Equality operator while checking condition in C++ - visual-c++

IS there a difference between these two conditions:
if (a==5) and if (5==a)?

No, there is no difference at all.
People used to write this expression 5==a instead of a==5 so the could catch a=5 errors on C/C++ where that expression is perfectly valid and always evaluates to true. That way, if programmer writes (by mistake) the expression 5=a then it will get a compiler error.

The two are normally the same.
Some people recommend putting the constant first (if (5==a)) because this way, if you mis-type and leave out one of the = to get: if (5=a), the compiler will give an error message, whereas if (a=5) will compile and execute, but probably not do what you want.
Some compilers will give a warning for the latter (e.g., recent iterations of gnu do) but others don't (and Visual C++ is among the latter).

If 'a' points to an object that overrides ==, then you may get different results in theory.


Pyparsing will always insert a list on 'setParseAction'

Apparently if you add any parse action and return a result in that action, the result will always be encapsulated into a list 'deepening' the output tree.
I suppose this is for returning multiple values but it makes casual use of the library far harder because you then have to remember which parts of the tree you replaced and call result.normalstruct.replaced[0] (or even worse result.normalstruct['replaced'][0])
This is a bit strange and makes refactoring harder, so i'd like a way to avoid it. Any tips?
The problem here is that the argument token of setParseAction is already a list. Instead of operating on str(token_argument) i should operate on str(token_argument[0]) and return that. No more deepening.
edit: though apparently it doesn't happen always. Happened to me with a word action but when i tried to 'unwrap' element zero of a 'And' expression result from a setParseAction functor it gave me the first subexpression.
Man, i'd like consistency here.

Groovy function call omiting the parentheses

According to the gradle documentation/section 13.5.2 we can omit parentheses in a method call:
Parentheses are optional for method calls.
But it seems it doesn't work when we try to apply the java plugin. If a script contains the following line:
apply [plugin: 'java']
We'll get the error:
Maybe something should be set in parentheses or a comma is missing?
# line 1, column 8.
apply [plugin: 'java']
But if we put this Map-literal into a parentheses it'll work fine.
apply([plugin: 'java'])
So we can't omit the parentheses when the argument is a Map, can we?
As the specification says, parentheses can be omitted when there is no ambiguity. I suspect the ambiguity in this case arises because the statement without parentheses looks a lot like array index syntax and the parser has trouble working out whether you are calling a method named 'apply' or trying to do something with an array named 'apply'.
Personally, this is why I tend to always use parentheses - if the parser can't work it out I'm sure another programmer reading the code won't either.
While it's true that the usual syntax of an array or map in Groovy uses brackets (for example, for empty ones you typically write [] or [:], respectively), the same bracket symbols are interpreted as the index operator if it follows an identifier. Then Groovy tries to interpret apply as a property of the Gradle project, even if it does not exist. Groovy, as a dynamic language, allows us to define properties dynamically, so there is not always a way to tell at compile time if a property is going to exist. While it is questionable if that is a good design or not, Gradle's ExtraPropertiesExtension very much makes use of this dynamic nature in Groovy for convenience. If you prefer more strict typing, I suggest you try the Kotlin DSL, which has much less of this kind of problems (I do not think it is completely gone, as we can still explicitly declare variables as dynamic type).
On the other hand, one purpose of a DSL is to be concise and remove useless ceremony. That is one thing Groovy excels at, because if the only parameter you need to pass to a method or closure is just an array or a map, you can just omit all kinds of brackets: apply plugin: 'java'. (Anything more complex than that is questionable for a DSL.)
And that is why I think that adding parentheses all the time (e.g., apply([plugin: 'java'])) to everywhere is not the right approach to build scripts whose code is supposed to look declarative and to support that, very DSL like, at least not if you use Groovy, which was designed exactly for that purpose. Never using a language feature, even where it might have an advantage, is what lead to books like Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts, where the author recommends we always use semicolons, and that is one of the most argued practices on the Internet, e.g. disagreed by the JavaScript Standard Style. I personally think that it is more important to know the language you work with and e.g., know when a semicolon is needed, in general to produce the best quality code. The semicolon example may admittedly not be such a strong example for other than reducing ceremony. But just because a language feature can be misused, it does not mean we should ban its use. A kitchen knife is not bad just because we can hurt people with it. And the same can be told about Kotlin's most judged features.
Although nowadays we got the plugins DSL, which is the preferred way of loading plugins (even if plugins are put in buildSrc, which will just need some metadata definition), this question may still be relevant for the following reasons:
programmatically applying plugins, e.g. subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' },
including custom build scripts using a similar syntax: apply from: 'myscript.gradle',
and maybe also if for some reason you can only refer to a plugin by its class name.
Therefore the question is still valid.


I'm migrating a Visual C++ project which uses ATL/MFC from VS2010 to VS2013. The project compiles with /J ("assume char is unsigned"), and there is too much code that may or may not rely on that fact to easily remove the compiler flag.
Under VS2013, /J causes a compiler error in atldef.h: ATL doesn't support compilation with /J or _CHAR_UNSIGNED flag enabled. This can be suppressed by defining _ATL_ALLOW_UNSIGNED_CHAR. Microsoft mention this in the MSDN documentation for /J, along with the vague statement: "If you use this compiler option with ATL/MFC, an error might be generated. Although you could disable this error by defining _ATL_ALLOW_CHAR_UNSIGNED, this workaround is not supported and may not always work."
Does anyone know under what circumstances it is safe or unsafe to use _ATL_ALLOW_CHAR_UNSIGNED?
Microsoft struggles to keep ancient codebases, like ATL, compatible with changes in the compiler. The principal trouble-maker here is the AtlGetHexValue() function. It had a design mistake:
The numeric value of the input character interpreted as a hexadecimal digit. For example, an input of '0' returns a value of 0 and an input of 'A' returns a value of 10. If the input character is not a hexadecimal digit, this function returns -1.
-1 is the rub, 9 years ago that broke with /J in effect. And it won't actually return -1 today, it now returns CHAR_MAX ((char)255) if you compile with /J. Required since comparing unsigned char to -1 will always be false and the entire if() statement is omitted. This broke ATL itself, it will also break your code in a very nasty way if you use this function, given that this code is on the error path that is unlikely to get tested.
Shooting off the hip, there were 3 basic ways they could have solved this problem. They could have changed the return value type to int, risking breaking everybody. Or they could have noted the special behavior in the MSDN article, making everybody's eyes roll. Or they could have invoked the "time to move on" option. Which is what they picked, it was about time with MSVC++ being the laughing stock of the programming world back then.
That's about all you need to fear from ATL, low odds that you are using this function and easy to find back. Otherwise an excellent hint to look for the kind of trouble you might get from your own code.

Advantage to a certain string comparison order

Looking at some pieces of code around the internet, I've noticed some authors tend to write string comparisons like
in PHP, or
Whereas my preference is:
I realize these are effectively equal: they compare two strings for equality. But I was curious if there was an advantage to one over the other in terms of performance or something else.
Thank you for the help!
One example to the approach of using an equality function or using if( constant == variable ) rather than if( variable == constant ) is that it prevents you from accidentally typoing and writing an assignment instead of a comparison, for instance:
if( s = "test" )
Will assign "test" to s, which will result in undesired behaviour which may potentially cause a hard-to-find bug. However:
if( "test" = s )
Will in most languages (that I'm aware of) result in some form of warning or compiler error, helping to avoid a bug later on.
With a simple int example, this prevents accidental writes of
if (a=5)
which would be a compile error if written as
if (5=a)
I sure don't know about all languages, but decent C compilers warn you about if (a=b). Perhaps whatever language your question is written in doesn't have such a feature, so to be able to generate an error in such a case, they have reverted the order of the comparison arguments.
Yoda conditions call these some.
The kind of syntaxis a language uses has nothing to do with efficiency. It is all about how the comparison algorithm works.
In the examples you mentioned, this:
and this:
would be exactly the same, because the expression "String" will be treated as a String variable.
Languages that provide a comparison method for Strings, will use the fastest method so you shouldn't care about it, unless you want to implement the method yourself ;)

Should I cast a CString passed to Format/printf (and varargs in general)?

I recently took in a small MCF C++ application, which is obviously in a working state. To get started I'm running PC-Lint over the code, and lint is complaining that CStringT's are being passed to Format. Opinion on the internet seems to be divided. Some say that CSting is designed to handle this use case without error, but others (and an MSDN article) say that it should always be cast when passed to a variable argument function. Can Stackoverflow come to any consensus on the issue?
CString has been carefully designed to be passed as part of a variable argument list, so it is safe to use it that way. And you can be fairly sure that Microsoft will take care not to break this particular behavior. So I'd say you are safe to continue using it that way, if you want to.
That said, personally I'd prefer the cast. It is not common behavior that string classes behave that way (e.g. std::string does not) and for mental consistency it may be better to just do it the "safe" way.
P.S.: See this thread for implementation details and further notes on how to cast.
