Stop Browser at any spot - browser

I have checked many questions and answers regarding how to stop any browser at any time, but I have not found a solution to my problem.
I have a logout button in my application, and when I press it, it adds some classes to an <a> tag. Is there any key/shortcut to stop the Mozilla/Chrome (any browser) to perform the actions or stay the same page?

What I believe you're looking for is a debugger with breakpoints. Breakpoints allow you to mark certain sections of your code as points where you want the execution of that code to temporarily pause its state until a point in which you are ready to proceed to the next breakpoint.
Modern browsers, such as Google Chrome (or any other WebKit browser like Safari) or Mozilla Firefox with the Firebug Firefox extension have this capability.
Chrome (WebKit Browsers):
You can set breakpoints in your JavaScript in the "Scripts" tab of Chrome (and most WebKit browsers):
From Chrome Developer Tools: Script Breakpoints:
Open the Developer Tools by hitting the Control-Shift-I shortcut
Open Scripts panel and select "script.js" from scripts drop-down
Set breakpoint on line 19 by clicking the line gutter (you can use the Control-G shortcut to reveal a line in a large file)
Move your mouse over this page
You should stop on the breakpoint
Hover over the source code to inspect local and global variables, function arguments etc.
Delete the breakpoint by clicking the blue tag breakpoint indicator
Click the Continue button or hit F8 in Developer Tools window to resume
Firefox with Firebug:
There are countless demonstrations of Firebug Breakpoints and other debugger functionality located on this page.
The functionality is very similar to that of the Developer Tools in WebKit browsers.
Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer also has built in Developer Tools, which among many other features gives users the ability to set breakpoints and stop execution of the scripts. While the Chrome Debugger is sufficient in many cases, there are certain bugs and cross-browser issues that tend to affect Internet Explorer more so than other browsers.
Thus, the Setting Breakpoints section of the "Debugging Script with the Developer Tools" page will be most helpful when attempting to resolve issues that only affect Internet Explorer.


Are there any chrome extensions that are free to inspect and understand?

So I have recently started working on building a Google chrome extension, and found the entire landscape fascinating to say the least. While I was checking to understand how some of these extensions work, I found that many of them have blocked 'inspect element'. I found only 'Adblock Plus' which allows it.
My question:
Are there any more complex interesting chrome extensions that allow inspection?
Any way to find such extensions or how to get around the ones that have blocked viewing?
As a beginner, I would appreciate any advice or tips in this area.
You can inspect and debug all extensions right in the browser.
You may need to use a different method of invoking devtools.
To inspect the popup you can enable developer mode switch in chrome://extensions and then right-click the extension's icon in the toolbar or click ... inside the puzzle piece menu that lists all extensions, then choose Inspect popup.
Similarly, to inspect something shown in the tab, you can open devtools via the standard hotkeys like (F12 or Ctrl-Shift-i in PC) when the cursor is focused on the toolbar even if the page actively intercepts these hotkeys and/or the context menu.
You can also open devtools from the browser menu "More tools".
There's also chrome://inspect.

Instead of running the action, chrome extension menu appears when clicking a page action

I have a Chrome Extension (page action). The extension is loaded in developer mode (not from the store).
The extension is used in two sites, both of which URLs are in the manifest.
When I go to one of the sites, the page icon is enabled and when I click it, it runs fine.
When I go to the other site, the extension icon is also enabled but when I click on the extension, instead of running the action, the extension menu appears (as if I had right-clicked the icon instead of clicked it).
When I hover the page action icon, in both sites I get the text "Has access to this site".
Which are possible causes for this behavior?
Something definitely changed with the manifest.json handling of the most recent Chrome update. (In my case, "Version 72.0.3626.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)" on Windows.) My extension stopped working in a way similar to what you describe.
The solution to my problem was to remove the specific url permissions I had specified in the "permissions" section, and replace them with <all_urls>. I tried tightening them back up again, but the only other thing that worked for me was https://*/*.
I tested this on several machines that had the previous version of Chrome and they had the same behavior... successful operation before the Chrome update, no response after. The icon displayed properly and showed "Has access to this site", but my background page refused to run.
Good luck! Hopefully this helps!

How To Hide Chrome Web Driver Icon (Python-Selenium)

Goal: Run chrome web driver in background without showing an app icon in the dock or application bar. FYI: I can already run chrome headless, but I have not been able to hide or not show the chrome icon in my app bar.
Reason: I am building an application that accesses various websites in parallel and I would not like the chrome app icons to display for the synchronous tasks that are taking place. I want to run these tasks in the background.
Current Code with chrome options that will display headless chrome
chrome_options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_text, chrome_options=chrome_options)
list of chrome options:
one of many posts explaining how to do headless chrome: Selenium - chrome Driver fail to start in background (without a start-up window)
How can I hide the chromedriver app icons from displaying? Is there a chrome option I can set in addition to setting the 'headless' chrome option? Is this more of an OS setting that needs to be made to run chromedriver in the background? I am successfully able to run multiple chromedrivers in headless mode but it would be nice to NOT show the chrome icons in the dock or application tray similar to how phantomjs does not launch an app icon.
^In the image above those are the chromedrivers that run in headless mode displaying in my dock and ideally for my program I would not even want to display those icons since it is all background processing anyways.
Update (this worked for me to hide the chromedriver icons at least on my Mac):
I was not able to find a Chrome Option to accomplish hiding the chromedriver icons that appear in the dock. However, I was able to edit the Info.plist file for Chrome as part of my program to do the trick (of hiding chromedriver icons) using the LSBackgroundOnly key.
In the Info.plist for Chrome, programmatically, I entered:
On my Mac using python3 code I used os.system to execute a terminal command using defaults to enter the LSBackgroundOnly key when the program is executing and then at the end of program execution I delete the LSBackgroundOnly key from the Info.plist.
like this:
defaults write /Applications/Google\ LSBackgroundOnly -string '1'
defaults delete /Applications/Google\ LSBackgroundOnly
AS INFO: This is tricky because your normal chrome app may start up in background mode if you don't add/delete LSBackgroundOnly properly during program execution. In my experience, worst case scenario you may have to manually remove LSBackgroundOnly from the Info.plist file then restart your computer to get Chrome out of background mode.
I remove the LSBackgroundOnly key from the Info.plist file in my program after program execution because the key only needs to be in the file when the chromedrivers are launched. After that I want to be able to use regular Chrome app without issues of it opening in background mode. But, if you understand your program execution and handle your exceptions, this will definitely work to hide the icons correctly and there will be nothing different in using your regular Chrome app.
Happy hacking.
This is not possible using Selenium. I don't really understand why you want to do this. Is there a real purpose, or it's just you don't want it to show? Even if the Chrome app shows on the dock, in headless mode, it works pretty good.
However, if you want your icon to not appear in the dock when opened, then you need to disable it by modifying the Info.plist file for that application.
In your Info.plist for Chrome, add this
This will prevent your app icon from appearing in dock, when working. I found this out a long time ago and this is the post where I saw it.
PS - I have not tested it for Chrome app. Please test at your own peril.

is there any way to debug a chrome extension without setting a browser_action and a page_action?

I am learning to write chrome extensions. Sometimes ,i do want to learn from the examples given on the chrome developer site. As the instruction says, i need a browser_action or a page_action, then right click ,then inspect popup. I am wondering whether there is other ways to debug the chrome extension.
And the other thing is , i have to write "window.reload(true)" in the debug console to reload the popup page, is there a better or more convenient way to do it?
Of course it's not needed. Your extension either has a popup of some sorts, a background script of some sorts, or a content script of some sorts.
You already know how to debug a popup.
To debug a background page, you can go to chrome://extensions/ with Developer mode enabled. Then you'll see a "background page" link next to extensions that have them - you can click that link to bring up Dev Tools for the extension.
To debug a content script, you should look into the page's own Dev Tools. The console output will be displayed alongside normal console. To type code in the console to execute in the extension's context, you need to change the the context from <top frame> to the extension in the UI:
Depends on what you want to debug.
Chrome extensions also have background page and content-scripts.
Background page console you can find here: open chrome://extensions/ and under extension you'll see "Inspect views".
Content-scripts print messages to the page console.
Popup and other pages you can open in normal tab and inspect in its console. They are accessible by the url: "chrome-extension://YOUR_EXTENSION_ID/path/to/popup.html"

Browser is not reloading images that are in css (background swap on mouseover or other events)

Sometimes browsers are not reloading images. Especially images that are in css.
Why is this happening?
Sometimes, when we creating website - we change images many times. Sometimes images are cached and they are not refreshing.
The best example are images, that browser loads on "mouseover" or "click" events (menu backgrounds for example) are really frustrating, because there is no way to refresh them with F5 or Ctrl+F5, because they are not displayed. They can ruin your day :D
IMPORTANT: don't forget what you turned off/on - you may need cache later when you will work on 56k modem :D or 3G connection.
How to disable cache in Google Chrome:
Open Chrome Developer Tools (by menu, or shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I).
Click gear icon in right bottom corner (settings)
In settings of Developer Tools there is an option "Disable cache".
How to disable cache in Mozilla Firefox:
Type or paste "about:config" in address bar.
Accept message from scary window (new versions) :)
Find "network.http.use-cache" and double-click it.
To reenable - double-click again.
How to disable cache in Opera?
Type "opera:config" in address bar.
Find Cache section.
There are many helpful options. You can:
set image expiry in cache
permanent disable cache for images (its called "Cache Figs")
permanent disable cache for documents
How to disable cache in Internet Explorer 9
(unfortunately i dont have english version, so i can make mistake translating)
Turn on Developer Tools (shorcut key F12)
Expand developer tools window if you dont see menu
Find Cache in that menu and there should be an option "Always Refresh from Server"
Alternative for IE (older versions without developer tools):
You can find "Always Refresh from Server" option in IE settings.
