Is having many threads in a JVM application expensive? - multithreading

I'm currently learning about actors in Scala. The book recommends using the react method instead of receive, because it allows the system to use less threads.
I have read why creating a thread is expensive. But what are the reasons that, once you have the threads (which should hold for the actor system in Scala after the initialization), having them around is expensive?
Is it mainly the memory consumption? Or are there any other reasons?

Using many threads may be more expensive than you would expect because:
each thread consumes memory outside of heap which places restriction on how many threads can be created at all for JVM;
switch from one thread to another consumes some CPU time, so if you have activity which can be performed in a single thread, you will save CPU cycles;
there's JVM scheduler which has more work to do if there are more threads. Same applies to underlying OS scheduler;
at last, it makes little sense to use more threads than you have CPU cores for CPU-bound tasks and it makes little sense to use more I/O threads than you have I/O activities (e.g., network clients).

Besides the memory overhead of having a thread around (which may or may not be small), having more threads around will also usually mean that the schedule will have more elements to consider when the time comes for it to pick which thread will get the CPU next.
Some Operating Systems / JVMs may also have constraints on the amount of threads that can concurrently exist.
Eventually, it's an accumulation of small overheads that can eventually account to a lot. And none of this is actually specific to Java.

Having threads around is not "expensive". Of course, it kinda depends on how many we're talking about here. I'd suspect billions of threads would be a problem. I think generally speaking, having a lot of threads is considered expensive because you can do more parallel work so CPU goes up, memory goes up, etc... But if they are correctly managed (pooled for example to protect the system resources) then it's ok. The JVM does not necessarily use native threads so a Java thread is not necessarily mapped to an OS native threads (i.e. look at green threads for example, or lightweight threads). In my opinion, there's no implicit cost to threads in the JVM. The cost comes from poor thread management and overuse of the resources by carelessly assigning them work.


Why does Dropbox use so many threads?

My understanding of threads is that you can only have one thread per core, two with hyper threading, before you start losing efficiency.
This computer has eight cores and so should work best with 8/16 threads then, yet many applications use several times that, especially Dropbox.
It also uses 95 threads while idling on my laptop, which only has 4 cores.
Why is this the case? Does it have so many threads for programming convenience, have I misunderstood threading efficiency or is it something else entirely?
I took a peek at the Mac version of the client, and it seems to be written in Python and it uses several frameworks.
A bunch of threads seem to be used in some in house actor system
They use nucleus for app analytics
There seems to be a p2p network
some networking threads (one per hype core)
a global pool (one per physical core)
many threads for file monitoring and thumbnail generation
task schedulers
db checkpointing
something called infinite configuration
Most are idle.
It looks like a hodgepodge of subsystems, each starting their own threads, but they don't seem too expensive in terms of memory or CPU.
My understanding of threads is that you can only have one thread per core, two with hyper threading, before you start losing efficiency.
Nope, this is not true. I'm not sure why you think that, but it's not true.
As just the most obvious way to show that it's false, suppose you had that number of threads and one of them accessed a page of memory that wasn't in RAM and had to be loaded to disk. If you don't have any other threads that can run, then one core is wasted for the entire time it takes to read that page of memory from disk.
It's hard to address the misconception directly without knowing what flawed chain of reasoning led to it. But the most common one is that if you have more threads ready-to-run than you can execute at once, then you have lots of context switches and context switches are expensive.
But that is obviously wrong. If all the threads are ready-to-run, then no context switches are necessary. A context switch is only necessary if a running thread stops being ready-to-run.
If all context switches are voluntary, then the implementation can select the optimum number of context switches. And that's precisely what it does.
Having large numbers of threads causes you to lose efficiency if, and only if, lots of threads do a small amount of work and then become no longer ready-to-run while other waiting threads are ready-to-run. That forces the implementation to do a context even where it is not optimal.
Some applications that use lots of threads do in fact do this. And that does result in poor performance. But Dropbox doesn't.

How do user level threads (ULTs) and kernel level threads (KLTs) differ with regards to concurrent execution?

Here's what I understand; please correct/add to it:
In pure ULTs, the multithreaded process itself does the thread scheduling. So, the kernel essentially does not notice the difference and considers it a single-thread process. If one thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process is blocked. Even on a multicore processor, only one thread of the process would running at a time, unless the process is blocked. I'm not sure how ULTs are much help though.
In pure KLTs, even if a thread is blocked, the kernel schedules another (ready) thread of the same process. (In case of pure KLTs, I'm assuming the kernel creates all the threads of the process.)
Also, using a combination of ULTs and KLTs, how are ULTs mapped into KLTs?
Your analysis is correct. The OS kernel has no knowledge of user-level threads. From its perspective, a process is an opaque black box that occasionally makes system calls. Consequently, if that program has 100,000 user-level threads but only one kernel thread, then the process can only one run user-level thread at a time because there is only one kernel-level thread associated with it. On the other hand, if a process has multiple kernel-level threads, then it can execute multiple commands in parallel if there is a multicore machine.
A common compromise between these is to have a program request some fixed number of kernel-level threads, then have its own thread scheduler divvy up the user-level threads onto these kernel-level threads as appropriate. That way, multiple ULTs can execute in parallel, and the program can have fine-grained control over how threads execute.
As for how this mapping works - there are a bunch of different schemes. You could imagine that the user program uses any one of multiple different scheduling systems. In fact, if you do this substitution:
Kernel thread <---> Processor core
User thread <---> Kernel thread
Then any scheme the OS could use to map kernel threads onto cores could also be used to map user-level threads onto kernel-level threads.
Hope this helps!
Before anything else, templatetypedef's answer is beautiful; I simply wanted to extend his response a little.
There is one area which I felt the need for expanding a little: combinations of ULT's and KLT's. To understand the importance (what Wikipedia labels hybrid threading), consider the following examples:
Consider a multi-threaded program (multiple KLT's) where there are more KLT's than available logical cores. In order to efficiently use every core, as you mentioned, you want the scheduler to switch out KLT's that are blocking with ones that in a ready state and not blocking. This ensures the core is reducing its amount of idle time. Unfortunately, switching KLT's is expensive for the scheduler and it consumes a relatively large amount of CPU time.
This is one area where hybrid threading can be helpful. Consider a multi-threaded program with multiple KLT's and ULT's. Just as templatetypedef noted, only one ULT can be running at one time for each KLT. If a ULT is blocking, we still want to switch it out for one which is not blocking. Fortunately, ULT's are much more lightweight than KLT's, in the sense that there less resources assigned to a ULT and they require no interaction with the kernel scheduler. Essentially, it is almost always quicker to switch out ULT's than it is to switch out KLT's. As a result, we are able to significantly reduce a cores idle time relative to the first example.
Now, of course, all of this depends on the threading library being used for implementing ULT's. There are two ways (which I can come up with) for "mapping" ULT's to KLT's.
A collection of ULT's for all KLT's
This situation is ideal on a shared memory system. There is essentially a "pool" of ULT's to which each KLT has access. Ideally, the threading library scheduler would assign ULT's to each KLT upon request as opposed to the KLT's accessing the pool individually. The later could cause race conditions or deadlocks if not implemented with locks or something similar.
A collection of ULT's for each KLT (Qthreads)
This situation is ideal on a distributed memory system. Each KLT would have a collection of ULT's to run. The draw back is that the user (or the threading library) would have to divide the ULT's between the KLT's. This could result in load imbalance since it is not guaranteed that all ULT's will have the same amount of work to complete and complete roughly the same amount of time. The solution to this is allowing for ULT migration; that is, migrating ULT's between KLT's.

Cost of a thread

I understand how to create a thread in my chosen language and I understand about mutexs, and the dangers of shared data e.t.c but I'm sure about how the O/S manages threads and the cost of each thread. I have a series of questions that all relate and the clearest way to show the limit of my understanding is probably via these questions.
What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software? One of the costs to creating a thread must be its own stack pointer and process counter, then space to copy all of the working registers to as it is moved on and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between threads of a process or on a first come first served?
Can I somehow check the hardware on start up (of the program) for number of cores. If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of threads to N-1?
then space to copy all of the working registeres to as it is moved on
and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
One less evident cost is the strain imposed on the scheduler which may start to choke if it needs to juggle thousands of threads. The memory isn't really the issue. With the right tweaking you can get a "thread" to occupy very little memory, little more than its stack. This tweaking could be difficult (i.e. using clone(2) directly under linux etc) but it can be done.
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between
threads of a process or on a first come first served
Each thread gets its own stack, and typically you can control its size.
If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of
threads to N-1
Checking the number of cores is easy, but environment-specific. However, limiting the number of threads to the number of cores only makes sense if your workload consists of CPU-intensive operations, with little I/O. If I/O is involved you may want to have many more threads than cores.
You should be as thoughtful as possible in everything you design and implement.
I know that a Java thread stack takes up about 1MB each time you create a thread. , so they add up.
Threads make sense for asynchronous tasks that allow long-running activities to happen without preventing all other users/processes from making progress.
Threads are managed by the operating system. There are lots of schemes, all under the control of the operating system (e.g. round robin, first come first served, etc.)
It makes perfect sense to me to assign one thread per core for some activities (e.g. computationally intensive calculations, graphics, math, etc.), but that need not be the deciding factor. One app I develop uses roughly 100 active threads in production; it's not a 100 core machine.
To add to the other excellent posts:
'What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software?'
It is if one of your design choices is doing such a thing often. A good way of avoiding this issue is to create threads once, at app startup, by using pools and/or app-lifetime threads dedicated to operations. Inter-thread signaling is much quicker than continual thread creation/termination/destruction and also much safer/easier.
The number of posts concerning problems with thread stopping, terminating, destroying, thread count runaway, OOM failure etc. is ledgendary. If you can avoid doing it at all, great.

Why are OS threads considered expensive?

There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
The OS provides both of this functions for free. Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
I want to amend Tudors answer which is a good starting point. There are two main overheads of threads:
Starting and stopping them. Involves creating a stack and kernel objects. Involves kernel transitions and global kernel locks.
Keeping their stack around.
(1) is only a problem if you are creating and stopping them all the time. This is solved commonly using thread pools. I consider this problem to be practically solved. Scheduling a task on a thread pool usually does not involve a trip to the kernel which makes it very fast. The overhead is on the order of a few interlocked memory operations and a few allocations.
(2) This becomes important only if you have many threads (> 100 or so). In this case async IO is a means to get rid of the threads. I found that if you don't have insane amounts of threads synchronous IO including blocking is slightly faster than async IO (you read that right: sync IO is faster).
Saving the stack is trivial, no matter what its size - the stack pointer needs to be saved in the Thread Info Block in the kernel, (so usualy saving most of the registers as well since they will have been pushed by whatever soft/hard interrupt caused the OS to be entered).
One issue is that a protection level ring-cycle is required to enter the kernel from user. This is an essential, but annoying, overhead. Then the driver or system call has to do whatever was requested by the interrupt and then the scheduling/dispatching of threads onto processors. If this results in the preemption of a thread from one process by a thread from another, a load of extra process context has to be swapped as well. Even more overhead is added if the OS decides that a thread that is running on another processor core than the one handling the interrupt mut be preempted - the other core must be hardware-interrupted, (this is on top of the hard/soft interrupt that entred the OS in the first place.
So, a scheduling run may be quite a complex operation.
'Green threads' or 'fibers' are, (usually), scheduled from user code. A context-change is much easier and cheaper than an OS interrupt etc. because no Wagnerian ring-cycle is required on every context-change, process-context does not change and the OS thread running the green thread group does not change.
Since something-for-nothing does not exist, there are problems with green threads. They ar run by 'real' OS threads. This means that if one 'green' thread in a group run by one OS thread makes an OS call that blocks, all green threads in the group are blocked. This means that simple calls like sleep() have to be 'emulated' by a state-machine that yields to other green threads, (yes, just like re-implementing the OS). Similarly, any inter-thread signalling.
Also, of course, green threads cannot directly respond to IO signaling, so somewhat defeating the point of having any threads in the first place.
There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
It's an abstraction layer. It's easier for many people to grasp this concept and use it more effectively in many scenarios. It's also easier for many machines (assuming a good abstraction), since the model moves from width to pull in many cases. With pthreads (as an example), you have all the control. With other threading models, the idea is to reuse threads, for the process of creating a concurrent task to be inexpensive, and to use a completely different threading model. It's far easier to digest this model; there's less to learn and measure, and the results are generally good.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
Creating a thread is expensive, and the stack requires memory. As well, if your process is using many threads, then context switching can kill performance. So lightweight threading models became useful for a number of reasons. Creating an OS thread became a good solution for medium to large tasks, ideally in low numbers. That's restrictive, and quite time consuming to maintain.
A task/thread pool/userland thread does not need to worry about much of the context switching or thread creation. It's often "reuse the resource when it becomes available, if it's not ready now -- also, determine the number of active threads for this machine".
More commmonly (IMO), OS level threads are expensive because they are not used correctly by the engineers - either there are too many and there is a ton of context switching, there is competition for the same set of resources, the tasks are too small. It takes much more time to understand how to use OS threads correctly, and how to apply that best to the context of a program's execution.
The OS provides both of this functions for free.
They're available, but they are not free. They are complex, and very important to good performance. When you create an OS thread, it's given time 'soon' -- all the process' time is divided among the threads. That's not the common case with user threads. The task is often enqueued when the resource is not available. This reduces context switching, memory, and the total number of threads which must be created. When the task exits, the thread is given another.
Consider this analogy of time distribution:
Assume you are at a casino. There are a number people who want cards.
You have a fixed number of dealers. There are fewer dealers than people who want cards.
There is not always enough cards for every person at any given time.
People need all cards to complete their game/hand. They return their cards to the dealer when their game/hand is complete.
How would you ask the dealers to distribute cards?
Under the OS scheduler, that would be based on (thread) priority. Every person would be given one card at a time (CPU time), and priority would be evaluated continually.
The people represent the task or thread's work. The cards represent time and resources. The dealers represent threads and resources.
How would you deal fastest if there were 2 dealers and 3 people? and if there were 5 dealers and 500 people? How could you minimize running out of cards to deal? With threads, adding cards and adding dealers is not a solution you can deliver 'on demand'. Adding CPUs is equivalent to adding dealers. Adding threads is equivalent to dealers dealing cards to more people at a time (increases context switching). There are a number of strategies to deal cards more quickly, especially after you eliminate the people's need for cards in a certain amount of time. Would it not be faster to go to a table and deal to a person or people until their game is complete if the dealer to people ratio were 1/50? Compare this to visiting every table based on priority, and coordinating visitation among all dealers (the OS approach). That's not to imply the OS is stupid -- it implies that creating an OS thread is an engineer adding more people and more tables, potentially more than the dealers can reasonably handle. Fortunately, the constraints may be lifted in many cases by using other multithreading models and higher abstractions.
Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
If you developed a performance critical low level threading library (e.g. upon pthreads), you would recognize the importance of reuse (and implement it in your library as a model available for users). From that angle, the importance of higher level multithreading models is a simple and obvious solution/optimization based on real world usage as well as the ideal that the entry bar for adopting and effectively utilizing multithreading can be lowered.
It's not that they are expensive -- the lightweight threads' model and pool is a better solution for many problems, and a more appropriate abstraction for engineers who do not understand threads well. The complexity of multithreading is greatly simplified (and often more performant in real world usage) under this model. With OS threads, you do have more control, but several more considerations must be made to use them as effectively as possible -- heeding these consideration can dramatically reflow a program's execution/implementation. With higher level abstractions, many of these complexities are minimized by completely altering the flow of task execution (width vs pull).
The problem with starting kernel threads for each small task is that it incurs a non-negligible overhead to start and stop, coupled with the stack size it needs.
This is the first important point: thread pools exist so that you can recycle threads, in order to avoid wasting time starting them as well as wasting memory for their stacks.
Secondly, if you fire off threads to do asynchronous I/O, they will spend most of their time blocked waiting for the I/O to complete, thus effectively not doing any work and wasting memory. A much better option is to have a single worker handle multiple async calls (through some under-the-hood scheduling technique, such as multiplexing), thus again saving memory and time.
One thing that makes "green" threads faster than kernel threads is that they are user-space objects, managed by a virtual machine. Starting them is a user space call, while starting a thread is a kernel-space call that is much slower.
A person in Google shows an interesting approach.
According to him, kernel mode switching itself is not the bottleneck, and the core cost happen on SMP scheduler. And he claims M:N schedule assisted by kernel wouldn't be expensive, and this makes me to expect general M:N threading to be available on every languages.
Because the OS. Imagine that instead of asking you to clean the house your grandmother has to call the social service that does some paperwork and a week after assigns a social worker for helping her. The worker can be called off at any time and replaced with another one, which again takes several days.
That's pretty ineffective and slow, huh?
In this metaphor you are a userland coroutine scheduler, the social service is an OS with its kernel-level thread scheduler, and a social worker is a fully-fledged thread.
I think the two things are in different levels.
Thread or Process is an instance of the program which is being executed. In a process/thread there is much more things in it. Execution stack, opening files, signals, processors status, and a many other things.
Greentlet is different, it is runs in vm. It supplies a light-weight thread. Many of them supply a pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads). And often they supply a lock-free method by data-transmission instead of data sharing.
So, the two things focus different, so the weight are different.
And In my mind, the greenlet should be finished in the VM not the OS.

How many simultaneous threads in an application is a lot?

5, 100, 1000?
I guess, "it depends", but on what?
What is common in applications that run as server daemons / services?
What are hard limits?
Given that the machine can handle the overall workload, how do I determine at how many threads the overhead starts to have an impact on performance?
What are important differences between OS's?
What else should be considered?
I'm asking because I would like to employ threads in an application to organize subcomponents of my application that do not share data and are designed to do their work in parallel. As the application would also use thread pools for parallelizing some tasks, I was wondering at what point I should start to think about the number of threads that's going to run in total.
I know the n+1 rule as a guideline for determining the number of threads that simultaneously work on the same task to gain performance. However, I want to use threads like one might use processes in a larger scope, i. e. to organize independent tasks that should not interfere with each other.
In this related question, some people advise to minimise the number of threads because of the added complexity. To me it seems that threads can also help to keep things sorted more orderly and actually reduce interference. Isn't that correct?
I can't answer your question about "how much is many" but I agree that you should not use threads for every task possible.
The optimal amount of threads for performance of application is (n+1), where n is the amount of processors/cores your computer/claster has.
The more your actual thread amount differs from n+1, the less optimal it gets and gets your system resources wasted on thread calculations.
So usually you use 1 thread for the UI, 1 thread for some generic tasks, and (n+1) threads for some huge-calculation tasks.
Actually Ajmastrean is a little out of date. Quoting from his own link
The thread pool has a default size of
250 worker threads per available
processor, and 1000 I/O completion
threads. The number of threads in the
thread pool can be changed by using
the SetMaxThreads method.
But generally I think 25 is really where the law of diminishing returns (and programmers abilities to keep track of what is going on) starts coming into effect. Although Max is right, as long as all of the threads are performing non-blocking calculations n+1 is the optimal number, in the real world most of the threading tasks I perform tend to be done on stuff with some kind of IO.
Also depends on your architecture. E.g. in NVIDIA GPGPU lib CUDA you can put on an 8 thread multiprocessor 512 threads simoultanously. You may ask why assign each of the scalar processors 64 threads? The answer is easy: If the computation is not compute bound but memory IO bound, you can hide the mem latencies by executing other threads. Similar applies to normal CPUs. I can remember that a recommendation for the parallel option for make "-j" is to use approx 1.5 times the number of cores you got. Many of the compiling tasks are heavy IO burden and if a task has to wait for harddisk, mem ... whatever, CPU could work on a different thread.
Next you have to consider, how expensive a task/thread switch is. E.g. it is comes free, while CPU has to perform some work for a context switch. So in general you have to estimate if the penalty for two task switches is longer than the time the thread would block (which depends heavily on your applications).
Microsoft's ThreadPool class limits you to 25 threads per processor. The limit is based on context switching between threads and the memory consumed by each thread. So, that's a good guideline if you're on the Windows platform.
