Return mongojs query result from function - node.js

I made the function below for getting usernames from ids. It is not working well.
I can write console.log(result.first_name); within the query function, and the usernames shows up in my terminal, but not the browser. I tried adding “return 'something';” at the end of the function, to see if that showed up in the browser – It did. How can I write the function so that the query result is returned?
function (global function in app.js)
function usernameFromId(id, callback){
db.users.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id.toString()) }, function(err, result) {
var first_name = result.first_name;
console.log(first_name); // names show up in the console…
page handler (in app.js)
app.get('/books', function(req, res){
function timeSince(dato){
return moment(dato).fromNow();
db.books.find().sort({ added:-1 }, function(err, docs) {
var books = docs;
db.activity.find().limit(9).sort({ time:-1 }, function(err, docs) {
var activity = docs;
res.render('books', {
books: books,
activity: activity,
timeSince: timeSince,
usernameFromId: usernameFromId
template (books.jade)
- each a in activity
p=usernameFromId(a.user_id, function(name){return name;})

No because of the asynchronous nature of JavaScript. I have added some comments to your code to indicate the actual order of execution. This is why you are getting the error.
function usernameFromId(id){
var id = id.toString(); // 1
db.users.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }, function(err, result) {
var first_name = result.first_name; // 3
return first_name; // 2
Edit: you probably want something like the following
function usernameFromId(id, callback){
var id = id.toString();
db.users.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) }, function(err, result) {
var first_name = result.first_name;

Okay, I found a solution. Not sure whether it’s any good, but it works. No need for a function.
page handler (in app.js):
app.get('/books', function(req, res){
db.activity.find().limit(9).sort({ time:-1 }, function(err, docs) {
var activity = docs;
db.users.find(function(err, docs) {
var users = docs;
res.render('books', {
activity: activity,
users: users
template (books.jade):
- each a in activity
- for u in users
- if (a.user_id == u._id.toString())
| #{u.first_name}


Post same objectID in to different table

I'm trying to post a data in my user then at the same time, post the _id of my user as a reference id in my donation table.
After I posted my data in the users table like this:
var User = require('../models/user');
var Blooddonation = require('../models/blooddonation');'/createBlooduser',function(req, res) {
var user = new User();
user.user_lastname = req.body.user_lastname;
user.status= "initial"; {});
How can I get the _id of the posted data and make a reference id in my donation table? Something like this:
The _id property is actually created as soon as you create new instance with a statement like new User(). So you can actually access that value before it's even stored in the collection, or at any time after instance creation really:'/createBlooduser',function(req, res) {
var user = new User();
user.user_lastname = req.body.user_lastname;
user.status= "initial"; {
if (err) throw err; // or really handle better
// You can also just create() rather than new Blooddonation({ donor_id: user._id })
Blooddonation.create({ donor_id: user._id }, function(err, donor) {
// check for errors and/or respond
Of if you might just want access to other properties that might "default on save", then you can access in the callback from save() or create():'/createBlooduser',function(req, res) {
user_lastname: req.body.user_lastname;
status: "initial"
}, function(err, user) { // this time we pass from the callback
if (err) throw err; // or really handle better
Blooddonation.create({ donor_id: user._id }, function(err, donor) {
// check for errors and/or respond

one query inside another MongoDB hangs

I am trying to get only get Notes [from the notes collection] that come from meetings [from the meetings collection] that don't contain the word 'test' in them:
function getNotes(done) {
noteSchema.find({}).exec((err, notes) => {
var numNotes = 0;
async.each(notes, (n, next) => {
userSchema.findById(n.userId, (err, user) => {
if (err || !user) { next(); return; }
var emailsStr = utils.getEmailsString(user.emails);
if (!utils.toSkipEmail(emailsStr)) {
meetingSchema.findById(n.meetingId, (err, meeting) => {
if (err || !meeting) { next(); return; }
if ('test', 'Test') == -1) {
}, (err, result) => {
console.log(util.format('Total Number of Notes: %d', numNotes));
The code works fine without adding in the lines to find the meetings by ID. It hangs at that point.
For reference, here is the start of a function that comes later to filter out any 'test' or 'Test' containing meetings.
function getMeetings(done) {
'name.displayValue': { '$regex' : '(?!.*test)^.*$' , '$options' : 'i' }
}).exec((err, meetings) => {
Relevant lines of Notes Schema:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var noteSchema = mongoose.Schema({
meetingId: {type: String, default: ''},
exports.Note = mongoose.model('Note', noteSchema);
The meeting schema has no notes field.
So, if I were going to go after a solution like this, where I wanted to get all notes that weren't part of a meeting w/ the word 'test' in the name, I'd probably go the other way with it, unless there's a whole ton of notes you could just get all notes and populate them with their meetings, and then do the filtering. assuming your NoteSchema defines something like:
meeting : { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Meeting'}
then in your query you could do (given the notATest function that returns true or false appropriately:
Note.find({}).populate('meeting').exec((e, n) => {
_.omit(n, (note) => { return notATest(; });
Alternatively, you could search for all meetings that are not a test first, and call .populate('notes') on them, if the 'ref' goes the other way.

find by _id with Mongoose

I am having trouble with a simple findById with mongoose.
Confirmed the item exists in the DB
With mongoose
Story.findById(topic.storyId, function(err, res) {"res", res);
won't find it.
I also tried converting to a mongoId, still cannot be found (even though mongoose supposedly does this for you)
var mid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(storyId);
let story = await Story.findOne({_id: mid}).exec();
I'm actually trying to use this with typescript, hence the await.
I also tried the Story.findById(id) method, still cannot be found.
Is there some gotcha to just finding items by a plain _id field?
does the _id have to be in the Schema? (docs say no)
I can find by other values in the Schema, just _id can't be used...
update: I wrote a short test for this.
describe("StoryConvert", function() {
it("should read a list of topics", async function test() {
let topics = await Topic.find({});
for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i ++) {
let topic = topics[i];
// topics.forEach( async function(topic) {
let storyId = topic.storyId;
let mid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(storyId);
let story = await Story.findOne({_id: mid});
// let story = await Story.findById(topic.storyId).exec();
// assert.equal(topic.storyId, story._id);"storyId", storyId);"mid", mid);"story", story);
Story.findOne({_id: storyId}, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {"no error");
}"res1", res);
Story.findOne({_id: mid}, function(err, res) {"res2", res);
Story.findById(mid, function(err, res) {"res3", res);
// assert.isNotNull(res);
It will return stuff like
Testing storyId 572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4
Testing mid 572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4
Testing story null
Testing no error
Testing res1 null
Testing res2 null
Testing res3 null
I noticed that topic.storyId is a string
not sure if that would cause any issues mapping to the other table.
I tried also adding some type defs
storyId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: false
Because this query finds the doc in the shell:
That means that the type of _id in the document is actually a string, not an ObjectId like Mongoose is expecting.
To find that doc using Mongoose, you'd have to define _id in the schema for Story as:
_id: { type: String }
If your Mongo schema is configured to use Object Id, you query in nodeJS using
where Foo is your model and id is your id.
here's a working example
router.get('/:id', function(req, res, next) {
var id =
.lean().exec(function (err, results) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("errror getting results")
In Mongo DB your query would be
One solution is to use mongoose.ObjectId()
const Model = require('./model')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
Model.find({ id: mongoose.ObjectId(userID) })
It works, but it is weird because we are using id instead of _id
This is how we do it now:
const { mongoose } = require("mongoose");
YourModel.find({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId("572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4") });
I got into this scenario too. This was how I solved it;
According to the mongoose documentation, you need to tell mongoose to
return the raw js objects, not mongoose documents by passing the lean option and setting it to true. e.g
Adventure.findById(id, 'name', { lean: true }, function (err, doc) {});
in your situation, it would be
Story.findById(topic.storyId, { lean: true }, function(err, res) {"res", res);
If _id is the default mongodb key, in your model set the type of _id as this:
_id: mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId
Then usind mongoose you can use a normal find:
YourModel.find({"_id": "5f9a86b77676e180c3089c3d"});
Try this
Story.findOne({_id:"572b19509dac77951ab91a0b"}, function(err, story){
if (err){
//return done(err, null);

Cannot applying find() method with Native MongoDB becaus of ID type

I have a function that is needed to get results.
When I give 1 as _id filter everything is OK.
.find({ '_id' : 1 })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
If I give filter another way for instance user[0]['personnel_id'] -that is store 1- then I get only [] result;
.find({ '_id' : user[0]['personnel_id'] })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
And then I've tried another way. But it doesn't work because I used a string(user[0]['personnel_id']) instead of an ObjectID.
var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var personnelPK_Hex = (user[0]['personnel_id']).toHexString();
var personnelPK = ObjectID.createFromHexString(personnelPK_Hex);
What should I do?
All of my codes are below;
module.exports = {
show: function(req, res) {
User.native(function(err, collectionUser) {
if(err) {
console.log("There is no exist a User by current_id");
.find({'_id' : req.param('id')})
.toArray(function (err, user) {
Personnel.native(function(err, collectionPersonnel) {
if(err) {
// handle error getting mongo collection
console.log("There is no exist a Personel by current _id");
if(!collectionPersonnel) {
console.log("There is no exist a Personel by current _id");
// var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
// var personnelPK_Hex = (user[0]['personnel_id']).toHexString();
// var personnelPK = ObjectID.createFromHexString(personnelPK_Hex);
.find({ '_id' : user[0].personnel_id })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {
And console's output is;
Just like apsillers's said. I had given a numeric _id to collection, incorrectly.
I've fixed _id value and everything is OK.
Thank you all...
user[0]['personnel_id'] might be a string. For Mongo, "1" is different from 1, which is why your literal number 1 worked, but your variable (which holds a string) does not.
Instead, try using a unary plus to convert the string to a number: +user[0]['personnel_id'].
try to use like user[0].personal_id instead of user[0]['personnel_id'] please provide your schema design that would be better to figure out what exactly you are missing.
i tried like this
.find({ '_id' : user[0].personnel_id })
.toArray(function (err, personnel) {

Node js mongodb group

Here is my history model. It contains three fields:Content,Year,Month
sample data like:
1 "aaaaa",2012,12
2 "bbbbb",2013,11
3 "ccccc",2012,09
I want to group by "Year" field,and store like this:
Here is my code:
// index.js
var hisArrs = [];
History.distinct("Year", function(err, doc) {
var years = doc;
years.forEach(function(year) {
History.find({"Year": year}, function(err, docs){
res.render('History/history', {
title: 'history',
HisArrs: hisArrs
However, I don't understand why. Could you please help on this?
