Starting node server automatically when auto-scaling EC2 does not work - node.js

I would like to automatically run node server when instances are created (using forever). I am on Ubuntu 11.10 (Canonical), I followed the instructions here exactly on creating launch config using user script:
I can't seem to get this to work. Below is my startup script:
set -e -x
/home/MyUserName/node_modules/.bin/forever stopall
/home/MyUserName/node_modules/.bin/forever start node.js/app.js
The launch config is created using this cmd:
as-create-launch-config MyLC --image-id ami-b6a3f8f2 --user-data-file --instance-type m1.small

Found the issue, I have to run forever as the user, not root, wonder so:
sudo -u MyUserName /home/MyUserName/node_modules/.bin/forever start node.js/app.js

Are you fully qualifying the app.js file? Could it just be this line?
/home/MyUserName/node_modules/.bin/forever start /home/MyUserName/node.js/app.js


How to use jenkins to restart PM2?

i'm running my node.js app on the linux server using PM2, with a config file, like this:
PM2 start mywebsite.config.js
all is good. but now i want to add jenkins to the picture.
i'm running a pipeline project in jenkins, using Jenkinsfile.
All working fine except for the last command, that should restart the app, to make the new version live:
stage('Restart PM2') {
steps {
sh 'pm2 restart all' }
and this command fails. here is the log output:
+ pm2 restart all
Use --update-env to update environment variables
[PM2][WARN] No process found
< empty pm2 log table here>
Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
I understand that PM2 is working per user. means, that the user who ran the first command (start) is the one that should run the restart as well.
but how to do this?
To run pm2 restart all from Jenkins you need to:
Configure your system to run sudo from jenkins
Make a symbolic link to the .pm2/ folder, in my case(Ubuntu) it was at /root/.pm2 so i run
sudo ln -s /root/.pm2/ /var/lib/jenkins/
NOTE: /var/lib/jenkins if the default jenkins root directory, you can check yours on Jenkins configuration
after that you can go to jenkins and setup a shell command, in my case i did:
sudo pm2 restart all
NOTE: if you have a .pm2 folder already in your jenkins root directory rename it so you can do the symbolic link
Hope this helps
Instead of restarting PM2 through you jenkins code, let PM2 do it by itself, using the watch flag. in your config file, set watch to be true.
You may want to add a relatively new flag called watch-ignore. that's an array, with files to be ignored by the watch. add your log file and error file to this list. otherwise, any logged information will cause your node app to restart endlessly.
after doing these changes to the config file, run pm2 again with the config. remove the restarting code from Jenkinsfile, you don't need that anymore, pm2 will detect the new version and will reload the app!
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe PM2 start mywebsite.config.js
Jenkins kills the pm2 daemon to be created by the build.
You should put the keyword to prevent killing daemon by Jenkins.

how to run node js on dedicated server?

I am doing a chat app and integrating it on a website. When i execute teh command 'node index.js' on the local server everything works fine. But when i try installing node js on a dedicated server and try to execute the command 'nohup node index.js &' through ssh it gives following message.
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
I had followed the method mentioned in this site for installation of node js on server
Can someone help me, please?
You first need to install Node in a correct way. I wrote a tutorial about it: How to get Node 6.7.0 on Linux (of course you can use newer versions, just change the version in the commands).
Basically it's something like this - change the version to the one you like:
# change dir to your home:
cd ~
# download the source:
curl -O
# extract the archive:
tar xzvf node-v6.1.0.tar.gz
# go into the extracted dir:
cd node-v6.1.0
# configure for installation:
./configure --prefix=/opt/node-v6.1.0
# build and test:
make && make test
# install:
sudo make install
# make a symlink to that version:
sudo ln -svf /opt/node-v6.1.0 /opt/node
I recommend building Node from source and always running make test but you can also install a binary package which is faster - just make sure you understand the issues with paths and hashbang lines if you do so - more info on that and more install options are described in my tutorial.
Then you need to make sure that your application is started every time the server is restarted. I recommend using Upstart if you can.
Using Upstart, save something like this in /etc/init/YOURAPP.conf:
# When to start the service
start on runlevel [2345]
# When to stop the service
stop on runlevel [06]
# If the process quits unexpectadly trigger a respawn
# Start the process
exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid node --make-pidfile --pidfile /www/YOURAPP/run/ --exec /opt/node/bin/node -- /www/YOURAPP/app/app.js >> /www/YOURAPP/log/node-upstart.log 2>&1
Just change:
YOURAPP to the name of your own app
/opt/node/bin/node to your path to node
/www/YOURAPP/app/app.js to the path of your Node app
/www/YOURAPP/run to where you want your PID file
/www/YOURAPP/log to where you want your logs
--chuid node to --chuid OTHERUSER if you want it to run as a different user than node
(make sure to add a user with a name from --chuid above)
With your /etc/init/YOURAPP.conf in place you can safely restart your server and have your app still running, you can run:
restart YOURAPP
to start, restart and stop your app - which would also happen automatically during the system boot or shutdown.
For more info see those answers about:
Installing Node
Running Node on servers
You can also use systemd for that but there are some differences as the system is much more complicated and often leads to some problems.

How do I leave Node.js server on EC2 running forever?

As you can tell by my question, I'm new to this...
I built my first website, I set up my first Node.js server to serve it and then pushed everything live on EC2.
I tested everything on my EC2 IP address and everything seems to be working.
Now up until now, I've been testing my app locally so it makes sense that whenever I closed the terminal, app.js would stop running so nothing would be served on localhost.
Now that my server is on EC2, the same thing happens ("obviously" one could say..) whenever I close my terminal.
So my question is how do I keep my Node.js server running on EC2 for like... that my site stays live.. forever :)
I read something about a node module called "forever" but I'm wondering (being new and all..) why isn't this "forever" functionality a default setting of the Node.js-EC2 system ?
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of setting up a web server and pushing it live to have it stay live forever? Isn't that what servers are supposed to do anyway (infinitely listening for requests) ? And if that's the case why do we need extra modules/settings to achieve that ?
Thanks for your help.. As you can tell I'm not only looking for a solution but an explanation as well because I got really confused.. :-)
EDIT (a few details you might need) - After installing my app on EC2 these are the steps that I follow on the terminal (The app is running on Amazon Linux by the way) :
I type ssh -i xxxxxxxxxxx.pem on the
After logging onto the Amazon machine I then go to the relevant folder and execute node app.js
There are 3 folders in the machine : node, node_modules and *name of my app*
app.js resides in *name of my app*
After that, the site goes live on my EC2 IP
Once I close the terminal, everything is switched off
Before you invoke Node.js, run the command:
This will create a persistent environment which will allow your process to keep running after you disconnect.
When you reconnect, you can use this command to reconnect to that environment:
screen -r
Here's a random link to learn more about screen:
However, this won't help you if your EC2 instance restarts. There are many different ways to do that. Adding your startup command to /etc/rc.local is one way. Here's a link to an Amazon guide which includes adding something to /etc/rc.local.
I worked with the valid answer for a while but some times the screen just end with no reason also screen has no balance loader and others features that in a production enviroment you should care , Currently I use a npm component to do this job.
This is so easy to use.
$ npm install pm2 -g
then just start your app with pm2 like this
$ pm2 start app.js
In the above link you can find diferents tasks to perform if you need.
Hope this help the newbies like me.
There's a better way. Use forever.js.
See it here:
This is a nice tutorial for how to use chkconfig with forever on CENTOS.
Or use tmux
Just Enter a tmux screen run node server
Ctrl+b Hit D and you're done.
I am very late to join the thread and seems its basic problem with every newbie. Follow the below to setup properly your first server.
follow the step on the ec2 instance(before doing this make sure you have a start script for pm2 in your package.json file):
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 startup systemd
See the output and at the last line it must be like..
You have to run this command as root. Execute the following command:
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup
systemd -u sammy --hp /home/sammy
Take the last line command and run again with root privilege.
(before running the next command, Provide a new start script for pm2 in your package.json file e.g: "pm2-start": "pm2 start ./bin/www")
npm run pm2-start
for more info follow the link.
If you are using a Ubuntu EC2, better to use the following we have been using this for the past 6 years and have had no issues with this.
sudo npm i -g forever
Now start your main, example
forever start index.js
forever start src/server.js
To stop the server use the following command
forever stop index.js
To list multiple servers running forever
forever listall

Keep meteor running on amazon EC2

I have a simple meteor app that I'm running on an Amazon EC2 server. Everything is working great. I start it manually with my user via meteor in the project directory.
However, what I would like is for this app to
Run on boot
Be immune to hangups
I try running it via nohup meteor &, but when I try to log out of the EC2 instance, I get the "You have running jobs" message. Continuing to log out stops the app.
How can I get the app to start on startup and stay up (unless it crashes for some reason)?
Install forever and use a start script.
$ npm install -g forever
I have several scripts for managing my production environment - the start script looks something like:
forever stopall
export MAIL_URL=...
export MONGO_URL=...
export MONGO_OPLOG_URL=...
export PORT=3000
export ROOT_URL=...
forever start /home/ubuntu/apps/myapp/bundle/main.js
exit 0
Conveniently, it will also append to a log file in ~/.forever which will show any errors encountered while running your app. You can get the location of the log file and other stats about your app with:
$ forever list
To get your app to start on startup, you'd need to do something appropriate for your flavor of linux. You can maybe just put the start script in /etc/rc.local. For ubuntu see this question.
Also note you really should be bundling your app if using it in production. See this comparison for more details on the differences.
I am using upstart on Ubuntu server which you should be able to easily install on Amazon linux.
This is roughly my /etc/init/myapp.conf:
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)
stop on shutdown
respawn limit 99 5
export HOME="/home/deploy"
export NODE_ENV="production"
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/myappdb"
export ROOT_URL=http://localhost
export MAIL_URL=smtp://localhost:25
export METEOR_SETTINGS='{"somesetting":true}'
cd /var/www/myapp/bundle/
exec sudo -u deploy PORT=3000 /usr/bin/node main.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script
I can then manually start and stop myapp like this:
sudo start myapp
sudo stop myapp
I believe this package solves your problem:
which seems to use forever:

Bash script for Ghost blog not starting up on server reboot

I have a very simple bash script which should launch my ghost blog. I am using crontab to launch the script on startup, here is the crontab command I am running:
#reboot /var/www/ghost/
The script has the following code:
ps auxw | grep apache2 | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
NODE_ENV=production forever start --sourceDir /var/www/ghost index.js
When I sudo reboot the server, and use forever list to find the processes running, I see the following:
data: [0] sHyo /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 1299 1314 /home/webadmin/.forever/sHyo.log 0:0:1:25.957
When I nano to that log file, the log says the following:
ERROR:^[[39m ^[[31mCould not locate a configuration file.^[[39m
^[[32mPlease check your deployment for config.js or config.example.js.^[[39m
Error: Could not locate a configuration file.
at checkTemplate (/var/www/ghost/core/config-loader.js:16:36)
at Object.cb [as oncomplete] (fs.js:168:19)
error: Forever detected script was killed by signal: null
It appears to be looking in /home/webadmin/, but ghost is installed at /var/www/ghost????
When I run the exact same script in the terminal manually after the sever has started up by ssh-ing into the server, the script works fine. I run: cd /var/www/ghost/ and then ./ and the ghost blog appears and is working fine. The log for that forever process says the following:
^[[32mGhost is running...^[[39m
Your blog is now available on ^[[90m
Ctrl+C to shut down^[[39m
What is wrong with my script or crontab that it cannot launch the script properly?
I run: cd /var/www/ghost/ and then ./ and the ghost blog appears and is working fine.
That's the thing, your cron job is not doing the same:
#reboot /var/www/ghost/
This script is executed from your home directory. One way to fix is to change your crontab:
#reboot cd /var/www/ghost; ./
Another way is to add this line near the top of, anywhere before launching forever:
# change to the directory of this script
cd $(dirname "$0")
Just an FYI for anybody that runs across this I would highly suggest looking into pm2 to start Ghost and to monitor Ghost. It will monitor Ghost like Forever and has a built in feature to generate a init script to start pm2 when your server restarts. Also has better features to monitor Ghost while it is running. Check out my how to here.
