Awk Search file for string - linux

I have implimented a function that searches a column in a file for a string and it works well. What I would like to know how do I modify it to search all the columns fr a string?
awk -v s=$1 -v c=$2 '$c ~ s { print $0 }' $3

If "all the columns" means "the entire file" then:
grep $string $file

Here is an example of one way to modify your current script to search for two different strings in two different columns. You can extend it to work for as many as you wish, however for more than a few it would be more efficient to do it another way.
awk -v s1="$1" -v c1="$2" -v s2="$3" -v c2="$4" '$c1 ~ s1 || $c2 ~ s2 { print $0 }' "$5"
As you can see, this technique won't scale well.
Another technique treats the column numbers and strings as a file and should scale better:
awk 'FNR == NR {strings[++c] = $1; columns[c] = $2; next}
for (i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
if ($columns[i] ~ strings[i]) {
}' < <(printf '%s %d\n' "${searches[#]}") inputfile
The array ${searches[#]} should contain strings and column numbers alternating.
There are several ways to populate ${searches[#]}. Here's one:
# (this is bash and should precede the AWK above in the script file)
unset searches
for arg in "${#:1:$#-1}"
inputfile=$1 # the last remaining argument
# now the AWK stuff goes here
To run the script, you'd do this:
$ ./scriptname foo 3 bar 7 baz 1 filename

awk -v pat="$string" '$0 ~ pat' infile


awk with bash variable along with condition to be checked

I need to search and replace a pattern from file
I'm able to get it working with
awk '/\[list_server]/ { print; getline; $0 = "server_host=new_name" } 1'
But I'm trying to parameterize the search pattern, the parameter name to change and the parameter value to change.
But it is not working when I parameterize and pass the variables to awk
awk -v patt=$PATTERN_TO_SEARCH -v parm=$PARAM_NAME -v parmval=$PARAM_NEW_VALUE '/\patt/ { print; getline; $0 = "parm=parmval" } 1' file.txt
You have two instances of the same problem: you're trying to use a
variable name inside a string value. Awk can't read your mind: it
can't intuit that sometimes when your write "HOME" you mean "print the
value of the variable HOME" and other times you mean "print the word
We need to make two separate changes:
First, to use a variable in your search pattern, you can use
syntax like this:
awk -v patt='some text' '$0 == patt {print}'
(Note that here we're using an equality match, ==; you can also use a regular expression match, ~, but in this particular case that would only complicate things).
With your example file content, running:
awk -v patt='[list_server]' '$0 == patt {print}' file.txt
Next, when you write $0 = "parm=parmval", you're setting $0 to the literal string parm=parmval. If you want to perform variable substitution, consider using sprintf():
awk \
-v patt="$PATTERN_TO_SEARCH" \
-v parm="$PARAM_NAME" \
-v parmval="$PARAM_NEW_VALUE"\
$0 == patt { print; getline; $0 = sprintf("%s=%s\n", parm, parmval) } 1
' file.txt
Which gives us:
Have your awk code in following way, as experts recommend not to use getline(since it has edge cases in its use). So I am going with find the string and then set flag(custom variable made by me in program) and then print the line accordingly with using regex along with passed value from shell variable.
Along with matching and printing the new value we need to set field separator also to fetch correct value and replace/print it with new value. So I made field separator as = here for whole Input_file. By doing this approach you need not to pass any variable which has server_host value in it, since its already present in Input_file so we can take it from there.
awk solution with mentioning value within awk variable itself and then check regex in main program of awk for comparison.
awk -v var="list_server" -v newVal="NEW_VALUE" '
$0 ~ "^\\[" var "\\]$"{
print $1 OFS newVal
' Input_file
OR awk solution to get value from shell variable and then use regex inside awk to match condition:
varS="list_server" ##Shell variable
newvalue="NEW_VALUE" ##Shell variable
awk -v var="$varS" -v newVal="$newvalue" '
$0 ~ "^\\[" var "\\]$"{
print $1 OFS newVal
' Input_file
$ awk -v pat="$PATTERN_TO_SEARCH" -v parm="$PARAM_NAME" -v parmval="$PARAM_NEW_VALUE" '
f{$0=parm"="parmval; f=0} $0==pat{f=1} 1
' file
This makes the assumption "${PARAM_NAME}" immediately follows the search pattern row :
echo "${...input...}" | gtee >( gpaste - | gcat -b >&2; echo ) | gcat - |
{m,n,g}awk -v __="${_P2S_}=${_PNM_}=${_PNV_}" -F= 'BEGIN {
$(_-=_)=__;___= $(_ = NF); FS ="^"(OFS = $--_ FS)
__= $-(_+=-_--) } (NR-_)< NF ? ($NF =___)^(_-=_) :_=NR*(-!!_)^(__!=$!_)' |
gcat -b | gcat -n | ecp
1 [ec2_server]
2 server_host=something
3 [list_server]
4 server_host=old_name
1 1 [ec2_server]
2 2 server_host=something
4 3 [list_server]
5 4 server_host=new_name

how to print lines with specific column matching members of array in bash

awk '$1 == "abc" {print}' file # print lines first column matching "abc"
How to print lines when the first column matching members of array("12" or "34" or "56")?
ARR=("12" "34" "56")
Also, how to print lines when the first column exactly matching members of array("12" or "34" or "56")?
You could use bash to interpolate the string to a regex pattern used in Awk, by changing the IFS value to a | character and do array expansion as below:
ARR=("12" "34" "56")
regex=$( IFS='|'; echo "${ARR[*]}" )
awk -v str="$regex" '$1 ~ str' file
The array expansion converts the list elements to a string delimited with |, for e.g. 12|34|56 in this case.
The $() runs in the sub-shell do that the value of IFS is not reflcted in the parent shell. You could make it in one line as
awk -v str="$( IFS='|'; echo "${ARR[*]}" )" '$1 ~ str' file
OP had also asked for an exact match of the strings from the array in the file, in that case using grep with its ERE support can do the job
regex=$( IFS='|'; echo "${ARR[*]}" )
egrep -w "$regex" file
grep -Ew "$regex" file
awk one-liner
awk -v var="${ARR[*]}" 'BEGIN{split(var,array," "); for(i in array) a[array[i]] } ($1 in a){print $0}' file
The following code does the trick:
awk 'BEGIN{myarray [0]="aaa";myarray [1]="bbb"; test=0 }{
for ( x in myarray ) {
if($1 == myarray[x]){
if(test==0) print}'
If you need to pass a variable to awk use the -v option, however for array it is a bit tricker but the following syntax should work.
A=( $( ls -1p ) ) #example of list to be passed to awk (to be adapted to your needs)
awk -v var="$A" 'BEGIN{split(var,list,"\n")}END{ for (i in list) print i}'
Near the same as Inian
ARR=("34" "56" "12");regex=" ${ARR[*]} ";regex="'^${regex// /\\|^}'";grep -w $regex infile

using variable defined outside Awk

I have codded the following lines :
ARRAY=($(awk 'FS = ";" {print $3}' file.txt))
LINE_CREATOR=`echo "aaaa;bbbb;cccccccc" |
'{awk -F";"};
for (i in ARRAY)
print $'${ARRAY['i']}'
the File.txt looks like
Explanation :
the array contains the value : 3 1 2
so the loop will loop on the array , and extract fields $3 $1 $2 from the "aaaa;bbbb;cccccccc" using awk
and the final output should be this
I still have some errors while launching my script.
I'm making a few guesses here but I think that this does what you want:
$ echo "aaaa;bbbb;cccccccc" | awk -F\; 'NR == FNR { n = split($0, a); next }
{ printf "%s", a[$3] } END { print "" }' - file
NR == FNR means that the block is only run for the first input. - as an argument tells awk to read first from standard input. The string is split on FS (;) into the array a. next skips the rest of the script.
The second block is only run for the second input (the text file). The values in the third field are used to print the elements in the array a.
if you want to pass the index as an awk variable, here is another way
$ awk -F';' -v ix="$(cut -d\; -f3 file | paste -sd\;)" '
{for(i=1;i<n;i++) printf "%s",$a[i];
printf "%s\n",$a[n]}' <<< "aaaa;bbbb;cccccccc"

Awk getting results back with multiple columns

I have a function that searches one column for one string, how would I allow it so I can provide my script with multiple columns to search with multiple search strings?
awk -v s=$1 -v c=$2 '$c ~ s { print $0 }' $3
You can use an or clause in the pattern:
awk -v s=$1 -v c=$2 '$c ~ s || $3 == "foo"' $3
will print all lines in the file $3 in which column $2 matches the string $1 or $3 matches the string "foo". Note that the action "print $0" is redundant, and is the default if no action is given.

GROUP BY/SUM from shell

I have a large file containing data like this:
a 23
b 8
a 22
b 1
I want to be able to get this:
a 45
b 9
I can first sort this file and then do it in Python by scanning the file once. What is a good direct command-line way of doing this?
Edit: The modern (GNU/Linux) solution, as mentioned in comments years ago ;-) .
awk '{
for (key in arr) printf("%s\t%s\n", key, arr[key])
}' file \
| sort -k1,1
The originally posted solution, based on old Unix sort options:
awk '{
for (key in arr) printf("%s\t%s\n", key, arr[key])
}' file \
| sort +0n -1
I hope this helps.
No need for awk here, or even sort -- if you have Bash 4.0, you can use associative arrays:
declare -A values
while read key value; do
values["$key"]=$(( $value + ${values[$key]:-0} ))
for key in "${!values[#]}"; do
printf "%s %s\n" "$key" "${values[$key]}"
...or, if you sort the file first (which will be more memory-efficient; GNU sort is able to do tricks to sort files larger than memory, which a naive script -- whether in awk, python or shell -- typically won't), you can do this in a way which will work in older versions (I expect the following to work through bash 2.0):
read cur_key cur_value
while read key value; do
if [[ $key = "$cur_key" ]] ; then
cur_value=$(( cur_value + value ))
printf "%s %s\n" "$cur_key" "$cur_value"
printf "%s %s\n" "$cur_key" "$cur_value"
This Perl one-liner seems to do the job:
perl -nle '($k, $v) = split; $s{$k} += $v; END {$, = " "; foreach $k (sort keys %s) {print $k, $s{$k}}}' inputfile
This can be easily achieved with the following single-liner:
cat /path/to/file | termsql "SELECT col0, SUM(col1) FROM tbl GROUP BY col0"
termsql -i /path/to/file "SELECT col0, SUM(col1) FROM tbl GROUP BY col0"
Here a Python package, termsql, is used, which is a wrapper around SQLite. Note, that currently it's not upload to PyPI, and also can only be installed system-wide ( is a little broken), like:
pip install --user
In 2020 version 1.0 was finally uploaded to PyPI, so pip install --user termsql can be used.
One way using perl:
perl -ane '
next unless #F == 2;
$h{ $F[0] } += $F[1];
printf qq[%s %d\n], $_, $h{ $_ } for sort keys %h;
' infile
Content of infile:
a 23
b 8
a 22
b 1
a 45
b 9
With GNU awk (versions less than 4):
for (E in a)
print E, a[E]
{ a[$1] += $2 }' infile
With GNU awk >= 4:
awk 'END {
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
for (E in a)
print E, a[E]
{ a[$1] += $2 }' infile
With sort + awk combination one could try following, without creating array.
sort -k1 Input_file |
awk '
prev!=$1 && prev{
print prev,(prevSum?prevSum:"N/A")
print prev,(prevSum?prevSum:"N/A")
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
sort -k1 file1 | ##Using sort command to sort Input_file by 1st field and sending output to awk as an input.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
prev!=$1 && prev{ ##Checking condition prev is NOT equal to first field and prev is NOT NULL.
print prev,(prevSum?prevSum:"N/A") ##Printing prev and prevSum(if its NULL then print N/A).
prev=prevSum="" ##Nullify prev and prevSum here.
prev=$1 ##Assigning 1st field to prev here.
prevSum+=$2 ##Adding 2nd field to prevSum.
END{ ##Starting END block of this awk program from here.
if(prev){ ##Checking condition if prev is NOT NULL then do following.
print prev,(prevSum?prevSum:"N/A") ##Printing prev and prevSum(if its NULL then print N/A).
