How to get text into Unity? [closed] - text

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a basic Java program with output of "hello world". What I want to do is to write a Java script to run that program and import that into Unity so I can use it in my program in Unity.
Is there a way?

You can communicate with Unity from a Java application trough OSC(Open Sound Control) and send text, commands triggers or load an external file(xml or similar) into Unity.
Unity and Open Sound Control

On unity you have to use function OnGui() to show text.
In the related documentation you have many example.
For show message in a console just use in a javascript:
Debug.Log("Hello world");

You can also put files in your /Resources folder in your unity project, then load them at run time. These can be pretty much anything. models, prefabs, materials... could be text files (maybe comma delimited txt files, that you parse) or more typically .xml files that you can easily access and extract data (text) from.
to load any resource file, use resources.load()

Don't use OnGui as this is bad for performance rather use Canvas to edit and place the text you prefer on or in (parent) object you want.
to make this look better put the font size higher and the width and height lower.
this will make it look sharper.


How to create new file in VIM terminal(shell?) [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am working on CURRENTTEXT.txt in vim and would like to make a NEWTEXT.txt on that window.
:vs /space/where/I/want/to/store/new/file
Now I get VIM terminal? shell? on the one side of the window.
make NEWTEXT.txt
but fails
Vim, though it's a text editor, has quite a rich set of commands for creating and managing multiple "windows".
:vnew <filename> creates a vertically-split new window and opens the file. :vnew by itself merely creates a blank vertical-split window.
There are many controls available for moving and resizing them, jumping between them, changing the direction of the split... it's impressive.
Section 6 of the Vim Frequently Asked Questions talks about opening and editing multiple existing files and the Vim Wiki talks about all sorts of things, including using vnew.
When I'm really digging into a code project I'll have several splits open, sometimes to separate parts of the same file, sometimes diffing two or three files and merging parts of them, sometimes looking at the hexdump of one next to the text version. It's all in Vim's documentation and online help.

How to wait for a program termination signal/attempt, and stop it from termination? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to write a Bash script which will be "watching" some application. As soon as an attempt is made to close/terminate this application, the script will try to stop that termination operation for a few milliseconds, do some stuff and then terminate the application.
I am using Okular to read PDF files and annotate them. But the annotations are saved only in the Okular's docdata. However, if you save the file by using "Save As", the annotations are saved in the PDF file itself.
What I am trying to do is to intercept user's attempt to close Okular by clicking the "x" button on the window, and "Save as" the okular file, replacing the original, and then close the application.
This is meant to be a dirty hack to save annotations in PDF file, as this functionality is not provided in Linux by any good PDF "reader" (please don't name libreoffice or gimp, they're not readers).
If the application is killed with -9, you can do nothing about it, either inside the application or from outside.
The best you could do would be to write a script that users would invoke to cause the application to terminate. That script would be responsible for signaling the app that termination was imminent (via some IPC mechanism), wait for an acknowledgement that it's OK to proceed, and then terminate the app.

How to download all subtitles from in a specific language? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Excuse me if this post is not related to this forum, but I couldn't find any other place to ask my question. It would be appreciated if you introduce me a suitable place for this post.
By the way, I am trying to download all the subtitles from in a specific language (say English) and find their translations in another language (say Arabic). I tried wget, but I couldn't download anything useful from this site. (I need .srt, .zip and .txt files)
Can everyone help me?
Downloading everything individually will put an unnessesary load on their servers. Better use something like
The download link is something like:
Where 4617044 is the ID of the subtitle. You can use this URL with wget to download it, but it won't have the correct filename.
Alternatively, you can use the XML-RPC api to search and download subtitles.

Is there an easy way to View, Edit & Locally store a .txt file through Chrome [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This isn't necessarily a coding problem, but users here would be the perfect people to ask.
Is there an easy way to view and edit a simple text file (.txt seems the most obvious) on a browser (I use Chrome). I'd like this file to be stored locally as well, preferably in my dropbox folder so it's backed-up at all times.
I tried looking for a chrome extension that does this, but after 3 failed attempts I thought there might be a manual way to do this.
I don't care about the format as long as it's common and can be opened on other computers if need be.
Paste the following into your browser address field to get a ready browser notepad:
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
You can type or paste your text here, edit and then save as page or copy somewhere. Suggested by Jose in his blog.
HTML5 has a File API:
Once you read that you will realize that you can use a blob builder to write to a file, then post that file back to your browser which will automatically download it.
var bb = new BlobBuilder();
var blob = bb.getBlob();
location.href = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(blob);
This is an old question, but I've wanted this ability for a long time and finally found a solution that works for me. In Chrome, set up a Workspace folder as described here.
I wanted to edit a markdown file, so I created an empty file called in my workspace folder. With Chrome developer tools open, in the Sources pane, I can double click this file to edit it. Even better, I have the MarkView plugin installed, so I see a nicely rendered version of the markdown in the main view.
I think there's a reason why web browsers and text editors are called the way they are. Why would you wan't a functionallity like that? There are other tools for that.
Maybe your answer is a server which handles this kind of requests - allows information to be added, and stores it in it's own dropbox folder which is shared with other users.
The main problem is that browser can't that easily access files on your computer if those aren't cookies, tmp files.

Can I embed an exe payload in a pdf, doc, ppt or any other file format? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any way that I can embed a .exe file in a .pdf, .doc, .xls, or .ppt file in such a way that upon opening the containing file, the document processor will run the .exe automatically without the user intentionally executing it?
Yes, this is totally possible and pretty easy to accomplish - so long as you have an active exploit in the PDF viewer. Check out one of the many Adobe Acrobat Exploits in the Metasploit framework. Next you can use a download+exec shellcode to download and execute your payload, err I mean ".exe".
You can embed files with EXE or any other format. However, the ability to have the EXE run automatically depends on the viewer application and its security settings. This PDF feature has been exploited by many malware. So, there is no guarantee that it will work on all end-user systems. Be warned that if you make this feature a part of some commercial application, then security software will soon flag it as a malware, which can adversly affect your company's reputation.
Yes. Besides using an exploit, you can just paste the file in using Acrobat Professional. Acrobat allows you to add arbitrary attachments these days.
If you make your PDF files with pdflatex, you can embed any file using the embedfile package. I use this frequently to add all kinds of files to PDF files. They show up as attachments.
You can also use the Acrobat GUI to do it.
In short, no. These file formats have no provision for embedding a Win32 PE executable inside of them.
For the Office files, you could use VBA to write a script that runs when the document is opened.
