How to access all active sessions in CherryPy - cherrypy

I want to restrict number of sessions that are logged in as admins (to 1).
I would like to just go through the list of active sessions and check if they are logged in as admin. This way I don't have to track login, logout, sessions expiring. Unfortunately there seems no obvious way to do that.
I know there are concurrency issues, but creating a simple lock around the code is simple enough.
Using cherrypy 3.2.I'm using in-memory session store.

Found a way using some of CherryPy internal structres:
for id, session in cherrypy.session.cache.items():
if session[0].get("login") == "admin":
admin_count += 1
Where "login" is any session parameter.


Caching user permissions in redis, good idea?

For last few days I am working on improving app performance. What do you think about caching user data and permission in redis? In my case every time when user create post or try to upload file app check in database, if user exist and fetch user permission and role. My first idea was to put permission and user role in session but user can have multiple session on different device, so every time when user get ban or user permission change app need to update every user's session and as far as I know express-session do not support this kind of feature.
Unfortunately it's a very open question with no strict answer. But as an advice, I'd say Redis is perfect for storing user session altogether. Moving parts of the session would still require you to query the database (you get the session, you must query for user information, and also ping Redis for permissions & roles). So I think you should put all session data in one place, and the fastest would be Redis. It would also let you save that data so it's not entirely in the memory. There are also many ways to optimize it, like when to write the data (like every second) and so forth.
Querying Redis is extremely fast and efficient since you don't have any user to user relations, and most of the times you won't search on anything different than "get me that user session by id".
It's a very standard solution to put user session in Redis, if not the most often used one :) Good luck!

Should I use cookies, sessions, or user accounts?

I'm trying to develop a website for reviewing TV series, and I want to limit the rating for a show to one rating per user, and I kind of have no idea where to start, since I'm very new to web development. I'm using Vue.js on the front-end; Node.js with Express on the back-end.
From what I understand, cookies should not be suitable for this purpose since they can be deleted by the user, am I right?
I've also read about sessions and how they are stored on the server rather than the browser (but I also don't know what sessions are or how to implement them).
There's also the user registration system possibility. So, which one of these methods should I use for this purpose?
If you could also tell me about where to start (direct me to tutorials, code snippets, ..) I would be really grateful. Thanks.
Like said by Mr. Anonymous, you need User Accounts. However you could achieve this using in your case, for example, expressjs/session to create sessions and passport.js for the user authentication part.
Here there is a simple tutorial using these two libraries and mongo-db for saving user data.
If you want implement your own session library (only for learning purpose), you can follow these advices.
You need to use all 3 and if your new to web development this will take you some time to get right. You will need user registration, a login system, and when users log in you will create sessions ( which internally use cookies) and if you want them to login with "remember me" you need to explicitly use cookies.
This is how express/your-web-app will remember that a user is logged in. Under the hood its using cookies on the users machine that map to ids stored in memory on your server. Without sessions and cookies your users will have to log in on every page....You don't have to worry about how sessions use cookies yourself. There is express middleware libraries that handle this for you so you just interact with sessions like any other object, but its good to know that sessions internally use cookies. You can find lots of articles expanding on this.
You will explicitly have to create cookies if you want to give your users the "Remember Me" login option. If you don't care about that then you can force them to log in and then create a session so they wont have to log in again for 20 mins or however long you want.
User Accounts
User accounts are records in a database that uniquely identify each user. The sessions and cookies all point back to this. That is where your store your users information such as their username, email, and whether or not they have already voted on a TV series. When a user logs in you lookup their identity in your database and if you find one you then create a session so they don't have log in again as they navigate your site for a set amount of time.
Start small. Forget about Vue.js for now and use plain HTML until you understand these basic components sessions, cookies, and how to build a login and registration page. If, and I respectfully mean if, you get that working then you can work on making it look pretty and fancy in the front using Vue.js.

php5 $_SESSION security

I read sessions and security questions on stackoverflow, and much beyond. I think I know the answer, but I want to confirm it with one concise simple question--security is too important.
Conjecture: My black hat web visitor does not have direct access to his $_SESSION contents.
that is, after my server executes
$_SESSION['myuserprivilege']='user' ;
I can assume that even the most clever blackhat cannot somehow find out even that my code did this, interrogate to what my php program set his server $_SESSION to (both keys and contents), or (much worse) engineer $_SESSION['myuserprivilege'] = 'admin'. only my own server php code can do so.
I still have to be concerned that a blackhat can steal the cookie of a different admin user ( => https and session rotation). but that's a different issue.
The values of the session are stored in your server, not in the user machine. So, no... No one can see or set that value without access to your server or any security problem in your code. It's like money in a safe, only who have access can get it or if the safe isn't secure enough.
And about cookie stealing, this is called session hijacking. It's common tecnique used to steal a session from another user. You can get more information here.
Basically if a person get the id of the session of a logged admin and the application doesn't have any approach to avoid this kind of situation, this person can have access to that user privileges.
Anyone can set a cookie in your website, but sessions has one thing called "PHP Session ID", so to get some value from a session, this person need to know a valid session id that have privileges to some part of application.
Session routation is not a problem, the chances to get some session from anyone that have this privileges is really, really hard. You also can use more characters in your session to make it more harder, but o don't think it's necessary.
Final answer: No one cannot set a session in our website, just who has access do the code and your server can do it.

Limit the number of concurrent sessions per user on PassportJS

As the title sais, I need to set a upper limit for concurrent sessions per user for a web app to prevent account sharing.
I'm using local strategy in passportjs (on node platform) for authentication.
What is the best practice to do so? Is counting the number of login requests (where the sessions are being created) enough?
I ended up adding another field to the session's table for keeping track of user_ids.
At each login action which the sessions are being created, I query all the sessions for the current user and delete them if they are over the limit.
For each successful login, you will need to maintain a session record in your database. When someone attempts to login, you will need to query the database to count the number of active sessions.
Your idea of counting the number of login requests doesn't work for a few reasons:
If the server restarts, the count would be lost, whereas the users would still be authenticated.
It does not scale with multiple Node processes, as each Node process will have no way of communicating login attempts to other processes.

General user session handling (Nodejs)

I wrote a simple webserver with nodejs and express. I implemented an user authentication with email username and password. Furthermore I have a remember-function which stores the user id and pwd hash into a cookie. Now I would like an extra session that ends when the user will close his browser or click to the logout button.
Which way is the best practice for implementation? Is the session the same like the remember-function with an expire time and in each request I must check the credentials against the database? (I'm not that sure about this)
Technologies that I'm using: nodejs, express, mongodb
This is not a nodejs question only, I would prefer a general explanation for the problem.
Let me get this out of the way first; Storing the password hash into a cookie would allow anyone to login when they have the password hash and that would be disastrous if the password hashes ever got exposed for some reason. Encrypting cookies is just fine, but don't allow the actual hash you store in the database to be used for authentication. Ever.
About re-authentication, Node is a technology that operates on a single thread and is scaled by running more instances over multiple processors and/or machines. Keeping sessions is a good idea to avoid trips to the database, but you have to think about the architecture as well. What happens if you, say, use sessions stored in files (ala PHP) and you need to scale to multiple machines? Nothing good, at least. So you need a central point to keep track of the sessions.
This can be either your database (MongoDB) or something such as Redis, or another centralized mechanism allowing you to check sessions. Either way, you will have to spend time doing the request and retrieving the session values for the client. If you do not have additional values you need to store it makes no sense to create a dedicated session architecture (that needs expiration, and so forth) and just doing the authentication again is the easiest and most logical solution.
Personally I almost never need sessions and just do authentication again.
