svm-train other parameter optimization - svm

libsvm's "" try to optimize only two parameters "c" and "g" of svm-train. I wanted to extend "" to optimize for other parameters (for example "r" or "d") by running "" again and again for different parameters. I have some questions
1. Is there any script already which can optimize parameters other then "c" and "g"?
2. Which parameters are more crucial and what are there maximum/minimum range. Sometime changing/optimizing one parameter automatically optimizes other parameter. Is it the case with svm-train parameters?

As far as I know there is no script that does this, however I don't see why couldn't easily be extended to do so. However, I don't think its worth the effort.
First of all, you need to choose your kernel. This is a parameter in itself. Each kernel has a different set of parameters, and will perform differently, so in order to compare kernels you will have to optimize each kernel's parameters.
C, the cost parameter is an overall parameter that applies to SVM itself. The other parameters are all inputs to the kernel function. C controls the tradeoff between wide margin and more training points misclassified (but a model which may generalize better to future data) and a narrow margin which fits the training points better but may be overfitted to the training data.
Generally, the two most widely used kernels are linear (which requires no parameters) and the RBF kernel.
The RBF kernel takes the gamma parameter. This must be optimized, its value will significantly affect performance.
If you are using the Polynomial kernel, d is the main parameter, you would optimize that. It doesn't make sense to modify the other parameters from the default unless you have some mathematical reason why doing so would better fit your data. In my experience the polynomial kernel can give good results, but a minuscule increase if any over the RBF kernel at a huge computational cost.
Similar with the sigmoid kernel, gamma is your main parameter, optimize that and leave coef0 at the default, unless you have a good understanding of why this would better fit your data.
So the reason why does not optimize other parameters is because in most cases its simply unnecessary and generally won't result in an improvement in performance. As for your second question: No, this is not a case where optimizing one will optimize the other. The optimal values of these parameters are specific to your dataset. Changing the value of the kernel parameters will affect the optimal value of C. This is why a grid search is recommended. Adding these extra parameters to your search is going to significantly increase the time it will take and unlikely to give you an increase in classifier performance.


How do I analyze the change in the relationship between two variables?

I'm working on a simple project in which I'm trying to describe the relationship between two positively correlated variables and determine if that relationship is changing over time, and if so, to what degree. I feel like this is something people probably do pretty often, but maybe I'm just not using the correct terminology because google isn't helping me very much.
I've plotted the variables on a scatter plot and know how to determine the correlation coefficient and plot a linear regression. I thought this may be a good first step because the linear regression tells me what I can expect y to be for a given x value. This means I can quantify how "far away" each data point is from the regression line (I think this is called the squared error?). Now I'd like to see what the error looks like for each data point over time. For example, if I have 100 data points and the most recent 20 are much farther away from where the regression line/function says it should be, maybe I could say that the relationship between the variables is showing signs of changing? Does that make any sense at all or am I way off base?
I have a suspicion that there is a much simpler way to do this and/or that I'm going about it in the wrong way. I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer!
I can suggest two strands of literature that study changing relationships over time. Typing these names into google should provide you with a large number of references so I'll stick to more concise descriptions.
(1) Structural break modelling. As the name suggest, this assumes that there has been a sudden change in parameters (e.g. a correlation coefficient). This is applicable if there has been a policy change, change in measurement device, etc. The estimation approach is indeed very close to the procedure you suggest. Namely, you would estimate the squared error (or some other measure of fit) on the full sample and the two sub-samples (before and after break). If the gains in fit are large when dividing the sample, then you would favour the model with the break and use different coefficients before and after the structural change.
(2) Time-varying coefficient models. This approach is more subtle as coefficients will now evolve more slowly over time. These changes can originate from the time evolution of some observed variables or they can be modeled through some unobserved latent process. In the latter case the estimation typically involves the use of state-space models (and thus the Kalman filter or some more advanced filtering techniques).
I hope this helps!

How to compute the iteration matrix for nth NLBGS iteration

I was wondering if there was a direct way of computing the iteration matrix for nth Linear Block Gauss Seidel iteration within OpenMDAO?
thank you
If I understand you correctly, you are referring to the matrix-form of the Gauss Seidel algorithm where you take Ax=b, and break A up into the Diagonal (D), Lower (L) and Upper (U) parts, then use those parts to compute the next iterate.
Specifically you compute [D-L]^-1. This, I believe is what you are referring to as the "iteration matrix" (I am not familiar with this terminology, but based on the algorithm I'm comfortable making an educated guess).
This formulation of the algorithm is useful to think about and a simple way to implement it, but OpenMDAO takes a different approach. The LBGS algorithm implemented in OpenMDAO is set up to work in a matrix-free manner. That means it only interacts with the linear operator methods solve_linear and apply_linear and never explicitly assembles the A matrix at all. Hence there isn't an opportunity to split A up into D, L, U.
Depending on the way you constructed the model, the A matrix you would need might or might not be there at all because OpenMDAO is capable of working in a completely matrix free context. However, if all of your components use the compute_partials or linearize methods to provide partial derivatives then the data you would need for the A matrix does exist in memory.
You'll have to dig for it a bit, and ironically the best place to see how to do that is in the direct solver which does actually require the matrix be formed to compute a factorization.
Also, in that code you'll see a function can iteratively call the linear operator to construct a dense matrix even if the underlying components don't provide their partials directly. Please note that this approach for assembling the matrix is extremely slow and is not recommended for normal operations.

Questions about standardizing and scaling

I am trying to generate a model that uses several physico-chemical properties of a molecule (incl. number of atoms, number of rings, volume, etc.) to predict a numeric value Y. I would like to use PLS Regression, and I understand that standardization is very important here. I am programming in Python, using scikit-learn. The type and range for the features varies. Some are int64 while other are float. Some features generally have small (positive or negative) values, while other have very large value. I have tried using various scalers (e.g. standard scaler, normalize, minmax scaler, etc.). Yet, the R2/Q2 are still low. I have a few questions:
Is it possible that by scaling, some of the very important features lose their significance, and thus contribute less to explaining the variance of the response variable?
If yes, if I identify some important features (by expert knowledge), is it OK to scale other features but those? Or scale the important features only?
Some of the features, although not always correlated, have values that are in a similar range (e.g. 100-400), compared to others (e.g. -1 to 10). Is it possible to scale only a specific group of features that are within the same range?
The whole idea of scaling is to make models more robust to analysis on features space. For example, if you have 2 features as 5 Kg and 5000 gm, we know both are same, but for some algorithm, which are sensitive to metric space such as KNN, PCA etc, they will be more weighted towards second features, so scaling must be done for these algos.
Now coming to your question,
Scaling doesn't effect the significance of features. As i explained above, it helps in better analysis of data.
No, you should not do, reason explained above.
If you want to include domain knowledge in your model, you can use it as prior information. In short, for linear model, this is same as regularization. It has very good features. if you think, you have many useless-features, you can use L1 regularization, which creates sparse effect on features space, which is nothing but assign 0 weight to useless features. Here is the link for more-info.
One more point, some method such as tree based model doesn't need scaling, In last, it mostly depend on the model, you choose.
Lose significance? Yes. Contribute less? No.
No, it's not OK. It's either all or nothing.
No. The idea of scaling is not to decrease / increase significance / effect of a variable. It's to transform all variables to a common scale that can be interpreted.

How to interpret some syntax (n.adapt, update..) in jags?

I feel very confused with the following syntax in jags, for example,
update(model,1000, = "none")
Currently I think
n.adapt=100 means you set the first 100 draws as burn-in,
n.iter=100,000 means the MCMC chain has 100,000 iterations including the burn-in,
I have checked the explanation for this question a lot of time but still not sure whether my interpretation about n.iter and n.adapt is correct and how to understand update() and thinning.
Could anyone explain to me?
This answer is based on the package rjags, which takes an n.adapt argument. First I will discuss the meanings of adaptation, burn-in, and thinning, and then I will discuss the syntax (I sense that you are well aware of the meaning of burn-in and thinning, but not of adaptation; a full explanation may make this answer more useful to future readers).
As you probably understand from introductions to MCMC sampling, some number of iterations from the MCMC chain must be discarded as burn-in. This is because prior to fitting the model, you don't know whether you have initialized the MCMC chain within the characteristic set, the region of reasonable posterior probability. Chains initialized outside this region take a finite (sometimes large) number of iterations to find the region and begin exploring it. MCMC samples from this period of exploration are not random draws from the posterior distribution. Therefore, it is standard to discard the first portion of each MCMC chain as "burn-in". There are several post-hoc techniques to determine how much of the chain must be discarded.
A separate problem arises because in all but the simplest models, MCMC sampling algorithms produce chains in which successive draws are substantially autocorrelated. Thus, summarizing the posterior based on all iterations of the MCMC chain (post burn-in) may be inadvisable, as the effective posterior sample size can be much smaller than the analyst realizes (note that STAN's implementation of Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo sampling dramatically reduces this problem in some situations). Therefore, it is standard to make inference on "thinned" chains where only a fraction of the MCMC iterations are used in inference (e.g. only every fifth, tenth, or hundredth iteration, depending on the severity of the autocorrelation).
The MCMC samplers that JAGS uses to sample the posterior are governed by tunable parameters that affect their precise behavior. Proper tuning of these parameters can produce gains in the speed or de-correlation of the sampling. JAGS contains machinery to tune these parameters automatically, and does so as it draws posterior samples. This process is called adaptation, but it is non-Markovian; the resulting samples do not constitute a Markov chain. Therefore, burn-in must be performed separately after adaptation. It is incorrect to substitute the adaptation period for the burn-in. However, sometimes only relatively short burn-in is necessary post-adaptation.
Let's look at a highly specific example (the code in the OP doesn't actually show where parameters like n.adapt or thin get used). We'll ask rjags to fit the model in such a way that each step will be clear.
n.chains = 3
n.adapt = 1000
n.burn = 10000
n.iter = 20000
thin = 50
my.model <- jags.model(mymodel.txt, data=X, inits=Y, n.adapt=n.adapt) # X is a list pointing JAGS to where the data are, Y is a vector or function giving initial values
update(my.model, n.burn)
my.samples <- coda.samples(my.model, params, n.iter=n.iter, thin=thin) # params is a list of parameters for which to set trace monitors (i.e. we want posterior inference on these parameters)
jags.model() builds the directed acyclic graph and then performs the adaptation phase for a number of iterations given by n.adapt.
update() performs the burn-in on each chain by running the MCMC for n.burn iterations without saving any of the posterior samples (skip this step if you want to examine the full chains and discard a burn-in period post-hoc).
coda.samples() (from the coda package) runs the each MCMC chain for the number of iterations specified by n.iter, but it does not save every iteration. Instead, it saves only ever nth iteration, where n is given by thin. Again, if you want to determine your thinning interval post-hoc, there is no need to thin at this stage. One advantage of thinning at this stage is that the coda syntax makes it simple to do so; you don't have to understand the structure of the MCMC object returned by coda.samples() and thin it yourself. The bigger advantage to thinning at this stage is realized if n.iter is very large. For example, if autocorrelation is really bad, you might run 2 million iterations and save only every thousandth (thin=1000). If you didn't thin at this stage, you (and your RAM) would need to manipulate an object with three chains of two million numbers each. But by thinning as you go, the final object only has 2 thousand numbers in each chain.

How do I measure the distribution of an attribute of a given population?

I have a catalog of 900 applications.
I need to determine how their reliability is distributed as a whole. (i.e. is it normal).
I can measure the reliability of an individual application.
How can I determine the reliability of the group as a whole without measuring each one?
That's a pretty open-ended question! Overall, distribution fitting can be quite challenging and works best with large samples (100's or even 1000's). It's generally better to pick a modeling distribution based on known characteristics of the process you're attempting to model than to try purely empirical fitting.
If you're going to go empirical, for a start you could take a random sample, measure the reliability scores (whatever you're using for that) of your sample, sort them, and plot them vs normal quantiles. If they fall along a relatively straight line the normal distribution is a plausible model, and you can estimate sample mean and variance to parameterize it. You can apply the same idea of plotting vs quantiles from other proposed distributions to see if they are plausible as well.
Watch out for behavior in the tails, in particular. Pretty much by definition the tails occur rarely and may be under-represented in your sample. Like all things statistical, the larger the sample size you can draw on the better your results will be.
I'd also add that my prior belief would be that a normal distribution wouldn't be a great fit. Your reliability scores probably fall on a bounded range, tend to fall more towards one side or the other of that range. If they tend to the high range, I'd predict that they get lopped off at the end of the range and have a long tail to the low side, and vice versa if they tend to the low range.
