backspace issue on linux file - linux

I use EditPlus to write linux bash programs. after writting when i move files to server i get these kind of errors:
sleep: invalid time interval `2\r'
Try `sleep --help' for more information.
/usr/bin/program: line 9: $'\r': command not found
/usr/bin/program: line 10: $'}\r': command not found
/usr/bin/program: line 11: $'\r': command not found
/usr/bin/program: line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'usr/bin/program: line 12: `stop() {
I have also used dos2unix to fix this issue but no success. I want to know that is there any way that I can avoid this kind of problems. it waste alot of time. is there any better editor or some way to fix this issue?
What I do to solve this issue is that I vi a file in linux and then copy line by line from windows file to linux file and then it works. these are lines of my code:
line7:udevadm control --reload-rules
sleep 2
echo $(date +"%b %e %T") hostname Program[$$]: Program Started | tee -a /var/log/messages
stop() {

You need to change file preferences: go to Preferences -> Files and change "Create new file as " to UNIX. Also, your might want to enable "Check invalid CR/LF, null character when loading" option.

For already produced files
cat OLDFILE | tr -d '\r' > NEWFILE
should help. You can't just redirect the output to the input:
cat FILE | tr -d '\r' > FILE
since this will truncate the input file before it is read.
In contrast to similar programs, this is not eligible for the useless-use-of-cat award, since tr doesn't accept a filename as parameter.

Setting the "line ending sequence" in VSCode / atom from CRLF TO LF and saving worked for me


Stuck with While loop in WSL2

I am in the very basic of the basic with Shell. In general, I only use the WSL2 for ssh. Now, I write a loop, so I google for an example to see how it works. Here is my ref: The problem is that even if I just copy and paste their examples, I get the error: line 4: $'\r': command not found line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `done' line 10: `done'
This is the code that I just copy and paste:
# Basic while loop
while [ $counter -le 10 ]
echo $counter
echo All done
The problem is probably that you copy-pasted the script from Windows and tried to execute it from Linux. Windows uses CR in addition to NL for new lines, where Linux uses only '\n' and finds the former ('\r') strange.
Try something like this from your WSL2 terminal:
sed 's/\r//g' >
And execute

I can't get my bash script to run

This is the script that I used to that will not run, but I am hoping someone can help me figure out what the issue is. I am new to unix
# cat copyit
# copies files
# Capture all of the arguments passed to the command, store all of the arguments, except
# for the last (the destination)
while [ "$#" -gt 1 ]
listoffiles="$listoffiles $1"
# If there are less than two arguments that are entered, or if there are more than two
# arguments, and the last argument is not a valid directory, then display an
# error message
if [ "$numofargs" -lt 2 -o "$numofargs" -gt 2 -a ! -d "$destination" ]
echo "Usage: copyit sourcefile destinationfile"
echo" copyit sourcefile(s) directory"
exit 1
# look at each sourcefile
for fromfile in $listoffiles
# see if destination file is a directory
if [ -d "$destination" ]
destfile="$destination/`basename $fromfile`"
# Add the file to the copy list if the file does not already exist, or it
# the user
# says that the file can be overwritten
if [ -f "$destfile" ]
echo "$destfile already exist; overwrite it? (yes/no)? \c"
read ans
if [ "$ans" = yes ]
listofcopy="$listofcopy $fromfile"
listofcopy="$listofcopy $fromfile"
# If there is something to copy - copy it
if [ -n "$listofcopy" ]
mv $listofcopy $destination
This is what I got and it seems that the script didn't execute all though I did invoke it. I am hoping that someone can help me
[taniamack#localhost ~]$ chmod 555 tryto.txt
[taniamack#localhost ~]$ tryto.txt
bash: tryto.txt: command not found...
[taniamack#localhost ~]$ ./tryto.txt
./tryto.txt: line 7: $'\r': command not found
./tryto.txt: line 11: $'\r': command not found
./tryto.txt: line 16: $'\r': command not found
./tryto.txt: line 43: syntax error near unexpected token `$'do\r''
'/tryto.txt: line 43: `do
Looks like your file contains Windows new line formatting: "\r\n". On Unix, a new line is just "\n". You can use dos2unix (apt-get install dos2unix), to convert your files.
Also have a look at the chmod manual (man chmod).
Most of the time i just use chmod +x ./my_file to give execution rights
I see a few issues. First of all, a mode of 555 means that no one can write to the file. You probably want chmod 755. Second of all, you need to add the current directory to your $PATH variable. In Windows, you also have a %PATH%, but by default the current directory . is always in %PATH%, but in Unix, adding the current directory is highly discouraged because of security concerns. The standard is to put your scripts under the $HOME/bin directory and make that directory the last entry in your $PATH.
First of all: Indent correctly. When you enter a loop or an if statement, indent the lines by four characters (that's the standard). It makes it much easier to read your program.
Another issue is your line endings. It looks like some of the lines have a Windows line ending on them while most others have a Unix/Linux/Mac line ending. Windows ends each line with two characters - Carriage Return and Linefeed while Unix/Linux/Mac end each line with just a Linefeed. The \r is used to represent the Carriage Return character. Use a program editor like vim or gedit. A good program editor will make sure that your line endings are consistent and correct.

Lubuntu: Using .sh script as a keybind, code works, executing script gives errors

This is my first ever post on stackoverflow, hope I don't break any rules. I'm a complete Linux newbie (installed Lubuntu 14.04 64bit last night) so be duly warned.
In short, I'm trying to get my laptop touchpad toggle to work (Fn+F3 on my Inspiron5110). I have a bash script:
if [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') == 1 ] ; then
synclient touchpadoff=0;
synclient touchpadoff=1;
I got it from . If I paste the script code in the terminal and execute it, it works (touchpad goes on/off). However, I want to bind it to a key so in my lubuntu-rc.xml I've added the following:
<!-- disable touchpad -->
<keybind key="XF86TouchpadToggle">
<action name="Execute">
When I press the necessary key combo however I get "Failure to execute child process "/usr/local/bin/" (No such file or directory)". However I can see in this directory, both in the file manager and when I use ls in the terminal that the file is there:
/usr/local/bin$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 paspaldzhiev paspaldzhiev 145 юни 2 22:54
I used chmod +x to make it executable.
Now, where this gets even more confusing:
If I use bash /usr/local/bin/ I get:
paspaldzhiev#areuexperienced:/usr/local/bin$ bash line 6: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' line 6: `fi'
Though as I've said above I know for a fact that the code works if I just paste it in the terminal.
Further, if I use ./ I get :
paspaldzhiev#areuexperienced:/usr/local/bin$ ./
bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Just to note that I'm not very sure what the difference between bash and ./ is in terms of execution, it's just that my more Linux-savvy friends told me to try these :D.
In any case, I have no idea how to proceed henceforth, could anyone please shed a light on what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you very much!
The ^M in your last error msg is your big hint ; -). Somehow you have used a windows editor, file transfer or something. Try dos2unix It will remove all the CR (^M) chars from end of lines. It should work then. Good luck. – shellter
There is no need for script, since there is no need for if instruction.
Place this piece of code in your lubuntu-rc.xml
<keybind key="XF86TouchpadToggle">
<action name="Execute">
<command>synclient TouchpadOff=$((1-$(synclient | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}')))</command>

syntax error near unexpected token ' - bash

I have a written a sample script on my Mac
test() {
echo "Example"
exit 0
and this works fine by displaying Example
When I run this script on a RedHat machine, it says
syntax error near unexpected token '
I checked that bash is available using
cat /etc/shells
which bash shows /bin/bash
Did anyone come across the same issue ?
Thanks in advance !
It could be a file encoding issue.
I have encountered file type encoding issues when working on files between different operating systems and editors - in my case particularly between Linux and Windows systems.
I suggest checking your file's encoding to make sure it is suitable for the target linux environment. I guess an encoding issue is less likely given you are using a MAC than if you had used a Windows text editor, however I think file encoding is still worth considering.
--- EDIT (Add an actual solution as recommended by #Potatoswatter)
To demonstrate how file type encoding could be this issue, I copy/pasted your example script into Notepad in Windows (I don't have access to a Mac), then copied it to a linux machine and ran it:
jdt#cookielin01:~/windows> sh ./originalfile
./originalfile: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'/originalfile: line 2: `test() {
In this case, Notepad saved the file with carriage returns and linefeeds, causing the error shown above. The \r indicates a carriage return (Linux systems terminate lines with linefeeds \n only).
On the linux machine, you could test this theory by running the following to strip carriage returns from the file, if they are present:
cat originalfile | tr -d "\r" > newfile
Then try to run the new file sh ./newfile . If this works, the issue was carriage returns as hidden characters.
Note: This is not an exact replication of your environment (I don't have access to a Mac), however it seems likely to me that the issue is that an editor, somewhere, saved carriage returns into the file.
--- /EDIT
To elaborate a little, operating systems and editors can have different file encoding defaults. Typically, applications and editors will influence the filetype encoding used, for instance, I think Microsoft Notepad and Notepad++ default to Windows-1252. There may be newline differences to consider too (In Windows environments, a carriage return and linefeed is often used to terminate lines in files, whilst in Linux and OSX, only a Linefeed is usually used).
A similar question and answer that references file encoding is here: bad character showing up in bash script execution
try something like
$ sudo apt-get install dos2unix
$ dos2unix offendingfile
Easy way to convert file to UNIX if you are working in Windows is to use NotePad++ (Edit>EOL Conversion>UNIX/OSX Format)
You can also set the default EOL in notepad++ (Settings>Preferences>New Document/Default Directory>select Unix/OSX under the Format box)
Thanks #jdt for your answer.
Following that, and since I keep having this issue with carriage return, I wrote that small script. Only run carriage_return and you'll be prompted for the file to "clean".
alias carriage_return=remove_carriage_return
# cygwin throws error like :
# syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
# due to carriage return
# this function runs the following
# cat originalfile | tr -d "\r" > newfile
read -p "File to clean ? "
# file to clean => temporary clean file
remove_carriage_return_one='cat '$file_to_clean' | tr -d "\r" > '
# temporary clean file => new clean file
remove_carriage_return_two='cat '$temp_file_to_clean' | tr -d "\r" > '
eval $remove_carriage_return_one
eval $remove_carriage_return_two
# remove temporary clean file
eval 'rm '$temp_file_to_clean
I want to add to the answer above is how to check if it is carriage return issue in Unix like environment (I tested in MacOS)
1) Using cat
cat -e my_file_name
If you see the lines ended with ^M$, then yes, it is the carriage return issue.
2) Find first line with carriage return character
grep -r $'\r' | head -1
3) Using vim
vim my_file_name
Then in vim, type
:set ff
If you see fileformat=dos, then the file is from a dos environment which contains a carriage return.
After finding out, you can use the above mentioned methods by other people to correct your file.
I had the same problem when i was working with armbian linux and Windows .
i was trying to coppy my codes from windows to armbian and when i run it this Error Pops Up. My problem Solved this way :
1- try to Coppy your files from windows using WinSCP .
2- make sure that your file name does not have () characters

Linux replace ^M$ with $ in csv

I have received a csv file from a ftp server which I am ingesting into a table.
While ingesting the file I am receiving the error "File was a truncated file"
The actual reason is the data in a file contains $ and ^M$ in end of the line.
e.g :
How can I remove these $ and ^M$ from end of the line using linux command.
The ultimately correct solution is to transfer the file from the FTP server in text mode rather than binary mode, which does the appropriate end-of-line conversion for you. Change your download scripts or FTP application configuration to enable text transfers to fix this in future.
Assuming this is a one-shot transfer and you have already downloaded the file and just want to fix it, you can use tr(1) to translate characters. So to remove all control-M characters from a file, you can pipe through tr -d '\r'. Or if you want to replace them with control-J instead – for example you would do this if the file came from a pre-OSX Mac system — do tr '\r' '\n'.
It's odd to see ^M as not-the-last character, but:
sed -e 's/^M*\$$//g' <badfile >goodfile
Or use "sed -i" to update in-place.
(Note that "^M" is entered on the command line by pressing CTRL-V CTRL_M).
Update: It's been established that the question is wrong as the "^M$" are not in the file but displayed with VI. He actually wants to change CRLF pairs to just LF.
sed -e 's/^M$//g' <badfile >goodfile
