the number of pthread_mutex in running system - linux

I have a strange question. I have to calculate the number of
pthread_mutex in running system, for example, debian, ubuntu,system in
microcontroller and etc. I have to do it without LD_PRELOAD,
interrupting, overloading of functions and etc. I have to calculate it
in random time.
Do somebody have idea how I can do it? Can you see me way?

for the count the threads:
ps -eLf will give you a list of all the threads and processes currently running on the system.
However you ask for a list of all threads that HAVE executed on the system, presumably since some arbitrary point in the past - are you sure that is what you mean? You could run ps as a cron job and poll the system every X minutes, but you would miss threads that were born and died between jobs. You would also have a huge amount of data to deal with.
For count the mutex it's impossible


With an n core machine why does htop continously claim only 1 process running?

While reading about htop:
"In the top right corner, htop shows the total number of processes and
how many of them are running."
If I have an 8 core machine (seen above), and I'm currently running over 100 processes, why is htop always indicating 1 process running at a time?
Shouldn't I have the potential to run more?
I'd expect that value to be... 8.
I must be misunderstanding what that value means.
What does it mean for that value to always be 1?
Am I really not running anything in parallel?
why is htop always indicating 1 process running at a time?
Probably because on average there is only 1 process actually running at a time.
Shouldn't I have the potential to run more?
You do have the potential to run more!
I'd expect that value to be... 8. I must be misunderstanding what that value means.
The value is actually a reflection of the amount of work available for your system to do. If there is little work to do, most of the cores will be idle most of the time.
Technically, the load average is the average number of threads in the system's run list. This includes threads / processes that are running, and those that are waiting to run. Most of the time, a thread / process on a non-busy system will be in a "wait" state; i.e. "D" which means that it is waiting for a device or file system, or "S" which means that it is waiting for user or network I/O.
Am I really not running anything in parallel?
That is correct.
If you are expecting your system, or a specific application to be running in parallel, you should probably investigate ...

Why Running multiple same commands take a very long time

This isn't so much of a programming question, but more of a problem which I've encountered lately, which I'm trying to understand.
Example, running an ls command in linux take maybe ..... 1 sec.
But when I spawn off a few thousands of ls command simultaneously, I noticed that some of the process is not running, and kinda take a very long time to run.
Why is that so? And how can we work around that?
Thanks in advance.
I did a ps, and saw that a couple of the ls commands were in the state of D<. I checked up a bit, and understand that it is an Uninterruptable Sleep. What is that? And when will that happen? How to avoid that?
The number of processes or threads that can be executing concurrently is limited by the number of cores in your machine.
If you spawn thousands of processes or threads simultaneously the kernel is only able to run 'n' (where n equals the number of available cores) at the same time, some of them will have to wait to be scheduled.
If you want to run more processes or threads truly concurrently then you need to increase the number of available cores in the system (ie. by adding CPUs, enabling hyperthreading if available).

How can I determine the number of threads Matlab is using?

When I run simply "matlab", maxNumCompThreads returns 4.
When I run "matlab -singleCompThread", maxNumCompThreads returns 1.
However in both instances, ps uH p <PID> | wc -l (which I picked up from another question on SO to determine the number of threads a process is using) returns 35.
What gives? Can somebody explain to me what the 35 represents, and whether or not I can trust maxNumCompThreads as indicating that Matlab is only using one thread?
The number of threads used by MATLAB for computation (maxNumCompThreads) is different from the number of threads MATLAB.exe uses to manage its internal functions: the interpreter, memory manager, command line, who knows what else. If you were writing MATLAB, imagine the number of threads required to manage the various ongoing, independent tasks. Perhaps have a look at the Octave or FreeMat code to get an idea.
Many of the threads you see are used by the JVM that MATLAB launches. You could try the flag "-nojvm" to cut things down further. Obviously, without the JVM, functionality is very limited. "-singleCompThread" limits only the threads used by numeric computation such as MATLAB's intrinsic multithreading as well as threads used by external libraries such as MKL and FFTW.

Why processes are deprived of CPU for TOO long while busy looping in Linux kernel?

At first glance, my question might look bit trivial. Please bear with me and read completely.
I have identified a busy loop in my Linux kernel module. Due to this, other processes (e.g. sshd) are not getting CPU time for long spans of time (like 20 seconds). This is understandable as my machine has only single CPU and busy loop is not giving chance to schedule other processes.
Just to experiment, I had added schedule() after each iteration in the busy loop. Even though, this would be keeping the CPU busy, it should still let other processes run as I am calling schedule(). But, this doesn't seem to be happening. My user level processes are still hanging for long spans of time (20 seconds).
In this case, the kernel thread got nice value -5 and user level threads got nice value 0. Even with low priority of user level thread, I think 20 seconds is too long to not get CPU.
Can someone please explain why this could be happening?
Note: I know how to remove busy loop completely. But, I want to understand the behaviour of kernel here. Kernel version is 2.6.18 and kernel pre-emption is disabled.
The schedule() function simply invokes the scheduler - it doesn't take any special measures to arrange that the calling thread will be replaced by a different one. If the current thread is still the highest priority one on the run queue then it will be selected by the scheduler once again.
It sounds as if your kernel thread is doing very little work in its busy loop and it's calling schedule() every time round. Therefore, it's probably not using much CPU time itself and hence doesn't have its priority reduced much. Negative nice values carry heavier weight than positives, so the difference between a -5 and a 0 is quite pronounced. The combination of these two effects means I'm not too surprised that user space processes miss out.
As an experiment you could try calling the scheduler every Nth iteration of the loop (you'll have to experiment to find a good value of N for your platform) and see if the situation is better - calling schedule() too often will just waste lots of CPU time in the scheduler. Of course, this is just an experiment - as you have already pointed out, avoiding busy loops is the correct option in production code, and if you want to be sure your thread is replaced by another then set it to be TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE before calling schedule() to remote itself from the run queue (as has already been mentioned in comments).
Note that your kernel (2.6.18) is using the O(1) scheduler which existed until the Completely Fair Scheduler was added in 2.6.23 (the O(1) scheduler having been added in 2.6 to replace the even older O(n) scheduler). The CFS doesn't use run queues and works in a different way, so you might well see different behaviour - I'm less familiar with it, however, so I wouldn't like to predict exactly what differences you'd see. I've seen enough of it to know that "completely fair" isn't the term I'd use on heavily loaded SMP systems with a large number of both cores and processes, but I also accept that writing a scheduler is a very tricky task and it's far from the worst I've seen, and I've never had a significant problem with it on a 4-8 core desktop machine.

Two processes on two CPUs -- is it possible that they complete at exactly the same moment?

This is sort of a strange question that's been bothering me lately. In our modern world of multi-core CPUs and multi-threaded operating systems, we can run many processes with true hardware concurrency. Let's say I spawn two instances of Program A in two separate processes at the same time. Disregarding OS-level interference which may alter the execution time for either or both processes, is it possible for both of these processes to complete at exactly the same moment in time? Is there any specific hardware/operating-system mechanism that may prevent this?
Now before the pedants grill me on this, I want to clarify my definition of "exactly the same moment". I'm not talking about time in the cosmic sense, only as it pertains to the operation of a computer. So if two processes complete at the same time, that means that they complete
with a time difference that is so small, the computer cannot tell the difference.
EDIT : by "OS-level interference" I mean things like interrupts, various techniques to resolve resource contention that the OS may use, etc.
Actually, thinking about time in the "cosmic sense" is a good way to think about time in a distributed system (including multi-core systems). Not all systems (or cores) advance their clocks at exactly the same rate, making it hard to actually tell which events happened first (going by wall clock time). Because of this inability to agree, systems tend to measure time by logical clocks. Two events happen concurrently (i.e., "exactly at the same time") if they are not ordered by sharing data with each other or otherwise coordinating their execution.
Also, you need to define when exactly a process has "exited." Thinking in Linux, is it when it prints an "exiting" message to the screen? When it returns from main()? When it executes the exit() system call? When its process state is run set to "exiting" in the kernel? When the process's parent receives a SIGCHLD?
So getting back to your question (with a precise definition for "exactly at the same time"), the two processes can end (or do any other event) at exactly the same time as long as nothing coordinates their exiting (or other event). What counts as coordination depends on your architecture and its memory model, so some of the "exited" conditions listed above might always be ordered at a low level or by synchronization in the OS.
You don't even need "exactly" at the same time. Sometimes you can be close enough to seem concurrent. Even on a single core with no true concurrency, two processes could appear to exit at the same time if, for instance, two child processes exited before their parent was next scheduled. It doesn't matter which one really exited first; the parent will see that in an instant while it wasn't running, both children died.
So if two processes complete at the same time, that means that they complete with a time difference that is so small, the computer cannot tell the difference.
Sure, why not? Except for shared memory (and other resources, see below), they're operating independently.
Is there any specific hardware/operating-system mechanism that may prevent this?
Anything that is a resource contention:
memory access
disk access
network access
explicit concurrency management via locks/semaphores/mutexes/etc.
To be more specific: these are separate CPU cores. That means they have computing circuitry implemented in separate logic circuits. From the wikipedia page:
The fact that each core can have its own memory cache means that it is quite possible for most of the computation to occur as interaction of each core with its own cache. Once you have that, it's just a matter of probability. That's not to say that algorithms take a nondeterministic amount of time, but their inputs may come from a probabilistic distribution and the amount of time it takes to run is unlikely to be completely independent of input data unless the algorithm has been carefully designed to take the same amount of time.
Well I'm going to go with I doubt it:
Internally any sensible OS maintains a list of running processes.
It therefore seems sensible for us to define the moment that the process completes as the moment that it is removed from this list.
It also strikes me as fairly unlikely (but not impossible) that a typical OS will go to the effort to construct this list in such a way that two threads can independently remove an item from this list at exactly the same time (processes don't terminate that frequently and removing an item from a list is relatively inexpensive - I can't see any real reason why they wouldn't just lock the entire list instead).
Therefore for any two terminating processes A and B (where A terminates before B), there will always be a reasonably large time period (in a cosmic sense) where A has terminated and B has not.
That said it is of course possible to produce such a list, and so in reality it depends on the OS.
Also I don't really understand the point of this question, in particular what do you mean by
the computer cannot tell the difference
In order for the computer to tell the difference it has to be able to check the running process table at a point where A has terminated and B has not - if the OS schedules removing process B from the process table immediately after process A then it could very easily be that no such code gets a chance to execute and so by some definitions it isn't possible for the computer to tell the difference - this sutation holds true even on a single core / CPU processor.
Yes, without any OS Scheduling interference they could finish at the same time, if they don't have any resource contention (shared memory, external io, system calls). When either of them have a lock on a resource they will force the other to stall waiting for resource to free up.
