redundancy, which is a likely risk if you value your data.
One of the reasons vnodes were appreciated by many people is that it distributes load across more neighbors - now, streaming operations to bootstrap your replacement node come from dozens of machines, spreading the load. However, you still have the fundamental problem: you have to get 20T of data onto the node without bootstrap failing. Streaming has long been more fragile than desired, and the odds of streaming 20T without failure on cloud networks are not fantastic (though again, it's getting better and better).
Can you run 20T nodes? Sure. But what's the point? Why not run 5 4T nodes - you get more redundancy, you can scale down the CPU/memory accordingly, and you don't have to worry about re-bootstrapping 20T all at once.
Our "dense" nodes are 4T GP2 EBS volumes with Cassandra 2.1.x (x >= 7 to avoid the OOMs in 2.1.5/6). We use a single volume, because while you suggest "cassandra now supports JBOD quite well", our experience is that relying on Cassandra's balancing algorithms is unlikely to give you quite what you think it will - IO will thundering herd between devices (overwhelm one, then overwhelm the next, and so on), they'll fill asymmetrically. That, to me, is a great argument against lots of small volumes - I'd rather just see consistent usage on a single volume.
I haven't used KairosDB, but if it gives you some control over how Cassandra is used, you could look into a few things:
See if you can use incremental repairs instead of full repairs. Since your data is an immutable time series, you won't often need to repair old SSTables, so incremental repairs would just repair recent data.
Archive old data in a different keyspace, and only repair that keyspace infrequently such as when there is a topology change. For routine repairs, only repair the "hot" keyspace you use for recent data.
Experiment with using a different compaction strategy, perhaps DateTiered. This might reduce the amount of time spent on compaction since it would spend less time compacting old data.
There are other repair options that might help, for example I've found the the -local option speeds up repairs significantly if you are running multiple data centers. Or perhaps you could run limited repairs more frequently rather than performance killing full repairs on everything.
I have some Cassandra clusters that use RAID5. This has worked fine so far, but if two disks in the array fail then the node becomes unusable since writes to the array are disabled. Then someone must manually intervene to fix the failed disks or remove the node from the cluster. If you have a lot of nodes, then disk failures will be a fairly common occurrence.
If no one gives you an answer about running 20 TB nodes, I'd suggest running some experiments on your own dataset. Set up a single 20 TB node and fill it with your data. As you fill it, monitor the write throughput and see if there are intolerable drops in throughput when compactions happen, and at how many TB it becomes intolerable. Then have an empty 20 TB node join the cluster and run a full repair on the new node and see how long it takes to migrate its half of the dataset to it. This would give you an idea of how long it would take to replace a failed node in your cluster.
Hope that helps.
I would recommend to think about the data model of your application and how to partition your data. For time series data it would probably make sense to use a composite key [1] which consists of a partition key + one or more columns. Partitions are distributed across multiple servers according to the hash of the partition key (depending on the Cassandra Partitioner that you use, see cassandra.yaml).
For example, you could partition your server by device that generates the data (Pattern 1 in [2]) or by a period of time (e.g., per day) as shown in Pattern 2 in [2].
You should also be aware that the max number of values per partition is limited to 2 billion [3]. So, partitioning is highly recommended. Don't store your entire time series on a single Cassandra node in a single partition.

Elasticsearch bad indexing time

I am trying to migrate (copy) 35 million documents (which is a standard amount, not too big) between couchbase to elasticsearch.
My elasticsearch (version 1.3) cluster composed from 3 A3 (4 cores, 7 GB memory) CentOS Severs on Microsoft Azure (each server equals to a large server on Amazon)..
I used "timing data flow" indexing to store the docuemnts. each index represents a month and composed by 3 shards and 2 replicas.
when i start the migration script i see that the insertion time is becoming very slow (about 10 documents per second) and the load average of each server in the cluster jumping over than 1.5.
In addition, the JVM memory is being increased almost to 100% while the cpu shows 20% and the IOps shows 20 at max.
(i used Marvel CNC to get all these data)
Does anyone faced these kind of indexing problems in elasticsearch?
I would like to know if there are any parameters that i should be aware about to extend java memory?
is my cluster specifications good enough to handle 100 indexing per second.
is the indexing time depends on how big is the index? and should it be that slow?
Thnx Niv
I am quoting an answer I got in google group (link)
A couple of suggestions:
Disable replicas before large amounts of inserts (set replica count to 0), and only enable it afterwards again.
Use batching, actual batch size would depends on many factors (doc sizes, network, instances strengths)
Follow ES's advice on node setup, e.g. allocate 50% of the available memory size to the Java heap of ES, don't run anything else
on that machine, and disable swappiness.
Your index is already sharded, try spreading it out to 3 different servers instead of having them on one server ("virtual shards"). This
will help fan out the indexing load.
If you don't specify the document IDs yourself, make sure you use the latest ES, there's a significant improvement there in the ID
generation mechanism which could help speeding up things.
I applied points 1 & 3 and it seems that the problems solved :)
now i am indexing in rate of 80 docs per second and the load avg is low (0.7 at max)
I have to give the credit to Itamar Syn-Hershko that posted this reply.

Cassandra multiget performance

I've got a cassandra cluster with a fairly small number of rows (2 million or so, which I would hope is "small" for cassandra). Each row is keyed on a unique UUID, and each row has about 200 columns (give or take a few). All in all these are pretty small rows, no binary data or large amounts of text. Just short strings.
I've just finished the initial import into the cassandra cluster from our old database. I've tuned the hell out of cassandra on each machine. There were hundreds of millions of writes, but no reads. Now that it's time to USE this thing, I'm finding that read speeds are absolutely dismal. I'm doing a multiget using pycassa on anywhere from 500 to 10000 rows at a time. Even at 500 rows, the performance is awful sometimes taking 30+ seconds.
What would cause this type of behavior? What sort of things would you recommend after a large import like this? Thanks.
Sounds like you are io-bottlenecked. Cassandra does about 4000 reads/s per core, IF your data fits in ram. Otherwise you will be seek-bound just like anything else.
I note that normally "tuning the hell" out of a system is reserved for AFTER you start putting load on it. :)
Is it an option to split up the multi-get into smaller chunks? By doing this you would be able to spread your get across multiple nodes, and potentially increase your performance, both by spreading the load across nodes and having smaller packets to deserialize.
That brings me to the next question, what is your read consistency set to? In addition to an IO bottleneck as #jbellis mentioned, you could also have a network traffic issue if you are requiring a particularly high level of consistency.
