How to open a modal aspx page from the devexpress aspxpopupcontrol - user-controls

I have a button which should open a web form from my project in a modal window. How can I achieve that with the devexpress popup control?

Use the Popup Control - Content URL to show another webform in the control. open popup on the button's client click event.
<dx:ASPxPopupControl ID="popup" runat="server" ContentUrl="~/ContentPageWithTextBox.aspx"
Top="100" ClientInstanceName="clientPopup" CloseAction="CloseButton">
<ClientSideEvents Shown="OnShown" />
Check this search Result
How to manipulate client-side objects within a ASPxPopupControl with the specified ContentUrl - check example also.
Hope this help...

Here is sample code:
<input id="openBtn" type="button" value="Open popup"
onclick="myPopup.SetContentUrl('');myPopup.Show();" />
<dx:ASPxPopupControl runat="server" ClientInstanceName="myPopup" Modal="True"
CloseAction="CloseButton" Width="500px" Height="400px"/>
ASPxClientPopupControl members
ASPxPopupControl members

See ASPxPopupControl Online Demos and the Code Central Examples to learn more on how accomplish this task.


HREF target='_blank' does not work in Chrome 79

Using simple HTML code, no JavaScript, nothing fancy, I use this HREF
Click here
Clicking on the link in IE, FireFox, Edge does open a new tab for on click. In Chrome (version 79), the click just redisplays the current page.
This happens on Chrome desktop and phone (Android). There are no add-ins to my installation of Chrome; no popup or ad blocking installed.
Why doesn't Chrome open a new tab when target="_blank" is used? Thanks.
The issue seems to be with an HREF being inside a FORM element. The FORM element is as follows:
<form action='' method='post'>
An HREF with target="_blank" outside the FORM element works properly. Just not inside the FORM element.
But still puzzled as to why that would be the case...and for a workaround or solution.
Added more - plus code
There's a button inside the form, and the button contains an image, and the link in the button will not open up a new tab.
Simple form with the button
<form action='' method='post'>
<p>inside the form</p>
<p><button><img src=" " width="24" height="24" class='button_img' alt='delete' /> that's a button</button></p>
<p><button>that's a button </button></p>
So, with even further testing, the click to open a new tab won't work in Chrome when the HREF is wrapped around an button with an image inside a form. But works in FireFox and Edge.
There are four image/buttons inside the form. The fourth one is the HREF/blank. Items 1-2-3 are form submittals; values need to be passed to the form processing page. The 4th item doesn't need to be processed by the form, but it is inside the form so that all four items will be on the same line. If I place the 4th (HREF/blank) outside of the form, then the 4th item is wrapped around to the next line.
The <button> tag cannot be opened in a new tab the same way an <a> does.
You can use this instead:
<button onClick="'');">
<img src=" " width="24" height="24" class='button_img' alt='delete' />
that's a button

Displaying PDF , Richfaces

How can I display a PDF document on a rich:popupPanel. I am trying to display PDF document in a popup from a view scoped JSF page.
Issue faced : Parent page stops working when I click on the h:commandLink which fires a new view to display the PDF
The simplest way I know is to use HTML directly. You can use IFRAME or OBJECT.
So just put something like this in your rich:popupPanel:
<iframe src="path_to_your_file/sample.pdf"
class="pdfFrame" width="800" height="1000" scrolling="no" />
I don't think there's a way to do this with pure JSF tags. The same way is presented on PrimeFaces's showcase:
<object type="application/pdf"
height="300px" width="100%" internalinstanceid="3">
Your browser can't display pdf,
to download pdf instead.

How to use CausesValidation on an button?

This question is about
I hope to perform a form validation when the save button is clicked. In a regular ASP.NET webform, we usually use CausesValidation="true" ValidationGroup="gpSubmit" on the save button. But in an button, those two properties seems to be ineffective.
Any advice? How do you focus on the DOM control that fails the validation?
Here is my code.
<ext:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" Icon="ApplicationEdit"
CausesValidation="true" ValidationGroup="gpSubmit">
<EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Processing" />

Sharepoint calendar web part not working in Chrome Browser

I have a calendar web part in my SharePoint site which works fine in Firefox and IE but does not work in chrome browser.
This is the same situation i am facing.
Any suggestions ?
One more thing to add here is that , I have a content Query web part which will rotate the Promotions using JQuery cycle plug in. It is on the same page where I have put the list and library web part with calendar Month view as a default view.
If I remove that CQWP with Promotions everything works fine but if it there it wont work
Any suggestions? I have checked for the Jquery conflicts but could not find any of them .
I think that I have find the root cause of my problem
There is one CQWP placed on the same page with this Calendar view list.
This CQWP ha call to jquery cycle plugin which will cycle the content after some interval , due to this JQuery conflicts my calendar control is not working in chrome.
Whem I Remove this CQWP everything works like a charm!!!
1st, try to revert back to the OOB v4.master to see if the problem disappears. If it works as expected, this mean that your masterpage have some issue.
One of the most ridiculous bug in SP is that if you don't have the SiteAction control declared before the ribbon control, some javascript codes will fails.
In one of my custom master page, I have to create a second siteactions control, just before the ribbon control. I've put it into a invisible DIV to completely hide it from the user.
It ends with something like this :
<SharePoint:SPRibbon ID="SPRibbon1" runat="server" PlaceholderElementId="RibbonContainer"
<SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent ID="SPRibbonPeripheralContent1" runat="server"
Location="TabRowLeft" CssClass="ms-siteactionscontainer s4-notdlg">
<!-- Here is the hidden site actions control -->
<div style="display: none">
<SharePoint:SiteActions runat="server" AccessKey="<%$Resources:wss,tb_SiteActions_AK%>"
ID="SiteActionsMenuMain" PrefixHtml="" SuffixHtml="" MenuNotVisibleHtml="&nbsp;">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderGlobalNavigation" runat="server" Visible="false">
.... Removed for readability ....
<div class="s4-die">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderGlobalNavigationSiteMap" runat="server" Visible="false">
<SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent runat="server" Location="TabRowRight" ID="RibbonTabRowRight"
CssClass="s4-trc-container s4-notdlg">
.... Removed for readability ....
For your information, this behavior is due to one the inner control of the site action (PublishingConsole if I'm right). This inner control will produces some javascript global variable declaration (language and one another). This global variables are required by the ribbon control to works as expected.

How to set <aui:button> icon in Liferay without using Javascript?

I'm trying to set icon to <aui:button> like on this tutorial.
But solution described there doesn't work well in my case, because I have a table and on each row I have a button with different resourceUrl. Like this:
<portlet:resourceURL id="saveReport" var="saveReportURL">
<portlet:param name="reportId" value="${report.reportId}" />
<aui:button onclick="location.href = '${saveReportURL}'">
Is it possible to set icon in <aui:button> without using JavaScript as described in tutorial?
You can write this below code for setting icon in liferay alloy button
<aui:button type="cancel" cssClass="btn-info" icon="icon-upload-alt" iconAlign="right" value="upload" />
you need to use the icon attribute for this setting "Icon glyphs"
you need to use cssClass for adding extra design button class for the designing
you need to set iconAlign attribute for left or right side of the button text value
You should be able to add an icon to a button without using JavaScript by adding one of these Icon CSS classes to your button. For example, if you wanted to create a button with a calendar icon, your code should look something like this:
<aui:button class="icon-calendar" ... />
