seo friendly url and redirect - .htaccess

I finally found a way to remove get parameters from my urls
i had url like
with this code i changed them to
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^file/(.*?)$$1
so far everything is ok
in my local host when i click on a url like it goes exactly to the url
but in my server it redirects to old url and shows old url
i dont want to display my old url
can someone help?

http redirects are always external => visible in the browser. Try that:
RewriteRule ^file/(.*?)$ /file.php?name=$1


My htaccess passthrough rule redirects to the url instead

I'm trying to passthrough (not redirect!) an empty old page to its new location using an htaccess RewriteRule.
I essentially want the user to browse to and to see that url in their browser but be delivered the content from The user should not be aware that the location changed.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^page-old/?$ /page-new [PT]
The actual result is that they are redirected to page-new instead.
I found the below on which seems to validate my code some, but this is giving me a 404 error.
Assume we have recently renamed the page foo.html to bar.html and now want to provide the old URL for backward compatibility. However, we want that users of the old URL even not recognize that the pages was renamed - that is, we don't want the address to change in their browser
RewriteRule "^/foo\.html$" "/bar.html" [PT]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^example/my-stuff/$ /example/home/ [L,R=301]
check this answer as well
How to redirect a specific page using htaccess

Mod Rewrite rewrite URL weird behavior, keeps adding query string to displayed URL

I'm a beginner.
What I want
the request URL .../activity/1415/abcdefgh/ to be rewritten to .../activity/gallery.php?k=abcdefgh
but still display the URL to the visitor as .../activity/1415/abcdefgh/.
But when I try, the URL .../activity/1415/abcdefgh/ turned to .../activity/1415/abcdefgh/?k=abcdefgh.
The page displays fine, but I want to hide the query.
Basically what happened
Link says: http://localhost/activity/1516/iolfpqwx
Clicked link
Address bar says: http://localhost/activity/1516/iolfpqwx/?key=iolfpqwx, which I don't want.
My entire .htaccess in the activity/ directory:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(\d{4})/(\w{8,})(?:/([\w\s]+)?)?$ gallery.php?key=$2 [L,QSA,NC]
My Specs:
XAMPP on Windows with Apache
What I know
I have not setup any redirect rules on my testing server, so I don't believe I have any [R] flags.
I have a similar .htaccess in an adjacent directory with the code RewriteRule ^settings/([^/]+)/*$ index.php?p=settings&s=$1 [L,QSA,NC] and it didn't show me query strings.
I've Googled my issue, but cannot find a solution. Please help.

How do I redirect a web URL using .htaccess

I want to redirect users who enter this website URL:
I cant test it because I'm sending this to somebody.
I have these but I don't know for sure which one works:
RedirectMatch 301*) $1
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewriterule ^bananas(.*)$ $1 [r=301,nc]
Please specify if you want to redirect or rewrite. The rules you are using serve different purposes and you used both in your example.
Redirect: Actually load a different site when entering the url (end up at url and content of /fruits/bananas)
Rewrite: Url stays the same but server provides rewritten content (url stays at /bananas, but show /fruits/bananas content)
Also it is not clear if you only want one single directory to be redirected or all files that are contained in that directory.
Checkout this as a guide:
I believe you are looking for
Redirect 301 /bananas
The HTTP 301 stands for Moved Permanently.
I haven't tested it, though.

Htaccess. Redirect from non-friendly Url

I need friendly URL only for some pages on my website, I added this code to htaccess
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule languages/english-online.html languages/english.php
And now when I open in browser I see the content of page "languages/english.php". It's OK
But I also want to do: if somebody tries to enter to, he will be redirected to
I've tried everything, I get or 500 error or nothing happends.
Please help
Did you try:
Redirect /languages/english.php
Similar code worked for files on my own website.

Using .htaccess to change what URL is being displayed, but without actually redirecting the content?

I have a RewriteRule setup to change
but that actually redirects where the browser is getting the page from. I want to still display
but have the browser show the simpler URL like
I read something somewhere about using ProxyPass, but I don't quite know what I'm doing :P
I want people to be able to visit either the post.php URL with the query strings, OR the clean URL with fancy shmancy subdirectories for the dates and get the same content — all while displaying the clean URL in the end.
You want something like this:
# First if someone actually requests a /blog/post.php URL, redirect them
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^(GET|POST|HEAD)\ /blog/post\.php\?y=([0-9]{4})&m=([0-9]{2})&d=([0-9]{2})&id=([0-9]*)\ HTTP/
RewriteRule ^blog/post\.php$ /blog/%2/%3/%4/%5.php [R=301,L]
This will redirect the browser to the /blog/##/##/##/##.php URI, that will show up in their address bar. Once they get redirected, the browser will then send a request for /blog/##/##/##/##.php and your server then needs to internally rewrite it back:
# We got pretty URLs, but need to rewrite back to the php request
RewriteRule ^blog/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([^\.]+)\.php$ /blog/post.php?y=$1&m=$2&d=$3&id=$4 [L]
This changes everything back internally so that the file /blog/post.php can handle the request.
