Eclipse don't see headers to include :/ - android-ndk

What can be wrong in my project properties if eclipse don't see headers I include ? I have good include paths, i can see them in window with includes hierarchy.
But in source editor there is problem :/
In properties I have good paths:
This problem came suddenly :/ Yesterday I could build my project without any problems, but now there is some problem :/ Project isn't under version control, so I can't revert to yesterday's source:/

Sometimes eclipse uses a different working directory that you expect, so you kind of have to play around with relative paths a little. Try putting a ../ In front of the directory, perhaps that will put it in scope, but I think that there is a way to find out the build directory other than guessing. Project -> properties -> C++ build and look around. Also, we can't help you much if you don't host is somewhere where we can download it... If you do that I promise you I will fix it and post the solution!


Missing Tool References

My version of VBA seems to be missing quite a few Tool References. Therefore I tried adding a library I know exists (scrrun.dll) through the "Browse" tab although it only results in the following error:
I would appreciate any kind of help regarding how to get access to more tool references.
A reinstall may help, but these references may be pointing to a folder from a different version of windows (*\System32 vs *\SysWow64 may be the issue)
What changed from the system it originally ran on? Search the C: drive for SCRRUN.DLL and if the path has changed, switch that via browsing for the real path. I've never seen that file missing before, but I think it's part of Windows.
On a rare occasion, you may have to re-register the components (again some of these are included Windows components). Check out this reference does not exist in BlueJ

Trying j2me app development. I got a simple Hello to work, and a simple TextBox user as well. But when I tried to compile code for a file browser I got " does not exist".
The WTK according to the Sun website is supposed to include JSR75. And there's a camera demo .java file that uses it.
I've looked in various places (the WTK, BlueJ, even Netbeans) for menu options to turn it on. Nothing. And a search of this forum turned up exactly ONE message and it pertains to another IDE, and it seemed to work for him in BlueJ.
So what am I missing and how do I get it?
In NetBeans, you go to Project Properties (right-click the project, and select Properties). Then click "Platform" and mark "File Connection and PIM Optional Packages 1.0".
On a whim I did a search for JSR75 jar download and found a few zipped jar files that seemed to contain the file classes. I unzipped one of them and put it in the Libraries/Userlib directory of BlueJ; and now I seem to have the File... Classes. Reading and writing seem to work in the emulator.
I'll take another look at Netbeans when I get a chance.

Rename Android Studio project causing a bunch of errors and java files missing

Following some links here I tried to rename a project. I went to c:\path\to\AndroidStudioProject and renamed the folder there, then found the .idea file and changed that. Now the project loads but java files are missing! However, on clicking java (in the bar at the top), then com I can see them each with a small red j.
I then looked in module Gradle build where there were 3 files, one with the new name and 2 older ones which stated that they did not belong so I deleted them, copying the compile info into the new one. Naturally on doing a Sync Now I get a bunch of errors.
Why does this have to be such a complex operation? Can anyone assist?
After you rename the folder, open the project in Android Studio. From there, right click something that needs to be renamed (e.g., module, package names, etc.) and use Refactor->Rename from the context menu. Keep doing this until everything that can be refactored is.
You will need to manually change the value of applicationId in the app-level build.gradle. Obviously, things like #string/app_name will also have to be changed manually. I recommend making these manual adjustments from inside Android Studio rather than directly editing the files. That way you'll know immediately if you break something.

VS2012 Project Reference's Properties' path does not match .vbproj HintPath

My goal was to update a reference from my old DLL to a newer version that was updated to VS2012.
In the .vbproj file...
<Reference Include="Company, Version=, Culture=neutral">
In the Solution Explorer, Under References, I right-click on the Company reference and click Properties. The Path is listed as...
There are no errors or warnings. Everything is appearing to build properly however I lack confidence because of this discrepancy. How can I fix this?
I have tried restarting VS2012 and have tried deleting the TFS Cache. Downloading a fresh copy of this project from TFS on another PC seems to resolve the problem however I would like to better understand how to resolve this without such drastic measures.
I just had this issue crop up, and while this is an old thread it was the first Google result when I did my search, so I thought to offer what had happen for me.
TL;DR: Triple check the hint path - it could be wrong, and VS is using the DLL in the GAC.
My issue came up because I was using a little script to help me update over 250 projects worth of references, and had a small handful that didn't follow normal folder layout. So my hint path was 'correct' at first glance, but because it really wasn't, VS 2013 went to the version of the DLL in the GAC.
Once I clued into what was wrong and fixed the relative path for that project file, hint path and what was displayed in References matched up as it was supposed to.

Build does not work, need rebuild

This is really frustrating, I am using Visual Studio 2012 for C++ for a project, and it worked fine for a while. Then out of the blue, it started having problems.
The build function does not update the project anymore. I need to do a REBUILD every time I modify anything in my project.
I have looked all over for a solution, but none helped. First of all, I didn't change any settings, but I looked anyway. Tools/Options/Build&Run, Project/Config Manager, you name it I have checked it. It doesn't look like it's a settings problem.
Another thing though, on other forums, I have read that this MIGHT be because of a bad include, that the file included is not there anymore, or something like that. But that is not possible either since I didn't delete any file from the project. But, this problem seems more plausible since, the project at a much earlier stage, had less includes, and it still works.
So, can you help me solve this problem? It is really annoying since most of the solutions out there are NOT working!
Whenever I have run into an issue like this it is usually something like missing project dependencies. You may want to take a look at "Build Solution" not working in Visual C++ anymore. If you are able to share your solution someone may be able to take a look at it.
