How to edit controller in Sencha Architect 2? - sencha-architect

Editing of controller or any js file of sencha touch application bield from Sencha Architect 2 are editable or not?

Manually or via the UI?
Manually you add a controller and then in the designer view choose CODE
and then OVERWRITE.
The original is saved (look in the dir structure)
Next time open this screen, choose (in the first selector of code view) the VIEW OVERRIDE CODE
so that you see your latest work.
I work with intellij to edit the file. Then paste it into the field, and it automatically updates both files (there's a .js and an Architect metadata file)
Via the UI of course: That's simple. Use the config inspector to select the views models and stores you wish to control.

If you are using architect each time you save the project architect edits the code of all the files in the app folder & app.html & app.js so any manual edits you make on the actual file will always be overwritten...
This is actually displayed as comment in each file eg:
* File: app/controller/MyController.js
* This file was generated by Sencha Architect version 2.1.0.
* This file requires use of the Sencha Touch 2.0.x library, under independent license.
* License of Sencha Architect does not include license for Sencha Touch 2.0.x. For more
* details see or contact
* This file will be auto-generated each and everytime you save your project.
* Do NOT hand edit this file.
I hope this was what you were looking for


Acumatica generic inquiry how to export more than one GI as xml

I know you can export one GI at a time to xml, I'm wondering you can select all user GI and export to XML as a backup.
You can do this by creating a customization project and include all the generic inquiries you need in one package. The project can be exported and imported which includes all of your attached GIs. We do this already and works great. Do not forget to update from database when making changes before re-exporting.
Simple list of steps if you have not created a project before: (using 5.30)
System > Customization > Customization Projects > create a new project (save)
Click on the hyper-link for your project name to open the customization project window.
Click on Generic Inquiries
Click the add (plus symbol) and check/select all of your GIs and click save. Note the 'RELOAD FROM DATABASE' option. Do this step when you make changes to your GI that you need to update into your package as this does not happen automatically when saving changes to your GIs.
You should see the list of Generic Inquiries include all that you selected
In the upper right under File (still in the Customization project window) select 'Export Project Package'. A zip file will be downloaded from the site which includes all of your XML for each GI

Extending the application core

I'm working on a new type of navigation window. This new window (which I've called MultiNav) is intended to allow the user navigate through video, music and images in the same window, this window has three controls that allow the user to select to content type he wants to navigate.
Everything compiles, but I'm not able to link. The reason is the project is not able to find the object code (*.o files) since I've not include my changes into the build process (./configure make).
I can tell the project is autotools generated, but I can't find any of the files or
1 - How can I include my code into Kodi/XBMC code distribution?
2 - Which are the files I've to edit to achive this?
I managed to findout how to notify xbmc/kodi project about new windows code.
In the folder xbmc/windows there is a file called that's the file that has to be edited in order to add your new code (for a window).
When the whole application is compiled, the code in this folder will be compiled into a static library called windows.a. Which will be linked to the main application binary.

How do I add a .java file using Android Studio?

(Noob alert!)
I want to add an SQLite component to a simple (one Java source file) app and would like to put it in a separate file. I was hoping to find something that would let me click a couple check boxes and creae the file using a template with the standard overrides and class declarations (e.g. ... MyClass extends SQLiteOpenHelper {...} and so on. Instead I can't even figure out how to add an empty .java file to the project. Google's Android Studio Tips 'n Tricks suggest navigating to the 'appropriate directory in the Project pane' and hit N. That gets me a dialogue that rejects my class name and seems to open a header file if I enter the name if the class I wish to extend (and without apparently adding anything to my project.)
I do not even see a way to add an existing file to the project. OK... I now see that if I create the .java file in the app directory (along side the file) that Android Studio automatically includes it.
Is this Standard Operating Procedure? It leaves me feeling like I'm not leveraging the capabilities that Android Studio provides.
I'm using AS 0.5.2, openJDK 1.7.0
If you're creating a new Java class from the Project pane, you don't need to add the ".java" to the name; you're specifying the name of the Java class, not the source file. It will figure out the filename automatically.

CMSMS How to move menu element from Extensions to Content section in the admin area?

I've installed Form Builder module in the CMSMS. "Form Builder" submenu was automatically added to the Extensions tab. But I'd like to add this submenu to the Content tab instead of Extensions. Does anybody know how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Best reagards,
Well, it is quite old question, I did find it by accident, but since there is no response I will answer, maybe someone will find it useful later. I don't know if you are able to do that directly via cms panel. However it is doable, you have to modify main module file. Find FormBuilder.module.php file in /modules/FormBuilder in your CMS location. There is function responsible for putting modules in desired sections. Extension sections is default for all modules unless you will specify other section using function below:
* GetAdminSection()
* If your module has an Admin Panel, you can specify
* which Admin Section (or top-level Admin Menu) it shows
* up in. This method returns a string to specify that
* section. Valid return values are:
* main - the Main menu tab.
* content - the Content menu
* layout - the Layout menu
* usersgroups - the Users and Groups menu
* extensions - the Extensions menu (this is the default)
* siteadmin - the Site Admin menu
* viewsite - the View Site menu tab
* logout - the Logout menu tab
* Note that if you place your module in the main,
* viewsite, or logout sections, it will show up in the
* menus, but will not be visible in any top-level
* section pages.
* #return string Which admin section this module belongs to
By default there is no such function in FormBuilder module definition, so you have to add it on your own and then it should change its location. Cheers!
function GetAdminSection()
return 'content';

how can I override as well node/x/edit as node/x/add with just one panel?

I'm using durpal 6 and have some panel pages. The one for /node/%node/edit is overriding the node edit pages. but on my regarding node/add page the panel page is not applied.
Do I have to add a new page? There is a panel context "node add form" - if I add this, can I anyway use one panel page variant for as node/edit as node/add ? Or would I have to use 2 different forms ?
Finally resolved the problem. In our case it was a collision with the i18n module. I reported it to but it seems it's working as designed.
In your case, if you are not using i18n, there may be some module overriding the node_page_edit on top of ctools. Check the menu_router table to see which function (module) is has their callback registered for the node/add/% and node/edit/% routes and then try to lower the weight of that module or increase the weight of ctools page manager. Clear your caches and check the callback for the node add and edit routes is page_manager_node_edit.
* Entry point for our overridden node edit.
* This function asks its assigned handlers who, if anyone, would like
* to run with it. If no one does, it passes through to Drupal core's
* node edit, which is node_page_edit().
function page_manager_node_edit($node) {
You can check my hack and the module author's comments here:
