Drupal 6 Form-API Set Reply-to address - drupal-6

I wrote a form using the Form API in Drupal 6. Everything else works fine, but can I write a header Reply-to rather than the drupal_mail using the From value?
I tried putting this into my regular hook_mail function inside my module:
$message['Reply-to'] = $my_email; //$my_email had been previously configured to be $form_state['values']['info']['email']
Is there a non-hacky way to do this? We have a multisite install controlled by a sysadmin so I can't go into the core changing things.

The from address is a parameter to the drupal_mail function:
drupal_mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params = array(), $from = NULL, $send = TRUE)
I'd also suggest using the mimemail module for some additional features: http://drupal.org/project/mimemail


Passing AVP to prefix core function

I am working what appears to be a simple function for opensips 2.2.3, however cannot seem to get it working..
Essentially, extract the groupID from permissions module and add a prefix to R-URI on the egress side.
Config route looks like this:
route[relay] {
if ( get_source_group("$avp(group)") ) {
# do something with $avp(group)
xlog("group is $avp(group)\n");
#Add the string parameter in front of username in R-URI.
$avp(22) = "3333#";
Prefix core function prefixes R-URI with variable name ($avp(22)) instead of value of "3333#".
I have tried various syntax versions that are commented out, however to no avail..
If I remove the quotes around the variable name:
Opensips does not startup at all, complaining about:
syntax error and bad argument, string expected
Am I missing something simple?
prefix function is simply not designed to work with variables?
Thank you in advance.
prefix() is somewhat old and unmaintained, hence it does not support variables. However, you can prepend your group to the R-URI username with:
$rU = $avp(group) + $rU;
xlog("My new R-URI is $ru. My new R-URI username is $rU\n");

How to convert string in URI

I setup OpenSips 2.3 proxy server, so any call come on server, my script grabs sip URI from DB, and forward call to that uri. When I get value I used AVP to get value and save it in $avp(didnumber), if I use rewrite with manually specifying uri it is working, but when I grab this value from DB and than assign it, it is not working in rewriteuri() method.
$ru = "sip:"+$avp(didnumber)
if I write
it throws following error
ERROR:core:parse_sip_msg_uri: bad uri <[$ru>
ERROR:tm:new_t: uri invalid
ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
I think this method does not accept normal variable so I added quotation to make it string variable, now it shows fine on log but seem I have to convert variable using AVP or transformation, I tried many syntaxes but still could not do it. Please suggest.
rewrite_uri() has been deprecated in favour of simply using $ru. Your R-URI already gets completely rewritten by this statement:
$ru = "sip:" + $avp(didnumber);
However, note that the above is incorrect, since you do not supply a "hostport" part to the uri, according to the SIP RFC 3261:
SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport
uri-parameters [ headers ]
The parser will likely report an error. There are two fixes for this:
either only rewrite the R-URI "userinfo" part, like so:
$rU = $avp(didnumber);
supply a destination hostname:
$ru = "sip:" + $avp(didnumber) + "#" + $var(destination);
Following from here, you can just t_relay() using your new R-URI.
EDIT: the OpenSIPS URI parser will actually tolerate a URI such as "sip:44776772882", but it will interpret the DID as a hostname, so the errors may start appearing later, should the script writer attempt to relay the message to the invalid "44776772882" hostname.

How to use add_rewrite_rule function, while permalink structure is disabled?

I am using the add_rewrite_rule() function to modify my URL structure.
I'm wanting to use add_rewrite_rule to add a custom rule but these rules only get added in when other than default settings are selected in my permalink settings area.
i.e. in the settings there are following options:
- Default http://localhost/wordpress/?p=123
- Day and name http://localhost/wordpress/2014/08/14/sample-post/
- Month and name http://localhost/wordpress/2014/08/sample-post/
- Numeric http://localhost/wordpress/archives/123
- Post name http://localhost/wordpress/sample-post/
- Custom Structure http://localhost/wordpress
So, when I select other then 'Default', my add_rewrite_rule() function works, but while selecting 'Default', the function doesn't seem to be work. So please suggest me how to work the function in any condition. Any help would be Appriciated.
I think the problem lies here:
When I use this, while selecting 'Default':
I got nothing.
While in the other cases, there are some values like:
The Default permalinks, or so called "Ugly" permalinks, are not adding anything to the .htaccess file, so the Apache rewrite engine is not enabled. Without the rewrite engine, no rewrites can be done. So the short answer is that rewrites are not possible with Default permalinks.
I can recommend you to use rewrites along with query vars. When adding a rewrite rule, pass your custom data to a query var, and build the functionality around that query var. This way your functionality will work in all situations and with all permalink types.
So for example if you have the following rule:
add_rewrite_rule('^sometest/([^/]*)/?','index.php?custom_query_var=$matches[1]', 'top');
and you have the custom_query_var added as a query var by using the following code:
function add_query_vars_filter( $vars ){
$vars[] = "custom_query_var";
return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'add_query_vars_filter' );
then when Default permalinks are selected, the following URL would work for you:
and if "Pretty" permalinks are selected, the URL rewriting would work and your URL would look the following way:
which is basically the best that can be achieved with rewrites.
I agree with #Martin. Here's a resource that will help https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15235
use this:
function my_add_query_vars( $qvars ) {
$qvars[] = 'business-coaching';
$qvars[] = 'country';
$qvars[] = 'territory';
$qvars[] = 'region';
return $qvars;
add_action('query_vars', 'my_add_query_vars');
//Write the rule
function add_analytic_rewrite_rule()
// Regex:The regex to match the incoming URL is:business-coaching(/([^/]+))?(/([^/]+))?(/([^/]+))?/?
// Redirect Rule :The resulting internal URL: `index.php` because we still use WordPress
// `pagename` or page_id=45 because we use this WordPress page
// `country` : we will assign the first captured regex part to this variable
// `territory` we will assign the second captured regex part to this variable
// `region` we will assign the third captured regex part to this variable
add_rewrite_rule('business-coaching(/([^/]+))?(/([^/]+))?(/([^/]+))?/?','index.php?page_id=45&country=$matches[2]&territory=$matches[`enter code `enter code here`here`4]&region=$matches[6]','top');//superfinal
add_action('init', 'add_analytic_rewrite_rule');

Can't access node-taxonomy.tpl.php through page-taxonomy-term.tpl in Drupal 6

I've been trying to customize taxonomy page template in my Drupal 6 site.
What I did was
created page-taxonomy-term.tpl.php
created node-taxonomy.tpl.php
Entered following code in template.php:
function templateNAME_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
if (arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
$suggestions = array(
$vars['template_files'] = array_merge($vars['template_files'], $suggestions);
My Taxonomy page is picking up page-taxonomy-term.tpl.php correctly but it just doesn't pick up node-taxonomy.tpl.php and I tried just almost everything.
below few tips and attempts to do:
if you are working on subtheme, copy node.tpl.php from parent theme to the folder under subtheme (mandatory in drupal 6 themes).
try to check if the node-taxonomy suggestions is correctly added in
object $node. var_dump($node) inside the main node.tpl.php and check
if is present.
last tips: check the permission of the file tpl, maybe is not readable from the web server.

IIS 6 ServerBindings with WMI and Powershell v2

I've long had a bunch of VBS automations for IIS 6, including one that gets/sets complex server bindings on several farms of paired servers, each having dozens of apps, each app having 3-12 host headers. Each app has hostname, hostname-fullyqualified, and Disaster Recovery enabled hostname, so they can be a mess to maintain manually.
I did all my vbs stuff using ADSI, but I'm thinking WMI is probably more flexible than ADSI from a full server maintenance perspective. Please correct me if I'm wrong. So now I'm trying to move up to PowerShell + WMI to prepare for Windows 2008 + IIS 7.5. I'm enjoying the learning process, but I've hit a roadblock on this problem.
I can get/set all properties via WMI on my IIS 6 web servers, except ServerBindings. I feel like I'm close, but I'm missing some layer of containment, and I just can't get the objects I'm building to cast over to the right automation object.
The following code gets and reads the ServerBindings just fine. I simply can't figure out a way to write my changes back. Any advice is welcomed.
$objWMI = [WmiSearcher] "Select * From IISWebServerSetting"
$objWMI.Scope.Path = "\\" + $server + "\root\microsoftiisv2"
$objWMI.Scope.Options.Authentication = 6
$sites = $objWMI.Get()
foreach ($site in $sites)
$bindings = $site.psbase.properties | ? {$_.Name -contains "ServerBindings"}
foreach ($pair in $bindings.Value.GetEnumerator())
# The pair object is a single binding and contains the correct data
# And this line will successfully erase the contents of
# the ServerBindings
$bindings.Value = #{}
# but I can't figure out what to do to update $bindings.Value
I'm liking Powershell so far, so thanks for any help you're able to offer.
Alright. I got distracted with major disk failures. The fun never stops.
Anyway, the solution to this problem is simpler than I'd made it:
$bindings = $_.ServerBindings
foreach ($binding in $bindings)
$binding.IP = $ip
$binding.Port = $port
$binding.Hostname = $hostname
$_.ServerBindings = $bindings
ServerBindings is an array, but it likes to be an array of its own kind. I was trying to build the array from scratch, but my home-rolled array didn't smell right to Powershell. So, pull the array out of ServerBindings into a new variable, manipulate the variable, then assign the manipulated variable back to the ServerBindings property. That keeps all the right typing in place. It's smooth as silk, and seems easier than ADSI.
