Linux retrieve monitor names - linux

Situation: I'm using multiple monitors and I want to get their names in bash. Currently I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.
I know about xrandr. From it I can get only statistics data. What I want is to read all monitor names in an array to work with them.
Is there a clear way to do that without cutting names from some kind of string? A clear way would be reading them from file. A not clear way would be to pipe xrandr output to some sort a function to cut names out from it.

Inspired by Beni's answer, this will read the EDID data using xrandr and extract the monitors names according to the EDID specification, with no need of any external tools like parse-edid:
while read -r output hex conn; do
[[ -z "$conn" ]] && conn=${output%%-*}
echo "# $output $conn $(xxd -r -p <<< "$hex")"
done < <(xrandr --prop | awk '
!/^[ \t]/ {
if (output && hex) print output, hex, conn
/ConnectorType:/ {conn=$2}
/[:.]/ && h {
sub(/.*000000fc00/, "", hex)
hex = substr(hex, 0, 26) "0a"
sub(/0a.*/, "", hex)
h {sub(/[ \t]+/, ""); hex = hex $0}
/EDID.*:/ {h=1}
END {if (output && hex) print output, hex, conn}
' | sort
Uses awk to precisely extract the monitor name only, and no extra garbage from the EDID, hence "magic numbers" like 000000fc00, 26 and 0a. Finally uses xxd to convert from hex to ASCII, printing one monitor name per line.
Based on this solution I made a handy script to switch monitors, which can also be used to simply list monitor info:
$ monitor-switch --list
Connected monitors:
$ monitor-switch --list
Connected monitors:
# DisplayPort-1 DisplayPort DELL U2412M
# DisplayPort-3 DisplayPort DELL U2415

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04. (I know its too late to answer but this solution is relevant today)
$ sudo apt-get install -y hwinfo
$ hwinfo --monitor --short
AUO LCD Monitor
I have two monitors attached. One with the laptop and the other is an external display. As soon as the external monitor is plugged-in or out, this command reflects the change. You continuously need to poll. Removing the --short option gives more detailed information.
You can poll the state with the following background job:
$ while true;
> do
> hwinfo --monitor --short;
> sleep 2;
> done >> monitor.log &
The while true loop runs infinite times. The sleep 2 pauses each iteration of the loop for 2 seconds. And the output of hwinfo --monitor --short is appended to monitor.log. This log file can give you the activity history of monitor plug-in and plug-out.
FYI: I am using a background (daemon) python script using the above command (and other similar ones) to detect if someone is doing some HW plug-ins and plug-outs with the systems in the computer lab. If so, I get appropriate notifications that someone plugged-out/in a monitor, mouse or keyboard in almost real-time!
More info about hwinfo command is here. Its man page is also a good source.

sudo get-edid didn't work for me. (EDIT: now works on another computer, Lubuntu 14.10; I'd blame BIOS differences but that's a random guess...)
Anyway under X, xrandr --verbose prints the EDID block. Here is a quick and dirty way to extract it and pass to parse-edid:
xrandr --verbose | perl -ne '
if ((/EDID(_DATA)?:/.../:/) && !/:/) {
$hex .= $_;
} elsif ($hex) {
# Use "|strings" if you dont have read-edid package installed
# and just want to see (or grep) the human-readable parts.
open FH, "|parse-edid";
print FH pack("H*", $hex);
$hex = "";

If you don't want to parse xrandr output, write a C program using libXrandr that gets only what you want. If all you want to do is to query information, it can be done quickly. Read this document.
If you want to get the real monitor name, an alternative to #dtmilano's solution is to get the EDID property of the monitor using libXrandr and then manually parse it and print (read the EDID specification).
xrandr source code.

I know this is a dirty way, but it gives me some monitor model name even better than sudo get-edid|parse-edid. It reads information in arrays, and outputs it in a way that can be read like you would read a file. You may modify it according to your needs.
# Get monitor name and some other properties of connected monitors
# by investigating the output of xrandr command and EDID data
# provided by it.
# Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Jarno Suni <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. See <>
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
# EDID format:
declare -r us=';' # separator string;
# If EDID has more than one field with same tag, concatenate them,
# but add this string in between.
declare -r fs=$'\x1f' # Field separator for internal use;
# must be a character that does not occur in data fields.
declare -r invalid_edid_tag='--bad EDID--'
# If base EDID is invalid, don't try to extract information from it,
# but assign this string to the fields.
# Get information in these arrays:
declare -a outs # Output names
declare -a conns # Connection type names (if available)
declare -a names # Monitor names (but empty for some laptop displays)
declare -a datas # Extra data; may include laptop display brand name
# and model name
declare -i no # number of connected outputs (to be counted)
# xrandr command to use as a source of information:
declare -r xrandr_output_cmd="xrandr --prop"
hex_to_ascii() {
echo -n "$1" | xxd -r -p
ascii_to_hex() {
echo -n "$1" | xxd -p
get_info() {
declare OIFS=$IFS;
while read -r output conn hexn hexd; do
names[no]="$(hex_to_ascii "$hexn")"
datas[no]="$(hex_to_ascii "$hexd")"
(( ++no ))
done < <(eval $xrandr_output_cmd | gawk -v gfs="$fs" '
function print_fields() {
print output, conn, hexn, hexd
conn=""; hexn=""; hexd=""
function append_hex_field(src_hex,position,app_hex, n) {
sub(/0a.*/, "", n)
# EDID specification says field ends by 0x0a
# (\n), if it is shorter than 13 bytes.
#sub(/(20)+$/, "", n)
# strip whitespace at the end of ascii string
if (n && app_hex) return app_hex sp n
else return app_hex n
function get_hex_edid( hex) {
while (/^[ \t]*[[:xdigit:]]+$/) {
sub(/[ \t]*/, "")
hex = hex $0
return hex
function valid_edid(hex, a, sum) {
if (length(hex)<256) return 0
for ( a=1; a<=256; a+=2 ) {
# this requires gawk
sum+=strtonum("0x" substr(hex,a,2))
# this requires --non-decimal-data for gawk:
#sum+=sprintf("%d", "0x" substr(hex,a,2))
if (sum % 256) return 0
return 1
/[^[:blank:]]+ connected/ {
if (unprinted) print_fields()
/[^[:blank:]]+ disconnected/ {
if (unprinted) print_fields()
/^[[:blank:]]*EDID.*:/ {
if (valid_edid(hex)) {
for ( c=109; c<=217; c+=36 ) {
switch (substr(hex,c,10)) {
case "000000fc00" :
case "000000fe00" :
} else {
# set special value to denote invalid EDID
hexn=iet; hexd=iet
/ConnectorType:/ {
if (unprinted) print_fields()
}' sp=$(ascii_to_hex $us) iet=$(ascii_to_hex $invalid_edid_tag))
# print the colums of each display quoted in one row
for (( i=0; i<$no; i++ )); do
echo "'${outs[i]}' '${conns[i]}' '${names[i]}' '${datas[i]}'"

You may try ddcprobe and/or get-edid
$ sudo apt-get install xresprobe read-edid
$ sudo ddcprobe
$ sudo get-edid

You're looking for EDID information, which is passed along an I²C bus and interpreted by your video driver. As dtmilano says, get-edit from ddcprobe should work.
You can also get this information by logging your X start:
startx -- -logverbose 6
Years ago, I used a package called read-edid to gather this information.
The read-edid package may be available in Ubuntu already, according to this blog post from 2009.


Setting value of command prompt ( PS1) based on present directory string length

I know I can do this to reflect just last 2 directories in the PS1 value.
but lets say we have a directory name that's really messy and will reduce my working space , like
those are the last 2 directories before the prompt
I want to set a condition if directory length of either of the last 2 directories is more than a threshold e.g. 10 chars , shorten the name with 1st 3 and last 3 chars of the directory (s) whose length exceeds 10
2021-07-23--07-48-49_xperia-build-20191119010027 &
both gt 10 will be shortened to 202*027 & PS1 will be respectively
T-Mob/202*027/# for T-Mob/2021-07-23--07-48-49_xperia-build-20191119010027# and
202*027/T-Mob# for 2021-07-23--07-48-49_nokia-build-20191119010027/T-Mob#
A quick 1 Liner to get this done ?
I cant post this in comments so Updating here. Ref to Joaquins Answer ( thx J)
PS1=''`echo ${PWD#"${PWD%/*/*}/"} | awk -v RS='/' 'length() <=10{printf $0"/"}; length()>10{printf "%s*%s/", substr($0,1,3), substr($0,length()-2,3)};'| tr -d "\n"; echo "#"`''
see below o/p's
/root/my-applications/bin # it shortened as expected
my-*ons/bin/#cd - # going back to prev.
my-*ons/bin/# #value of prompt is the same but I am in /root
A one-liner is basically always the wrong choice. Write code to be robust, readable and maintainable (and, for something that's called frequently or in a tight loop, to be efficient) -- not to be terse.
Assuming availability of bash 4.3 or newer:
# Given a string, a separator, and a max length, shorten any segments that are
# longer than the max length.
shortenLongSegments() {
local -n destVar=$1; shift # arg1: where do we write our result?
local maxLength=$1; shift # arg2: what's the maximum length?
local IFS=$1; shift # arg3: what character do we split into segments on?
read -r -a allSegments <<<"$1"; shift # arg4: break into an array
for segmentIdx in "${!allSegments[#]}"; do # iterate over array indices
segment=${allSegments[$segmentIdx]} # look up value for index
if (( ${#segment} > maxLength )); then # value over maxLength chars?
segment="${segment:0:3}*${segment:${#segment}-3:3}" # build a short version
allSegments[$segmentIdx]=$segment # store shortened version in array
printf -v destVar '%s\n' "${allSegments[*]}" # build result string from array
# function to call from PROMPT_COMMAND to actually build a new PS1
buildNewPs1() {
# declare our locals to avoid polluting global namespace
local shorterPath
# but to cache where we last ran, we need a global; be explicit.
declare -g buildNewPs1_lastDir
# do nothing if the directory hasn't changed
[[ $PWD = "$buildNewPs1_lastDir" ]] && return 0
shortenLongSegments shorterPath 10 / "$PWD"
# update the global tracking where we last ran this code
PROMPT_COMMAND=buildNewPs1 # call buildNewPs1 before rendering the prompt
Note that printf -v destVar %s "valueToStore" is used to write to variables in-place, to avoid the performance overhead of var=$(someFunction). Similarly, we're using the bash 4.3 feature namevars -- accessible with local -n or declare -n -- to allow destination variable names to be parameterized without the security risk of eval.
If you really want to make this logic only apply to the last two directory names (though I don't see why that would be better than applying it to all of them), you can do that easily enough:
buildNewPs1() {
local pathPrefix pathFinalSegments
pathPrefix=${PWD%/*/*} # everything but the last 2 segments
pathSuffix=${PWD#"$pathPrefix"} # only the last 2 segments
# shorten the last 2 segments, store in a separate variable
shortenLongSegments pathSuffixShortened 10 / "$pathSuffix"
# combine the unshortened prefix with the shortened suffix
...adding the performance optimization that only rebuilds PS1 when the directory changed to this version is left as an exercise to the reader.
Probably not the best solution, but a quick solution using awk:
PS1=`echo ${PWD#"${PWD%/*/*}/"} | awk -v RS='/' 'length()<=10{printf $0"/"}; length()>10{printf "%s*%s/", substr($0,1,3), substr($0,length()-2,3)};'| tr -d "\n"; echo "#"`
I got this results with your examples:

How to parse this yaml file in bash to get specific values? [duplicate]

I wish to provide a structured configuration file which is as easy as possible for a non-technical user to edit (unfortunately it has to be a file) and so I wanted to use YAML. I can't find any way of parsing this from a Unix shell script however.
Here is a bash-only parser that leverages sed and awk to parse simple yaml files:
function parse_yaml {
local prefix=$2
local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo #|tr # '\034')
sed -ne "s|^\($s\):|\1|" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s[\"']\(.*\)[\"']$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" $1 |
awk -F$fs '{
indent = length($1)/2;
vname[indent] = $2;
for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
if (length($3) > 0) {
vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
printf("%s%s%s=\"%s\"\n", "'$prefix'",vn, $2, $3);
It understands files such as:
## global definitions
debug: yes
verbose: no
detailed: no
header: "debugging started"
## output
file: "yes"
Which, when parsed using:
parse_yaml sample.yml
will output:
global_debugging_header="debugging started"
it also understands yaml files, generated by ruby which may include ruby symbols, like:
:debug: 'yes'
:verbose: 'no'
:detailed: 'no'
:header: debugging started
:output: 'yes'
and will output the same as in the previous example.
typical use within a script is:
eval $(parse_yaml sample.yml)
parse_yaml accepts a prefix argument so that imported settings all have a common prefix (which will reduce the risk of namespace collisions).
parse_yaml sample.yml "CONF_"
CONF_global_debugging_header="debugging started"
Note that previous settings in a file can be referred to by later settings:
## global definitions
debug: yes
verbose: no
detailed: no
header: "debugging started"
## output
debug: $global_debug
Another nice usage is to first parse a defaults file and then the user settings, which works since the latter settings overrides the first ones:
eval $(parse_yaml defaults.yml)
eval $(parse_yaml project.yml)
I've written shyaml in python for YAML query needs from the shell command line.
$ pip install shyaml ## installation
Example's YAML file (with complex features):
$ cat <<EOF > test.yaml
name: "MyName !!"
how-much: 1.1
- first
- second
- third
other-things: [a, b, c]
maintainer: "Valentin Lab"
description: |
Multiline description:
Line 1
Line 2
Basic query:
$ cat test.yaml | shyaml get-value subvalue.maintainer
Valentin Lab
More complex looping query on complex values:
$ cat test.yaml | shyaml values-0 | \
while read -r -d $'\0' value; do
echo "RECEIVED: '$value'"
RECEIVED: '- first
- second
- third'
RECEIVED: 'Valentin Lab'
RECEIVED: 'Multiline description:
Line 1
Line 2'
A few key points:
all YAML types and syntax oddities are correctly handled, as multiline, quoted strings, inline sequences...
\0 padded output is available for solid multiline entry manipulation.
simple dotted notation to select sub-values (ie: subvalue.maintainer is a valid key).
access by index is provided to sequences (ie: subvalue.things.-1 is the last element of the subvalue.things sequence.)
access to all sequence/structs elements in one go for use in bash loops.
you can output whole subpart of a YAML file as ... YAML, which blend well for further manipulations with shyaml.
More sample and documentation are available on the shyaml github page or the shyaml PyPI page.
yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor
The aim of the project is to be the jq or sed of yaml files.
As an example (stolen straight from the documentation), given a sample.yaml file of:
cats: bananas
cats: apples
yq eval '.bob.*.cats' sample.yaml
will output
- bananas
- apples
My use case may or may not be quite the same as what this original post was asking, but it's definitely similar.
I need to pull in some YAML as bash variables. The YAML will never be more than one level deep.
YAML looks like so:
KEY: value
ANOTHER_KEY: another_value
OH_MY_SO_MANY_KEYS: yet_another_value
LAST_KEY: last_value
Output like-a dis:
I achieved the output with this line:
sed -e 's/:[^:\/\/]/="/g;s/$/"/g;s/ *=/=/g' file.yaml >
s/:[^:\/\/]/="/g finds : and replaces it with =", while ignoring :// (for URLs)
s/$/"/g appends " to the end of each line
s/ *=/=/g removes all spaces before =
Given that Python3 and PyYAML are quite easy dependencies to meet nowadays, the following may help:
yaml() {
python3 -c "import yaml;print(yaml.safe_load(open('$1'))$2)"
VALUE=$(yaml ~/my_yaml_file.yaml "['a_key']")
It's possible to pass a small script to some interpreters, like Python. An easy way to do so using Ruby and its YAML library is the following:
$ RUBY_SCRIPT="data = YAML::load(; puts data['a']; puts data['b']"
$ echo -e '---\na: 1234\nb: 4321' | ruby -ryaml -e "$RUBY_SCRIPT"
, wheredata is a hash (or array) with the values from yaml.
As a bonus, it'll parse Jekyll's front matter just fine.
ruby -ryaml -e "puts YAML::load(open(ARGV.first).read)['tags']"
here an extended version of the Stefan Farestam's answer:
function parse_yaml {
local prefix=$2
local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo #|tr # '\034')
sed -ne "s|,$s\]$s\$|]|" \
-e ":1;s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\[$s\(.*\)$s,$s\(.*\)$s\]|\1\2: [\3]\n\1 - \4|;t1" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\[$s\(.*\)$s\]|\1\2:\n\1 - \3|;p" $1 | \
sed -ne "s|,$s}$s\$|}|" \
-e ":1;s|^\($s\)-$s{$s\(.*\)$s,$s\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s}|\1- {\2}\n\1 \3: \4|;t1" \
-e "s|^\($s\)-$s{$s\(.*\)$s}|\1-\n\1 \2|;p" | \
sed -ne "s|^\($s\):|\1|" \
-e "s|^\($s\)-$s[\"']\(.*\)[\"']$s\$|\1$fs$fs\2|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)-$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs$fs\2|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s[\"']\(.*\)[\"']$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" | \
awk -F$fs '{
indent = length($1)/2;
vname[indent] = $2;
for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]; idx[i]=0}}
if(length($2)== 0){ vname[indent]= ++idx[indent] };
if (length($3) > 0) {
vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) { vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
printf("%s%s%s=\"%s\"\n", "'$prefix'",vn, vname[indent], $3);
This version supports the - notation and the short notation for dictionaries and lists. The following input:
- "main.c"
- "main.h"
flags: [ "-O3", "-fpic" ]
- { property1: value, property2: "value2" }
- { property1: "value3", property2: 'value 4' }
produces this output:
global_sample_input_2_property2="value 4"
as you can see the - items automatically get numbered in order to obtain different variable names for each item. In bash there are no multidimensional arrays, so this is one way to work around. Multiple levels are supported.
To work around the problem with trailing white spaces mentioned by #briceburg one should enclose the values in single or double quotes. However, there are still some limitations: Expansion of the dictionaries and lists can produce wrong results when values contain commas. Also, more complex structures like values spanning multiple lines (like ssh-keys) are not (yet) supported.
A few words about the code: The first sed command expands the short form of dictionaries { key: value, ...} to regular and converts them to more simple yaml style. The second sed call does the same for the short notation of lists and converts [ entry, ... ] to an itemized list with the - notation. The third sed call is the original one that handled normal dictionaries, now with the addition to handle lists with - and indentations. The awk part introduces an index for each indentation level and increases it when the variable name is empty (i.e. when processing a list). The current value of the counters are used instead of the empty vname. When going up one level, the counters are zeroed.
Edit: I have created a github repository for this.
Moving my answer from How to convert a json response into yaml in bash, since this seems to be the authoritative post on dealing with YAML text parsing from command line.
I would like to add details about the yq YAML implementation. Since there are two implementations of this YAML parser lying around, both having the name yq, it is hard to differentiate which one is in use, without looking at the implementations' DSL. There two available implementations are
kislyuk/yq - The more often talked about version, which is a wrapper over jq, written in Python using the PyYAML library for YAML parsing
mikefarah/yq - A Go implementation, with its own dynamic DSL using the go-yaml v3 parser.
Both are available for installation via standard installation package managers on almost all major distributions
kislyuk/yq - Installation instructions
mikefarah/yq - Installation instructions
Both the versions have some pros and cons over the other, but a few valid points to highlight (adopted from their repo instructions)
Since the DSL is the adopted completely from jq, for users familiar with the latter, the parsing and manipulation becomes quite straightforward
Supports mode to preserve YAML tags and styles, but loses comments during the conversion. Since jq doesn't preserve comments, during the round-trip conversion, the comments are lost.
As part of the package, XML support is built in. An executable, xq, which transcodes XML to JSON using xmltodict and pipes it to jq, on which you can apply the same DSL to perform CRUD operations on the objects and round-trip the output back to XML.
Supports in-place edit mode with -i flag (similar to sed -i)
Prone to frequent changes in DSL, migration from 2.x - 3.x
Rich support for anchors, styles and tags. But lookout for bugs once in a while
A relatively simple Path expression syntax to navigate and match yaml nodes
Supports YAML->JSON, JSON->YAML formatting and pretty printing YAML (with comments)
Supports in-place edit mode with -i flag (similar to sed -i)
Supports coloring the output YAML with -C flag (not applicable for JSON output) and indentation of the sub elements (default at 2 spaces)
Supports Shell completion for most shells - Bash, zsh (because of powerful support from spf13/cobra used to generate CLI flags)
My take on the following YAML (referenced in other answer as well) with both the versions
root_key1: this is value one
root_key2: "this is value two"
state: liquid
best_served: hot
colour: brown
best_served: cold
colour: orange
state: solid
best_served: warm
root_key_3: this is value three
Various actions to be performed with both the implementations (some frequently used operations)
Modifying node value at root level - Change value of root_key2
Modifying array contents, adding value - Add property to coffee
Modifying array contents, deleting value - Delete property from orange_juice
Printing key/value pairs with paths - For all items under food
Using kislyuk/yq
yq -y '.root_key2 |= "this is a new value"' yaml
yq -y ' += { time: "always"}' yaml
yq -y 'del(.drink.orange_juice.colour)' yaml
yq -r '.food|paths(scalars) as $p | [($p|join(".")), (getpath($p)|tojson)] | #tsv' yaml
Which is pretty straightforward. All you need is to transcode jq JSON output back into YAML with the -y flag.
Using mikefarah/yq
yq w yaml root_key2 "this is a new value"
yq w yaml "always"
yq d yaml drink.orange_juice.colour
yq r yaml --printMode pv "food.**"
As of today Dec 21st 2020, yq v4 is in beta and supports much powerful path expressions and supports DSL similar to using jq. Read the transition notes - Upgrading from V3
I just wrote a parser that I called Yay! (Yaml ain't Yamlesque!) which parses Yamlesque, a small subset of YAML. So, if you're looking for a 100% compliant YAML parser for Bash then this isn't it. However, to quote the OP, if you want a structured configuration file which is as easy as possible for a non-technical user to edit that is YAML-like, this may be of interest.
It's inspred by the earlier answer but writes associative arrays (yes, it requires Bash 4.x) instead of basic variables. It does so in a way that allows the data to be parsed without prior knowledge of the keys so that data-driven code can be written.
As well as the key/value array elements, each array has a keys array containing a list of key names, a children array containing names of child arrays and a parent key that refers to its parent.
This is an example of Yamlesque:
root_key1: this is value one
root_key2: "this is value two"
state: liquid
best_served: hot
colour: brown
best_served: cold
colour: orange
state: solid
best_served: warm
root_key_3: this is value three
Here is an example showing how to use it:
# An example showing how to use Yay
. /usr/lib/yay
# helper to get array value at key
value() { eval echo \${$1[$2]}; }
# print a data collection
print_collection() {
for k in $(value $1 keys)
echo "$2$k = $(value $1 $k)"
for c in $(value $1 children)
echo -e "$2$c\n$2{"
print_collection $c " $2"
echo "$2}"
yay example
print_collection example
which outputs:
root_key1 = this is value one
root_key2 = this is value two
root_key_3 = this is value three
state = liquid
best_served = hot
colour = brown
best_served = cold
colour = orange
state = solid
best_served = warm
And here is the parser:
yay_parse() {
# find input file
for f in "$1" "$1.yay" "$1.yml"
[[ -f "$f" ]] && input="$f" && break
[[ -z "$input" ]] && exit 1
# use given dataset prefix or imply from file name
[[ -n "$2" ]] && local prefix="$2" || {
local prefix=$(basename "$input"); prefix=${prefix%.*}
echo "declare -g -A $prefix;"
local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo #|tr # '\034')
sed -n -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" "$input" |
awk -F$fs '{
indent = length($1)/2;
key = $2;
value = $3;
# No prefix or parent for the top level (indent zero)
root_prefix = "'$prefix'_";
if (indent ==0 ) {
prefix = ""; parent_key = "'$prefix'";
} else {
prefix = root_prefix; parent_key = keys[indent-1];
keys[indent] = key;
# remove keys left behind if prior row was indented more than this row
for (i in keys) {if (i > indent) {delete keys[i]}}
if (length(value) > 0) {
# value
printf("%s%s[%s]=\"%s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , key, value);
printf("%s%s[keys]+=\" %s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , key);
} else {
# collection
printf("%s%s[children]+=\" %s%s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , root_prefix, key);
printf("declare -g -A %s%s;\n", root_prefix, key);
printf("%s%s[parent]=\"%s%s\";\n", root_prefix, key, prefix, parent_key);
# helper to load yay data file
yay() { eval $(yay_parse "$#"); }
There is some documentation in the linked source file and below is a short explanation of what the code does.
The yay_parse function first locates the input file or exits with an exit status of 1. Next, it determines the dataset prefix, either explicitly specified or derived from the file name.
It writes valid bash commands to its standard output that, if executed, define arrays representing the contents of the input data file. The first of these defines the top-level array:
echo "declare -g -A $prefix;"
Note that array declarations are associative (-A) which is a feature of Bash version 4. Declarations are also global (-g) so they can be executed in a function but be available to the global scope like the yay helper:
yay() { eval $(yay_parse "$#"); }
The input data is initially processed with sed. It drops lines that don't match the Yamlesque format specification before delimiting the valid Yamlesque fields with an ASCII File Separator character and removing any double-quotes surrounding the value field.
local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo #|tr # '\034')
sed -n -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
-e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" "$input" |
The two expressions are similar; they differ only because the first one picks out quoted values where as the second one picks out unquoted ones.
The File Separator (28/hex 12/octal 034) is used because, as a non-printable character, it is unlikely to be in the input data.
The result is piped into awk which processes its input one line at a time. It uses the FS character to assign each field to a variable:
indent = length($1)/2;
key = $2;
value = $3;
All lines have an indent (possibly zero) and a key but they don't all have a value. It computes an indent level for the line dividing the length of the first field, which contains the leading whitespace, by two. The top level items without any indent are at indent level zero.
Next, it works out what prefix to use for the current item. This is what gets added to a key name to make an array name. There's a root_prefix for the top-level array which is defined as the data set name and an underscore:
root_prefix = "'$prefix'_";
if (indent ==0 ) {
prefix = ""; parent_key = "'$prefix'";
} else {
prefix = root_prefix; parent_key = keys[indent-1];
The parent_key is the key at the indent level above the current line's indent level and represents the collection that the current line is part of. The collection's key/value pairs will be stored in an array with its name defined as the concatenation of the prefix and parent_key.
For the top level (indent level zero) the data set prefix is used as the parent key so it has no prefix (it's set to ""). All other arrays are prefixed with the root prefix.
Next, the current key is inserted into an (awk-internal) array containing the keys. This array persists throughout the whole awk session and therefore contains keys inserted by prior lines. The key is inserted into the array using its indent as the array index.
keys[indent] = key;
Because this array contains keys from previous lines, any keys with an indent level grater than the current line's indent level are removed:
for (i in keys) {if (i > indent) {delete keys[i]}}
This leaves the keys array containing the key-chain from the root at indent level 0 to the current line. It removes stale keys that remain when the prior line was indented deeper than the current line.
The final section outputs the bash commands: an input line without a value starts a new indent level (a collection in YAML parlance) and an input line with a value adds a key to the current collection.
The collection's name is the concatenation of the current line's prefix and parent_key.
When a key has a value, a key with that value is assigned to the current collection like this:
printf("%s%s[%s]=\"%s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , key, value);
printf("%s%s[keys]+=\" %s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , key);
The first statement outputs the command to assign the value to an associative array element named after the key and the second one outputs the command to add the key to the collection's space-delimited keys list:
<current_collection>[keys]+=" <key>";
When a key doesn't have a value, a new collection is started like this:
printf("%s%s[children]+=\" %s%s\";\n", prefix, parent_key , root_prefix, key);
printf("declare -g -A %s%s;\n", root_prefix, key);
The first statement outputs the command to add the new collection to the current's collection's space-delimited children list and the second one outputs the command to declare a new associative array for the new collection:
<current_collection>[children]+=" <new_collection>"
declare -g -A <new_collection>;
All of the output from yay_parse can be parsed as bash commands by the bash eval or source built-in commands.
Hard to say because it depends on what you want the parser to extract from your YAML document. For simple cases, you might be able to use grep, cut, awk etc. For more complex parsing you would need to use a full-blown parsing library such as Python's PyYAML or YAML::Perl.
Another option is to convert the YAML to JSON, then use jq to interact with the JSON representation either to extract information from it or edit it.
I wrote a simple bash script that contains this glue - see Y2J project on GitHub
perl -ne 'chomp; printf qq/%s="%s"\n/, split(/\s*:\s*/,$_,2)' file.yml >
If you need a single value you could a tool which converts your YAML document to JSON and feed to jq, for example yq.
Content of sample.yaml:
cats: bananas
cats: apples
cats: oranges
$ yq -r '.bob["thing"]["cats"]' sample.yaml
I used to convert yaml to json using python and do my processing in jq.
python -c "import yaml; import json; from pathlib import Path; print(json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(Path('file.yml').read_text())))" | jq '.'
I know this is very specific, but I think my answer could be helpful for certain users.
If you have node and npm installed on your machine, you can use js-yaml.
First install :
npm i -g js-yaml
# or locally
npm i js-yaml
then in your bash script
js-yaml your-yaml-file.yml
Also if you are using jq you can do something like that
json="$(js-yaml your-yaml-file.yml)"
aproperty="$(jq '.apropery' <<< "$json")"
echo "$aproperty"
Because js-yaml converts a yaml file to a json string literal. You can then use the string with any json parser in your unix system.
A quick way to do the thing now (previous ones haven't worked for me):
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/yq &&\
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
Example asd.yaml:
- key1: value1
key2: value2
key3: value3
parsing root:
user#vm:~$ yq e '.' asd.yaml
- key1: value1
key2: value2
key3: value3
parsing key3:
user#vm:~$ yq e '.a_list[0].key3' asd.yaml
If you have python 2 and PyYAML, you can use this parser I wrote called Some of the neater things it does is let you choose a prefix (in case you have more than one file with similar variables) and to pick a single value from a yaml file.
For example if you have these yaml files:
type: sqllite
user: dev
password: password123
type: postgres
user: postgres
password: password123
You can load both without conflict.
$ eval $(python prod.yaml --prefix prod --cap)
$ eval $(python staging.yaml --prefix stg --cap)
$ echo $PROD_DB_HOST
$ echo $STG_DB_HOST
And even cherry pick the values you want.
$ prod_user=$(python prod.yaml --get db_user)
$ prod_port=$(python prod.yaml --get db_port --default 5432)
$ echo prod_user
$ echo prod_port
You could use an equivalent of yq that is written in golang:
./go-yg -yamlFile /home/user/dev/ansible-firefox/defaults/main.yml -key
Whenever you need a solution for "How to work with YAML/JSON/compatible data from a shell script" which works on just about every OS with Python (*nix, OSX, Windows), consider yamlpath, which provides several command-line tools for reading, writing, searching, and merging YAML, EYAML, JSON, and compatible files. Since just about every OS either comes with Python pre-installed or it is trivial to install, this makes yamlpath highly portable. Even more interesting: this project defines an intuitive path language with very powerful, command-line-friendly syntax that enables accessing one or more nodes.
To your specific question and after installing yamlpath using Python's native package manager or your OS's package manager (yamlpath is available via RPM to some OSes):
# Read values directly from YAML (or EYAML, JSON, etc) for use in this shell script:
myShellVar=$(yaml-get[matter%how].complex source-file.yaml)
# Use the value any way you need:
echo "Retrieved ${myShellVar}"
# Perhaps change the value and write it back:
myShellVar="New Value"
yaml-set --change=/any/path/no[matter%how]/complex --value="$myShellVar" source-file.yaml
You didn't specify that the data was a simple Scalar value though, so let's up the ante. What if the result you want is an Array? Even more challenging, what if it's an Array-of-Hashes and you only want one property of each result? Suppose further that your data is actually spread out across multiple YAML files and you need all the results in a single query. That's a much more interesting question to demonstrate with. So, suppose you have these two YAML files:
File: data1.yaml
- name: Doohickey
sku: 0-000-1
price: 4.75
weight: 2.7g
- name: Doodad
sku: 0-000-2
price: 10.5
weight: 5g
- name: Oddball
sku: 0-000-3
price: 25.99
weight: 25kg
File: data2.yaml
- name: Fob
sku: 0-000-4
price: 0.99
weight: 18mg
- name: Doohickey
price: 10.5
- name: Oddball
sku: 0-000-3
description: This ball is odd
How would you report only the sku of every item in inventory after applying the changes from data2.yaml to data1.yaml, all from a shell script? Try this:
baubleSKUs=($(yaml-merge --aoh=deep data1.yaml data2.yaml | yaml-get --query=/baubles/sku -))
for sku in "${baubleSKUs[#]}"; do
echo "Found bauble SKU: ${sku}"
You get exactly what you need from only a few lines of code:
Found bauble SKU: 0-000-1
Found bauble SKU: 0-000-2
Found bauble SKU: 0-000-3
Found bauble SKU: 0-000-4
As you can see, yamlpath turns very complex problems into trivial solutions. Note that the entire query was handled as a stream; no YAML files were changed by the query and there were no temp files.
I realize this is "yet another tool to solve the same question" but after reading the other answers here, yamlpath appears more portable and robust than most alternatives. It also fully understands YAML/JSON/compatible files and it does not need to convert YAML to JSON to perform requested operations. As such, comments within the original YAML file are preserved whenever you need to change data in the source YAML file. Like some alternatives, yamlpath is also portable across OSes. More importantly, yamlpath defines a query language that is extremely powerful, enabling very specialized/filtered data queries. It can even operate against results from disparate parts of the file in a single query.
If you want to get or set many values in the data at once -- including complex data like hashes/arrays/maps/lists -- yamlpath can do that. Want a value but don't know precisely where it is in the document? yamlpath can find it and give you the exact path(s). Need to merge multiple data file together, including from STDIN? yamlpath does that, too. Further, yamlpath fully comprehends YAML anchors and their aliases, always giving or changing exactly the data you expect whether it is a concrete or referenced value.
Disclaimer: I wrote and maintain yamlpath, which is based on ruamel.yaml, which is in turn based on PyYAML. As such, yamlpath is fully standards-compliant.
Complex parsing is easiest with a library such as Python's PyYAML or YAML::Perl.
If you want to parse all the YAML values into bash values, try this script. This will handle comments as well. See example usage below:
import yaml
import sys
def parse_yaml(yml, name=''):
if isinstance(yml, list):
for data in yml:
parse_yaml(data, name)
elif isinstance(yml, dict):
if (len(yml) == 1) and not isinstance(yml[list(yml.keys())[0]], list):
for key in yml:
parse_yaml(yml[key], name+'_'+key)
if __name__=="__main__":
yml = yaml.safe_load(open(sys.argv[1]))
- folders:
- temp_folder: datasets/outputs/tmp
- keep_temp_folder: false
- MFA:
- MFA: false
- speaker_count: 1
- G2P:
- G2P: true
- G2P_model: models/MFA/G2P/
- input_folder: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech/wavs
- output_dictionary: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech/dictionary.dict
- dictionary: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech/dictionary.dict
- acoustic_model: models/MFA/acoustic/
- temp_folder: datasets/outputs/tmp
- jobs: 4
- align:
- config: configs/MFA/align.yaml
- dataset: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech/wavs
- output_folder: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech-aligned
- TTS:
- output_folder: datasets/outputs/Youtube
- preprocess:
- preprocess: true
- config: configs/TTS_preprocess.yaml # Default Config
- textgrid_folder: datasets/outputs/Youtube/ljspeech-aligned
- output_duration_folder: datasets/outputs/Youtube/durations
- sampling_rate: 44000 # Make sure sampling rate is same here as in preprocess config
Script where YAML values are needed:
yaml() {
eval $(python "$1")
yaml "test.yml"
# What python printed to bash:
Access variables with bash:
echo "$TTS_preprocess_sampling_rate";
>>> 44000
If you know what tags you are interested in and the yaml structure you expect then it is not that hard to write a simple YAML parser in Bash.
In the following example the parser reads a structured YAML file into environment variables, an array and an associative array.
Note: The complexity of this parser is tied to the structure of the YAML file. You will need a separate subroutine for each structured component of the YAML file. Highly structured YAML files might require a more sophisticated approach, eg a generic recursive descent parser.
The xmas.yaml file:
# Xmas YAML example
# Values
pear-tree: partridge
turtle-doves: 2.718
french-hens: 3
# Array
- huey
- dewey
- louie
- fred
# Structure
calling-birds: four
french-hens: 3
golden-rings: 5
count: 1
location: "a pear tree"
turtle-doves: two
The parser uses mapfile to read the file into memory as an array then cycles through each tag and creates environment variables.
pear-tree:, turtle-doves: and french-hens: end up as simple environment variables
calling-birds: becomes an array
The xmas-fifth-day: structure is represented as an associative array however you could encode these as environment variables if you are not using Bash 4.0 or later.
Comments and white space are ignored.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# A simple parser for the xmas.yaml file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# xmas.yaml tags
# # - Ignored
# - Blank lines are ignored
# --- - Initialiser for days-of-xmas
# pear-tree: partridge - a string
# turtle-doves: 2.718 - a string, no float type in Bash
# french-hens: 3 - a number
# calling-birds: - an array of strings
# - huey - calling-birds[0]
# - dewey
# - louie
# - fred
# xmas-fifth-day: - an associative array
# calling-birds: four - a string
# french-hens: 3 - a number
# golden-rings: 5 - a number
# partridges: - changes the key to
# count: 1 - a number
# location: "a pear tree" - a string
# turtle-doves: two - a string
# This requires the following routines
# ParseXMAS
# parses #, ---, blank line
# unexpected tag error
# calls days-of-xmas
# days-of-xmas
# parses pear-tree, turtle-doves, french-hens
# calls calling-birds
# calls xmas-fifth-day
# calling-birds
# elements of the array
# xmas-fifth-day
# parses calling-birds, french-hens, golden-rings, turtle-doves
# calls partridges
# partridges
# parses partridges.count, partridges.location
function ParseXMAS()
# days-of-xmas
# parses pear-tree, turtle-doves, french-hens
# calls calling-birds
# calls xmas-fifth-day
function days-of-xmas()
unset PearTree TurtleDoves FrenchHens
while [ $CURRENT_ROW -lt $ROWS ]
unset LINE[0]
echo " days-of-xmas[${CURRENT_ROW}] ${TAG}=${VALUE}"
if [ "$TAG" = "pear-tree:" ]
declare -g PearTree=$VALUE
elif [ "$TAG" = "turtle-doves:" ]
declare -g TurtleDoves=$VALUE
elif [ "$TAG" = "french-hens:" ]
declare -g FrenchHens=$VALUE
elif [ "$TAG" = "calling-birds:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "xmas-fifth-day:" ]
elif [ -z "$TAG" ] || [ "$TAG" = "#" ]
# Ignore comments and blank lines
# time to bug out
# calling-birds
# elements of the array
function calling-birds()
unset CallingBirds
declare -ag CallingBirds
while [ $CURRENT_ROW -lt $ROWS ]
unset LINE[0]
echo " calling-birds[${CURRENT_ROW}] ${TAG}=${VALUE}"
if [ "$TAG" = "-" ]
elif [ -z "$TAG" ] || [ "$TAG" = "#" ]
# Ignore comments and blank lines
# time to bug out
# xmas-fifth-day
# parses calling-birds, french-hens, golden-rings, turtle-doves
# calls fifth-day-partridges
function xmas-fifth-day()
unset XmasFifthDay
declare -Ag XmasFifthDay
while [ $CURRENT_ROW -lt $ROWS ]
unset LINE[0]
echo " xmas-fifth-day[${CURRENT_ROW}] ${TAG}=${VALUE}"
if [ "$TAG" = "calling-birds:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "french-hens:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "golden-rings:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "turtle-doves:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "partridges:" ]
elif [ -z "$TAG" ] || [ "$TAG" = "#" ]
# Ignore comments and blank lines
# time to bug out
function partridges()
while [ $CURRENT_ROW -lt $ROWS ]
unset LINE[0]
echo " partridges[${CURRENT_ROW}] ${TAG}=${VALUE}"
if [ "$TAG" = "count:" ]
elif [ "$TAG" = "location:" ]
elif [ -z "$TAG" ] || [ "$TAG" = "#" ]
# Ignore comments and blank lines
# time to bug out
# ===================================================================
# Load the configuration file
mapfile CONFIG < xmas.yaml
let ROWS=${#CONFIG[#]}
# +
# #
# ---
# -
while [ $CURRENT_ROW -lt $ROWS ]
unset LINE[0]
echo "[${CURRENT_ROW}] ${TAG}=${VALUE}"
if [ "$TAG" = "---" ]
elif [ -z "$TAG" ] || [ "$TAG" = "#" ]
# Ignore comments and blank lines
echo "Unexpected tag at line $(($CURRENT_ROW + 1)): <${TAG}>={${VALUE}}"
echo =========================================
echo =========================================
declare -p PearTree
declare -p TurtleDoves
declare -p FrenchHens
declare -p CallingBirds
declare -p XmasFifthDay
This produces the following output
[0] #=Xmas YAML example
[1] ---=
days-of-xmas[2] #=Values
days-of-xmas[3] pear-tree:=partridge
days-of-xmas[4] turtle-doves:=2.718
days-of-xmas[5] french-hens:=3
days-of-xmas[6] =
days-of-xmas[7] #=Array
days-of-xmas[8] calling-birds:=
calling-birds[9] -=huey
calling-birds[10] -=dewey
calling-birds[11] -=louie
calling-birds[12] -=fred
calling-birds[13] =
calling-birds[14] #=Structure
calling-birds[15] xmas-fifth-day:=
days-of-xmas[15] xmas-fifth-day:=
xmas-fifth-day[16] calling-birds:=four
xmas-fifth-day[17] french-hens:=3
xmas-fifth-day[18] golden-rings:=5
xmas-fifth-day[19] partridges:=
partridges[20] count:=1
partridges[21] location:="a pear tree"
partridges[22] turtle-doves:=two
xmas-fifth-day[22] turtle-doves:=two
declare -- PearTree="partridge"
declare -- TurtleDoves="2.718"
declare -- FrenchHens="3"
declare -a CallingBirds=([0]="huey" [1]="dewey" [2]="louie" [3]="fred")
declare -A XmasFifthDay=([CallingBirds]="four" [PARTRIDGES.LOCATION]="\"a pear tree\"" [FrenchHens]="3" [GOLDEN-RINGS]="5" [PARTRIDGES.COUNT]="1" [TurtleDoves]="two" )
You can also consider using Grunt (The JavaScript Task Runner). Can be easily integrated with shell. It supports reading YAML (grunt.file.readYAML) and JSON (grunt.file.readJSON) files.
This can be achieved by creating a task in Gruntfile.js (or, e.g.:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('foo', ['load_yml']);
grunt.registerTask('load_yml', function () {
var data = grunt.file.readYAML('foo.yml');
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (g) {
// ... switch (g) { case 'my_key':
then from shell just simply run grunt foo (check grunt --help for available tasks).
Further more you can implement exec:foo tasks (grunt-exec) with input variables passed from your task (foo: { cmd: 'echo bar <%= foo %>' }) in order to print the output in whatever format you want, then pipe it into another command.
There is also similar tool to Grunt, it's called gulp with additional plugin gulp-yaml.
Install via: npm install --save-dev gulp-yaml
Sample usage:
var yaml = require('gulp-yaml');
.pipe(yaml({ space: 2 }))
.pipe(yaml({ safe: true }))
To more options to deal with YAML format, check YAML site for available projects, libraries and other resources which can help you to parse that format.
Other tools:
parses, reads and creates JSON
I know my answer is specific, but if one already has PHP and Symfony installed, it can be very handy to use Symfony's YAML parser.
For instance:
php -r "require '$SYMFONY_ROOT_PATH/vendor/autoload.php'; \
Here I simply used var_dump to output the parsed array but of course you can do much more... :)

How can I detect a sequence of "hollows" (holes, lines not matching a pattern) bigger than n in a text file?

Case scenario:
$ cat Status.txt
As can be seen, there are "hollows", understanding them as lines with the "disconnected" value inside the sequence file.
I want, in fact, to detect these "holes", but it would be useful if I could set a minimum n of missing numbers in the sequence.
I.e: for ' n=5' a detectable hole would be the 7... 13 part, as there are at least 5 "disconnected" in a row on the sequence. However, the missing 17 should not be considered as detectable in this case. Again, at line 21 whe get a valid disconnection.
Something like:
$ detector Status.txt -n 5 --pattern connected
... that could be interpreted like:
- Missing more than 5 "connected" starting at 7.
- Missing more than 5 "connected" starting at 21.
I need to script this on Linux shell, so I was thinking about programing some loop, parsing strings and so on, but I feel like if this could be done by using linux shell tools and maybe some simpler programming. Is there a way?
Even when small programs like csvtool are a valid solution, some more common Linux commands (like grep, cut, awk, sed, wc... etc) could be worth for me when working with embedded devices.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
min_hole_size=${1:-5} # default to 5, or take an argument from the command line
while IFS=, read -r num state; do
if [[ $state = connected ]]; then
if (( (num-last_connected) > (min_hole_size+1) )); then
echo "Found a hole running from $((last_connected + 1)) to $((num - 1))"
# Special case: Need to also handle a hole that's still open at EOF.
if [[ $state != connected ]] && (( num - last_connected > min_hole_size )); then
echo "Found a hole running from $((last_connected + 1)) to $num"
...emits, given your file on stdin (./detect-holes <in.txt):
Found a hole running from 7 to 13
Found a hole running from 21 to 29
BashFAQ #1 - How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
The conditional expression -- the [[ ]] syntax used to make it safe to do string comparisons without quoting expansions.
Arithmetic comparison syntax -- valid in $(( )) in all POSIX-compliant shells; also available without the expansion side effects as (( )) as a bash extension.
This is the perfect use case for awk, since the machinery of line reading, column splitting, and matching is all built in. The only tricky bit is getting the command line argument to your script, but it's not too bad:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk -v window="$1" -F, '
BEGIN { if (window=="") {window = 1} }
$2=="disconnected"{if (consecutive==0){start=NR}; consecutive++}
$2!="disconnected"{if (consecutive>window){print start}; consecutive=0}
END {if (consecutive>window){print start}}'
The window value is supplied as the first command line argument; left out, it defaults to 1, which means "display the start of gaps with at least two consecutive disconnections". Probably could have a better name. You can give it 0 to include single disconnections. Sample output below. (Note that I added series of 2 disconnections at the end to test the failure that Charles metions).
njv#organon:~/tmp$ ./ 0 < status.txt # any number of disconnections
njv#organon:~/tmp$ ./ < status.txt # at least 2 disconnections
njv#organon:~/tmp$ ./ 8 < status.txt # at least 9 disconnections
Awk solution:
detector.awk script:
#!/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { FS="," }
$2 == "disconnected"{
if (f && NR-c==nr) c++;
else { f=1; c++; nr=NR }
$2 == "connected"{
if (f) {
if (c > n) {
printf "- Missing more than 5 \042connected\042 starting at %d.\n", nr
awk -f detector.awk -v n=5 status.txt
The output:
- Missing more than 5 "connected" starting at 7.
- Missing more than 5 "connected" starting at 21.

How to extract key value pairs from a file when values span multiple lines?

I'm a few weeks into bash scripting and I haven't advanced enough yet to get my head wrapped around this problem. Any help would be appreciated!
I have a "script.conf" file that contains the following:
key3=( "k3v1" "k3 v2" "k3v3")
key4=( "k4v1"
"k4 v2"
#key6="Do Not Include Me"
In a bash script, I want to read the contents of this script.conf file into an array. I've learned how to handle the scenarios for keys 1, 2, 3, and 5, but the key4 scenario throws a wrench into it with it spanning across multiple lines.
I've been exploring the use of sed -n '/=\s*[(]/,/[)]/{/' which does capture key4 and its value, but I can't figure out how to mix this so that the other keys are also captured in the matches. The range syntax is also new to me, so I haven't figured out how to separate the key/value. I feel like there is an easy regex that would accomplish what I want... in plain-text: "find and group the pattern ^(.*)= (for the key), then group everything after the '=' char until another ^(.*)= match is found, rinse and repeat". I guess if I do this, I need to change the while read line to not handle the key/value separation for me (I'll be looking into this while I'm waiting for a response). BTW, I think a solution where the value of key4 is flattened (new lines removed) would be acceptable; I know for key3 I have to store the value as a string and then convert it to an array later when I want to iterate over it since an array element apparently can't contain a list.
Am I on the right path with sed or is this a job for awk or some other tool? (I haven't ventured into awk yet). Is there an easier approach that I'm missing because I'm too deep into the forest (like changing the while read line in the LoadConfigFile function)?
Here is the code that I have so far in for processing and capturing the other pairs into the $config array:
__AppDir=$(dirname $0)
typeset -A config #init config array
config=( #Setting Default Config values
[Verbose]=0 #Ex. Usage: [[ "${config[Verbose]}" -gt 0 ]] && echo ">>>Debug print"
function LoadConfigFile() {
local cfgFile="${1}"
shopt -s extglob #Needed to remove trailing spaces
if [ -f ${cfgFile} ]; then
while IFS='=' read -r key value; do
if [[ "${key:0:1}" == "#" ]]; then
#echo "Skipping Comment line: ${key}"
elif [ "${key:-EMPTY}" != "EMPTY" ]; then
value="${value%%\#*}" # Delete in-line, right comments
value="${value%%*( )}" # Delete trailing spaces
value="${value%%( )*}" # Delete leading spaces
#value="${value%\"*}" # Delete opening string quotes
#value="${value#\"*}" # Delete closing string quotes
#Manipulate any variables included in the value so that they can be expanded correctly
# - value must be stored in the format: "${var1}". `backticks`, "$var2", and "doubleQuotes" are left as is
value="${value//\"/\\\"}" # Escape double quotes for eval
value="${value//\`/\\\`}" # Escape backticks for eval
value="${value//\$/\\\$}" # Escape ALL '$' for eval
value="${value//\\\${/\${}" # Undo the protection of '$' if it was followed by a '{'
value=$(eval "printf '%s\n' \"${value}\"")
config[${key}]=${value} #Store the value into the config array at the specified key
echo " >>>DBG: Key = ${key}, Value = ${value}"
# echo "Skipped Empty Key"
done < "${cfgFile}"
echo "Config File # ${CONFIG_FILE}"
LoadConfigFile ${CONFIG_FILE}
#Print elements of $config
echo "Script Config Values:"
echo "----------------------------"
for key in "${!config[#]}"; do #The '!' char gets an array of the keys, without it, we would get an array of the values
printf " %-20s = %s\n" "${key}" "${config[${key}]}"
echo "------ End Script Config ------"
#To convert to an array...
declare -a valAsArray=${config[RequiredAppPackages]} #Convert the value from a string to an array
echo "Count = ${#valAsArray[#]}"
for itemCfg in "${valAsArray[#]}"; do
echo " item = ${itemCfg}"
As I mentioned before, I'm just starting to learn bash and Linux scripting in general, so if you see that I'm doing some taboo things in other areas of my code too, please feel free to provide feedback in the comments... I don't want to start bad habits early on :-).
*If it matters, the OS is Ubuntu 14.04.
As requested, after reading the script.conf file, I would like for the elements in $config[#] to be equivalent to the following:
typeset -A config #init config array
[key3]="( \"k3v1\" \"k3 v2\" \"k3v3\" )"
[key4]="( \"k4v1\" \"k4 v2\" \"k4v3\" )"
I want to be able to convert the values of elements 'key4' and 'key3' into an array and iterated over them the same way in the following code:
declare -a keyValAsArray=${config[keyN]} #Convert the value from a string to an array
echo "Count = ${#keyValAsArray[#]}"
for item in "${keyValAsArray[#]}"; do
echo " item = ${item}"
I don't think it matters if \n is preserved for key4's value or not... that depends on if declare has a problem with it.
A shell is an environment from which to call tools with a language to sequence those calls. It is NOT a tool to manipulate text. The standard UNIX tool to manipulate text is awk. Trying to manipulate text in shell IS a bad habit, see why-is-using-a-shell-loop-to-process-text-considered-bad-pr‌​actice for SOME of the reasons why
You still didn't post the expected result of populating the config array so I'm not sure but I think this is what you wanted:
$ cat
declare -A config="( $(awk '
{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|([[:space:]]+|#.*)$/,"") }
!NF { next }
/^[^="]+=/ {
name = gensub(/=.*/,"",1)
value = gensub(/^[^=]+=/,"",1)
n2v[name] = value
{ n2v[name] = n2v[name] OFS $0 }
for (name in n2v) {
value = gensub(/"/,"\\\\&","g",n2v[name])
printf "[%s]=\"%s\"\n", name, value
' script.conf
) )"
declare -p config
$ ./
declare -A config='([key5]="value5" [key4]="( \"k4v1\" \"k4 v2\" \"k4v3\" )" [key3]="( \"k3v1\" \"k3 v2\" \"k3v3\")" [key2]="/home/Ed/Folder" [key1]="value1" )'
The above uses GNU awk for gensub(), with other awks you'd use [g]sub() instead.

prstat in Ubuntu or Centos

As the Java Performance said:
Solaris prstat has additional capabilities
such as reporting both user and kernel or system CPU utilization along with other
microstate information using the prstat -m and -L options. The -m option prints
microstate information, and -L prints statistics on per lightweight process.
There is any tool available like prstat in Centos or Ubuntu ?
I believe the Linux commands you are looking for are top and pstree .
Here is ptree for Linux,
# Solaris style ptree
[ -x /usr/bin/ptree ] && exec /usr/bin/ptree "$#"
# Print process tree
# $1 = PID : extract tree for this process
# $1 = user : filter for this (existing) user
# $1 = user $2 = PID : do both
export PATH
case $1 in
[a-z]*) psopt="-u $1";shift;;
[ -z "$1" ] &&
exec ps $psopt -Ho pid=,args=
#some effort to add less to the ps list
trap 'rm $tmp' 0 HUP INT TERM
ps $psopt -Ho pid=,args= >$tmp
<$tmp awk '
{ ci=index(substr($0,7),$2); o[ci]=$0 }
ci>s[a] { s[++a]=ci }
$1==pid {
for(i=1;i<=a;i++) {
si=s[i]; if(si<=ci) print o[si]
ci<walkdown { exit }
walkdown!=0 { print }
' pid="$1"
There is no prstat "equivalent" tool in Linux. You can use a combination of top and ps (or /proc/$pid/ resources) to get some useful result; maybe writing a shell script (using grep, sed and awk) which collects results from above commands and files.
Just for reference I found this link about top command and kernel, user and idle CPU utilization intresting
Hope this helps.
