I use surround vim plugin.
when I write a latex source for make a word to \bf similar to
hello w*orld
( * is the cursor position)
I use
and get
hello {\bf *world}
exist a more simple way? or how I can insert \bf automatically?
I solved added this in my ~/.vimrc
let g:surround_42 = "{\\bf \r}"
and call over the word in normal mode
is valid for the complete line with
How would you surround the following text with 3 backticks ``` using tpope's Vim Surround.
All I can is 1 backtick using S` in visual mode:
This is not what you asked but this can be done without surround:
(from visual mode)
See :help ctrl-r.
Define a custom surround:
(Insert following in your .vimrc or file specific config ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim )
" Custom surrounds
let b:surround_{char2nr('c')} = "```\r```"
now visual select and Sc will give you desired surround.
Or use a snippet solution; for example using Ultisnips define a snippet like so:
snippet code
now visual select your desired lines then hit snippet expansion key ( mine is Tab ) type code and hit Tab again. that's it.
Here another ultisnips solution.
snippet code "add backtics codes" w
`!v repeat(nr2char(96),3)` ${1:markdown}
${0:${VISUAL:type here}}
`!v repeat(nr2char(96),3)`
If you do not want "markdown" after the first line just get rid of it. I am showing this solution only to show how to avoid backslashing so much.
I'm trying to achieve the same thing asked here, but in Vim.
Duplicate line and comment out old one
Basically I want to yank line, comment out the old one, paste new one, and keep cursor at the beginning of new line and end in insert mode.
For example:
def func (param)
will change to:
//def func (param)
def func (param)
I recorded a macro for it, put it into .vimrc and I'm using it via #y
" copy-and-comment-line macro
" yank line, comment out original line, move cursor at the begining
" of copied line and end in insert mode
let #y='yypkui//kdklkl'
(I'm not sure it will work for you as it contains unprintable ~# characters which code block won't display)
Macro works, but is there a built-in command in vim that I can achieve same thing with?
This mapping should do it for you:
nnoremap YOURKEY YI//<esc>p
The cursor will be on the pasted line.
replace YOURKEY by a key (or keys) you like
Note that this answer works only for your example, //style comment. If you want it to be generic solution, you have to build a function, in this function check the filetype, and decide which comment style should be used. There is no good built-in solution so far, but you can check the NERDCommenter or vim-commentary plugins to see how they achieve this, or you can install one of them (or a similar plugin) and call it's function in your mapping.
I’m trying to set up an abbreviation in my .vimrc that will insert a comment template for heading-level comments in my CSS files.
The comment I want to insert is:
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
I will then jump back to the # and add my title there (e.g. BUTTONS).
The abbreviation I have attempted to set up looks like this:
iab comsec·
\/* ==========================================================================
\<Cr>========================================================================== */
(Where · represents a trailing space.)
Right away this feels pretty crude, but the specific problem is that if try and drop a comsec in my CSS, it starts wrapping it in more comments. The output looks like this:
/* ==========================================================================
* #
* ========================================================================== */
Notice the two * at the beginnings of lines 2 and 3?
Is there a way to tell vim not to try and be clever and to just drop in exactly what I’ve told it? A way to prevent vim from trying to wrap comments around the comment?
I’m not a particularly hardcore vim user, so there’s every chance I’m overcomplicating things, or missing something obvious, or using the wrong tool for the job.
If you are the type of person who can keep track of your personal utilities, this isn't so fancy but works. You can import the output of an external command into your buffer, so I put a mapping like this in my .vimrc file:
"bc = block comment
map ,bc :read! python ~/my_personal_utils/insert_css_comment.py
So, I just have to type ",bc" to add the comment. On my Mac at least, this leaves me hanging in command mode, so that my cursor is after '.py' and I can quickly type an argument like BUTTONS (i.e. the python script takes an optional argument).
Here is a function to do that.
:function! Comment()
:normal! i/*
:normal! 80a=
:normal! o#
:normal! o
:normal! 80i=
:normal! a*/
You can put this in vimrc file and create a command or map for this.
:cmap comsec call Comment()
You can keep the cursor on a line and then call this command.
Or an in insert mode mapping
:imap comsec <ESC>:comsec<CR>
As alternatives I'd suggest nerdcommenter for commenting/uncommenting with a few key strokes.
Or, even better, ultisnips. In which you can easily make your own template for those headings:
open a .css file
exec command : UltiSnipsEdit
create your own snip:
snippet heading "heading comments"
/* ===================================
* ${1}
* =================================== */
Here is a better and simple way to to insert your comment which check everytime if the line is surrounded by the comment template.
All you have to do is to write your comment on new line and then press ; during the insert mode. (you can change the character ; by
any combination you want.)
The comment template is set by the variable l:start, l:begin, l:end
so you can change the number of spaces or = as you like.
If you would like to change the template completely keep in mind that you need to change also the regular expressions for the variables l:matchprev, l:matchhier, l:matchnext .
inoremap <silent> ; <Esc>mx:call Comment()<cr>i<Right>
function! Comment()
let l:start= "/* ====="
let l:begin=" # "
let l:end= " ==== */"
let l:next=getline(line(".")+1)
let l:hier=getline(line("."))
let l:prev=getline(line(".")-1)
let l:matchnext= matchstr( l:next , '^\s*=\+\s*\*/\s*$')
let l:matchhier= matchstr( l:hier , '^\s*#\s*.*$')
let l:matchprev= matchstr( l:prev , '^\s*/\*\s*=\+\s*$')
if l:matchnext != '' && l:matchprev != '' && l:matchhier != ''
return 0
execute ":s:^.*$:".l:start."\r".l:begin."&\r".l:end."\r:"
"the number 3 is the length of the variable l:begin
normal! `xj3l
write this code in another file scriptname and then you can use the mapping in any css file by typing in the command mode first :so scriptname
Another alternative is to put all that simply in your .vimrc file
Which is the shortest way to select an entire line without the new line character in VIM?
I know that SHIFT + v selects the entire line, but with new line character.
To do this I go to the line and I press:
^ (puts the cursor at the start of the line)
v (starts the visual select)
$ (selects the entire line including new line character)
Left (unselects the new line character)
I also know that I can create a recording that does such a thing. But I am asking if is there any built-in shortcuts...
Yes, g_ is what you are looking for. g_ is like $, but without the newline character at the end.
Use 0vg_ or ^vg_, depending if you want to copy from the beginning of the line, or the first character on the line, respectively.
No, there is nothing built-in that does the job. That's why people have even created plugins to address the need.
Probably the most popular choice is textobj-line. With textobj-line you get two new text objects, al "a line" and il "inner line". Then,
vil selects the printable contents of the line (like ^vg_),
val selects the entire line contents (like 0v$h).
Both do not include the newline in the selection.
Pretty handy plugin if you ask me. And it works with operators, too.
By request, the installation:
With plain Vim:
Get the latest textobj-user and extract its directories into ~/.vim.
Get the latest textobj-line and extract its directories into ~/.vim.
Generate the help tags :helptags ~/.vim/doc.
With a plugin manager (recommended): just follow the usual installation procedure for your plugin manager, and don't forget to install the textobj-user dependency as well.
all do the job with different conceptions of what a line is (from first column or from first printable character, to last character or to last printable character). You can create a custom mapping if you like.
Note that selecting text is often unnecessary in vim.
Adding on to the answer by #glts, you can replicate the functionality of the textobj-line plugin using only vanilla vim mappings, no plugin installation required.
To do so, add the following to your .vimrc
vnoremap al :<C-U>normal 0v$h<CR>
omap al :normal val<CR>
vnoremap il :<C-U>normal ^vg_<CR>
omap il :normal vil<CR>
The al text object (short for 'a line') includes all characters in a line, but not the terminating newline. This includes all white space.
The il text object (short for 'inside line') goes from the first non-blank character to the last non-blank character.
Commands such as yil,val, and cil work as expected.
If you want to copy line into the buffer, you can use Du, which will delete from the cursor position to the end of line with D, and then revert changes with u. Text will be copied to the buffer without new line symbol.
Redefine $ for visual mode
The unwanted selection of the linefeed in visual mode can be permanently eliminated by adding the following visual mapping to .vimrc:
vnoremap $ g_
This replaces the standard behaviour of $ in visual mode for the move towards right before the linefeed g_.
You can still a mapping to what you want, e.g.:
nnoremap <leader>v 0v$
Another solution $ will be working as you want it to
:vnoremap $ $h
maps your original $ command to new one
Not exactly an answer to your question, but I wonder if you can skip selecting the line and do directly what you want next:
If you want to change the line, just cc
If you want to yank the line, 0y$ (note $ here does not capture the line break because it does not move over it in normal mode, unlike in visual mode)
To insert text from a file in the current Vim buffer I use :r filename to insert the text below the cursor or :0r filename to insert in the first line.
How do you insert the contents of a file where [Cursor] is located?
Actual line with some coding [Cursor] // TODO for later version
Line below actual line ...
This inserts the contents of the file whose path is at the cursor position:
:r <cfile>
Insert a line break, read the file, and then take out the line break...
I propose Ctrl-R Ctrl-O = join(readfile('filename','b'), "\n")
Other solution:
Possibly open the other file in another window, use :%yh (h is a register name) and in your original file, in normal mode use "hp or "hP or in insert mode, Ctrl-R Ctrl-O h
To expand on the accepted answer with actual code, since I tried the suggestion and it worked nicely;
Here is an example of it working to insert a little php snippet:
`nnoremap <leader>php a<CR><ESC>:.-1read $SNIPPETS/php<CR>I<BS><ESC>j0i<BS><ESC>l`
In general the syntax is
`nnoremap [KEY SEQUENCE] a<CR><ESC>:.-1read [FILE PATH]<CR>I<BS><ESC>j0i<BS><ESC>l`
Just to break it down:
nnoremap : I'm about to define a new key mapping for normal mode
<leader>php : I would like to trigger the command sequence when this key combination is pressed. In my case <leader> is , so I type ,php to trigger the command.
Now for the command, bit by bit:
a<CR><ESC> : go into insert mode (after the cursor), insert a line break, go back into normal mode.
:.-1read <file><CR> : this enters the desired file on the line above the current line.
I<BS><ESC> : jump to the start of the line, delete line break, return to normal mode.
j0i<BS><ESC>l : Go down one line (to the remainder of the line that you were initially on), jump to the start, enter insert mode, delete the line break, return to normal mode.
l : position the cursor to the right of the pasted file (this just made the command work more like how you expect it to).
You have a choice of whether to paste before or after the cursor. I have chosen in this example to paste after the cursor because that is how the p command usually works to paste yanked text. Alternately, to paste before the cursor you should change the a at the start of the command to an i. You could use one of these exclusively, or you could bind them both to different but related key sequences. For example:
`nnoremap <leader>php i<CR><ESC>:.-1read $SNIPPETS/php<CR>I<BS><ESC>j0i<BS><ESC>l`
Could paste text before the cursor,
and :
`nnoremap <leader><leader>php a<CR><ESC>:.-1read $SNIPPETS/php<CR>I<BS><ESC>j0i<BS><ESC>l`
could paste text after the cursor. Or vice versa. I have made 'before the cursor' easier to trigger because I use it more often when pasting in-line.
other note
This solution is mainly useful if you're reading from a file that you expect to use often enough that it's worthwhile setting up a key mapping for it (ie reading a snippet from a file). This doesn't really help if you just want to read in a random files whenever since you won't have the key mapping ready.
Since it is very formulaic, I'm sure it would be possible to define a function that would take the file name as an argument and do the same thing though. I've never written a function in vimscript though so if someone who knows more feels like editing this answer to contain that solution - I urge them to do so!
" put this in your ~/.vimrc
" in insert mode press ,n
imap ,n <c-r>=expand("%:p")<cr>
Read more in wikia.