Content rating control is always hidden - kentico

I've added the following code to the selected transformation of a News List webpart:
<%# Register Src="~/CMSAdminControls/ContentRating/RatingControl.ascx" TagName="RatingControl" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<cms:RatingControl ID="elemRating" runat="server" Enabled="true" RatingType="Stars" ExternalValue='
<%# Convert.ToString(CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatingValue"), 0)/((CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 0) == 0?1:CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 1)))) %>' />
The rest of the selected transformation is the same as the default.
According to the Kentico documentation this should add the webpart to the details page of a news item.
For some reason the input tag is getting rendered as follows:
<input type="hidden" name="p$lt$zoneContent$pageplaceholder$pageplaceholder$lt$News$NewsList$repItems$ctl00$ctl00$elemRating$RatingControl$elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" id="p_lt_zoneContent_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_News_NewsList_repItems_ctl00_ctl00_elemRating_RatingControl_elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" value="0">
note the type="hidden" attribute. This causes the control not to render and I'm not sure where to fix this.

As mentioned in my comment. The is actually just used to store the value. Below that, it renders some extra content that will not display unless some CSS classes are carried over from the CMSDesk.css.
You can either copy the necessary CSS classes into your own CSS, or just import the CMSDesk.css file where necessary to make sure the rating elements are displaying.


Remove <div> tag from DOM

I am building an XPages application based on a custom theme I bought.
I want to use include pages to display custom 'widgets' in the header
Unfortunatelly, the included pages are rendered in a tag, which is incompatible with the css stylesheet from the theme.
Here's the code including the pages (the idea is to make this configurable in the future)
<xp:panel styleClass="navbar-account">
<ul class="account-area">
<xp:include pageName="/nav_VisitIn.xsp"></xp:include>
<xp:include pageName="/nav_MyVisit.xsp"></xp:include>
<xp:include pageName="/nav_Profile.xsp"></xp:include>
The rendered html looks something like this
The css for the list item tags (and all elements below) are similar to
.navbar-account .account-area > li {...}
I want to avoid having to modify all related styles from the theme.
Is there a way to make sure the include page is rendered without the div tag or can I remove the generated div tag (but not its content) from the DOM?
Try adding disableOutputTag="true" in your <xp:include> tags.

Kentico event calendar widget source code

I can't find the source code for the html used for the calendar table. I have the webpart, but not the html for the table. I need to strip the inline CSS and attributes.
Following is the markup for the event calendar (obviously this is what you see):
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
Inherits="CMSWebParts_EventManager_EventCalendar" CodeFile="~/CMSWebParts/EventManager/EventCalendar.ascx.cs" %>
<div class="Calendar">
<cms:CMSCalendar ID="calItems" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" />
<div class="EventDetail">
<cms:CMSRepeater ID="repEvent" runat="server" Visible="false" StopProcessing="true" EnableViewState="false" />
So what you see on the live page is created by CMSCalendar control, which leaves in CMS.Controls library, which means you can't modify it unless you have full source code of Kentico.
I'd try to change the appearance of this control with CSS, if CSS doesn't work there is javascript/jQuery.
Have you looked into creating a skin? You can change the css classes used if needed.
Might help some

How can we create the back button in liferay

Can any one tell me how can I create the back button in my portlet. Are there any existing tags to create the back button which looks like as shared below.
Solution as mentioned in below post should work.
Liferay uses back URL in many of its default portlets.
For example, You can refer sources for message board portlet - view.jsp, edit_category.jsp
If you use to move from first JSP to second JSP, then backURL should be passed as argument in first JSP and retrieve in second JSP to use inside liferay-ui:header tag.
For example,
<portlet:renderURL var="varURL">
<portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="<second-JSP-URL>"></portlet:param>
<portlet:param name="backURL" value="<%= themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() %>"></portlet:param>
Try this instead.
Just use one line and it will direct back to previous URL.(Place this code in second jsp).
<input type=button value=" Back" onClick="javascript: window.history.go(-1)" text-align="right">

Lotus Web issue with browser

I have been using display.none, for the hid-whens for example, all the hidden fields were kept in a section and section was hidden from web by using Display.none.
This is working for Internet Explorer till IE 9, but for IE 10 all the hidden fields are shown.
Can anyone help in this matter. Any alternative or approach.
Without seeing the page it sis very difficult to guess.
Try validating the html through one of the many online html validators as something may not be closed or Notes might have given you an unwanted code addition .
Try adding a background color to the css #wrapper to make sure the css is being called.
Take a copy of the form and start removing all other elements one section at a time to see if something else is causing the issue.
Add {meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10;IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE" /} as the very top meta tag and see if that fixes it. Replace the curly braces obviously.
All the best in finding the issue.
It sounds like just the section element is getting hidden. Without seeing the code I can't tell why that changes between ie 9 and 10 but ie is famous for having varying behavior between versions.
One alternative that comes to mind: You could wrap the section and the fields in a DIV element using pass thru HTML and set that div's style to display:none. That is pretty standard and should work across browsers.
Update: To give you an idea what I'm talking about, check out this jsfiddle.
<div class="wrapper">
<input type="text" name="Field 1" /><br />
<input type="text" name="Field 2" /><br />
<input type="text" name="Field 3" />
<span>Some text that won't be hidden.</span>
.wrapper {
You can remove the # next to the display:none and see the difference, even in IE 10.
You'll need to look closely at the HTML being rendered by Domino and make sure that in fact all the fields you are trying to hide are surrounded by the DIV that is hidden.

How to get document datasource in another Custom Control?

I have an xPage with this content:
<div class="lotusFrame">
<xc:layoutCommonBanner />
<xp:callback facetName="facetTitleBar" id="callbackTitleBar" />
<xc:layoutDiscrepancyPlaceBar />
<div class="lotusMain">
<div class="lotusColLeft">
<xp:callback facetName="facetColLeft" id="callbackColLeft" />
<div class="lotusColRight">
<xp:callback facetName="facetColRight" id="callbackColRight" />
<div class="lotusContent">
<xp:callback facetName="facetContent" id="callbackContent" />
<xc:layoutCommonFooter />
<xc:layoutCommonLegal />
As you can see, there are several custom controls in it composing layout. In the facetContent, there is a document with document datasource. It's the only document in the page. I need to get this document somehow in the layoutDiscrepancyPlaceBar custom control.
I found some old articles on the web with undocumented feature called currentDocument. It should be on every page with document datasource. But it doesn's work. I have Domino 8.5.2 and currentDocument seems to be no longer supported.
Can you help me out? How can I get document datasource from one custom control in another custom control. Is it even possible?
Thanks in advance, Jiří
EDIT: OK, it is still supported, but it only works in custom control, that is included inside the one with document datasource. In the case scenario above it doesn't work.
Your best option is to hand over the binding name in a custom property. (lets call it bindto. Then you bind your field to
See details here (inside the prezi)
P.S. currentDocument is documented somewhere.
You can also pass a handle on the data source directly to the custom control, as well as the name of the item to bind to on the data source. Because EL supports array syntax as well as dot syntax, this allows you to define expressions like this:
(where "dsn" is the property being passed the handle on the data source, and "fieldName" is the property being passed the name of the item to bind to on that data source.)
More details on this approach can be found here.
