Cannot turn off zooming when using TeeCharts on Monotouch - xamarin.ios

I am using TeeCharts on Monotouch and zooming can only be turned off if I use:
chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Manual;
But if I use the manual option I have rendering issues when using it on the device.
If I just try to turn zooming off when I switch ZoomScrollStyle to auto and use:
chart.Chart.Zoom.Allow = false;
nothing happens.
UPDATE: I figured out that if the View3D is on everything is working but when I am working in a 2D environment the zoom option is always on.

As you've seen, there are some different ZoomScrollStyles and ZoomStyles options. These options are explained in the "Tutorial 8 - TeeChart NET for iOS Applications", "API changes specific to TeeChart .NET for iOS" section. And also in the "Tutorial 10- Zoom and Scroll".
The Automatic ZoomScrollStyle is set by default. This style uses the iOS standard technique for zoom and scroll, but this is not supported for all series types, and only in 2D mode.
The Manual ZoomScrollStyle does the zoom by redrawing the chart, thus it's slower (we’ll try to improve this feature for future releases).
The dragging functionality works in both ZoomScrollStyles, and also both in 2D and 3D.
Steema Support.


Displaying a Classification Banner at the top of each computer monitor in Gnome Desktop

I work in an environment where we have to have a security classification banner displayed at the top of each monitor on our Gnome Desktops. Currently, I am using a Perl/Tk window to display the classification of the system. However, that window cannot be moved because of the way it is built (no decorations) and occasionally overlays open windows making it difficult for users to manage those windows.
I would like to be able to do something different, but I'm not sure where to start. Three ideas I have are this:
An icon or something in the Top Bar showing the classification
A banner, like the Top Bar, that sits above the Top Bar
A window, like I already have, but relocatable
I figure the first option would be easiest, but since the Top Bar isn't shown on every monitor, that may not be the best option. I don't even know if the second option is even possible. The third option would require me to use something other than Perl/Tk but that's the only language I'm fluent in at the moment.
So I'm looking for suggestions or examples or Gnome extensions I can use to solve this problem.
There is a classification-banner python utility at It's no longer maintained, but we've been using it without change for a few years now. It's OK. One problem is that it doesn't "shrink" the desktop screen, so application windows can overlap it; it's set to Always On Top, but it would be nicer if it actually couldn't be overlaid at all.
A simple solution, of sorts, would be to change the desktop background image. This can have issues if you're displaying on multiple resolutions (I don't know if Gnome supports SVG for such purposes) and of course it can be obscured by windows covering it.
Older versions of Gnome let you create multiple bars that worked perfectly, but that disappeared - along with many other customizations - in Gnome 3.

Touchpad Pinch to zoom not working in Electron (MacOS)

I am showing web content in a BrowserView in Electron, and looking to allow pinch to zoom. I've tried the following that didn't work:
view.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 3)
view.webContents.setLayoutZoomLevelLimits(1, 3)
Manually setting the zoom factor does seem to work:
But nothing that I've tried can enable the user to zoom.
One thing confusing me is that in trying to search for the answer, everybody seems to have the opposite problem:
Disable zooming (both pinch zoom and smart zoom [mac]) in electron
So I'm wondering did something change?
I am on electron 4.0.6, Node v11.12.0.
Ok, I've found where they changed it:
And others have this problem:
Still trying to determine the exact fix.
You should call the setVisualZoomLevelLimits method on the webFrame object instead of on the webcontent. As is described here:
In your renderer you should add:
webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 4);

windows 10 UWP UI design for mobile device

I am working on windows 10 mobile app. If I design an UI for 5' device, it doesn't look good on 5.2' device. Also on emulators of different screen size show messed up UI. Is there any work around this? Or do I have to design it for every screen size?
Usually, please avoid to have fixed Width/Height for your controls. With a Grid layout, you can set columns/rows and place your controls inside each cells. This is a first level to adapt properly your interface. In addition, UWP provides AdaptiveTriggers if you want to adapt the layout based on the screen resolution (cf. for additional information. Last but not least, please check Design&UI documention on
The trick is with UWP that you can design for every screensize at once. It's just a responsive design you use (either HTML/CSS or XAML). But you have to use the right controls and settings.
Some guidance on how to design for various sizes can be found at the MSDN design page.
To create a dynamic layout with XAML, see this article. There are various panel-types you can use to do the layout (see this article). But if you really want to build a responsive UI (or change it dramatically in various sizes) RelativePanel is your friend.

Cross ( mobile ) platform image transitions

I'm writing a game that asks the user to click on an image, which then reveals a different image. I'd like to make the transition between the images look like a playing card being turned over on both Android and IOS.
I've done a bit of research, but it all seems to indicate that the "curl" visual effect will do what I want, but is only available on IOS ( I can't test this as I don't have access to a MAC at the moment. )
Is there a cross platform way of doing this "turning a playing card over" sort of transition?
You might scale the (front) image control vertically until it is only 1 line and then scale the second (backside) image from 1 vertical line to its original size.
Only very few visual effects are cross platform. One of them is the reveal up/down/left/right effect. You might use this effect to display a neutral, e.g. gray or blue picture after hiding the front side image and before showing the back side image. Something like this:
lock screen for visual effect
hide img "front"
show img "intermediary"
unlock screen with visual effect reveal left fast
lock screen for visual effect
hide img "intermediary"
show img "back"
unlock screen with visual effect reveal right fast
I know it isn't ideal, but if you want it to be cross platform, you need to find a workaround. Why don't you check for the platform and write a different conditional routine for each platform?
I think the effect you want is flip and yes it's only available on iOS at the moment. There are a couple of iOS visual effects that push the image into a UIView and animate that with native methods. This blog post indicates it would be possible to implement something similar on android but it would need to be in the engine:

Teechart on Monotouch: where is the documentation?

Downloaded eval for Teechart for Monotouch iOS. Looks very promising. Could not find documentation though except windows help chm. Are there any docs available on the web?
Also running an example on iPad discovered that pan and zoom are extremely slow unless set to Auto.
chart3.Chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Auto;
Downloaded eval for Teechart for Monotouch iOS. Looks very promising. Could not find documentation though except windows help chm. Are there any docs available on the web?
Yes, you can download on our web site throught this link.
Also running an example on iPad discovered that pan and zoom are extremely slow unless set to Auto.
This was the reason we introduced the ZoomScrollStyles property, setting it to Auto, the chart will use the standard zoom and scroll gestures used for iOS (for most common 2D chart styles), meanwhile setting it to Manual, the chart will make use of the default zoom and scroll functionality based on the TeeChart for NET product.
