Default OS family for the deployment - azure

We have a web app migrated to Windows Azure. It is being deployed from inside the Visual Studio 2010 with the latest Azure SDK installed. Everything works fine except for the fact that we have some dependencies on Windows Server 2008 R2 and I need to change OS family manually through their management web portal after each deployment (Cloud Services -> Configure -> operating system).
I guess there should be an option to make this a default choice but I haven't found anything in the azure project settings inside the visual studio. Does anyone know a way to avoid doing this manually?

You can do it via the Service Configuration File in Visual Studio, just put a osFamily="2" attribute in the ServiceConfiguration element of your ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg file.
A generally good default is the asterisk (*) which will ensure you have the most up-to-date guest OS available. (Note: As Robert Muehsig points out in his comment below, the asterisk only works with osVersion, not osFamiliy)
How to Upgrade the Windows Azure Guest OS by Modifying the Service Configuration File:
Windows Azure Service Configuration Schema (.cscfg File):


What does the VS setting: "enable isolated azure active directory configuration" do?

Tools / options in VS2015 has a setting under Environment / Synchroinized settings that says
"enable isolated azure active directory configuration"
I wonder if this means that I can have an offline copy of WAAD, or an on premise version.
You only need this setting if you live in China. It setts keys in the registry that lets you only connect to Chinese Azure api endpoints.
At least in Visual Studio 2017 you are unable to login to your Visual Studio Profile and disables you to get a prerelease license.
(See Feedback/Bug

BizTalk server Virtual Machine - Unable to see sql server and visual studio

I created a BizTalk server Virtual Machine in azure portal(BizTalk server 2013 standard), but I am not able to see the sql server(but I can see SQL server management studio there)and visual studio in the vm. Do I need to install sql server and visual studio manually on a biztalk server Virtual machine?
If both SQL Management Studio and Visual Studio are there, then you must have provisioned an MSDN instance, meaning a full DEV instance.
That means SQL Server is installed. Did you try to connect to SQL Server? You can try '.' or the server name itself.
I've been looking at using Biztalk on Azure recently too, and from what I understand it sounds like you only got a Biztalk Server VM, and not the DEV environment.
In that case you would need to get another VM to host SQL Server, and none of these two VM will have Visual Studio installed (see section "Biztalk Server License Options"
If what you need is a the full dev environment ready to use, then you need one of the MSDN subscriptions listed as "Full Benefits" here:
Then again, I've been looking into this stuff recently so I could be wrong.

Missing azure mobile services support in visual studio express 2013

I´m currently trying to set up an azure mobile service .net backend for an app. I´m using visual studio express 2013 for Windows / for Web. I installed all available updates and the recent azure sdk (2.4).
My problem now is that there is no "Azure Mobile Service" project template and mobile services is even not displayed beneath the azure entry in the server explorer.
What did I miss to install?
Many thanks in advance!
I tried to set up the mobile service with visual studio express 2012 but I stuck at the same problem. Neither the mobile service template nor the option in the server explorer is present.
I just downloaded Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows with Update 3 from this link:
I then had the mobile services node in the Server Explorer. However, the project template still isn't there.
This was with Azure SDK 2.3 already installed and also tested with Azure SDK 2.4.
The project templates ship with Visual Studio SKUs and their updates, and I believe Mobile Services is only shipping with Pro and Ultimate for now.
One option to get that starting project is to provision your mobile service in the portal making sure to select the .NET backend. Then on the quickstart page of the portal (the little cloud to the left of the dashboard tab) select the link to create a new application. You will get an option to download the starter solution for the .NET backend (for windows apps it will also download the client). That is basically the same project you would get by choosing File -> New Project in VS pro or ultimate. You can then open the solution in VS Express for Web 2013 but not VS Express for Windows.
To publish the mobile service you'll need to do the following:
Go back to the portal and on the Dashboard page for your mobile service click the Download Publish Profile link and save to your local machine
Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and choose "Publish"
Import the publish profile you downloaded in step #1 and finish the publish process
So if you want to use the express versions of VS 2013, make sure you have all the updates then:
Use VS 2013 For Windows to manage your mobile service in server explorer and build your windows clients
Use VS 2013 For Web to build your Azure Mobile Service back end project, run locally, and publish using the publish profile.

The project targets '.NET Framework 4.5' which is not supported on the Windows Azure virtual machine (OSFamily = '4')

I have a project that is published to azure as a cloud service.
The project targets the .net 4.5 framework. Its currently deployed to azure and works.
However when I publish it to azure form Visual Studio, I get the following warning#
warning WAT250: The project targets '.NET Framework 4.5' which is not supported on the Windows Azure virtual machine (OSFamily = '4'). To make sure that the role starts, update the 'osFamily' attribute in the service configuration file 'ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg'. See from more information.
My project targets osFamily="4", which is Windows Server 2012 R2, and according to the link, Windows Server 2012 R2 supports the .net 4.5 framework, so why do I get a warning?
My file contains the following osFamily="4" osVersion="*" and also my role does start without any problems.....
Can anyone advise on why I get this warning?
Perhaps you need to update your Azure SDK?

How to get a WebRole deployed on IIS instead of IISExpress?

There is an Azure WebRole and the approproate Service in a solution. Solution is unser source control. The problem is that my team-mate gets the sources to his workstation, opens them in Visual Studio, runs the service and gets the WebRole deployed on local IIS, while I can only see it on IISExpress in the same workflow.
We compared the settings of projects in Visual Studio and could not find differences.
We compared the source files after running them from Visual Studio and did not find differences,
Can anybody tell us is there a way to explicitly set the target IIS engine for deploying a Web Role in Visual Studio?
Look at the properties for the Azure project
You should be able to set it to use IIS instead of express.
