Custom pagination for displaying a merged array in Drupal 7 - pagination

I have implemented a search functionality in my site in Drupal 7 with views. I have a custom template for this view, in which I am displaying the merged array using views_query_alter. So if I apply pagination for the views, it goes wrong. It paginates the result from the view, not the result which I have customised.
I need to implement pagination for displaying this merged array in the view template. Any solution for this will be really helpful..

If you use the view module, you can set the pagination on the view configuration page. You can set how result you want by page.


Implementing JavaScript/jQuery to control Repeater with Carousel in Kentico

I wanted to know if I can control or customise the web part repeater with carousel properties using a JavaScript/jQuery ? such as speed or easing or the way the images aligned
If you are using a repeater web part for a carousel in Kentico and you want to be able to set the values for the carousel properties in the repeater configuration you can clone the repeater web part, add the carousel properties into the cloned repeater web part code, and into the Fields in the web part properties. Then you would pass those properties to the front end as javascript variables using RegisterClientScriptBlock
You can modify the speed in the initalization script property, just add something like speed: 500
You can read the documentation to see what all you can do with that carousel.
I have done this multiple times. This is what I would suggest you
Create Page type for your slides Bind it with a repeater (Not basic
For markup use Slick slider. It's one of the best library
to create slider which are responsive too
You can do anything possible using this slider. I have done all sort of crazy things with slick slider. Let me know if you need any more help on this.
Slick Slider

How to translate dynamic content (from database using api call) using ng-translate

I am using ng-translate for localisation in my project. It is working perfect for static content but I am not getting how to translate dynamic content which is coming from database (by making api calls).
I have layout page and index page which extends layout page. This index page also contain dynamic menu which is shown on top. I have also one menu for selection of languages. Now when i am selecting language, it is translating the static content on layout, index, partial view and menus. My question is how I will make my dynamic content like menus item, content on layout page, content on partial view page to be translated automatically ?
Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated.

Making the webform submission results as a link in Drupal 6?

I am a newbie in using Drupal 6 and I am still walking in the dark in terms of module familiarization and module configurations. Lately, I installed the Webform module for my site to be able to let users submit a request. In my Webform, there is a Select View field where it lists all contents of a specific Content Type on my Drupal site. I was able to use a View as a datasource for my normal webform select component via the Webform View Reference Component that's whay I have a custom <select> field which are views on my Webform. Now, after a successful submission of the form, I go to Results and found the data which are saved upon submission. What I want is that, on my Results page, the selected option from the list, which basically are views, will be a link to their respective views. This is how it looks like,
I am really lost right here. Can someone lend me a hand on how to make this possible? Cheers.
Install this module it will be displayed in table format and also you can customize the report & also It will create separate content type.
Below is the screen shot for webform report, you can also view, edit & delete from report itself.

Mixing Orchard CMS content with module

I am currently working on an Orchard module. This module contains an MVC application including the views. I would like to make the module as configurable as possible. One of the items that I would like the customer to configure is the way the MVC views from the module look. Part of it will be determined by the theme. But not everything. Consider the following scenario:
The module contains a view for placing an order. The view displays a form in ´normal view way´. That is field labels and input labels. But at the head of the form each customer must be able to define his own set of instructions to display. Or maybe the customer wants to put there a message for pointing the customer to some other actions.
In the most ideal way I would have a content page where the customer can put all kind of content and one specific block that is the result of the view of the module. Kind like a web part. I can´t find out if it is possible and how that is achieved.
Edit for clarification
Module creates a page like this:
So both title and form are outputted by the module controller.
I have managed to create a layer with the condition that the url matches the page with my form.
I have added a HTML widget to this layer in the content zone with position 1 (tried 0 to).
However the pages looks like this:
instead of
Returning a ShapeResult from your controller action will ensure that your view is themed and benefits from widgets, which are your "kind like a web part" thingies in Orchard.

Change the action when clicking on a list item

I would like to change the destination URL when clicking on a list item / item title so it will no send me to view the item but will send me to a different URL base on the item.
I am not looking to replace the Links list but to use the list title as URL query filter.
You will need to do it using the custom Page / Customize the View Page in the SharePoint Designed. Please refer to this article on how you can achieve it using the SPGridView control
I'm not totally clear on what you'd like to do (maybe screenshot mock ups would help?), but here's some general advice.
If you want to change the behaviour of a control then investigate the properties of the control as kusek has suggested. If the properties don't do what you need then try overriding the control to change what is rendered.
If the above doesn't work out or you want to change how these links render no matter where they appear on the page, then you need to look at a page-level solution. The most common are jQuery that can dynamically replace the URLs with JavaScript, or an HTTP module which is much more low level and will actually alter the HTML rendered to the page.
Hope this helps.
