How Secure is MonoTouch? - xamarin.ios

Due to MonoTouch using dll's within the actual app, how secure is this approach? For instance, if someone is using the Mono.Security.dll, couldn't someone swap out that dll with one which implemented the methods and perform a code injection attack on an app?

how secure is this approach?
As much as any existing ones I know :-)
couldn't someone swap out that dll
No for several reasons.
You cannot change the applications files. That would break the digital signature and iOS won't execute it. That alone removes a MitM attack;
the code from every .dll is already compiled to native code (by the AOT compiler) and part of the main executable binary. Swapping a new .dll won't change the code that is executed;
the .dll that is deployed on devices is stripped (for release builds). There's no IL (code) inside it since it would not be useful (we can't JIT on iOS). Even if you add a .dll with IL code (e.g. a debug build) it won't be executed (again it would require JITting);
Why are the .dll deployed ? for their metadata (e.g. if you use reflection)
Final note: MonoTouch produce native ARM executables just like Objective-C would.


ServiceStack and Fody Costura

I'm pretty new to ServiceStack, so apologies in advance if the nomenclature is not 100%.
I create a test self-hosted application and the ServiceStack Service was in the same assembly as the mainline code. All good.
I then moved the code to production use, and service now lives in a separate assembly to the main code. Initially, I have a test harness that I use to make sure everything works fine, and then a windows service that references that same assembly. Fairly sure this would be normal usage.
The test harness works fine, however for production use, I have used Fody Costura to embed the assemblies into a single executable (makes it easier to copy from dev machine to production machine was my thinking).
When using Fody Costura to embed the assembly into the executable, ServiceStack returns an error during the Init() (invalid path). I have tested this and it seems that the ServiceStack Service class needs to be in a physical assembly file that can be loaded, and not a resource.
Is there are known work around for this, or do I need to retain the code in its own assembly for ServiceStack to work?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not familiar with Fody Costura impact, but the ServiceStack.Gap project shows how you can ILMerge ServiceStack into a single cross-platform .exe.

The purpose of msvcp90 and other ms related dlls

What is this and what is it purpose. I notice that when i compile my console apps in c++ is dynamically links it. I'm just curious what purpose this file serves and is it exploitable in the sense that if it has to be on every ones machine to run c code , is there some way for Microsoft or some other entity to exploit it for malicious ends.
That is the Standard C++ Library for native code, here you can read more about these libraries:

Mixing /MD and /MT in single dll

I have dll project in Visual Studio 2012, which is compiled with /MT (static multi-threaded runtime library). It also links third-party static lib, also compiled with /MT (library A), no problem so far.
The problem comes with another static lib (library B), which is unfortunatelly compiled with /MD. In my dll, i need to link both and there is no alternative to any of them (and I cannot recompile them with different option). I was able to successfully link everything together, but now I have problems with memory allocation and deletion - sometimes it fails to delete allocated object, sometimes another weird errors occurs. I believe it's caused by mixed memory managment functions, used by different parts of my dll - when new is called, object is created in library B, but when delete is called, it tries to release memory using different set of functions-, but I might be wrong.
So my question is, is this really caused by mixed memory-managment functions? And if so, is there any way to get this work together?
The only solution I think of is to wrap library B in another dll compiled with /MD and then use it from original dll to ensure different memory managment functions will be used. I'm not sure, if this would help and I would like to avoid it.
You already seem to have understood the cause of the problems you're seeing, and it is described on MSDN as follows
If it's really not possible to get all your linked libraries to use the same version of the CRT, then your only possible choice is to avoid passing CRT objects across the boundaries of these modules. Whether or not you can do this with your scenario is entireley dependent on your application. The crucial point in the above article is this sentence:
If you design your DLL so that it passes CRT objects across the boundary or allocates memory and expects it to be freed outside the DLL, you restrict the DLL users to use the same copy of the CRT library as the DLL. The DLL and its users use the same copy of the CRT library only if both are linked with the same version of the CRT DLL.
I know you've stated that it is not possible to obtain or build compatible modules to link to your application but I would recommend that you revisit this exhaustively and avoid mixing different CRT libraries at all costs.

Is InternalsVisibleTo available to allow MonoTouch Unit Tests access to the internal of a MT Lib?

Can you use the InternalsVisibleTo assembly attribute in a AssemblyInfo file of a MonoTouch Library to allow MonoTouch Unit Test (Touch.Unit) access to the internals of the MonoTouch library?
This is something that is great to use in non-MonoTouch world to allow testing of internals without having to jump through hoops. However I am not able to get it working with a MonoTouch Unit Test. So before I go any futher I figured I would ask if it is even possible, since this is an iOS Application that is the test runner, so not sure if an iOS application which is compiled to native code can even do this.
Yes, it should (or it's a bug) even if I do not recall trying it myself.
The key point is that [InternalsVisibleTo] is mostly a compiler trick and it is supported by the C# compiler (smcs) shipped with MonoTouch (as it's used inside the BCL). As such there's no reason why it should not work from a Touch.Unit-based application.
Now keep in mind that all other rules still applies. E.g. if the the managed linker is enabled when all unused code will be removed (even if marked with the attribute).

Crash using variables declared __declspec(thread)

I have a DLL (written in C) that uses static thread local storage (__declspec(thread)), and I want to use this DLL from a Visual Basic graphic interface.
Unfortunately, when running the interface on Windows XP that DLL which use static thread local storage crashes when it try to acess its thread variables.
How can I solve this problem?
I would like to not modify the DLL.
This is a known limitation of static TLS. Although you aren't explicitly calling LoadLibrary(), the VB runtime does so on your behalf.
Note that this limitation has been lifted from Vista. The most comprehensive reference that I know of is on Ken Johnson's blog.
You may be able to get around the problem if you could get the DLL included in the imports table of the generated .exe, which would likely involve some PE hacking and I'm far from certain it's a viable strategy. Otherwise you'll need to change the DLL.
