Escaping space in bash script - linux

I am trying to make a script to append all files ending with .hash to be verified by md5deep. Files with space in their name seem to break this script.
for f in *.hash
XVAR="$XVAR -x $f "
md5deep -e $XVAR -r *
Whenever i run the script with a file called "O S.hash" i would get
O: No such file or directory
If i change XVAR="$XVAR -x $f " to XVAR="$XVAR -x \'$f\' " or XVAR="$XVAR -x \"$f\" "
md5deep will interpenetrate the input as "O instead
"O: No such file or directory
an echo of the variable in the script shows XVAR as -x 'O S.hash' or -x "O S.hash"
a manual input of the command in shell such as md5deep -e -x "O S.hash" -r * works but if its in the script the command seems to break

This is not the nicest solution, but is seems it will work:
find . -name '*.hash' -printf "-x\0%p\0" | xargs -0 md5deep -r * -e
This actually doesn't do exactly the same as the OP wanted, so here's a modification as suggested by Tim Pote and Jonathan Leffler:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.hash' -printf "-x\0%p\0" | xargs -0 md5deep -r * -e

Now you know why people on Unix systems traditionally avoided file names with spaces in them (and directory names likewise) — it is a nuisance (to be polite about it) to have to program the shell to handle such names. The shell was designed for use in systems without such names. Newlines also cause much grief.
With bash, your best solution by far is to use an array to hold the elements, and then "${array[#]}" to list them; it is almost trivial:
declare -a XVAR
for file in *.hash
XVAR+=("-x" "$file")
md5deep -e "${XVAR[#]}" -r *
(Exploiting the array extension notation mentioned by Gordon Davisson. See section §6.7 'Arrays' of the bash reference manual (for Bash 4.1) for a lot of array information; see section §3.4 'Shell Parameters' for the += operator.)
If you can't use arrays for some reason, then you need a program that escapes its arguments so that the shell won't distort things. I have such a program, called escape:
for file in *.hash
name=$(escape "$file")
XVAR="$XVAR -x $file"
eval md5deep -e $XVAR -r *
With the eval, it is tricky to use; it works, but use arrays.


Concatenate (using bash) all file names in subdirectories with option

I have directory work_dir, and there are some subdirectories inside. And inside subdirectories there are zip archives. I can see all zip archives in terminal:
find . -name *.zip
The output:
Now I want to concatinate all these file names in single row with some option. For example I want single row:
my_command -f ./folder2/sub/dir/ -f ./folder3/ -f ./folder1/sub/dir/new/ -u user1 -p pswd1
In this example:
my_command is some command
-f the option
-u user1 another option with value
-p pswd1 another option with value
Can you help me please, how can I do this in Linux BASH ?
One way is: (updated per #M. Nejat Aydin comments)
find . -name "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 printf -- '-f\0%s\0' | xargs -0 -n100000 my_command -u user1 -p pswd1
Note that -n100000 parameter forces all output of the previous xargs to be executed on the same line with the assumption that number of findings will be less than 100000.
I used null terminated versions (notice: -0 flag, -print0) because file names can contain spaces.
This is a bash script that should do what you wanted.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -rd '' files; do
args+=(-f "$files")
done < <(find . -name '*.zip' -print0)
args=("${args[#]}" -u "$user" -p "$passwd")
##: Just for the human eye to see the output,
##: change this line of code according to the comment below.
printf 'mycommand %s\n' "${args[*]}"
The output should be in one-line, like what you wanted, but do change the last line from
printf 'mycommand %s\n' "${args[*]}"
mycommand "${args[#]}"
If you actually want to execute mycommand with the arguments.
Change the value of user and passwd too.
A while + read loop was used with IFS.
See How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Why the last line should be change.
See Arguments
Shell quoting is a basic but common mistake when dealing with spaces in file/path name.
See How can I find and safely handle file names containing
Also the find command/utiliy.
The construct "${args[#}" is an array.
See Array1 Array2 Array3
You can do this by making a bash script.
Make a new file called
Type chmod +x ./ so it becomes executable on the terminal
Add the BASH scripting as shown below..
# Get all the zip files from your FolderName
files="`find ./FolderName -name *.zip`"
# Loop through the files and build your args
for file in $files; do
arg="$arg -f $file"
# Run your command
mycommand $arg -u user1 -p pswd1

BASH: grep doesn't work in shell script but echo shows correct command and it works on command line

I need to write a script that checks some >20k files for some >2k search text and it needs to be flexible, so I came up with this script:
# This script checks all files in a given directory against a list of criteria
shopt -s expand_aliases
source ~/.bashrc
TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%T")
files=$(find $FILE_DIR -type f -name '*.json')
for file in $files; do
while read line; do
grep -H -o $line "$file" >> $RESULT_DIR/check_result_$TIMESTAMP.log
This script only produces the empty $RESULT_DIR/check_result_$TIMESTAMP.log log file with correct name.
Because the file names sometimes contain spaces I added the IFS... statements and I enclosed $file in " quotes (copied from another post).
The content of the $SEARCHTEXT_FILE is for example:
'Tel alt........'
'City ..........'
If I place an echo before the grep like this
echo grep -H -o $line "$file"
then output I get is
grep -H -o 'Tel alt........' /data/projects/DNAR/input/report-157538.json
and I can execute this line as is and get the correct result.
I tried to put various combinations of " or ' or ` or () or {} around any part of this grep command but nothing changed.
Somewhere I did read about alias and the alias set for grep is
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
After many hours of searching on the internet I couldn't find any post that helped me as most of them are covering issues around wrong quotes or inline bash issues.
What are I missing here?
The simple and obvious workaround is to remove all that complexity and simply use the features of the commands you are running anyway.
find "$FILE_DIR" -type f -name '*.json' \
-exec grep -H -o -f "$SEARCHTEXT_FILE" {} + > "$RESULT_DIR/check_result_$TIMESTAMP.log"
Notice also the quoting fixes; see When to wrap quotes around a shell variable; to avoid mishaps, you should switch to lower case for your private variables (see Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization).
shopt -s expand_aliases
and source ~/.bashrc merely look superfluous, but could contribute to whatever problem you are trying to troubleshoot; they should basically never be part of a script you plan to use in production.

How do I search for a file based on what is output by a command running on that file

I am working on a project for one of my professors and he asked me to sort a couple hundred .fits images based on their header files (specifically what star they are images of) I think that grep would be the best way to do this however I can't seam to figure out how to use grep based on the header.
I am entering:
ls | imhead *.fits | grep -E -r "PG\ 1104+243" *
to just list them out for now, once they are listed I know how to copy them into a directory.
I am new to using grep so I am unsure as to where my error lies? any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Assuming that imghead will extract the headers of the .fits as txt, you can use a simple shell script to do it:
grep "$1" "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$2"
Note that the + is a special character if you use extended regular expression, meaning if you pass the -E as in the question. A simple grep without any options should do the trick here.
Use find to exec the script on every *.fits file in the current folder:
find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fits' -exec ./ 'PG 1104+243' {} \;
If you are going to copy/move/alter or do something with the files you find, you might be better off, in terms of complexity and ease of quoting, using a loop like this:
find . -name \*.fits -print0 | while read -d '' -r file; do
echo Checking file: $file
imhead "$file" | grep -q 'PG 1104+243'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Object matches: $file

Triple nested quotations in shell script

I'm trying to write a shell script that calls another script that then executes a rsync command.
The second script should run in its own terminal, so I use a gnome-terminal -e "..." command. One of the parameters of this script is a string containing the parameters that should be given to rsync. I put those into single quotes.
Up until here, everything worked fine until one of the rsync parameters was a directory path that contained a space. I tried numerous combinations of ',",\",\' but the script either doesn't run at all or only the first part of the path is taken.
Here's a slightly modified version of the code I'm using
gnome-terminal -t 'Rsync scheduled backup' -e "nice -10 /Scripts/BackupScript/ 0 0 '/Scripts/BackupScript/Stamp' '/Scripts/BackupScript/test' '--dry-run -g -o -p -t -R -u --inplace --delete -r -l '\''/media/MyAndroid/Internal storage'\''' "
Within this command is run
rsync $5 "$path"
where the destination $path is calculated from text in Stamp.
How can I achieve these three levels of nested quotations?
These are some question I looked at just now (I've tried other sources earlier as well)
how to make nested double quotes survive the bash interpreter?
Using multiple layers of quotes in bash
Nested quotes bash
I was unsuccessful in applying the solutions to my problem.
Here is an example. uses gnome-terminal to execute, which in turn prints all the arguments and then calls rsync with the first argument.
gnome-terminal -t "TEST" -e "./ 'long path' arg2 arg3"
echo $# arguments
for i; do # same as: for i in "$#"; do
echo "$i"
rsync "$1" "some other path"
Edit: If $1 contains several parameters to rsync, some of which are long paths, the above won't work, since bash either passes "$1" as one parameter, or $1 as multiple parameters, splitting it without regard to contained quotes.
There is (at least) one workaround, you can trick bash as follows:
gnome-terminal -t "TEST" -e "./ '--option1 --option2 \"long path\"' arg2 arg3"
rsync_command="rsync $1"
eval "$rsync_command"
This will do the equivalent of typing rsync --option1 --option2 "long path" on the command line.
WARNING: This hack introduces a security vulnerability, $1 can be crafted to execute multiple commands if the user has any influence whatsoever over the string content (e.g. '--option1 --option2 \"long path\"; echo YOU HAVE BEEN OWNED' will run rsync and then execute the echo command).
Did you try escaping the space in the path with "\ " (no quotes)?
gnome-terminal -t 'Rsync scheduled backup' -e "nice -10 /Scripts/BackupScript/ 0 0 '/Scripts/BackupScript/Stamp' '/Scripts/BackupScript/test' '--dry-run -g -o -p -t -R -u --inplace --delete -r -l ''/media/MyAndroid/Internal\ storage''' "

Linux Shell - Replacing string with other string inside files

I have a problem with this linux shell script.
#! /bin/bash
find /sdcard/ -type f -iname "*.srt" -print >> /sdcard/files
count=`wc -l /sdcard/files |cut -d'/' -f1`
for (( c=1; c<=$count; c++ ))
line=`sed -n ''$c'p' /sdcard/files`
cat "$line" | sed -e 's/č/c/g' > "$line".srt""
rm "$line"
rm /sdcard/files
I know this isnt the best way to do this but thats all i can do with my knowlage
As you can see it finds all srt files and then replaces all "č" charactes with "c". But it doesnt work with files i downloaded
However when i make a new file and write "č" inside (with my keyboard), it replaces it as it should. I dont understand why?
I think we discovered the cause, now the fix:
vim -c ":set bomb" -c ":set fileencoding=utf-8" -c ":wq"
There's also a dirty way
echo -e "\xC2\xA0" >>
I tried iconv tool which is supposed to do the conversion, but it didn't help.
