RewriteCond appending querystring - .htaccess

I am using .htaccess file to redirect my archived old aspx urls to my new php site. Now the requirement is as follows: should be
I googled the matter and got the following htaccess rule:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^adid=(\d+)$
RewriteRule ^showad\.aspx$ /ad/getad/%1
The rule works except that the resulting url is
I searched again and learned that to remove the (adid=1234) at the end of the output url you should place a question mark ? at the end of the substitution parameter, so that the rule should be:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^adid=(\d+)$
RewriteRule ^showad\.aspx$ /ad/getad/%1?
But it doesn't work!
The resulting url is STILL having the original query string appended to it. I am using this site to test my htaccess rules:
Any clues why is this happening?

Try changing your rule to
RewriteRule ^showad\.aspx$ /ad/getad/%1? [R=302,L]

Your rule is fine - I just tested it in my own .htaccess. It's the htaccess tester website that's wrong :)


Redirect index.php with parameters to a folder and remove parameters using htaccess

I have searched but cannot find a specific answer for this exact redirect style...
I have this structure of URL with this specific parameter:
I want it redirected to:
Note that the above mentioned "directory" changes, but the index.php with the parameters stay the same. No matter what the directory is, I always want it to go to the same exact redirect.
I cannot seem to get the right redirect working in htaccess. Can anyone help?
You can use this redirect rule as your first rule in site root .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /(?:index\.php)?\?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /shopping-cart/? [L,R=308]
# remaining rules go below this
You can use a set like this. It takes care on the param view=cart
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)view=cart
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /shopping-cart/? [L,NC,R=301]
If you want to keep the querystring params, then change
without questionmark

htaccess rewrite for known URL and query string

Have been struggling with a 301 redirect issue and cannot see the wood for the trees. Really hope someone can assist.
I have over 400 old urls that we need to redirect to a new urls. I have however modified the htaccess to create a clean url on the new site and am not sure if this is causing an issue or if I am doing something else wrong.
To clean urls in the new site I have added the following to the htaccess fle:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+) category?cat=$1 [NC,L,QSA]
This is so that instead of www.mysite/category?cat=1 I can have www.mysite/1 and-add-other-information
I am now trying to do the redirects for the 400 urls such as:
RewriteRule ^category?cat=1 1/and-add-other-information [R=301,NC,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^category?cat=2 1/and-different-information [R=301,NC,L,QSA].
I know the L flag makes a difference and have tried this with and without.
I hope this makes sense.
QueryString isn't part of match in pattern of a RewriteRule.
You need to use RewriteCond directive and match against %{QUERY_STRING} variable like the following :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=1$
RewriteRule ^category$ /and-add-other-information? [R=301,NC,L,QSA]

rewrite rule to convert php querystring to html

Please help me in writing correct .htaccess code to get the wanted result.
I have the following pages:
And there are many more pages but you can notice that the fixed part is:
Instead of using query string links, I want the following links to work as above pages:
and so on.
your link should be like this and the rewrite rule would like this in .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)$ /?exam=$1 [L]
You can do that by using the following rules in your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} exam=(.+) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,NC,L]
So what does the above do?
First, it will take the query exam= as a condition, if this condition is met then it will grab any version of the variable using (.+).
It will then rewrite the URL using 301 redirection to show The use of %1 is to grab the variable from exam= and then we use ? to stop the original query string from appearing on the end of the newly rewritten URL.
Make sure you clear your cache before testing this.

URL Redirecting properly but displaying object not found

I have followed this thread.
Question mark in the end of RewriteRule
My requirement was also same.
My page is redirecting(301) properly but it's displaying OBJECT NOT FOUND
My Actual URL
My Desired URL
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^keywords=(.*)$
RewriteRule ^iphone_advanced_search_result\.php$ search/%1? [R=301,L]`
Why am I getting this error? Please Help!
You're matching on a URL that resembles '/iphone_advanced_search_result.php', but your actual URL doesn't contain the '.php', so it doesn't match.
Remove the '.php' check from your rule and it should work fine.
If your desired url to be used by the user is
and your processing script is
Your rewrite should be the other way round like below:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^search/(.+)$ iphone_advanced_search_result.php?keywords=$1 [L]

.htaccess: how to only rewrite .php URL?

My rewriterule with a condition is working fine as below: redirects to
and the page renders properly, however, there is a problem that with the redirected URL the arguments are also added to the URL. So actually in address bar it looks like-
Could anyone help me on this? The htaccess code is given below.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^n=(.*)$
RewriteRule index.php [r=301,nc]
You probably want to catch "index.php.*". Otherwise mod_rewrite only replaces the "index.php" part of the URL "index.php?n=text" with the new URL.
From what you suggested, i reconstructed it as follows:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^n=(.*)$
RewriteRule index.php.* [r=301,nc]
This doesnt seem to be working either. Can you please elaborate on what you have said?
thank you
donĀ“t use the url in the rewrite rule, apache then sends a http 200 code and then the 301...
try sth. like this:
RewriteRule (index\.php)(?n=)(.*) /pages/$3 [r=301]
