Monitoring Node.js application running into Windows Azure - node.js

Is there a way to enable Performance Counters to monitor Node.js application performance in Windows Azure?

I haven't experimented with it myself yet, but there is node-perfmon which is a wrapper around typeperf. That says it allows you to write performance counters, as well as simple memory / cpu monitoring. Is this the sort of monitoring you were looking for?

Just adding more to above answers..
For application stats monitoring on Node.js you can use Hummingbird. It supports status over http so you can integrate the code in your node.js app add one port to get the monitoring data over HTTP. No need to use Azure Storage Diagnostics and all info in real time in same machine. It's still in pre-alfa, but is handling with few tasks really well.
I know about the node.js "monitor" plugin which is the best for Linux machines for system specific performance and also use HTTP to provide system specific data. I am not sure if that can be ported to Windows Server but if can that is one great choice. Read more about monitor usage here:

You may want to also look at these, they aren't directly using perfmon, but allow you to monitor the performance of your Node.js server:
The NPM registry is a great tool for finding Node.js packages.


Question about IIS logging and time degradation

For years I always use IIS Looging always active on my sites. I currently use Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. The official information I follow is this:
I have looked for official information from Microsoft asking if it is recommended to always use this feature active or it is better to enable it only when you want to trace a problem.
Do you know if there is any official information?
Is there any study that says how much is the degradation of the
response times or general speed of the site to be active?
If I use an architecture with a Load Balancer F5 or A10 or Apache
that connect to my nodes, is it recommended to use Logging in the
Load Balancer always if it is deactivated in the nodes?
IIS logging is processed on separate threads from the gateway services and app pools. Which means that it will not degrade performance.
Don't just take my word for it. If you want to confirm this, you can use a capacity testing tool (not recommended on your prod server, of course). Test your capacity with logging turned-on and logging turned-off. You will see that they are comparable.

How to monitor performance counters of HP Web Tour sample application apache server installed on local machine

how to monitor Performance counters of HP Web Tour sample application apache server installed locally in system using jvisualvm or any other utility.
Looking into Monitoring Your Server and 9 Key Apache Web Server Performance Metrics to Monitor it appears that:
You need to keep an eye on Apache error log
You need to consider Apache specific metrics like requests per second, bytes per second, bytes per request. You should be also able to extract these metrics from your performance testing tool, normally they must report these kind of stats.
You need to consider infrastructure metrics like CPU, RAM, Disk, Network, Swap usage on the machine where you're running this sample application. The majority of operating system come with built-in monitoring tools i.e. Windows Performance Monitor or number of command-line utilities for Linux or a 3rd-party cross-platform monitoring solution like PerfMon or Zabbix

check the load of an application with synthetic users

I am looking to find out the response times that takes for my nodejs application with (lets say) when 1000 users uses it simultaneously. I believe this is called stress testing. How Can I acheive this ?
I am new to testing area and yet to acquire knowledge on tools that will be used.
Edit: I need to know how to have virtual users for the application.
In order to understand the response times for an application under load, you need two components:
A load driver
There's a number of available tools that will simulate users making HTTP requests. A simple open source option is (Apache JMeter. The following page in the documentation shows you how to create a web test plan, including adding virtual users:
A performance monitoring tool
In order to understand how your application is performing under the load, and measure application responsiveness, you need a performance monitoring tool. One set of options is to track the performance of 'http' monitoring events using Node Application Metrics, either using the API directly, or using an open source monitoring stack like Elasticsearch/Kibana using the ELK Connector for Node Application Metrics. There's a getting started guide to monitoring Node.js application performance with Elasticsearch/Kibana here:

Remote Performance Monitor - Browser Based

I work with an ARM based embedded system with a Linux kernel and a fairly large filesystem image(~1GB). The kernel and filesystem are under my control, so I can add modules and re-build if necessary.
The system has Node.js and on top of this Node-Red for an IOT application. I want to leverage the simple server capability of Node-Red to serve a web page showing graphically the system performance statistics.
I am considering building collectd for the target system and using it to write performance data to the filesystem. Then, I will use Node-Red/Node.js to present this information as a web page. This approach seems straightforward enough to be doable.
My question is: is there an alternative, established way of implementing such a remote system performance viewer? Or can anyone suggest a lightweight performance monitor and a method of displaying the statistics graphically on a web page?
I started node-spm for that logging to Sematext Logsene and writing custom metrics to SPM. I collected also process and OS metrics. It's in an early stage and I will do in the next few weeks more on that.

Remote monitoring of system stats with node.js

We have implemented a monitoring solution in node.js, which does some basic checks for database integrity and API up-time. We want to expand this system to collect basic system stats of our Linux servers like CPU and disc usage. Some of these servers are behind a firewall which is out of our control, with only some very basic ports open (ssh,ftp,http,https).
How can I gather the system information of these servers in node.js. Are there monitoring systems which expose these information through a (secured) RESTful API?
I've had a lot of success with this ssh client written in javascript:
So there tons of available solutions for monitoring system stats: Nagios, Zabbix, Scout, Cacti. There are even some hosted ones like ServerDensity.
All of these systems should cover the top-level stats: CPU, RAM, Disk IO & Network. They all have a plug-in infrastructure so that you can send custom stats (API uptime, DB availability) and send them along with the regular stats.
If you're running on a cloud infrastructure somewhere, many of these provide information "out of the box", generally in your account dashboard (see guys like Joyent or Azure).
Big question here is "what else do you need"?
Use NRPE from Nagios as a client on the box you want to monitor. It's fairly simple to set up and it's API is documentented.
