Haystack queryset contains None elements - django-haystack

I'm using Haystack for search, and the resulting SearchQuerySet returned contains None elements:
>> SearchQuerySet().models(Question, Document, Idea)
>> [<SearchResult: idea.idea (pk=3875)>, None, None, None]
Running rebuild_index doesn't help. If I remove the .models() call from the first line, the problem goes away. I could just filter out None elements from the results, but I wanted to know if this is intended behaviour?
I am using Django 1.4, Whoosh, and Haystack 2.0.0-beta

I had this problem when haystack index had records without corresponding records in DB.

No, it is definitly not the intended behaviour, and as I can see, seems to be related to a design decision in Whoosh. And, as of December 2015, this still seems to be an issue, as can be seen here. Also, I can reproduce it with my setup (django 1.8.5, haystack 2.4.1, Whoosh 2.7.0) - that's why I came here.
Quick and dirty solution that worked for me: Define a new field on your index (type/model/tomato), set it the same for each model, and filter against that value:
instead of
I don't know (yet) how this scales, but seems to work ok.

Had the same problem using Whoosh, installed Elasticsearch and the None elements went away.


python automatically adding type hints in docstring

I'm looking for a tool that adds the type annotation that are already added in a function to the docstring generated by PyCharm.
I have been following this issue on JetBrains for a long time and no progress seem to be made on this ticket yet.
I saw this article as well but it seems too specific and only works with google docstrings.
I have checked out this package on PyPI but this does the opposite of what I need. What I need is to add the type hints provided in the argument to the docstring and not the opposite.
This might be related to How to make PyCharm get type hints from function definition and populate type values in docstrings?, but I just need a general purpose solution, or at least one that works with Numpy docstring or reStructuredText and maybe play nicely with PyCharm.
I just see myself coming back to researching this thing in the hopes of getting something but couldn't find what I needed. What tools would work for this?
When I was searching few months ago, I couldn't find any usable solution for this. Right now, I am using VS Code with this extension which gives nice Docstring:
def foo(a: int, b: str) -> bool:
a (int): [description]
b (str): [description]
bool: [description]

Groovy - strange Collection#intersect behaviour

I have code like that:
def a1 = [[1],[2],[3]]
def a2 = [[2],[3],[4]]
and as result got:
After some time of research i found out that elements of lists must be instance of Comparable. In DefaultGroovyMethods we can see implementation of intersect method. First thing i noted was the collection (TreeSet) used for checking existence of objects in one of our lists (btw. if HashSet used it worked fine).
I checked the NumberAwareComparator there are two options for checking in compareTo method. The first is the delegation of comparison to another class (eaten exception ?!) and the second is hashCode checking.
The first option DefaultTypeTransformation explained us the behavior.
We can see that only allowed object to be compare are Comparable in other case we got exception eaten later.
My question is why is it like that? There is lack of information in documentation (or am i wrong?) about it. Did i missed something?
Can't find it documented.
Feels like a great pull request contribution to the project on github with a change to the existing documentation/javadoc to make this more explicit?
The elements have to be comparable, as otherwise you can't compare them to check for an intersection, but you're right the documentation isn't explicit.
You could write your own implementation like so:
Collection.metaClass.equalityIntersect = { Collection other ->
delegate.findAll { a -> other.find { it == a } }
So that a1.equalityIntersect(a2) == [[2], [3]]
This behavior has been introduced somewhere down the line - haven't pin-pointed it, maybe 2.4.2 or 2.4.2 as per this commit. It used to work in 2.2.1 and 2.4.0 and is broken on 2.4.6... but it's fixed in 2.4.7.
$ groovy -v
Groovy Version: 2.4.7 JVM: 1.8.0_92 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Mac OS X
$ groovy intersect.groovy
[[2], [3]]
How can such breaking change roll out to a release is a mystery to me. Lack of testing?

Neo4j - index lookup issue

I was trying to set index type from exact to fulltext in neo4j shell, so i can do incasesensitive search with lucene query. So i used this command:
index --set-config Destination type fulltext
but it didn't work. Still couldn't do case insensitive search, so a played around and change some other values, like _blueprints:type and to_lower_case.
That didn't do any good.
Now it somehow ignores first character of name value ( weird ! ) . So if i am searching for "London" for example and i type "Lon" it returns nothing. But if i type "ond" it returns the node. The same for every node.
I tried setting everything back to normal. Didn`t help.
What did i mess up? What am i missing?
I am using a Everyman PHP library to communicate with database.
I created new index with "to_lower_case" property.
I think that will solve my problem, just have to convert string to lower case before inserting it into query. It seems to work.
Setting configuration afterwards doesn't update already indexed values (as the shell notes, I think). If you've created your index with "to_lower_case=true" then additions as well as queries will have the values converted to lower case. Calling Index#get will still require you to lower-case it yourself.

How can I find an <acronym> tag with watir-webdriver without taking a huge performance hit?

I am using watir-webdriver (0.5.3) in a Cucumber (1.1.9) test. I am attempting to verify the text value of an <acronym> tag. The code is legacy, and there are plans to change it to a <div> or <span> tag, but in the mean time I have to deal with it. I first attempted:
#browser.acronym(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I received the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `acronym' for #<Watir::Browser:0x33e9940>
I poked around in the Watir code to see how tag objects were being created, and found that they seem to be dynamically created based on the HTML5 spec, but then I also found a comment in element.rb stating that they are no longer being created from the spec. At any rate, I couldn't see an easy way to inherit a <span> object and call it an <acronym> object. So, I looked into alternatives, and found the element object.
#browser.element(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
This code works, but it takes about a minute to traverse my page. I'm stuck with the regex for now, as the tag id is actually dynamically generated and I don't currently have a way to figure out those values. This is what the tag actually looks like:
<acronym class="editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:E100"
title="Expense Code: Expenses" id="expense_code114_582_10777">
E100 </acronym>
I would appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve the performance of my test.
Is that class name predictable? could you construct that from a set part plus the text you are about to validate (it's the same in your example above) and go that way?
acronym = 'E100'
browser.element(:class, 'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{acronym}'.text.should == acronym
Does using XPath to limit the elements to just acronym tags help performance?
#browser.element(:xpath, "//acronym[contains(#id, 'expense_code')]")
UPDATE: As Chuck mentioned, CSS-Selector is also an option:
#browser.element(:css => "acronym[id^=expense_code]")
I was recently stealing logic from Watir 1.6.5 to make custom locators/collections for my page objects and I noticed in the Watir::TaggedElementLocator, it kind of supports any method that the element supports. Noticing in Watir-Webdriver that elements have a tag_name() method, I thought I would try the same and it looks like it works.
So you can use tag_name as a locator by doing:
#browser.element(:tag_name => 'acronym', :id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I'm not sure what order the locators get run in, so since the regex is expensive, it might be faster to get all the acronym elements and then find the one with the right ID:
#browser.elements(:tag_name, 'acronym').find{ |acronym|
acronym.id =~ /expense_code(.*)/
While I think it makes the code look better, unfortunately I'm not sure if its any faster. I am guessing the performance of each will depend on the specific page layout being tested.
I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is here, but this is the answer I came up with using Chuck's reply and feedback from jarib in the #watir IRC chat. With all my examples, expense_code = 'E100'.
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "default:#{expense_code}").text
The above code works at a very reasonable speed and doesn't require an xpath. It is a shortening of the following code:
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}").text
I learned that I didn't need to pass the whole string. Anything in a class delimited by a space is dealt with gracefully by watir. I adapted that code from this xpath:
#browser.element(:xpath => "//acronym[contains(#class,
\'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}\')]").text
The gotcha in that code above was needing to escape out the ' around the class values so that it would evaluate correctly.
Just searching for the class (code below) did not work. I have no idea why. I did notice that it pounded the database with requests. Whatever it was doing, the page didn't like it. Though the reason it was trying multiple times is I slipped a wait_until_present in there.
#browser.element(:class, "editable select fillwith:exp_codes
Thanks for the help. :)

Solr sort by min of two fields?

I want to sort a result set by the minimum of several fields.
So after reading the functionquery documentation this is what I came up with:
I also tried:
and also some other placements of the quotes. But no matter what I always get this error:
Missing sort order.
Can anyobody point me in the right direction?
Try using a query that matches all documents, with a constant score, plus a function.
Also, upgrading to Solr 3.3 is not that painful, and there's all sorts of cool new toys like sorting by function.
It seems to be available only in solr 3.1. I am running 1.4.1
