What is the fastcall keyword used for in visual c? - visual-c++

I have seen the fastcall notation appended before many functions. Why it is used?

That notation before the function is called the "calling convention." It specifies how (at a low level) the compiler will pass input parameters to the function and retrieve its results once it's been executed.
There are many different calling conventions, the most popular being stdcall and cdecl.
You might think there's only one way of doing it, but in reality, there are dozens of ways you could call a function and pass variables in and out. You could place the input parameters on a stack (push, push, push to call; pop, pop, pop to read input parameters). Or perhaps you would rather stick them in registers (this is fastcall - it tries to fit some of the input params in registers for speed).
But then what about the order? Do you push them from left to right or right to left? What about the result - there's always only one (assuming no reference parameters), so do you place the result on the stack, in a register, at a certain memory address?
Also, let's assume you're using the stack for communication - who's job is it to actually clear the stack after the function is called - the caller or the callee?
What about backing up and then restoring the contents of (certain) CPU registers - should the caller do it, or will the callee guarantee that it'll return everything the way it was?
The most popular calling convention (by far) is cdecl, which is the standard calling convention in both C and C++. The WIN32 API uses stdcall, which means any code that calls the WIN32 API needs to use stdcall for those function calls (making it another popular choice).
fastcall is a bit of an oddball - people realized for many functions with only one in/out parameter, pushing and popping from a memory-based stack is quite a bit of overhead and makes function calls a little bit heavy so the different compilers introduced (different) calling conventions that will place one or more parameters in registers before placing the rest in the stack for better performance. The problem is, not all compilers used the same rules for what goes where and who does what with fastcall, and as a result you have to be careful when using it because you'll never know who does what. Finally, see Is fastcall really faster? for info on fastcall performance benefits.
Complicated stuff.
Something important to keep in mind: don't add or change calling conventions if you don't know exactly what you're doing, because if both the caller and the callee do not agree on the calling convention, you'll likely end up with stack corruption and a segfault. This usually happens when you have the function being called in a DLL/shared library and a program is written that depends on the DLL/SO/dylib being a certain calling convention (say, cdecl), then the library is recompiled with a different calling convention (say, fastcall). Now the old program can no longer communicate with the new library.

Wikipedia states that
Conventions entitled fastcall have not been standardized, and have been implemented differently, depending on the compiler vendor. Typically fastcall calling conventions pass one or more arguments in registers which reduces the number of memory accesses required for the call.


Why does pthread_exit use void*?

I recently started using posix threads and the choice of argument types in the standard made me curious. I haven't been able to asnwer the question of why does pthread_exit use void* instead of int for the returning status of the thread? (the same as exit does).
The only advantage I see is that it lets the programmers define the status how they want (e.g. return a pointer to a complex structure), but I doubt it is widely used like this.
It seems that in most cases this choice has more overhead because of necessary casting.
This isn't just for status, it's the return value of the thread. Using a pointer allows the thread to return a pointer to a dynamically-allocated array or structure.
You can't really compare it with the exit() parameter, because that's for sending status to the operating system. This is intentionally very simple to allow portability with many OSes.
The only advantage I see is that it lets the programmers define the status how they want (e.g. return a pointer to a complex structure), but I doubt it is widely used like this.
Indeed, that's the reason. And it's probably not used that widely (e.g. you can communicate values via other means such as a pointer passed to thread function, global var with synchronisation, etc). But if you were to have a it like void pthread_exit(int);, the it takes away the ability to return pointers. So void pthread_exit(void*); is a more flexible design.
It seems that in most cases this choice has more overhead because of necessary casting.
In most cases, it's not used at all as the common way is to return nothing i.e. pthread_exit(NULL);. So it only matters when returning pointers (to structs and such) and in those cases a conversion to void * isn't necessary as any pointer type can be converted to void * without an explicit cast.

How is a syscall is defined in linux kernel? What's the relation between compat_sys_xxx and sys_xxx?

In /include/linux/compat.h, I see a lot of compat_sys_xxx. Also, there is sys_xxx defined somewhere else. What's the relation between compat_sys_xxx and sys_xxx?
If there's a compat entry, it almost certainly means that the system call prototype was changed and a version of the previous prototype was maintained for compatibility. Often you'll see that compat_sys_xxx just calls sys_xxx with the arguments converted appropriately (or both call a common function with slightly different conversions).
As a more or less random example, compat_sys_msgsnd takes three "int" arguments followed by a pointer to a compat_msgbuf structure (wherein the first - ostensibly "long" - field is forced to a 32-bit size). OTOH, sys_msgsnd lists the arguments in a different order and with argument types selected to morph appropriately for the architecture (i.e. long floats according to the natural long integer size, size_t replaces int in one place, etc).
No doubt the syscall interface was changed because the original interface was ambiguous in some way, when moved to a different (non-i386) architecture. The compat_ version allows existing binaries to continue working without modification.

Is it possible to embed Haskell in a C library opaquely?

i.e. is it possible to embed Haskell code in a C library so that the user of the library doesn't have to know Haskell is being used? In particular, so that the user could use multiple libraries that embed Haskell, without any conflicts?
As far as I understand things, you embed between calls to hs_init and hs_exit, but these involve global state shenanigans and should conflict with other calls, no?
Yes, it's possible to call Haskell code from C (and vice versa) through FFI, the Foreign Function Interface. Unfortunately, as the haskell.org docs says, you can't avoid the calls to initialize and finalize the haskell environment:
The call to hs_init() initializes GHC's runtime system. Do NOT try to
invoke any Haskell functions before calling hs_init(): bad things will
undoubtedly happen.
But, this is interesting also:
There can be multiple calls to hs_init(), but each one should be
matched by one (and only one) call to hs_exit()
And furthermore:
The FFI spec requires the implementation to support re-initialising
itself after being shut down with hs_exit(), but GHC does not
currently support that.
Basically my idea is that you may exploit this specifications in order to write youself a wrapper C++ class that manages the calls to hs_init and hs_exit for you, in example by using template methods surrounded by hs_init and hs_exit that you can override using any haskell call you want.
However, beware of interactions with other libraries calling haskell code: nested layers of calls to hs_init and hs_exit should be OK (so it's safe to use libraries which calls them in between your wrappers), but the total number of calls should always match, meaning that if those libraries only initialize the environment without trying to close it, then it's up to you to finish the job.
Another (probably better) idea, without exploiting inheritance and overriding, may be to have a simple class HaskellEnv that calls hs_init in the constructor and hs_exit in the destructor. If you declare them as automatic variables, you'll obtain that the calls to hs_init and hs_exit will always be matched, and the latest call to hs_exit will be made as soon as the latest HaskellEnv object is destructed when you leave its scope.
Have a look at this question in order to prevent the creation of objects on the heap (they may be dangerous in this case).

statically/dynamically typed vs static/dynamic binding

everyone what is the difference between those 4 terms, can You give please examples?
Static and dynamic are jargon words that refer to the point in time at which some programming element is resolved. Static indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is constructed. Dynamic indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is run.
Static and Dynamic Typing
Typing refers to changes in program structure that are due to the differences between data values: integers, characters, floating point numbers, strings, objects and so on. These differences can have many effects, for example:
memory layout (e.g. 4 bytes for an int, 8 bytes for a double, more for an object)
instructions executed (e.g. primitive operations to add small integers, library calls to add large ones)
program flow (simple subroutine calling conventions versus hash-dispatch for multi-methods)
Static typing means that the executable form of a program generated at build time will vary depending upon the types of data values found in the program. Dynamic typing means that the generated code will always be the same, irrespective of type -- any differences in execution will be determined at run-time.
Note that few real systems are either purely one or the other, it is just a question of which is the preferred strategy.
Static and Dynamic Binding
Binding refers to the association of names in program text to the storage locations to which they refer. In static binding, this association is predetermined at build time. With dynamic binding, this association is not determined until run-time.
Truly static binding is almost extinct. Earlier assemblers and FORTRAN, for example, would completely precompute the exact memory location of all variables and subroutine locations. This situation did not last long, with the introduction of stack and heap allocation for variables and dynamically-loaded libraries for subroutines.
So one must take some liberty with the definitions. It is the spirit of the concept that counts here: statically bound programs precompute as much as possible about storage layout as is practical in a modern virtual memory, garbage collected, separately compiled application. Dynamically bound programs wait as late as possible.
An example might help. If I attempt to invoke a method MyClass.foo(), a static-binding system will verify at build time that there is a class called MyClass and that class has a method called foo. A dynamic-binding system will wait until run-time to see whether either exists.
The main strength of static strategies is that the program translator is much more aware of the programmer's intent. This makes it easier to:
catch many common errors early, during the build phase
build refactoring tools
incur a significant amount of the computational cost required to determine the executable form of the program only once, at build time
The main strength of dynamic strategies is that they are much easier to implement, meaning that:
a working dynamic environment can be created at a fraction of the cost of a static one
it is easier to add language features that might be very challenging to check statically
it is easier to handle situations that require self-modifying code
Typing - refers to variable tyes and if variables are allowed to change type during program execution
Binding - this, as you can read below can refer to variable binding, or library binding

Should I cast a CString passed to Format/printf (and varargs in general)?

I recently took in a small MCF C++ application, which is obviously in a working state. To get started I'm running PC-Lint over the code, and lint is complaining that CStringT's are being passed to Format. Opinion on the internet seems to be divided. Some say that CSting is designed to handle this use case without error, but others (and an MSDN article) say that it should always be cast when passed to a variable argument function. Can Stackoverflow come to any consensus on the issue?
CString has been carefully designed to be passed as part of a variable argument list, so it is safe to use it that way. And you can be fairly sure that Microsoft will take care not to break this particular behavior. So I'd say you are safe to continue using it that way, if you want to.
That said, personally I'd prefer the cast. It is not common behavior that string classes behave that way (e.g. std::string does not) and for mental consistency it may be better to just do it the "safe" way.
P.S.: See this thread for implementation details and further notes on how to cast.
