Make a new font from another one - linux

I was casting around for a solution for to another question I had ( Stretch text in inkscape, but then wrap it to a path ) and I wondered if it was possible to easily and programmatically make one font from another? As a concrete example, can I take FreeSerif font, double its height, and produce another font, calling it FreeSkinnySerif? (I could then use FreeSkinnySerif in Inkscape and get the effect I'm after.)

FontForge Scripting might work for you, in particular scale. I suggest trying out the command in the GUI first, than create the script.

I don't know about a scripting solution, but have you tried the SVG Font editor that is built in to Inkscape?
Text->SVG Font Editor.
I guess that you could make a python script that used it somehow, but simply using the tool from inkscape would probably bee faster.
Here is a tutorial.


Can I create a Calligraphy look with SVG?

is it possible to create a stroke with a dynamic width with SVG? I want to achieve a Calligraphy look like here, here or here.
Is this even possible? It seems customization of strokes in SVG is fairly limited. Even gradients in strokes seem to be non-trivial (see here).
There is a proposal to add into SVG standard a mechanism, that does exactly what you want:
There's even an example implementation available here:
It is, however, by no means official and we cannot be even sure it'll ever be.
Until then you'll need to stick to Bezier curves and object filling:
You can also use calligraphic fonts, for example - Tangerine available on Google CDN:
This approach requires less work since you don't need to draw everything from scratch, but then again, using third party fonts leaves you with little control over the final result.
You can't dynamically adjust the stroke of a path element. However you could draw a path, use a fill color on it instead of stroke, then double back upon the letters at a slight distance away from the original line.
Also, if you are using the SVG on the web then you can use css fonts on text elements. There are some pretty good cursive fonts that you can use for free... just check google web fonts.

Indicators library in svg, vml or canvas

I am working on an application where I need to display color coded indicators. The standard colors will be red/amber/green, but I need to be able to pick any color (e.g. by hex value). The colors are updated dynamically by a script, based on data (dashboard style).
Are there libraries that could help me? I am thinking in particular about using svg or canvas graphics that the script could modify.
Note: the question has been rephrased to better explain the context.
I like this collection on WikiCommons. They are in SVG
Here are a couple of links to start with:
small iconset for use with raphaël

Modifying a SVG path to create word art like effects

I am trying to modify a SVG file which has a path converted from a text. I want to be able to manipulate it to create Word Art like effects (eg: Wedge, Widen, Curved text etc).
I've tried many options like parsing the file and modifying each point, but the results are bizarre and curves go wild. There is no tool/library to do this kinda stuff to an svg file.
In short, I am looking for a tool like ImageMagick but for svg. Please Help!!!
Inkscape can do some of this I think, also see this writeup by Tavmjong Bah. Inkscape uses a library called lib2geom to do these effects, and there seems to be a python wrapper for that library.

How to properly display multiline text in SVG 1.1?

I would like to take a multiline block of text and display it in SVG. I would like to keep the lines as lines. Is there a proper way to do this?
I am using Inkscape for my base drawing and Batik for my rendering. It seems the two do not agree on how to do this.
Inkscape is creating a structure like this:
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3091">
<rect id="rect3093" width="50.78125" height="75" x="34.765625" y="155.89932"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3123">Item 1</flowPara>
<flowPara id="flowPara3137">Item 2</flowPara>
<flowPara id="flowPara3139">Item 3</flowPara>
However, this is not acceptable to Batik for some reason.
Inkscape sets the SVG version of the document to 1.1 instead of 1.2, but still uses flowing text.
The simple solution for you is to edit your svg document and change the SVG version attribute to 1.2. Inkscape will not change it back to 1.1 and it handles the 1.2 version specifier fine.
Batik will then be happy to provide most functionality, however you'll also run into another Inkscape bug if you mess with pretty much any of the text attributes within the flow root that Inkscape creates. It sets the background color to the selected foreground color for the text, which means if you set the text color to red in Inkscape, when batik renders it, you'll see a red square ... the text is there, but its red too, so not really visible. This an Inkscape bug and is clearly visible in the code for the flowRegion -> rect element.
The solution is to manually edit your flowRect attributes after tweaking them with inkscape.
Batik also seems to do better if you use the standard svg output rather than inkscape svg output.
This is not acceptable since flow* elements are non-standard elements. It comes from an SVG1.2 draft that has never been accepted and it is designed to wrap text in custom shapes. Only Inkscape and some builds of Opera support it. So, don't use it, at least for the moment.
If you don't need text wrapping (and you don't seem to, but I don't understand what you mean by "I would like to keep the lines as lines"), I suggest you use the basic <text/> element.
I'd suggest <text> with <tspan> children. Inkscape can generate that for you quite easily, just don't click and drag an area but instead just click where you want the text and start writing, press return where you want a new line.
Alternatively, foreignObject will allow you to include html:
<svg:foreignObject><html:body><div>text here</html:div></html:body></svg:foreignObject>
Doesn't seem to work in Opera or IE, though.

How can I make a custom layout / change header background color … with Tex, Latex, ConTeXt?

currently I produce dynamically this document with Python Report Labs… to produce pdf documents.
Now, I would like try to produce this document with Tex / Latex / ConTeXt…
I've some questions :
how can I make the layout ?
how can I make header background color ?
how can I define my custom title (with blue box) ?
what is the better choice for my project : Latex or ConTeXt ?
What package I need to use ?
geometry ?
fancyhdr ?
Have you some example ? some resource ?
Yesterday, I've read many many documentation… and I don't found a solution / example for my questions.
Some useful packages apart from the fancyhdr you already mentioned are:
titlesec for more control over your section titles
booktabs for more control over table layout
PGF/TikZ for the graphics in your document, i.e., the page turn effect in the corner and maybe the blue boxes (although that might be considered a bit overkill :))
memoir for more control over your document layout, but the package is more book-oriented than you need probably
koma-script might be a good alternative for memoir but I'm not familiar with it so I don't know about its weaknesses
This is list is not exhaustive and I am not experienced enough in this kind of typesetting meets lay-out stuff to be of much help, but these are packages that come to my mind given your problem :).
Using inputenc there shouldn't be a problem typesetting Russian text.
Maybe the actual process will be easier in ConTeXt, it is more oriented towards control over your typesetting but I'm not familiar with it.
Good luck!
I'd certainly do this kind of think in Context rather than Latex: Context permits grid layout, and allows you to define layers for putting text and other graphics on top of background graphics. But as Pieter says, you could try using TikZ to do this with Latex.
Unicode is no barrier to regular Latex or Context: with either, just specify that you want to use utf-8 as input encoding.
If you do use Latex, don't have headers or footers, and allocate no vertical space for them either.
With Context:
how can I make the layout? — Use grid layout.
how can I make header background color? — Use \setupbackground
how can I define my custom title (with blue box) ? — I don't understand what you want to do here.
Everything you need to do this, except grid mode and how to put graphics in the background, is documented in Context an excursion. Grid mode is explained in the Context manual. Layers are a bit tricky to get to grips with, but Layers in the Context wiki is a good place to start.
With titlesec and color packages use this in LaTeX head (before \begin{document})
% Colors
% Header style
to make the blue box and change header color, font and remove numbering.
