Clojure Security: Information Flow + Capability System - security

Is there something like as a DSL inside of Clojure?
I'm aware of: and
However, neither provides what I want.
I'm a big fan of both capability systems and information flow. And I'm wondering if anyone has developed Clojure DSLs for these two techniques. The following would be ideal:
all objects have some tag (say in it's meta table) that lists who has read access to the object
when I want to run a query as user "foo", I set some context var saying "now, use only the capabilities of foo" -- then the function, when it tries to reach objects, either gets the object (if foo has access to it) or nil (if foo does not have access to it). Leaking information bout the existence of objects is not a big deal to me at the moment.
So the question is -- is this something easy to do as a Clojure DSL? Where each object has some capability tag, and we can execute pieces of function/code under certain tags, and the runtime system makes sure that no one gets access to things they're not supposed to access.

you can do this with metadata and preconditions and then create macros to add a DSL/syntax to it, though I would recommend skipping the macros and going for just preconditions and metadata.
Each object would have a piece of metadata with a list of it's capabilities.
Each function would have a precondition that checked the metadata.


Codesys DTU in library

We are working on a data logging code and I would like to make a library of it.
The only thing that different programs will need to define is the type strict for the sample that the want to save. The library will save a sample every x period. But I don't know exactly how to have an external DTU in the library code? Is possible to declare the DTU as an interface or something similar? There must be a way to do so but not so sure what it is.
CODESYS does not have generics, there is no way around that. Although I am not convinced it would be an elegant or fitting design, there is one way you might be able to do if you really want your type to be visible in your logging library, but it has serious drawbacks.
You can create another library, or more accurately a family of libraries that will all use the same placeholder. Each of these libraries can define a type of the same name. Reference this placeholder from your logging library, so that it will resolve the name. That will allow your library to compile. Then, by controlling which library the placeholder resolves to inside the project, you can select which type is used. The big downside is you cannot use your logging library with two different types inside the same project, as you cannot get a placeholder to resolve to two libraries at the same time.
Personally, I would probably implement the logging library with some sort of log entry writer as a function block that contains size + arrays of bytes and manages the details of actual logging, and then define inherited function blocks in projects/libraries that need logging. Each of these inherited function blocks would give access to the bytes in a typed way (method, exposed reference/pointer) and assign the size based on the data type used (SIZEOF in FB_Init, for instance). This requires a bit of code for each type, but really not much, and new types are easy to add with a 20-second copy+paste+modify.

How to add a flatbuffer object to a new object?

I understand how to use the FlatBufferBuilder and specific type builder (e.g., MyNestedTableBuilder) to get the WIPOffset and then use that to get the finished_data buffer (&[u8]). I then have been using get_root to get an object based on the buffer, so now I have an instance of MyNestedTable. Then I need to pass that to another function and create a new table instance via a new builder, MyTable, that has the field add_my_nested_table. I cannot see how to do this without unpacking MyNestedTable and rebuilding it again (which seems very inefficient). I am sure there is a good way to do this, I just haven't found it, even after studying the generated code and API.
Generally we have a need to pass objects around and reuse them, over the network or via API calls in Rust.
MyNestedTable isn't really an object, it is a handle to data inside the serialized data (your [u8]), and any field accesses look up this data on the fly.
None of the base APIs for any of the FlatBuffers supported languages (including Rust) have code generated that allows automatic re-serializing, since that is not a frequent operation in most use cases (you already have the serialized data).
The way to do it is through the optional "object API", supported in C++ and some other languages, but not yet in Rust. As you can see, CasperN is working on such an API.
Until then, you may consider using nested_flatbuffer or some other construct to directly pass the serialized data to wherever it needs to go.

Complex Finds in Domain Driven Design

I'm looking into converting part of an large existing VB6 system, into .net. I'm trying to use domain driven design, but I'm having a hard time getting my head around some things.
One thing that I'm completely stumped on is how I should handle complex find statements. For example, we currently have a screen that displays a list of saved documents, that the user can select and print off, email, edit or delete. I have a SavedDocument object that does the trick for all the actions, but it only has the properties relevant to it, and I need to display the client name that the document is for and their email address if they have one. I also need to show the policy reference that this document may have come from. The Client and Policy are linked to the SavedDocument but are their own aggregate roots, so are not loaded at the same time the SavedDocuments are.
The user is also allowed to specify several filters to reduce the list down. These to can be from properties that are stored on the SavedDocument or the Client and Policy.
I'm not sure how to handle this from a Domain driven design point of view.
Do I have a function on a repository that takes the filters and returns me a list of SavedDocuments, that I then have to turn into a different object or DTO, and fill with the additional client and policy information? That seem a little slow as I have to load all the details using multiple calls.
Do I have a function on a repository that takes the filters and returns me a list of SavedDocumentsForList objects that contain just the information I want? This seems the quickest but doesn't feel like I'm using DDD.
Do I load everything from their objects and do all the filtering and column selection in a service? This seems the slowest, but also appears to be very domain orientated.
I'm just really confused how to handle these situations, and I've not really seeing any other people asking questions about it, which masks me feel that I'm missing something.
Queries can be handled in a few ways in DDD. Sometimes you can use the domain entities themselves to serve queries. This approach can become cumbersome in scenarios such as yours when queries require projections of multiple aggregates. In this case, it is easier to use objects explicitly designed for the respective queries - effectively DTOs. These DTOs will be read-only and won't have any behavior. This can be referred to as the read-model pattern.

What to write in this contract

I'm designing a academic decision support system. I have to write documentation for that project. The part I am stuck on is writing contracts.
I've a use case Generate custom reports.
The interaction the user will do with the system is setParametersforReport().
In this function he will set attributes, like student_rollNumber or marks, or warning count or anything else he wants to see on the report.
However I am confused what to write in the contract's post condition.
The 3 things that I should mention are:
Instances created
Associations formed or broken
Attributes changed
I don't get what to write in that and how to explain since nothing is actually being created. I have all the data I want in the database and I am accessing them without classes. I am confused because database instance can't be created.
Please any help will be appreciated.
Postconditions are used to specify the state of the system at the end of the operation execution. In your case it looks like the state at the system at the end is the same that the state at the beginning since you´re not modifying the database (and you´re not storing the report instance either). Therefore I don't see the point of defining a contract for this operation.

Using metamorphic code to reduce boilerplate

Has anyone seen metamorphic code -- that is, code that generates and runs instructions (including IL and Java Bytecode, as well as native code) -- used to reduce boilerplate code?
Regardless of the application or language, typically one has some database code to get rows from the database and return a list of objects. Of course, there are countless ways of doing this based on your database connector. You might end up accessing the cells of the row by index (awkward, because changing "SELECT Name, Age" to "SELECT Age, Name" would break your code, plus the indexes obfuscate meaning), or using myObject.Age = resultRow.getValue("Age") (awkward, because this involves simply going through every field to set its data based on the columns).
Keeping with the database theme, LINQ to SQL is awesome. However, defining data models is less awesome, especially when your database has so many tables that SSMS can't list all of them in the object browser. Also, it's not the stored procedure writing or the SQL involvement that I dislike; just the connection of objects to database.
Someone at the company at which I intern wrote a really awesome method from our SqlCommand class (which inherits from the System one) that uses .NET reflection, with System.Reflection.Emit, to generate a method that would set fields (decorated with an attribute containing the name of the column) on any model object with a nullary constructor. I would consider this metamorphic because a specific part of the program writes new methods.
This pattern of generating objects from the database is just one example. One which I came across two days ago was databinding support for SWT (via JFace). I made these perfectly clean models with setAddress(Address address) and getName() and now I have to pollute the setters with PropertyChangeSupport fire-ers and carry around a PropertyChangeSupport instance (even if it is just in an abstract base class)! Then I found PojoBindables and now I feel like a level 80 databinder, simply because I need to write less.
Specifically, things that use native code with something like this or a Java Agent would be really sweet.
Generic programming might up your alley. The Concept C++ website has a really good tutorial that covers abstraction and lifting, ideas that can be used in any language and turn boilerplate code into a positive force. By examining a bunch of boilerplate methods that are almost exactly the same, you can derive a set of requirements that unite the code conceptually ("To make X happen you must do Y, so make X1 happen you must do Y with difference 1"). From there you can use a template to capture the commonalities, and use the template inputs to specify the differences. C# and Java have their own generics implementations at this point, so it might be worth checking out.
