Map composite key sort - couchdb

I try to display app's log entries from couchdb - each log entry contains timestamp, log tag and client's remote IP, my map function is :
"_id": "_design/log",
"language": "javascript",
"views": {
"browse": {
"map": "function(doc){ if (doc.type=='log') {emit([,doc.tag,doc.ip], doc);}}"
Now how can I get log entries for specified IP(tag) sorted by date ?
Already tried variants of : /_design/log/_view/browse?startkey=["info",""] with no success.

Your start key needs 3 elements: date, tag, and ip.
Your unsuccessful query only has 2 elements in the start key.
There is some documentation out there for composite keys. In the example used, they have a different key for year, month, and day. You can find the example in this book:

Map function:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type === 'log') {
emit([doc.tag, doc.ip,], 1);
Query parameters (properly url-encoded):
The results are sorted by date because tag and ip are fixed.


Nodejs Elasticsearch query default behaviour

On a daily basis, I'm pushing data (time_series) to Elasticsearch. I created an index pattern, and my index have the name: myindex_* , where * is today date (an index pattern has been setup). Thus after a week, I have: myindex_2022-06-20, myindex_2022-06-21... myindex_2022-06-27.
Let's assume my index is indexing products' prices. Thus inside each myindex_*, I have got:
myindex_2022-06-26 is including many products prices like this:
"reference_code": "123456789",
"price": 10.00
"reference_code": "123456789",
"price": 12.00
I'm using this query to get the reference code and the corresponding prices. And it works great.
const data = await{
index: myindex_2022-06-27,
body: {
query: {
match: {
"reference_code": "123456789"
But, I would like to have a query that if in the index of the date 2022-06-27, there is no data, then it checks, in the previous index 2022-06-26, and so on (until e.g. 10x).
Not sure, but it seems it's doing this when I replace myindex_2022-06-27 by myindex_* (not sure it's the default behaviour).
The issue is that when I'm using this way, I got prices from other index but it seems to use the oldest one. I would like to get the newest one instead, thus the opposite way.
How should I proceed?
If you query with index wildcard, it should return a list of documents, where every document will include some meta fields as _index and _id.
You can sort by _index, to make elastic search return the latest document at position [0] in your list.
const data = await{
index: myindex_2022-*,
body: {
query: {
match: {
"reference_code": "123456789"
sort : { "_index" : "desc" },

CouchDB Count Reduce with timestamp filtering

Let's say I have documents like so:
_id: "a98798978s978dd98d",
type: "signature",
uid: "u12345",
category: "cat_1",
My goal is to be able to count all signature's created by a certain uid but being able to filter by timestamp
Thanks to Alexis, I've gotten to this far with a reduce _count function:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type === "signature") {
emit([doc.uid, doc.timestamp], 1);
With the following queries:
"rows": [
"key": [ "u11111" ],
"value": 3
"key": [ "u12345" ],
"value": 26
It counts the uid correctly but the filter doesn't work properly. At first I thought it might be a CouchDB 2.2 bug, but I tried on Cloudant and I got the same response.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could get this to work with being ale to filter timestamps?
When using compound keys in MapReduce (i.e. the key is an array of things), you cannot query a range of keys with a "leading" array element missing. i.e. you can query a range of uuids and get the results ordered by timestamp, but your use-case is the other way round - you want to query uuids by time.
I'd be tempted to put time first in the array, but unix timestamps are not so good for grouping ;). I don't known the ins and outs of your application but if you were to index a date instead of a timestamp like so:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type === "signature") {
var date = new Date(doc.timestamp)
var datestr = date.toISOString().split('T')[0]
emit([datestr, doc.uuid], 1);
This would allow you to query a range of dates (to the resolution of a whole day):
albeit with your uuids grouped by day.

CouchDB View - Filter by List Field Attribute (doc.objects.[0].attribute)

I need to create a view that lists the values for an attribute of a doc field.
Sample Doc:
"_id": "003e5a9742e04ce7a6791aa845405c17",
"title", "testdoc",
"samples": [
"confidence": "high",
"handle": "joetest"
Example using that doc, I want a view that will return the values for "handle"
I found this example with the heading - Get contents of an object with specific attributes e.g. doc.objects.[0].attribute. But when I fill in the attribute name, e.g. "handle" and replace doc.objects with doc.samples, I get no results:
Toggle line numbers
// map
function(doc) {
for (var idx in doc.objects) {
emit(doc.objects[idx], attribute)
That will create an array of key-value-pairs where the key is alway the value of handle. Replace null with a value you want e.g. doc.title. If you want to get the doc attached to every row use the query parameter ?include_docs=true while requesting the view.
// map
function (doc) {
var samples = doc.samples
for(var i = 0, sample; sample = samples[i++];) {
emit(sample.handle, null)
Like this ->
function(doc) {
for (var i in doc.samples) {
emit(doc._id, doc.samples[i].handle)
It will produce a result based on the doc._id field as the key. Or, if you want your key to be based on the .handle field you reverse the parameters in emit so you can search by startKey=, endKey=.

CouchDB: getting number of keys in given key range

In my CouchDB database, all keys have the form "A_xxxxxxxx" where xxxxxxxx is zero-padded decimal number (e.g. "A_00000001" or "A_12345678")
I want to get only the number of keys in a given key range.
For example, to get the keys from A_10000000 to A_30000000, I can query something like:
GET DATABASE/_all_docs?startkey="A_00001000"&endkey="A_30000000"&include_docs=false
But the result contains all keys, and I need to count the elements in "docs" field of the output.
Since the number of keys in my query will be huge, and all I want to know is the number of keys, not the actual list of the keys.
The range start and range end value can be vary, which is not fixed.
Is is possible to get only the number of keys of the given range, without retrieving actual key list?
You cannot get the number of keys in a given key range using the built-in _all_docs view. But you can get the desired result using a custom map reduce view such as this one described in the CouchDB Definitive Guide
function(doc) {
emit(doc._id, 1);
function(keys, values, rereduce) {
return sum(values)
You can add these views to your CouchDB database using the Futon admin utility by creating a new document with these contents:
"_id": "_design/test",
"views": {
"count": {
"map": "function(doc) {\n emit(doc._id, 1);\n}",
"reduce": "function(keys, values, rereduce) {\n return sum(values)\n}"
_design/test/count can then be queried like instead of _all_docs and will return the number of documents between the start and end keys.
When I run this query again my database without a start and end key I get this result:
"key": null,
"value": 185
Running the query again with the start and end keys populated I get this result:
"key": null,
"value": 11

couchdb map-reduce and grouping

I am attempting to get a count of unique events for an object (lets say a video):
Here are my documents:
"video_id": "12300",
"user_id": 3
"video_id": "12300",
"user_id": 1
"video_id": "45600",
"user_id": 3
I'm trying to get a unique (by user_id) count of views for each video
I assume I want to map my data like so:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type === 'View') {
emit([doc.video_id, doc.user_id], 1);
But I don't understand how to reduce it down to unique users per video, or am I going about this wrong.
You should look at the group_level view parameter. It will allow you to change what field(s) the grouping occurs on.
By using group_level = 1, in this case it will group by video_id. Using group_level = 2, it will group on both video_id and user_id.
Add ?group=true after the request URL. That groups identical keys together as input for the reduce function:
function(keys, values, rereduce){
return sum(values);
That should do it.
Note that keys and values are unzipped lists of keys and their values. With grouping on the keys are all identical for each call of the reduce.
