It is possible to create a custom landing page in Liferay? - liferay

It is possible to create a landing page in Liferay? If so, in which version? And how?

This can be achieve this the following way :
Make a page (just a normal liferay page) and remember the friendly url.
Set the appropiate permissions depending on your senario
Go to the control panel
In the portal section - click portal settings
You can set the Friendly url under the navigation part (located in center of screen)
These steps are for Liferay 6.1.0 CE.

Modifying liferay to use a landing page was there from version 5. You can also set this using properties file. Create (if you have not done before) a file in webapp/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes folder with these lines modified according to you.
## Default Landing Page
# Set the default landing page path for logged in users relative to the
# server path. This is the page users are automatically redirected to after
# logging in. For example, if you want the default landing page to be
# http://localhost:8080/web/guest/login, set this to /web/guest/login. To
# activate this feature, set to true. To customize
# the behavior, see in
# the "" property above.


Liferay is generating a blank URL in the back arrow that is created when a portlet is maximized

When a portlet is maximized (p_p_state=maximized), Liferay generates a back arrow to allow navigation back to the "full page".
However, the HREF in the tag that is generated is blank. No URL. This does not happen on my local machine, but it is happening on my servers (local and servers are Liferay 7, GA7).
I have found that this is created as a tag with an HREF set to ${portlet_back_url}, which in turn is created from htmlUtil.escapeHREF(portlet_display.getURLBack()).
Which lead me to the getURLBack() method in com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.PortletDisplay, which seems to only be a bean with a lot of properties. There is a setURLBack(), which is called from 150 files (mostly JSPs). So the value must not be getting set - but I can't find where is should be getting set from, and I don't understand why it works fine locally.
Also, the back arrow on the built-in portlets (User, Organization, Site, etc.) when working in the control panel exhibits the same behavior - so the issue is systemic (not just my custom portlet). And, as I mentioned, it's fine on my local machine that is using the same Liferay bundle - so I'm pretty sure something is different in the environment.
Has anybody come across this? Any hints on where to look?
You need to update yours redirect url/ip when you have deployed in server
Please refer and update below properties in your
# Set this property to "ip" or "domain" for the redirect security method. If
# set to "domain", the portal will only redirect users to domains listed in
# the property "redirect.url.domain.allowed". If set to "ip", the portal
# will only redirect to domains whose IP address resolve to an IP address
# listed in the property "redirect.url.ip.allowed".
# Input a list of comma delimited domains which the portal is allowed to
# redirect to. Input a blank list to allow any domain. Specifying a domain
# with a leading "*." allows redirects to subdomains.
# Input a list of comma delimited IPs which the portal is allowed to
# redirect to. Input a blank list to allow any IP. SERVER_IP will be
# replaced with the IP of the host server.

Hiding entire website to visitors on Kentico?

Is it possible to hide an entire website behind a log-in screen? Making the visitor login to see the content. I know there are plugins like this on Wordpress but I am unable to find something for Kentico.
Yes. At the root of the website (master page) select it. Then go to Properties>Security and in the Access section of that page, select yes for the "Requires authentication" attribute and save the page. This will force the user to the login page you have defined in your web.config OR in your Settings to authenticate first. This will be inherited by default through the rest of the child pages.

Sharepoint 365: Set the site contents page as the home page

Is there a way to set the home/landing page for a SharePoint 365 site to the Site Contents page
You could add a script on startpage in a script editor web part that redirect users to Site contents. That redirect surely will create a "flicker".This should do it:
window.location.href = "/_layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx";
Beware that this will be hard to remove from the web part (you will always get redirected), so maybe it should be added to a new page layout that is used by the startpage. Then it's possible to edit/remove the redirect through SharePoint Designer.
You could also try (if you have publishing feature activated) the "Welcome Page" link in site settings. Maybe there you could somehow point out the path to site contents, but I doubt it.

How to stop the link from redirecting in Kentico CMS when the user log in as admin/CMS editor?

Is it possible / how to stop the link from redirecting in Kentico CMS when the user log in as admin/CMS editor?
If you want to prevent the logging to CMS (from /CMSPages/logon.aspx) you can create a custom login page and redirect user where you want.
Use the Logon Form web part to achive this. In the properties of that web part you can setup Default target URL, which leads users to approporiate page You want

Sharepoint: Redirect user to default site

Is it possible to set a default site for a group of users in Sharepoint and have the main default page redirect them to the sub site?
I don't know an out of the box feature which could do this, but you could write a small WebPart which does the redirect depending on the user who visits the site. Shouldn't be to difficult.
The configuration could either be stored in the web part itself or within a list. To speedup the whole redirect process you should cache the redirect information when it was read from the configuration.
That's the way I would do this.
Don't forget to think about a way which let you access and edit the page with the redirect web part without getting redirected.
