Railway.js + Jade crashes when a route to '/client' is defined - node.js

I get this weird error when I add a route '/client' in Railway.js:
500 ReferenceError: jade is not defined
I get this for any valid route in my app, not only '/client'. This line seems to be added to the top of my Jade compiled templates, and is what causes the exception:
var attrs = jade.attrs, escape = jade.escape, rethrow = jade.rethrow;
It is not present in the compiled templates unless I define a route do '/client'.
'/client/:id?', '/clients', everything else works, only '/client'.
Anyone has a clue?

I had this exact same error when I was working on an ExpressJS app using jade templates. I figured out it was only happening on pages where I passed a local variable named client. E.g.
res.render('admin/project_new', {
title: 'Edit Project',
message: req.flash(),
client: someClient
I think client is a reserved word when rendering jade files (or maybe something else, I'm still kinda new to Node.js). I was able to fix it by changing it to this:
res.render('admin/project_new', {
title: 'Edit Project',
message: req.flash(),
theClient: someClient


node.js express.js Error handling in View

I am very new to node.js and express.js and in programming concepts. I already made a basic MVC modeled app on node and express.
My problem is how do you handle error, I got this following code:
var params = {
bloodTypeId: request.body.bloodType,
kaiseki.createObject('blood_center_request', params, function(err, res, body, success) {
Kaiseki is just a middleware for parse.com, I don't know what to do if it got error. Usually I use ajaxForm.js to look for BadRequest then use javascript to display error message in my view.
I want my error to appear in the same page, where it is success, should I pass a json error to my view?
Or still use ajaxForm.js and instead of res.render or res.redirect I should use res.status(500)
Is there anyway to handle the error and showing it into the view. Without using any javascript to detect BadRequest?
And can a view have a optional variable? In my view If I didnt pass any value on it it gives me error like if i have #{variable} it asks for its value. Can it be made to be optional? Im using Jade Template
To respond to an XHR request with an error you can do something like return resView.status(500).send(err); which will send the err object back as JSON. If you want to render an HTML error page instead you can do return resView.status(500).locals({err: err}).render('/errorPage');
You didn't say which template engine you are using but most likely the #{} version will automatically escape HTML characters for you (turn < into <, etc) to avoid XSS attacks and rendering problems whereas !{} will render the contents of the variable directly without escaping, which is dangerous if the variable contains any user-generated content, but necessary if the variable has HTML you want rendered by the browser.

Angular Js Unexpected Token error Dynamic Routes

I'm getting getting several "unexpected token <" errors when I try to create a dynamic route.
Normal routes work fine. So if I set the following route:
templateUrl: 'views/user/new',
controller: "addUserCtrl"
The request goes to the server and gets caught by my express catch all route handler, then angular kicks in and requests express' api route, api/user, binds data, controller and template and I see a nice page. Everything works fine. No errors.
If I try to create a dynamic route or a route with more depth, I get the unexpected token error, when I try to request that route:
templateUrl: 'views/user/new',
controller: "addUserCtrl"
For example, when I request /user/3, i get the error, and it the addUserCtrl is never called. Any ideas what could be causing this.
templateUrl: 'views/user/new',
controller: "addUserCtrl"
requesting /user/show will also throw the error. In the console the error shows up next to the request for all of angular files (angular.js, App.js, services.js, controllers.js, filters.js, directives.js) that I load in the body of my index.html.
I've noticed that this problem happens whenever I add more than one slash to the route. If I try /user/show, I can see the following requests:
syntax errors for the below:
If I try /abc/def, I will get the following request:
syntax errors for the below:
I had the same issue and just as atentaten describes the problem was caused by relative paths to js-files. However, it has nothing to do with Express. It can just as well be caused by relative include paths from script tags in the head of a html file. So, to clarify, I changed my HTML from:
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
Apparently this is not really an angular issue, but an express issue.
The problem was that the beginning slashes were missing from my angular js includes in my index.jade:
I changed them to this:
And the errors went away. Although the js loaded without the starting slash, it was still causing a problem with express, creating the syntax error, which probably broke angular, but I'm not sure exactly why.
The templateUrl needs to be absolute else Express will choke if there is more than one slash/level of depth in the url:
templateUrl: '/views/user/new', /* add slash */
controller: "addUserCtrl"
This happens for ui-router dynamic route in angularJS application. I have the same error. solved by changing the path
<script src="app/components/services/campaign.services.js"></script>
<script src="/app/components/services/campaign.services.js"></script>
But in my case index.html file path is generated by gulp task gulp-inject so i changes the config of gulp-inject like
inject: { addRootSlash: true }
and it works for me :)

Get return value of `include` in jade template

What I basically try to accomplish is to re-use jade partials/templates when getting data through a socket connection. Non working example:
socket.on('company_created', function(company) {
var html = include _company;
$('#companies ul').append(html);
Normally I had to create a new li and set the content like so (which is working as expected):
$('#companies ul').append($('<li>').text(company.name));
This is okay for a simple list, but if I had complexer list and stuff, this could get messy pretty quick, plus I had to write plain HTML again, so I figured re-using my already existing jade templates with all their goodness would be awesome, but had not luck, yet.
Any clue?
PS: Please do not tell my to use Ember, Backbone, Derby, Meteor, Angular or whatsoever.
Thanks in advance!
You can compile your jade sources to JS with jade.compile. Then include these sources in the client-side javascript, include jade's runtime.min.js, and refer to your jade templates as to normal JS functions in your client-side code.
For example,
app.get('/templates/:template.js', function (req, res) {
var template = req.params.template;
"window.templates = window.templates || {};",
"window.templates[\"" + template + "\"] = " + jade.compile(template + ".jade", { client: true; });
$(function() { $("#placeholder").html(window.templates["content"]({user: "Daniel" })); });
h1: Hello #{user}!
Note that the code above might be syntactically incorrect and is provided solely to illustrate the idea.
we have a build step that compiles them to functions sort of like penartur mentioned. I dont use extend or include (which dont work on the client anyway ATM), but personally I find we have absolutely no need for that on the client at all since the DOM provides all the separation we need.


I just started trying out Derbyjs, and I already ran into a problem. I can't find any support for this error, and most likely is some dumb mistake i'm making.
I'm trying to render a view, following the example from the www.derbyjs.com documentation.
My app is as simple as this:
var app = require('derby').createApp(module);
app.get('/', function (page, model) {
My views are composed by two files.
<import: src="home">
Default page content
Welcome to the home page
I get the following error whenever the page is rendered:
Error: Template import of 'home'... ...can't contain content
As you can see, it is a very simple example. What am I missing?
I get that error even if I have the "home.html" file empty.
Well, I got the answer from one of the developers.
It seems like there was a subtle bug in the Template Parser that probably has already been fixed.
Having a whitespace or linebreak in front of
<import: src="home">
was causing the parser to raise the error. Writing
<import: src="home"><Body:>
solved the issue.

Accessing jQuery object in JADE

During login, I save the userId in a jQuery cookie, so that I can access it by $.cookie('userId').
Now that I am trying to access it from Jade, as,
- if ($.cookie('userId') === userId)
I get an error
$ is not defined
How can I access the cookie ?
My code:
- if (($.cookie('userId')) === userId)
input(type='submit', value='Move')
input(type='submit', disabled, value='Move'')
You seem to misunderstand concepts. Let me give you a lecture. ;)
Basics. Cookie is stored on the client-side. So using jQuery $.cookie('userId') will retrieve it when this script is run on the client-side.
But here you use JADE templating engine on server-side. So you didn't even send the page to the client-side yet. So what cookie do you want to retrieve? There is no cookie, because you are at the server.
There's more. Running $.cookie('userId') throws the error, because you are on the server-side. There is no $ object. And there cannot be, because you cannot use jQuery on server-side (well, actually you can, but this is irrelevant at the moment). Did you define $ object in your route system? Or did you define helper $? I don't think so.
Express+JADE tutorial. Now let me give you a short tutorial. Say you have a view (in app.js)
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.render('index.jade', { code: 500 });
Now in index.jade you can use code as a variable. So you can write your index.jade for example like this:
// some code
- if (code == 500)
input(type='submit', disabledm, value='Move')
- else
input(type='submit', value='Move')
// some code
and now it will work! You may also use JavaScript functions in template if you predefine them. For example (in your app.js)
positive: function(no) { return no > 0; }
then in index.jade template you can use
- if (positive(-13))
and even combine these two concepts
- if (positive(code))
// do some stuff
To cookie or not to cookie. If you really need to use cookies (and you shouldn't except for sessions or CSRF for example) then you need to use client-side JavaScript. This means that you need to add (after jQuery)
to the index.jade file and write my-script.js like this
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($.cookie('userId') == userId) {
// do something like append input to some holder
But there are several problems with that solution. First: what is userId (second part of equality)? You need to predefine it in your index.jade. For example using
var userId = #{ user.id };
and adding user object in your route. Second: cookies are local variables. Setting them requires additional server code which I do not thing you would like. This makes maintaining the app harder. And finally: storing a user's id in a cookie seems to be pointless. The final user don't even have to know it's own id. The server needs to know! Sessions system comes handy here.
Final note. The code you wrote shows us that you cannot distinguish between server-side and client-side JavaScript. The solution to your problem is to learn, learn and learn. Read tutorials and everything about JADE, Express and Node.js.
What #freakish said is right. You're trying server side vs. client side.
If the cookie is set you should be able to access it on server like so
app.get('/', function(req, res){
// index is jade template
// local variable on jade template holds cookie value
// use req.cookies.userid
res.render('index', { userid: req.cookies.userid });
