GLUT keyboard very unresponsive - linux

I am testing out the simple pong game found here:
The problem is that the keyboard controls work very badly - the keys are very unresponsive and often have a delay of a few seconds. I assume that the author wrote the code for Windows because he included a .bat file and so this is a Linux-specific problem.
Why is this happening?
I am unsure of where the problem would be, but here is the file Keyboard.hs:
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Graphics.UI.GLUT (Key(..), KeyState(..))
-- | Set of all keys that are currently held down
newtype Keyboard = Keyboard (Set Key)
-- | Create a new Keyboard
initKeyboard :: Keyboard
initKeyboard = Keyboard Set.empty
-- | Record a key state change in the given Keyboard
handleKeyEvent :: Key -> KeyState -> Keyboard -> Keyboard
handleKeyEvent k Down = addKey k
handleKeyEvent k Up = removeKey k
addKey :: Key -> Keyboard -> Keyboard
addKey k (Keyboard s) = Keyboard $ Set.insert k s
removeKey :: Key -> Keyboard -> Keyboard
removeKey k (Keyboard s) = Keyboard $ Set.delete k s
-- | Test if a key is currently held down in the given Keyboard
isKeyDown :: Keyboard -> Key -> Bool
isKeyDown (Keyboard s) k = Set.member k s
And setting the callbacks:
type KeyboardRef = IORef Keyboard
type TimeRef = IORef POSIXTime
type AccumRef = TimeRef
type PrevTimeRef = TimeRef
type GameRef = IORef (Rects, GameLogic)
type CallbackRefs = (AccumRef, PrevTimeRef, KeyboardRef, GameRef)
initCallbackRefs :: IO CallbackRefs
initCallbackRefs = do
accum <- newIORef secPerTick
prev <- getPOSIXTime >>= newIORef
keyb <- newIORef initKeyboard
cont <- newIORef ([],game)
return (accum, prev, keyb, cont)
-- | Update the Keyboard state according to the event
handleKeyboard :: CallbackRefs -> KeyboardMouseCallback
handleKeyboard (_, _, kb, _) k ks _ _ = modifyIORef kb (handleKeyEvent k ks)

The lack of a GLUT timer seemed to be the problem.
Here is a correctly working version by Rian Hunter:


Parallelize computation of mutable vector in ST

How can computations done in ST be made to run in parallel?
I have a vector which needs to be filled in by random access, hence the use of ST, and the computation runs correctly single-threaded, but have been unable to figure out how to use more than one core.
Random access is needed because of the meaning of the indices into the vector. There are n things and every possible way of choosing among n things has an entry in the vector, as in the choice function. Each of these choices corresponds to a binary number (conceptually, a packed [Bool]) and these Int values are the indices. If there are n things, then the size of the vector is 2^n. The natural way the algorithm runs is for every entry corresponding to "n choose 1" to be filled in, then every entry for "n choose 2," etc. The entries corresponding to "n choose k" depends on the entries corresponding to "n choose (k-1)." The integers for the different choices do not occur in numerical order, and that's why random access is needed.
Here's a pointless (but slow) computation that follows the same pattern. The example function shows how I tried to break the computation up so that the bulk of the work is done in a pure world (no ST monad). In the code below, bogus is where most of the work is done, with the intent of calling that in parallel, but only one core is ever used.
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show (example 9)
example :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
example n = runST $ do
m <- (2^n) :: ST s (Vm.STVector s Int)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.STVector s Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
If anyone tests this, using more than 9 or 10 in show (example 9) will take much longer than you want to wait for such a pointless sequence of numbers.
Just do it in IO. If you need to use the result in pure code, then unsafePerformIO is available.
The following version runs about 3-4 times faster with +RTS -N16 than +RTS -N1. My changes involved converting the ST vectors to IO, changing the forM_ to forConcurrently_, and adding a bang annotation to let !v = bogus ....
Full code:
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import System.IO.Unsafe
main :: IO ()
main = do
let m = unsafePerformIO (example 9)
putStrLn $ show m
example :: Int -> IO (Vb.Vector Int)
example n = do
m <- (2^n)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.IOVector Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
I think this can not be done in a safe way. In the general case, it seems it would break Haskell's referential transparency.
If we could perform multi-threaded computations within ST s, then we could spawn two threads that race over the same STRef s Bool. Let's say one thread is writing False and the other one True.
After we use runST on the computation, we get an expression of type Bool which is sometimes False and sometimes True. That should not be possible.
If you are absolutely certain that your parallelization does not break referential transparency, you could try using unsafe primitives like unsafeIOToST to spawn new threads. Use with extreme care.
There might be safer ways to achieve something similar. Outside ST, we do have some parallelism available in Control.Parallel.Strategies.
There are a number of ways to do parallelization in Haskell. Usually they will give comparable performance improvements, however some are better then the others and it mostly depends on problem that needs parallelization. This particular use case looked very interesting to me, so I decided to investigate a few approaches.
We are using a boxed vector, therefore we can utilize laziness and built-in spark pool for parallelization. One very simple approach is provided by vector-strategies package, which can iterate over any immutable boxed vector and evaluate all of the thunks in parallel. It is also possible to split the vector in chunks, but as it turns out the chunk size of 1 is the optimal one:
exampleParVector :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
exampleParVector n = example n `using` parVector 1
parVector uses par underneath and requires one extra iteration over the vector. In this case we are already iterating over thee vector, thus it would actually make more sense to use par from parallel directly. This would allow us to perform computation in parallel while continue using ST monad:
import Control.Parallel (par)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
v `par` Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
It is important to note that the computation of each element of the vector is expensive when compared to the total number of elements in the vector. That is why using par is a very good solution here. If it was the opposite, namely the vector was very large, but elements weren't too expensive to compute, it would be better to use an unboxed vector and switch it to a different parallelization method.
Another way was described by #K.A.Buhr. Switch to IO from ST and use async:
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently_)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
The concern that #chi has raised is a valid one, however in this particular implementation it is safe to use unsafePerformIO instead of runST, because parallelization does not violate the invariant of deterministic computation. Namely, we can promise that regardless of the input supplied to example function, the output will always be exactly the same.
Green threads are pretty cheap in Haskell, but they aren't free. The solution above with async package has one slight drawback: it will spin up at least as many threads as there are elements in the newEntries list each time forConcurrently_ is called. It would be better to spin up as many threads as there are capabilities (the -N RTS option) and let them do all the work. For this we can use scheduler package, which is a work stealing scheduler:
import Control.Scheduler (Comp(Par), runBatch_, withScheduler_)
withScheduler_ Par $ \scheduler ->
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> runBatch_ scheduler $ \_ -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> scheduleWork_ scheduler $ do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Spark pool in GHC also uses a work stealing scheduler, which is built into RTS and is unrelated to the package above in any shape or form, but the idea is very similar: few threads with many units of computation.
Here are some benchmarks on a 16-core machine for all of the approaches with example 7 (value 9 takes on the order of seconds, which introduces too much noise for criterion). We only get about x5 speedup, because a significant part of the algorithm is sequential in nature and can't be parallelized.

How to make your game character move accordingly?

I'm currently trying to create a snake-like game in haskell using hscurses in the terminal, and I'm having a bit of trouble implementing the input-functionality of the game. My problem is that whenever I hold down one of the movement keys, for example 'a', the character moves to the left for as many characters that were registered by the console. This leads to when I want to switch directions, for example down by pressing 's', the character keeps on moving to the left and the down-movement gets delayed.
res :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
res n f = concurrently (System.Timeout.timeout n f) (threadDelay n) >>= \(result, _) -> return
getInput :: IO Char
getInput = hSetEcho stdin False
>> hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
>> getChar
and the part of the main game-loop function that handles the input:
loop :: Window -> State -> Player -> IO State
loop window state player = do
threadDelay 1000000
k <- res 100 getInput
newState <- updateState player state
newPlayer <- movePlayer player k
render newState newPlayer window
and the movePlayer function:
movePlayer :: Player -> Maybe Char -> IO Player
movePlayer Player {xy=xy1, direction = d} k =
case k of
Just 'w' -> return Player {xy = (fst xy1, snd xy1-1), direction = Up}
Just 's' -> return Player {xy = (fst xy1, snd xy1+1), direction = Downie}
Just 'd' -> return Player {xy = (fst xy1+1, snd xy1), direction = Rightie}
Just 'a' -> return Player {xy = (fst xy1-1, snd xy1), direction = Leftie}
Nothing -> return Player {xy = addVecs xy1 (dirToVec d), direction = d}
_ -> return Player {xy = xy1, direction = d}
I can't figure out what the problem is, so any help is appreciated or if there's another method of implementing this input-functionality
Currently your input loop and your state update loop are tied together: there's always at most one input accepted per update. You will need to desynch them.
The low-tech alternative is to change the spot you currently have res 100 getInput to actually run getInput in a loop, and only keep the last Char it receives before blocking. The medium-tech alternative is to have two threads, one for reading input and one for doing state updates, with a shared MVar or similar saying what key was pressed last. The high-tech alternative is to use a library like brick to handle all of your input and output.

Change user input to input "Char" not a "Value"?

This is my code
module Main where
import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), stdout, hSetBuffering)
mouth = [('P',0),('(',1),('[',2),(')',3),('O',4)]
eyes = [(':',1),('8',2),(';',3)]
findKey :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v
findKey key = foldr (\(k,v) acc -> if key == k then Just v else acc) Nothing
query :: Read a => String -> IO a
query prompt = do
putStr $ prompt ++ ": "
val <- readMaybe <$> getLine
case val of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "Sorry that's a wrong value - please reenter"
query prompt
Just v -> return v
ngoers :: IO Int
ngoers = query "Enter the number of Concertgoers"
cgoers :: Int -> IO (Int, Double)
cgoers i = do
c <- query prompt
return (fromIntegral i,c)
where prompt = "Enter the emoticon for concertgoer " ++ show (i+1)
concertgoer :: IO [(Int, Double)]
concertgoer = do
n <- ngoers
mapM cgoers [0,1..n-1]
presentResult :: Double -> IO ()
presentResult v = putStrLn $ "The results are: " ++ show v
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- concertgoer
presentResult $ 0
I want this output
Enter the number of Concertgoers: 4
Enter the emoticon for concertgoer 1: :(
Enter the emoticon for concertgoer 2: :)
Enter the emoticon for concertgoer 3: ;P
Enter the emoticon for concertgoer 4: ;o
The results are: 2 4 3 7
From your example I'm guessing that you match each eye and mouth to a number, and a emoticon is the sum if those... but you haven't explained nothing of this in your post. Assuming so, this is a very naive way to write It
import Control.Monad (mapM)
-- Define the data you want to use
data Eye = Normal
| Glasses
| Wink
deriving(Show, Eq)
data Mouth = P
| Sad
| Bracket
| Happy
| O
deriving(Show, Eq)
data Face = Face Eye Mouth deriving(Show, Eq)
-- Define special readers and elemToInt
readEyes :: Char -> Maybe Eye
readEyes c = case c of
':' -> Just Normal
'8' -> Just Glasses
';' -> Just Wink
_ -> Nothing
-- This is equivalent to derive Enum class and apply fromEnum. Try to do it your self ;)
eyeToInt :: Eye -> Int
eyeToInt Normal = 1
eyeToInt Glasses = 2
eyeToInt Wink = 3
readMouth :: Char -> Maybe Mouth
readMouth c = case c of
'P' -> Just P
'(' -> Just Sad
'[' -> Just Bracket
')' -> Just Happy
'O' -> Just O
_ -> Nothing
mouthToInt :: Mouth -> Int
mouthToInt P = 0
mouthToInt Sad = 1
mouthToInt Bracket = 2
mouthToInt Happy = 3
mouthToInt O = 4
readFace :: String -> Maybe Face
readFace [] = Nothing
readFace [e,m] = do
eye <- readEyes e
mouth <- readMouth m
return $ Face eye mouth
readFace _ = Nothing
faceToInt :: Face -> Int
faceToInt (Face e m) = eyeToInt e + mouthToInt m
-- The main loop is straight forward
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter the number of Concertgoers"
number <- read <$> getLine -- Use safe reading better... I am using an online repl so no access to it
results <- mapM getEmoticon [1..number]
putStrLn $ "The results are: " ++ show results
where getEmoticon n = do
putStrLn $ "Enter the emoticon for concertgoer " ++ show n
face <- readFace <$> getLine
case face of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "That's not an emotion!!"
getEmoticon n
Just f -> return $ faceToInt f
I think It is what you expect but let me know

How to make a player jump (set it's y velocity)?

Given the following:
integralB :: Num a => Behavior t a -> Behavior t a -- definite integral of a behaviour
eJump :: Event t a -- tells the player to jump
bYAccel = pure 4000 -- y acceleration
bYVel = integralB bYAccel -- y velocity
bY = integralB bYVel -- y position
How do I make the player jump (probably by setting its y velocity) when a jump event arrives?
You'll need to be able to apply an impulse to the Y velocity for the jump. From your own answer, you've come up with a way to do so by summing all the impulses from the jumps and adding them to the integral of the acceleration.
Your acceleration is also constant. If you don't want the player falling constantly, you'd need something like:
bYAccel = (ifB airborne) 4000 0
airborne = fmap (>0) bY
ifB :: Behavior t Bool -> a -> a -> Behavior t a
ifB boolBehavior yes no = fmap (\bool -> if bool then yes else no) boolBehavior
One possible reason the height of your jumps varies is you aren't resetting the velocity when the player lands. If you have rules that hold the player above some position (like the floor), and are somehow stopping acceleration when the player hits the floor, you will also need to set the velocity to 0 if it is in the direction of the floor. (If you also set it to 0 when it's not in the direction of the floor, the player can never get the velocity to leave the ground.)
The reason this would cause erratic jumping heights is that the final velocity when the player lands will be close to the impulse you applied for them to take off. Using your numbers, if a jump started with a velocity of -5000, and ended with a velocity of 4800, the next jump will add an impulse of -5000, taking the jump to a starting velocity of only -200. That might have an ending velocity of 300, so the next jump will be an almost full -4700 jump.
Here's a complete working example. It uses the gloss library for input and display. The gameDefinition corresponds to the components introduced in your question. integrateDeltas is equivalent to your integralB, but produces events that are impulses, which are easy to generate in a clocked framework like gloss, and easy to use mixed with other events that cause impulses, like jumping.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks.AddHandler
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Data.IORef
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game as Gloss
gameDefinition :: GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture
gameDefinition events = renderBehavior
bY = accumB 0 (fmap sumIfPositive yShifts)
yShifts = integrateDeltas bYVel
bYVel = accumB 0 yVelChanges
yVelChanges = apply ((ifB airborne) (+) sumIfPositive) yVelShifts
yVelShifts = union (integrateDeltas bYAccel) (fmap (const 3) eJump)
bYAccel = (ifB airborne) (-10) 0
airborne = fmap (>0) bY
eJump = filterE isKeyEvent (event events)
integrateDeltas = integrateDeltaByTimeStep (timeStep events)
renderBehavior = (liftA3 render) bY bYVel bYAccel
render y yVel yAccel =
Gloss.Pictures [
Gloss.Translate 0 (20+y*100) (Gloss.Circle 20),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-20) (readableText (show y)),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-40) (readableText (show yVel)),
Gloss.Translate (-50) (-60) (readableText (show yAccel))
readableText = (Gloss.Scale 0.1 0.1) . Gloss.Text
-- Utilities
sumIfPositive :: (Ord n, Num n) => n -> n -> n
sumIfPositive x y = max 0 (x + y)
ifB :: Behavior t Bool -> a -> a -> Behavior t a
ifB boolBehavior yes no = fmap (\bool -> if bool then yes else no) boolBehavior
integrateDeltaByTimeStep :: (Num n) => Event t n -> Behavior t n -> Event t n
integrateDeltaByTimeStep timeStep derivative = apply (fmap (*) derivative) timeStep
isKeyEvent :: Gloss.Event -> Bool
isKeyEvent (Gloss.EventKey _ _ _ _) = True
isKeyEvent _ = False
-- Main loop to run it
main :: IO ()
main = do
reactiveGame (Gloss.InWindow "Reactive Game Example" (400, 400) (10, 10))
-- Reactive gloss game
data GlossGameEvents t = GlossGameEvents {
event :: Event t Gloss.Event,
timeStep :: Event t Float
makeReactiveGameNetwork :: Frameworks t
=> IORef Gloss.Picture
-> AddHandler Gloss.Event
-> AddHandler Float
-> (forall t. GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture)
-> Moment t ()
makeReactiveGameNetwork latestFrame glossEvent glossTime game = do
eventEvent <- fromAddHandler glossEvent
timeStepEvent <- fromAddHandler glossTime
events = GlossGameEvents { event = eventEvent, timeStep = timeStepEvent }
pictureBehavior = game events
pictureChanges <- changes pictureBehavior
reactimate (fmap (writeIORef latestFrame) pictureChanges)
reactiveGame :: Gloss.Display
-> Gloss.Color
-> Int
-> (forall t. GlossGameEvents t -> Behavior t Gloss.Picture)
-> IO ()
reactiveGame display color steps game = do
latestFrame <- newIORef Gloss.Blank
(glossEvent, fireGlossEvent) <- newAddHandler
(glossTime, addGlossTime) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile (makeReactiveGameNetwork latestFrame glossEvent glossTime game)
actuate network
(\world -> readIORef latestFrame)
(\event world -> fireGlossEvent event)
(\time world -> addGlossTime time)
In this example, bY checks for collision with a floor at 0 by accumulating the impulses, but constraining the accumulated value to be above 0.
The velocity, bYVel, accumulates all impulses while airborne, but only those impulses that are directed away from the floor while not airborne. If you change
yVelChanges = apply ((ifB airborne) (+) sumIfPositive) yVelShifts
yVelChanges = fmap (+) yVelShifts
it recreates the erratic jumping bug.
The acceleration, bYAccel, is only present while airborne.
I used a coordinate system with a +Y axis in the up direction (opposite the acceleration).
The code at the end is a small framework to hook reactive-banana up to gloss.
Solved it! I feel a little silly for not thinking of this earlier, but I just increment a counter every eJump and add that counter on to bYVel.
bJumpVel = sumB $ (-5000) <$ eJump
bYVel = (+) <$> bJumpVel <*> integralB bYAccel
-- gives the sum of the events
sumB :: Num a => Event t a -> Behavior t a
sumB e = accumB 0 $ (+) <$> e
For some reason the height of the jump always varies quite a bit, but that's probably an unrelated problem to do with my timing of things.
I won't mark this question as answered yet in case someone wants to share a better one.

Sodium event updates not being reflected

So I'm trying to understand how Sodium's model for functional reactive programming works, and I'm running into some snags.
I have a list of numbers that I'm updating with a "Time" like value, and I'm adding to this list when space characters are passed in.
The engine that runs this is as follows.
import FRP.Sodium
type Time = Event Int
type Key = Event Char
type Game a = Time -> Key -> Reactive (Behavior a)
run :: Show a => Game a -> IO ()
run game = do
(dtEv, dtSink) <- sync newEvent
(keyEv, keySink) <- sync newEvent
g <- sync $ do
game' <- game dtEv keyEv
return game'
go g dtSink keySink
return ()
go gameB dtSink keySink = do
sync $ dtSink 1
ks <- getLine
mapM_ (sync . keySink) ks
v <- sync $ sample gameB
print v
go gameB dtSink keySink
So with this I'm printing the current value the game behavior gives every "tick". Here is the code for the game behavior.
main :: IO ()
main = run game
game :: Time -> Key -> Reactive (Behavior [Int])
game dt key = do
let spawn = const 0 <$> filterE (==' ') key
bs <- hold [] $ snapshotWith (\s xs -> (s:xs)) spawn updated
updated <- hold [] $ snapshotWith (\t xs -> map (+t) xs) dt bs
return updated
What I'd expect this to do is with every space character inputted, a 0 gets injected into the list.
Effectively, every time enter is pressed, I'd expect all the numbers in the list to increment by one.
Instead what happens the numbers increment only after I press space.
Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?
After some more thought, it's pretty obvious what the problem was.
The issue with my code is that I have this circular dependence that doesn't take into account the fact that the each behavior also depends on its own changes.
This meant that whenever I tried to add things to the list it'd take the old value of the list given by the time update to change the value, until the time value changed.
To rectify this problem, I restructured the game behavior to merge the update and spawn events like so.
data GEvent = Alter ([Int] -> [Int])
game :: Time -> Key -> Reactive (Behavior [Int])
game dt key = do
let spawn = const (Alter (\xs -> (0:xs))) <$> filterE (==' ') key
update = (\t -> Alter (\xs -> map (+t) xs)) <$> dt
applyAlter (Alter f) xs = f xs
bs <- hold [] $ snapshotWith applyAlter (merge spawn update) bs
return bs
This ensures that when either event occurs that they get the most up to date version of the list.
