HTML Editor in Orchard 1.4 - orchardcms

I had a look around on SO to see if someone has asked this question before or not, but couldn't find any posts. My apologizes, if this is a duplicate question.
In Orchard 1.3, there is a module for HTML field that one can use...but there is nothing in Orchard 1.4. How do I go about creating a content type with multiple HTML fields? ( Just adding it in UI and not coding).

It's the opposite. There wasn't one out of the box in 1.3, and you had to download one from the gallery, whereas it's built-in 1.4.


Mixing content and widgets

I am new to Orchard and question myself how to mix up widgets and content. As of my understanding, the page content type has one layout where you put all your content in: HTML, images, et cetera. Where it will get displayed is defined by the theme. By placing widgets into the zones of the theme I can display custom modules in addition.
But, what if I want (for one specific page, from top to bottom)
Content/HTML -> Widget -> More Content/HTML -> Another Widget -> Even more Content/HTML?
I know it is possible to achieve that by placing the second and third content block into a widget and configure the layer to match the url of my page, but this seems to me like a hack.
In DNN you can place everything, HTML as well as modules, into the exact container/zone you want. In nasty Joomla! you can "import" modules (widgets) as part of the HTML of an article.
What is the way to achieve that mix up in Orchard?
You have tagged the question as orchardcms-1.10 so you should be able to do it.
Orchard has a module called Orchard.Layouts which provides the functionality that you are describing.
Are you using an upgrade old version?
If you have upgraded your site from an older version of Orchard then it will still just have the old style BodyPart as its main content editor. Fresh installs will have LayoutPart which can provide these kinds of complex layouts.
For an introduction on this subject look at IDeliverable's Orchard Layouts intro article.
If you are working with an old upgraded version please add a comment and I will explain the upgrade process.
Have you enabled the Layout Widgets module / feature?
If you already see this but can't add the widgets then make sure you enable the Widget Elements feature:
Go to:
Admin panel
Type widget into the filter at the top
Click Enable on the Widget Elements feature
Now when you go back to the layout editor you will see a new category with all the widgets placeable as elements.

What is the equivalent tag for ScriptCollector?

We want to migrate our project from IBM WebSphere 6.1 to Tomcat 6, but in our JSP-JSF UI pages we have extensively used below IBM JSF tags.
And to replace above tags, we are trying to find the equivalent tags from Sun JSF or any other open source libraries, but we didn't find any equivalent tags.
I wanted to know whether any body has already worked on this kind of migration project, if yes can you please share the equivalent tags?
or if you solved it differently even that info also will be useful.
Thanks in Advance.
There's no standard JSF equivalent for the <hx:scriptCollector> (although the JSF 2.0 <h:head> comes close). The <hx:scriptCollector> is only required by those IBM-specific <hx:xxx> components. It's designed to collect all JavaScript files required by those <hx:xxx> components and then render the desired <script> tag(s) without potential duplicates when multiple components require the same JS files. It's not required by any standard JSF component.
In other words, just get rid of it without replacement.
As to other tags, just check the available standard components in tag documentation or Java EE tutorial. If none is available, just pick a component library like PrimeFaces or RichFaces. If you still can't figure out, ask an individual question for the particular tag.

Using Orchard CMS, how do I add a script reference for display only on the home page?

I have a site that is using Orchard CMS and I would like to add a script reference and bit of JavaScript to the home page. It needs to be placed below the existing jQuery script include. What's the best way to achieve this? I've tried using an HTML Widget in the Footer zone of TheHomePage layer of my theme, but this widget produces a and doesn't place the element in the correct location (at the bottom of the element, below the existing jquery reference).
The site is running an old version of Orchard; 1.0 I believe.
You can either use a layout alternate for the homepage (but that may not exist on an antique 1.0), layout-homepage.cshtml with a #using(Script.Foot()) {} block containing your script, or you can use Vandelay Classy to add a script from the admin (but that probably also won't work on 1.0).
Or if none of what Bertrand mentioned above work, just add a html widget to the homepage layer and chuck your script reference in the html section

Orchard Projection Isotope

I'm trying create an affiliate directory on my Orchard site. The directory is populated by running a query on my custom Content Type. The directory needs to be sortable and searchable. I've set up a basic jsfiddle here that is a basic functioning version of what I'm attempting to do, but it's just in html:
Or you can view the jsfiddle here:
Has anyone discovered a way to best use isotope on an Orchard Projection? I've downloaded the Projection Layout module, but I have no idea how to use that/where to inject the specific isotope code. I've also created alternate template files for the Projection's Summary display, but I don't know how to best inject the isotope plugin into that razor file.
Any help would be appreciated.
The best way would be creating a shape, but You could easily edit the query template and inject the js through a custom view for that projection(url,type, etc)
Check in your Queries.
There was a video which helped me understand better how they work:
Hope it helps.

How to save any website by depth in JavaFX 2.0?

I am working on a JavaFX 2.0 application and i want to save a website and it's content by depth, but i do not know how to do this. For example if i want depth 0, it will save the first html page. If the depth is 1 i will save the first html page of the website and all the Subpages of it with their content! I do not know how to do this.
I have this project as homework. I am student!
Anyone can help me out here? I will be very greatfull.
Thanks a lot!
I'm not sure that JavaFX has some special API for this task. The main idea of javaFX may be defined as "tool for builing really cool GUI", but not like "some special tool for some specific tasks on web". Maybe WebView component can help you with your task (as its purpose is working with web). If not - you should work with javaFX on this task just the same way you'll walk with some other framework on it: write your own parser for HTML pages (read a website as a string, parse it for finding all html tags... and so on... XPath can help you there), or find some already existing libraries and use them in your application.
So, javaFX can help you in this project as a framework for building GUI, but business logic must be done by some other frameworks.
